Thumbnail Layout: option to trim left if alignment is right

Started by ChrisMatch, July 31, 2013, 10:00:59 AM

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At the moment we can choose to display informations with alignment right (talking about the thumbnail layout).
For long things like file names where the most important information is on the end of the string I would also hope for an option to trim long values from the left (from the beginning of the string).

This could either be a seperat option or be combined with the alignment.

Sample: "file name"
2013-03-19=2049_38-5564=Events.Wedding.Susan and Rob 2013_v01.JPG

If you use a similar naming scheme an information like
...Wedding.Susan and Rob 2013_v01
is much more useful than


the screenshot uses a '|right:30' like:
which has the disadvantage, that it is not aware of the real size that is available.

[attachment deleted by admin]


I think you can do this a custom template for the right header.
Use a left alignment, all standard. Then use this markup:

<TextBlock  HorizontalAlignment='Right' >{File.NameExt}</TextBlock>

This aligns the text from the right, starting with the .jpg.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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