People - Add new hierarchical keywords to Thesaurus

Started by busbahnhof, March 04, 2020, 09:36:35 AM

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I would like to have this feature added:

When creating a new person, you should be able to add new (hierarchical) keywords directly to the thesaurus (e.g. "WHO|Persons|New Person") by a checkbox in the person editor.

Background: I already have some people added to my thesaurus (WHO|Persons|...  WHO|Family|...  WHO|Colleagues|...). But I can't remember all of them upfront. I remember most of them when going through the face recognition results and add new persons there. Then in the new person window, you can add new hierarchical keywords, but they are not automatically added to the thesaurus. That  practice would make the thesaurus pretty inconsistent very soon. And going back and forth between people and keyword window slows down the workflow massively.

Many thanks.


In principle a good idea.  A problem I see is that people have different thesaurus structures, so it would be necessary to define where in the thesaurus it should go.


It is independent of each structure. Just add the keyword I enter into the person editor. When I start entering "WHO|Persons| ... " I already get suggestions, but I see I need to add a new person to the thesaurus. Then I enter the full name (=full structure tree of this person) and done.

Of course one has to know its own structure when entering the keyword :-)
