How to select only one category

Started by Mees Dekker, February 26, 2014, 07:38:57 PM

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Mees Dekker

I have, like most users, a database with more than a hundred categories.

Is there an easy way to select the files that are assigned to one specific category but to no other category? In other words: can I select one category and exclude all other categories in an easy manner?


IMatch categories are by default hierarchical. A parent category always virtually contains all files assigned to it's child categories.

If you select a category in the category view, IMatch thus shows you the files in that category, and all its children. Is this what you mean?
For example:

There are several ways to deal with that:

1. You set the Direct Assignments only option for the category (via the property panel under the category tree). This is a permanent solution.
When you now select the category, it will only show the files directly assigned to it.

2. You enable the hierarchical mode for the file window. IMatch then groups the files by their category, which allows you to see quickly which files are assigned to the parent, the children, or a combination.

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I like to rephrase the question as I understand it:

To see all files belonging to one category but no others one would need to specify, in the Builder, the following

WantedCat NOT (UnwantedCatA OR UnwantedCatB OR UnwantedCatC or .........)

This is obviously impractical if one has a lot of categories.
So the question is: Is there an easier way


Maybe I'm missing something here but I thought Mario answered the question perfectly.


Mario's answer concerns finding the top (only) of a hierarchical keyword: Test AND NOT ( Test.a OR Test.b OR test.c)


Your question was misleading. I think what you want is

QuoteShow me all files assigned to a specific category, but not others.

For this, use the @CatDistinct[] formula. From the help:

This keyword returns only files exclusively contained in the given category. Files assigned to other categories are not included in the result. It expects a regular expression.


There are many other category formulas which perform specific tasks.

Mees Dekker


thanks: this does the job indeed, I should have looked better in the help file
