Show exposure data in File Window Tip

Started by JasCarter, November 03, 2019, 01:29:18 PM

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I want to see exposure data in the File Window Tip (and therefore in the text overlay in the Slide Show) but I'm having difficulties. Using the tag selector to find relevant tags, I've set up a line in the File Window Tip preferences that says: "{File.MD.Composite\Exif::ShutterSpeed\ShutterSpeed\0} f {File.MD.Composite\Exif::Aperture\Aperture\0} ISO {File.MD.Exif::Main\34855\ISO\0}". The f-stop and ISO settings appear OK, but where the shutter speed should be there's just "0.00". All exposure data appears fine in the Metadata panel.
Many thanks for any pointers on how to fix this.
James Carter


Shutter speed is a numerical tag, in the range 0 .. n.
If you want a display format like 1/60 or similar, tell IMatch that you don't want the numeric value but the formatted value provided by ExifTool for certain tags (like this).


Instead of 0.01 this gets you 1/100.

See: Metadata Variables: Formatted and Raw in the IMatch Help System for further details.

Tip: Using a Metadata Tag ShortCode you can also use the more convenient format:


IMatch provides convenient short codes for many frequently used tags. This makes variables shorter and easier to read.


James Carter