Batch rejecting faces

Started by Mees Dekker, March 29, 2020, 03:57:22 PM

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Mees Dekker

The new batch commands for persons in the file window can be a great help.

But to me some matters are not totally clear; hopefully Mario can clarify.

If I use the person view and go a certain person A, I get i.e. 500+ pictures in the file window. If I then select (through the filter panel) only unconfirmed faces, the number goes down i.e. 350. From these 350 I can select the (say) 100 pictures where person A is not present and batch "reject" these assigments. But in these 100 pictures, a lot of other people/faces are also not confirmed, because in most pictures there is more than 1 person visible and detected.

Will the batch command to reject the assigment to person A, also reject the unconfirmed assigments for all other people in these pictures?

If so: it would be nice to be given the choice to either reject only unconfirmed assigments for person A or reject all unconfirmed assignments for all people.


Quote from: Mees Dekker on March 29, 2020, 03:57:22 PM
Will the batch command to reject the assigment to person A, also reject the unconfirmed assigments for all other people in these pictures?

I'm pretty sure that in IMatch 2020.3.4, the answer to this question was yes - when the Reject Faces command was used from within the People View, only the face of the selected person was rejected (and all other unconfirmed faces in the selected images remained).

And when doing that from the File Window of any other View, IMatch would warn that rejecting that way, would act on all uncomfirmed faces, and suggested that People View be used to reject only one of the persons.

But now (in IMatch 2020.3.6) it seems that even within People View, all Uncomfirmed Faces are being rejected by that command.

In addition, it seems that the face fingerprint is being discarded...(the Annotations get a single slash through them - as discussed in this topic):


There is no special treatment for the reject command. It rejects faces for all selected files, after a prompt.
This can be easily tried out by selecting one file with multiple faces and then executing this command.

These commands may be removed anyway when the Face Reviewer feature becomes available.