APP: Attribute Find and Translate

Started by Jingo, October 05, 2019, 02:48:09 PM

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Howdy folks... I just created a new APP based upon a user request ( and figured I would share in a new topic since the App request might get lost in the shuffle.... This app will perform the following tasks:

  •     Read a JSON translation file into an array by keyword/language translation
  •     Load (and create if not already in existence) an attribute schema that includes each language
  •     Populate the attribute schema for the selected files using the translation file/array

Once the app is in place, the only thing the user needs to do is edit the trans.json file with the translations following the JSON format within.  You can add/remove languages by editing this file and also making the same edits to the code within the index.html file.  Of course, the code can also be modified to build attribute set for a variety of stuff... say, you would like to add specific attributes every time you encounter a flower image.... no problem!  Fill out the trans.json file with the KEY: Flower, add in the name/value attributes that should be added to each image, modify the code to match the name/value pairs and voila!  Now, every time you type "Flower" in the app, the attributes will be added to the selected images...

It is very easy to modify the program/JSON file to auto-populate attributes with this app... I hope others can find value in it (and learn how to code IMatch APPs with the included code comments).

Here is the all important App Icon:

And the Final screenshots:

Translation JSON File:

To install, just unzip the file and place the app folder into your C:\ProgramData\\imatch6\webroot\user\ path.  When you launch IMatch, the app will appear in the app manager.  As always.. use with caution... and be sure you know what you are doing!  :P



Thanks for sharing  :)

I pondered a few times if such an auto-translation would be something for a built-in feature.
But for most uses it can simply implemented using the keyword thesaurus (unless a user really needs to be able to pick from several translations on a per-case basis).

Another thing would be using machine translation as provided by Google or DeepL.

But the demand from the user base is virtually zero.


Thx Mario... happy to contribute!  Yes... I don't think there is a high demand for a feature like this built in but that is why we have APPs!  Once again, I learned quite a bit writing this app - fun stuff!