People - Add new hierarchical keywords to Thesaurus

Started by busbahnhof, March 04, 2020, 08:20:37 AM

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Created some new persons and added already existing hierarchical keywords from the thesaurus. But when I created a new person and entered a new hierarchical keyword (e.g. "WHO|Persons|New Person"), this one will not be added to the thesaurus. And after saving the new person and assigning it to unknown faces, it was not added to the keywords of the picture. But this was not a consistent thing. I have to watch this more thoroughly.

But is there any chance to let IMatch add the new hierarchical keywords to the thesaurus?


People keywords are not automatically added to the thesaurus.
If you want this, I recommend to create the keywords first in the thesaurus.
The Person editor searches the thesaurus when you use the keyword input field and this makes it easy to pick your keywords.

As with all keywords, it is usually helpful to be consistent and to use a controlled vocabulary for keywords you associate with persons.
It hence makes sense to put some mind grease into setting up the thesaurus first, and then pick keywords from this controlled vocabulary when you add new persons later.

If you think that a check box "Add keywords to thesaurus" in the Person Editor would be helpful for other users, feel free to post a feature request in the feature request board here in the community.

If you look there, you'll see that the more users work with the new IMatch 2020 features, the more feature requests show up. All very interesting and great feedback for me.
I keep a close eye on all that and adjust the roadmap for the future releases of IMatch 2020 accordingly.

Quotesaving the new person and assigning it to unknown face

I would need more information about that, like the steps to reproduce. Keep in mind that only confirmed faces get keywords assigned.
While analyzing this, I recommend you switch IMatch to debug logging (Help menu > Support > ...) so we have detailed information when you reproduce this somehow. See log file for more info.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Many thanks for the feedback. Will add it as a feature request.

Debug mode is already on since 2020 :-) I will have now a closer look at the behaviour of adding new keywords.


Tested it with some pictures. I had the problem, that the focus was moving to another picture and I thought that the keyword was not assigned to the picture. So everything good so far.