Windows 10 prevents me installing Imatch 2020

Started by davidge, March 08, 2020, 05:10:41 PM

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When I try and install it the Windows Installer pops up a window saying:
"The system administrator has set policies to prevent the installation"
I'm not sure what this means. Its my PC and I'm the system administrator (as well as the user) and have never changed or set any policies!
Any help appreciated.


The meaning is: typically IT admins of companies provide a certain setup of policies and restrict the usage of Windows to their employees.
If you bought a cheap Windows license then probably the license is coming from a multiuser license and a policy might be set.
But I assume you were able to install other apps on your Windows 10 and therefore I also have no explanation why you cannot install IMatch.


I have a proper version of Windows 10 home.
I have never had any problems installing any other software.


I am not at my system.
Is there not during the install a box, where you can choose, if the adminstrator can use it or everyone?

If so, maybe you could try to change this?

But this is only a rough guess.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


No. I click through the usual setup (wlecome,T&Cs,destination folder) then get to the 'ready to install' bit with the Install button annoated with the admin shield, then click it and I get the error.


It seems you are not allowed to install software?

IMatch uses a normal Windows installer package, and it does this since IMatch 5 many years ago.
The message "The system administrator has set policies to prevent the installation" is usually pretty clear. Your user account is not allowed to install software.



See a reply I made above.
I am allowed to install software and have NEVER had any problem installing ANY software before IMatch v2020 today.
I am running a full blown up to date Windows 10 Home.


Sorted it.
Something to do with my Anti-virus software (Kaspersky 2020).
Turned it off and it installed. I'll have to dig around in the settings to try and work out what might have been the problem that meant that it did not like installing Imatch 2020.


Have you installed IMatch previously?
Is the digital certificate of the installer file valid?
Right-click on the installer file imatch_licensed_2020_3_4_x64.msi in Windows Explorer and open the properties. Click on "Digital Signatures".

An installer package cannot override a group policy set by your system Administrator. If your user account has no administrative privileges, you cannot install IMatch. Or other software.


I see.  That would have been my nest tip.

Although the error message is really confusing. Usually you only get these when you work on a corporate PC and your Admin has disallowed software installations. Not when your anti virus gets into a frenzy and does not inform you properly that it interfered.

Make double sure to read the section about Virus Checkers in the IMatch help:

IMPORTANT: Virus Checkers

Kaspersky is notorious for getting into the way and reducing performance of software to snail pace.



Ich habe als Amateur auch "nur" WIN 10 Home laufen auf 2 Rechnern - unterschiedlichen Alters.
Vor einiger Zeit hatte ich hier im Forum moniert, daß sich IMatch nicht vom Download aus dem Kundenportal installieren ließ.
Das funktionierte erst nach einem "Eingriff" in die Sicherheitseinstellungen der MSI-Datei.
(Den Hinweis dazu hatte ich in meiner Ratlosigkeit im Netz gefunden und hier im Forum auch gepostet.)
In der Not frißt der Teufel Fliegen !! ;D :-*
Dieses amateurhafte Vorgehen wurde von Mario "von oben herab" mit allergrößtem Unverständnis abgekanzelt !
Ich habe inzwischen den beiden "Blech-Idioten" getrennte Arbeitsbereiche zugewiesen; Bildbearbeitung darf nur noch der jüngere.
IMatch 2020 ließ sich aktuell auf dem älteren Rechner aus dem Kundenportal heraus nun trotz oben erwähntem "Eingiff" überhaupt nicht mehr installieren ( :( :( ), - auf seinem jüngeren Bruder aber ging es völlig problemlos.
mfG schwarzvogel


Ich habe noch nie von einem notwendigen Eingruiff gehört.
IMatch wird als digial signierte MSI-Datei ausgeliefert. Wie alle moderne Software. Es installiert problemlos auf frisch installierten Windows 10 System, auch auf Windows 7 und 8 und Server-Versionen.

Seit der Veröffentlichung von IMatch 2020 wurde es mehrere hundert Mal installiert. Keine Meldugnen von Benutzern über notwendige Eingriffe.
Und auch im hier beschriebenen Fall war das Problem nicht IMatch, sondern Kaspersky.

Wenn auf Deinem Rechner irgend ein Eingriff zur Installation von IMatch notwendig ist, ist das irgendwas vermurkst oder irgendwie durch Gruppenrichtlinien o-ä. eingeschränkt.


Hi Mario - been away hence delay in replying.
The digital certificate looks OK. Its signed by yourself on 3/3/20 at 14.03.
I have never had any problems with Kaspersky before, either when installing software or it degrading performance (including IMatch which is very responsive).
I also checked Kaspesrky's view of the status of the installer and as far as it is concerned its trusted, has been installed by others and the digitial certificate is OK.
I've installed some other software since I had trouble with IMatch 2020 and had no problems even with Kaspersky running.
Obviously Kaspersky for some reason did not like some aspect of the installer....all in all a bit of a mystery.
Good news is IMatch 2020 is running without any problems - I now need to read the help to get to grips with the new features!


Quote from: Mario on March 09, 2020, 10:36:05 AM
Ich habe noch nie von einem notwendigen Eingruiff gehört.
IMatch wird als digial signierte MSI-Datei ausgeliefert. Wie alle moderne Software. Es installiert problemlos auf frisch installierten Windows 10 System, auch auf Windows 7 und 8 und Server-Versionen.


Ja, Mario, Du hast halt zuviel um die Ohren ! ;)

Zur Erinnerung:
Post #6 ff, speziell #15

Nicht jeder Amateur kann sich jedes Jahr einen neuen Rechner leisten und muß laaange mit der "alten Möhre" auskommen - solange sie die letzten Microsoft-Updates verarbeiten kann und die Hardware-Mindestanforderungen (für IMatch) erfüllt!
mfG schwarzvogel


Maybe your settings got changed? Go to Settings > Apps & Features, and confirm that Windows is set to allow apps from anywhere and not just from the Windows Store.



Diese Einstellungen habe ich nicht verändert.
Es werden immer Windows Apps von anderen Quellen zugelassen.
Anderes würde mich unnötig einschränken.
Der Fehler trat um den Jahreswechsel 2018/2019 auf beim Versuch einer Installation von IMatch 2019.

Ich fand eben diesen Post:
Es ist wohl denkbar, daß das heutige unterschiedliche Verhalten meiner beiden Rechner in diesem Thema begründet ist.
Der ältere  meiner Rechner ist von 2007 - (für IMatch 2020 zu alt), der jüngere ist von 2015.
Auf beiden Rechnern ist jedoch "Windows 10 Home" auf dem neuesten Stand.
Mario gibt an, daß eine Installation von IMatch 2020 auf Rechnern ab Baujahr 2011 möglich ist.
mfG schwarzvogel


QuoteMario gibt an, daß eine Installation von IMatch 2020 auf Rechnern ab Baujahr 2011 möglich ist.

Das Baujahr ist egal. Aber der Prozessor muss AVX unterstützen. Siehe



Vielen Dank.
Für einen tiefen Einblick in die Hardware fehlen mir als Otto-Normalverbraucher die Kenntnisse.
So muß Baujahr für die Problemklärung eben reichen ...
mfG schwarzvogel


QuoteSo muß Baujahr für die Problemklärung eben reichen ...


Ich habe vor Monaten bereits eine Seite mit Eklärungen online gestellt und ein kostenloses Utility das Du nur noch ausführen musst. Dann weist Du sofort, ob Dein PC IMatch 2020 ausführen kann.
Wenn das auch zu viel für dich ist, kann ich nichts weiter tun.

Hast Du die Info überhaupt gelesen? Siehe Link in meinem Post oben?



Nochmals vielen Dank für die Hilfestellung ! ;)
Wen jetzt weiterhin garnichts funktionieren würde, müßte ich der Sache weiter nachgehen, so brauche ich es nicht.
Ich weiß wo es geschrieben steht.  :)
mfG schwarzvogel


I don't know if it's relevant to your discussions (auf Deutsch!) but I know that using anything which touched on SRP software restriction policies causes issues with iMatch (e.g. SSRP or Hard Configurator). It may be that your AV is doing something along these lines.

In particular, the exif tool location is typically blocked, and that stops iMatch loading correctly (as well as blocking installs from user locations - which is the whole point; malware may attempt to drop in userspace and execute from there). As far as SSRP or HC is concerned, you either switch off SRP temporarily, or else whitelist the location of programs you do want to run.

Carlo Didier

Quote from: deLaBoetie on March 11, 2020, 03:56:05 PM
I don't know if it's relevant to your discussions (auf Deutsch!) but I know that using anything which touched on SRP software restriction policies causes issues with iMatch (e.g. SSRP or Hard Configurator). It may be that your AV is doing something along these lines.

In particular, the exif tool location is typically blocked, and that stops iMatch loading correctly (as well as blocking installs from user locations - which is the whole point; malware may attempt to drop in userspace and execute from there). As far as SSRP or HC is concerned, you either switch off SRP temporarily, or else whitelist the location of programs you do want to run.

You may be up to something there. Very often (and for good reasons), companies block executable files in certain paths like C:\Users\...\Temp or folders like ProgramData or AppData. I actually have myself defined such rules in our company ...


IMatch does install executables only in the official executables folder "c:\program files\\imatch..."


There is an exiftool.exe for me in


which was put there by the install somehow.

If I do not allow this location in SRP or Hard Configurator, then imatch doesn't run successfully, it stays on the loading database screen. I'd prefer the exiftool to be in Program Files, but I assume that doesn't happen because you need elevation to do it?


This is how ExifTool works.
ExifTool is written in the PERL programming language.
When you run a new ExifTool version for the first time, it unpacks its runtime environment into a user-specific folder in the system TEMP folder. These are the PAR... folders.

If you have read one of the release notes I write for each and every IMatch version you may have noticed that every "ExifTool Updated" entry is accompanied with a link to Reclaim Disk Space by Removing ExifTool Temporary Files which explains about that.

If this upsets the security on your system, you can change the folder and add some variables to the Windows registry to point the PERL runtime to a different folder.
See thus link from the ExifTool forum for more info:

IMatch does not interfere with this or control this. It just runs ExifTool and lets it do it's thing.


sorry for the delay (I didn't follow this forum for several months), but I feel it's necessary to add a warning for future readers:

PAR_GLOBAL_TEMP will break other PAR/pp packed Perl applications, even other versions of ExifTool coming with other software.

PAR_GLOBAL_TEMP is "discouraged" according to the maintainer Roderich Schupp ( mailing list 2019-05-08).

Do not use PAR_GLOBAL_TEMP (unless you know exactly the consequences)!

I also provide a Exiftool/Windows package not using PAR/pp, therefore avoiding all the problems.
