Text alignment in batch processing

Started by Aubrey, October 11, 2019, 12:15:35 PM

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The have the following setup in description:
Run: 1817 Hares
L to R: Peter, John, Bob

I want to add this text to the bottom of the photo in batch processing.

I've used {File.MD.XMP::dc\description\Description\0}, together with Text alignment: center  and bottom. (In Text Overlay section of Batch Processing.

I've got the overall text block centered, but...
I'd like not only to have the text place in the center of image, but also to have the words centered.

currently although the text block is "centered" the words within the block are left aligned within the block.

See attached example.

Is this possible, perhaps there is some centering symbol to be used when writing the description?



Unfortunately, I don't see a chance.

The problem is the embedded carriage-return / line feed in your text.
This causes the parser to break it into two sub-blocks and these blocks are individually formatted.

We would need a 3rd alignment option to somehow align each individual row inside each individual block inside the text over block.
Not sure if this is doable (depends on the XAML markup parser I use for this).
If you think such a thing would be useful for many, write a short feature request and I will look into this for a later release.


On a second thought,..., maybe I'm able to combine HoritontalAlignment of the TextBlock created internally with TextAlignment to center each text inside its block.
I'll look into this for IMatch 2020.


It is exactly like Mario wrote.
As a rough, very rough workaround, if you have only a very few images to do, you could divide your description into "line for line".

Means, you take the amount of signs of the first line, and takes only this (variable substr).
Then line two and you set the pixel below the first line.
The same with a third line (if there is one).

To add all 3 lines in one textfield works not, I tested it, would be easier of course, that is why I used 3 different overlays.

See my attachements, you will see.

But as I said, this is of course only a temporary, uncomfortable solution.
If Mario could with 2020 add a solution, would be of course great.

btw: sorry for the word "affe", I take this sometimes as some tests, because it is quickly written  8)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Markus, Mario
Thank you for your suggestions/feedback.

I've accepted what is available, there are about 100 images that will appear.
The output looks fine using the available standard.

I suppose if nobody else has asked for this it's not important.
Don't lose time on this  Mario.
