Importing XMP-crs tags

Started by monochrome, August 23, 2019, 04:01:16 PM

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I'd like to import Camera RAW tags (mostly so I can see which white balance I've used for a given image), but I can't find the XMP-crs group in the Metadata 2 panel. What am I missing?


What do you mean by "Can't find it in the Metadata 2 panel". This panel does not show any tag groups.  Or do you mean the Tag Manager?

ExifTool uses the name Photoshop Camera RAW namespace for the proprietary Adobe XMP::crs namespace.
See for more info.

This namespace is by default not imported because it can contain massive amounts of machine and settings data not useful for humans.
Including data about every brush stroke done in Lr or Ps, depending on the options chose in these applications.

Importing the namespace can make your database grow a lot, and reduce overall IMatch system performance.
If you really need to see some of the tags in this namespace, import only these tags. Don't import the entire namespace.


Quote from: Mario on August 23, 2019, 04:19:58 PM
ExifTool uses the name Photoshop Camera RAW namespace for the proprietary Adobe XMP::crs namespace.
See for more info.

Yes! Exactly that one. Thanks!


Go to Preferences Metadata 2 and click the Tag Manager (bottom right)
Look for Photoshop Camera Raw Namespace and select what you like to have within IM
The reload the metadata for your files.