Time To Open A Database

Started by Darius1968, October 02, 2013, 04:01:26 AM

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Just a quick question, is 2-3 minutes time for a database of 90,000+ files to open a reasonable length of time to wait before operations can be made?  Just trying to get some feedback as to what others are experiencing regarding this.  Thnx. 


Do you have log file? This will tell us which part of loading the database takes how long. Very interesting info for me.

Do you have many data-driven categories? They may be needed to re-calculate when IMatch starts, which can take longer than loading the database.
IMatch also needs to calculate all collections, depending on which view you start IMatch with or which panels you have open. This may also cost extra time.
The log file will tell us more.

TEST: When you close and re-open the database, how long does it take? This tells us how much the hard disk is affecting the load, because for the second load, Windows has parts of the database in memory and does not require to access the disk that often.

Did you run a database compact (Database menu > Tools > Compact...)? If not, do it and then check the load time. Is it faster now?

I just loaded a 120,000 files database from an USB stick: 51 seconds start to finish (I've loaded this database for the first time since the last reboot).
Loading the same database from my RAID disk system takes 1 minute and 29 seconds.
Maybe 50% of the time is spend loading the actual database, the rest is calculating data-driven and normal categories, collections, loading the folder and category tree etc.

Carlo Didier

Could IM be made to do more in the background? What I mean is that it should start up as fast as possible and do stuff like calculating data-driven categories in the background. I'd largely prefer to be able to quickly open the database, even if then I'd  have to wait a bit longer to display a data-driven category (if I need it immediately). Because most of the time I don't need any of those immediately, they could just be updated in the background or even only when needed. That's the classical database front-end: The user interface opens fast and you only have to wait longer if you ask for something that needs more processing.


IMatch does load and re-calculate categories and collections in the background - unless they are needed immediately, e.g. to show the category tree or panel or collection view or.... This depends on how you have configured panels etc.

A screen shot of IMatch after it comes up and the log file is required to tell more. I cannot even say if any of this is what takes long, not without the log file.


I've attached a copy of the log file for your diagnosis, and I am still running version 116 (will upgrade to 118 soon).  I don't know exactly how many data driven categories I have, and I don't know how to instruct IMatch to tell me how many.  The time to load is 2 min+, regardless of whether I've opened the database for the first time since the OS reboot, or on repeated openings.  Also, the time for IMatch to get from Loading Catalog to Initializing Database View is minimal, it's the last part when it seems to be looking at my folders.  Also, the Custom sort order doesn't seem to be working correctly.  I use it to customize the sort of my thumbnails like I would Light Sort Order in IMatch 3.6, and it works until I reopen the database, when it has completely forgotten the sort that I set. 

[attachment deleted by admin]


I'll check your log file shortly.

For the "sort order" problem, please open another bug report.
Mixing different problems in one bug report confuses things and makes it harder for me to manage all this.

Please describe what you do, exactly. Which view are you in (every view has it's own sort order).
Sort order changes (you are dragging files around) are stored immediately in the database.
Is the "Custom" sort profile restored in the file window (drop-down box) when you restart IMatch?