Time wiz not changing File.DateTime

Started by ubacher, March 29, 2020, 03:29:12 PM

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I put a new absolute date/time using the time wiz. It changed all times but not
the File.DateTime nor {File.MD.Extra\FileCreateDate\FileCreateDate\0}
These are set to the current date/time.

Is this a bug or intended?

I had intended to get files moved in the timeline - but without success.


Just tried the old time change method and it had the desired effect. File.DateTime was changed.



I don't know where this tag comes from. Extra is usually the name ExifTool uses for "extra" tags.
By the name of it I would think ExifTool fills this from the "created date and time" reported by the Windows file system?

File.DateTime is not a tag it is an internal timestamp IMatch maintains for every file.
It has many potential sources, as explained in How IMatch uses Date and Time Information
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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The legacy Modify EXIF date and time fills the photoshop date/time which in turn changes File.DateTime.
TimeWiz does not do this so the File.DateTime is not updated.
If this is not something forgotten then the user willl have to use a metadata template to fix this.


Please explain exactly what you do and which settings you use, which mode you use in the TimWiz, if the XMP tags have values before etc.
The TimeWiz changes only metadata, not the data in the file. This happens only when you write-back.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I had this problem and initially reported it as a bug. I later removed this...

The reason being that although the file date was not being updated in the file viewer, when I looked at the metadata tab I found that the {File.MD.XMP::xmp\CreateDate\CreateDate\0} had been updated correctly.

By asking for a metadata writeback then the updated  value is in the file viewer.

It would be nice if the fileviewer was also updated immediately!


The global File.DateTime IMatch uses in the file window, for the corresponding variable etc. is updated when XMP::photoshop\DateCreated\DateCreated is modified.
Whether this happens in the MD Panel or TimeWiz or a file re-import or whatever.

I have just tried and it works. When I change the dates of a file in the TimeWiz the File Window date updates immediately. As does the MD panel.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I tried to reproduce this. It had happened on 6 .MOV files but since I had fixed these I can no longer
reproduce it. It must be very file specific.


You know that movie files are always special.
MOV files may not contain any usable metadata. Maybe a partial crappy QuickTime record. If this crappy record exists and contains usable metadata, IMatch will use it to fill the dates. I have linked to that info in the help several times in the past days. In that case it may need at least one write-back to shuffle all that crap in the file in place and to produce a proper XMP record. And proper dates.

Please process your files accordingly and pay special care when you work with the TimeWiz and XMP data and embedded metadata in your video files. Video files often use metadata that is even messier than image metadata. Don't except IMatch to handle everything and under every condition for you. Had you included the info that you are working with video files in your question, we could have saved some time.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Fact is that the legacy time change routine fixed the time correctly and TimeWiz did not.


I just tried here with a video file and it works as I said above. Also fact.
As I said, video metadata is a mess.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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