Find files by path and filename

Started by Flo_B, August 23, 2019, 10:37:21 AM

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Dear community,
I tried to find files in IMatch given a list of file paths + file names, but after an hour of playing around with IMatch's search features I couldn't find a solution. Hopefully you can help me.

Here is what I have:
A text file with one full file path per line.

M:\Flo\Fotos\2019\Garden Work\Entrance.JPG

Now I want a way to bring all these files together into a collection or into a search result window.
Any ideas?


Hi, welcome to the community.

Search files by a set of fully-qualified file names is a rather unusual task. IMatch has no built-in feature for this.
You can of course find any file by the name using the The Search Bar. Make sure to enable the option to search for file names.
Tip: To search the entire database, make sure to select the Database node in the Media & Folders View.

For your specific situation, the File Finder App offers a solution. One of its modes allows you to copy/paste a list of file names, and it will search the entire database for matches.
To use the app, click on the corresponding icon in the The App Manager:

and then use the Bulk Match feature:
