Default Color-Coding property for Categories added in @Keywords

Started by Tveloso, August 24, 2019, 04:40:55 PM

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I'm not sure that I would classify this as a Bug...and it's probably a bit trivial to enter a Feature Request for it, so I'm asking this question here.

When new categories get created in @Keywords, via keyword assignment in the Keywords Panel, the new Child Category has it's Color-Coding property set to Inherit.  But if that same Child Category were to be added directly in the Categories View (by pressing Insert on an existing Category under @Keywords), the newly created Category is added with its Color-Coding property set to Off.

I usually add new Keywords via the Keywords Panel, so this doesn't come up very often, but it would be nice if when @Keywords Categories are added directly in the Categories View, they had their Color-Coding property set to Inherit instead of Off (perhaps only if the Parent Category to which they have been added already has the Inherit setting?)


This is the default behavior for all categories.

Tip: When adding categories, use the "New Categories..." command instead Ctrl+Shift+Ins. This gives you the choice to inherit colors.


Thank you so much Mario.

The New Categories Command is the perfect solution...even when adding just one category (but I often have the need to add more than one - I'm still building out my keyword structure)


Have you considered using the The Universal Thesaurus to setup your keyword structure? This would be the 'normal' way to do it.
The thesaurus is used in the Keyword Panel and also for mapping keywords between flat and hierarchical. And IMatch creates the matching @Keyword category automatically when you apply keywords (manually or from your thesaurus).


I have been using the Thesaurus...I even started out by loading it from one of the suggested resources in your FREE CONTROLLED VOCABULARIES FOR IMATCH KnowledgeBase article (thank you so much for that).

But even with that, I'm still sort of "refining" that structure...(and I've gone back and forth a bit on whether and which high-level elements to make Group Elements, and am still "cleaning up" the Exclude in flat Keywords setting for others).

It's only occasionally that I add a Keyword directly in the @Keywords Category, and then assign it to files via Drag and Drop (I know that doing it that way means that I must also then add it to the Thesaurus to have it there also).  The @Keywords Category is such a convenient and powerful feature.

So many powerful features in IMatch...and I'm still just scratching the surface!