No pack & Go when closing IM2020

Started by emef, March 02, 2020, 01:15:11 PM

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Good morning all,
with the new version of IMatch (2020.3.2) when I close the program it offers me to launch "Pack & Go" but hardly I can click on the option that the program closes without performing the backup. I'm on Windows 10; being under dual-boot with Windows 7, I have not yet tested with the 7. Attached are the two log files.
Thank you in advance.

Bonjour à tous,
avec la nouvelle version d'IMatch (2020.3.2) lorsque je ferme le programme il me propose bien de lancer "Pack&Go" mais à peine ais-je cliquer sur l'option que le programme se ferme sans effectuer la sauvegarde. Je suis sous Windows 10 ; étant sous dual-boot avec Windows 7, je n'ai pas encore tester avec le 7. Ci-joint le deux fichiers log.
Merci d'avance.


This seems (?) to be a side-effect of something else.
IMatch reports numerous times that it had to terminate ExifTool after it was unresponsive for 2 minutes.
This happens many times, even during the first execution when IMatch just asks ExifTool for its version number!

This looks like your anti-virus or something similar is blocking IMatch from running.
Make sure you have configured IMatch as an exception in your virus checker. As outlined at the top of the release notes the  name of the exdcutable has changed and this may trip your virus checker.

To verify that your changes have worked: Search the log file for E> afterwards. There should be no errors.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


after booting into Windows 7, I checked the options for protecting my anti-virus (Kaspersky Total Security) and corrected what I thought was wrong. In preferences, I granted 4 threads to the face recognition process (4-core I7 processor + hyperthread) but same punishment as in Windows 10: if IMatch offers me the backup on exit, it does not do it and the location (different disc and special folder) is not credited with any new backup.
Attached is the last log. Thank you for your patience.

[Edit: on both systems. when I change the preferences (for "Local" and the number of threads) IMatch asks me if I want to close the application or continue. Theoretically, if I choose to close, it would restart on its own. If it stops, it doesn't restart, and I have to do it myself.]

après avoir booté sous Windows 7, j'ai vérifié les options de protection de mon anti-virus (Kaspersky Total Security) et corrigé ce qui me semblait erroné. Dans les préférences, j'ai accordé 4 thread au process de reconnaissance des visages (processeur I7 4 cœurs + hyperthread) mais même punition que sous Windows 10 : si IMatch me propose bien le backup à la sortie, il ne l'effectue pas et l'endroit (disque différent et dossier spécial) n'est crédité d'aucune nouvelle sauvegarde.
Ci-joint le dernier log. Merci de votre patience.

[Édit : sur les deux systèmes. lorsque je modifie les préférences (pour "Local" et le nombre de thread) IMatch me demande si je veux fermer l'application ou continuer. Théoriquement, si je choisis de fermer, il redémarrerait de lui-même. S'il s'arrête bien, il ne redémarre pourtant pas et je dois le faire moi-même.]


This log file is also full of error messages about IMatch having to forcefully stop ExifTool. Every time it does not respond.
This looks like you anti-virus is blocking ExifTool. ExifTool is an external program launched by IMatch (from H:\Program Files\\imatch6\exiftool.exe)

I see that the Backup Reminder was triggered.
But apparently IMatch was unable to launch Pack & Go, which is an external program. Also from H:....

I think both problems are related, and something on your system is not allowing IMatch to run external programs.

Why is IMatch installed on drive H: ?
The default installation location for applications is c:\  and many security concepts of IMatch are based on the special protection the official program files folder offers.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook


For years, under W7, my programs have been installed on H: and the old versions (up to and including 2019) have never been a problem.  It should be noted that under W10 I no longer practice in this way and all the programs are installed on C :.
C and H are two solid state drives.
I'm going to disconnect the Internet and close the programs that are running in the background, including my anti-virus and see if that improves things.