Background processing & OS sleep mode (Win10)

Started by JLGF1, October 07, 2019, 04:46:40 AM

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With my trial of IMatch-2019 it seems my Win10 system no longer goes into sleep mode.  I can only assume this might be due to IMatch background processing?  Is this likely to be the case?

I have turned off IMatch BG processing as a test.  Will this adversely affect performance significantly?  Or "it depends"?


System did not go to sleep during test...and when exiting IMatch there was a "waiting for bg processing to finish". So, apparently, there are still some bg processes active even when "bg indexing" is turned off.


Turning of background processing is a bad idea. IMatch depends on it. Many things will cease to work or become outdated when you turn this off.

Letting a PC go to sleep while a DAM like IMatch (which is basically a database server with a user interface) is processing files is not a good idea - because Windows may damage the database or files during that process. Running a DAM is not the same as running Notepad or a web browser - which basically do not do anything and can sleep anytime.

When IMatch is in full stride, reading and writing files, updating the database and Windows stops it to go to sleep, bad things may happen.
From all is well to database or file damage caused by a faulty disk driver which does not handle the back from sleep properly. Maybe just once, at a bad time...
If you search the Internet you'll find many reports with often obscure effects. It all depends on your hardware, firmware, drivers, Windows build etc.

To avoid problems, IMatch by default prevents the system from going to sleep while it is active reading/writing files in the background.
Close IMatch when you don't need it anymore. This is safe and IMatch will continue its work when you restart it.

If you want to risk it and you know that your PC is absolutely stable when restoring disk and memory state after sleep, you can disable the option "Prevent sleep when busy" under Edit > Preferences > Application in IMatch.