Hide data driven categories in Properties panel

Started by clpratt, July 11, 2019, 02:45:39 PM

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The Category panel currently shows all category types including Data driven categories.
As far as I understand it is not possible to assign a data driven category so I don't see the necessity for them to be displayed here.
So I would like the option to hide data driven categories in the Category panel please.


You can hide data-driven and @Keywords categories from the Current tab via the toolbar buttons: The Current Tab

Like the Category View, the Category tree always displays all categories. I don't think a change is needed here.

a) You can assign files to all data-driven categories under @Keywords
b) Data-driven categories are usually (and recommended) tucked away below a top-level category. Which means you can hide them easily by collapsing the top-level category once.
c) Even if not, the data-driven category itself can be collapsed easily.
d) You can prevent the 'un-folding' of categories with the 'Follow' button in the toolbar.
e) You can easily define views on your category tree in separate tabs, leaving data-driven categories out completely: Working with Additional Category Tabs


Thank you for your detailed reply Mario, I shall try your suggestion e).


And just to mention another possibility to view the currently assigned categories: There is also the "Category Dashboard" app.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


I am still trying to hide data driven categories from the Categories tab in the Categories panel.
Mario suggested that I define a user tab which does not show data driven categories.
I wish to make multiple selections of categories to appear in my user tab (but not including any data driven categories).
But unfortunately, even when I select multiple normal categories to appear in my user tab, only one category is saved to the tab.


You can select one category (including child categories) per user tab. There are up to 10 user tabs.


so   1: I cannot specifically exclude data driven categories,
and 2: I can only select 1 category per tab (I was hoping to select all the normal categories leaving out data driven).
Thanks,  but my requirement is not possible, I shall have to work as is.



The Category View always shows all categories. You can filter in the Category View of course.
You can exclude data-driven and @Keyword categories in the "Current" tab, which shows the categories for the selected files.
What you put into the user tabs is up to you. One category hierarchy segment per user tab.

"Hiding" data-driven categories (at least for all the categories that come with IMatch by default) is easily done by collapsing the top-level category.