Metadata Write-back causes orientation to change

Started by jimg, February 16, 2020, 02:20:42 PM

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IMatch version 2019.8.4 (64-bit)
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit

I took a photo in Portrait (vertically tall) orientation using my Sony DSC-RX100 III.
The JPG displays correctly in IrfanView.
In IrfanView, under EXIF Info, Orientation says "Top Left."

In iMatch, under "Media & Folders" it appears correctly in thumbnail.
Double-click opens larger in iMatch viewer, and appears correctly.

Assign a keyword. Yellow pencil appears. Orientation still ok.

Ctrl-Alt-S Metadata Write-back.
Yellow pencil disappears.
File updated on disk.

Thumbnail appears ok, but now when you double-click it and it opens larger in the iMatch viewer, it has rotated ninety degrees to a landscape orientation.

Displays incorrectly in IrfanView -- it has been rotated ninety degrees clockwise.
In IrfanView, under EXIF Info, Orientation now says "Right top"

I am sure that the rotation can be manually fixed in IMatch after it has been changed, but that would have to be done for every image every time there is metadata write-back.

I hope this is not specific to the Sony DSC-RX100 III which is a camera I like very much.

Before-and-after jpgs attached, along with IMatch log file. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.



The metadata in your image is inconclusive/opposing. ExifTool sees:

[IFD0]          Orientation                     : Horizontal (normal)
[Sony]          Camera Orientation              : Rotate 90 CW
[IFD1]          Orientation                     : Rotate 90 CW

So the metadata both states that the orientation is neutral and that the file must be rotated by 90° clockwise.
IFD1 is most likely the EXIF block embedded in the thumbnail, or an EXIF record written later.
I recommend you fix the orientation once in IMatch via Commands > Image > EXIF Orientation and then see if the problem persists.
If the problem persists. you might need to fix the metadata manually in ExifTool.

During Write-back, all Orientation values are set by ExifTool to 90° clockwise.
If you then reset this to "Neutral" in IMatch, both the thumbnail and the full-size image are properly rotated.

I don't know which step in your workflow or tool-chain produced these opposing values for orientation...