Sort By Similarity Not So Accurate

Started by Darius1968, January 19, 2020, 09:43:16 AM

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Why is it that when I do a search for visually similar images (search by shape and color layout, shape importance set at about 3/4, favor images with similar dimensions checked, show best 25 matches per original), that the result window sorts more accurately with File Name or Image Pixel Count than it does with Similarity?
I think I found out what the problem is:  Regardless of how many results I request (5 or 500), the similarity attribute is always reporting 99.98%!  So, how do I fix this glitch?  I've already done both:  Database Diagnostics & Compact and Optimize.  Thanks. 


The results are scaled and normalized and when you have many similar images, their similarity will be close or identical.
If you show more than just 25 matches (say, 100 or 200) you should see different similarity values.