05.30 14:07:00+6149937 [24F4] 00 I> # Logfile opened. 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> IMatch (c) 2001-2024 Mario M. Westphal. All rights reserved 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Loglevel: 50 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> IMatch version: 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Locale 'Russian_Russia.1252' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Time Zone: Bias: -180, Daylight-Bias: 0. Full Bias: -180. 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Processor Architecture: 9, Number of processors: 16, type: 8664, level: 000006, revision: 40461 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Memory: Utilization: 10%. Total: 65 467MB, available: 58 433MB. 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 160MB, WSP: 160MB (NEW PEAK), PF: 41446 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> TEMP/TMP folder: 'C:\Users\mosdu\AppData\Local\Temp\' with 751 346 098 176 free bytes 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMatchApp::InitInstance 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMatch.cpp(1269)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 16 [24F4] 02 I> Using browser helper process from 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMatchChromiumHelper.exe'. 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMatchApp::CreateRegistryKeys 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMatch.cpp(2538)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMatchApp::CreateRegistryKeys 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> OLE initialization completed 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystem::PTFileSystem 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystem.cpp(103)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystem::PTFileSystem 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(599)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Start 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [248C] 10 M> > 0 PTFSMQueueWatcher::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Registry loaded 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 M> > 0 CIMInstallationVerifier::VerifyInstallationAsync 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMInstallationVerifier.cpp(26)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 M> < 0 CIMInstallationVerifier::VerifyInstallationAsync 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMMigrator::CheckMigration 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMMigrator.cpp(141)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> MIR: CheckMigration for: 2023.9.2 to 2023.9.2 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMMigrator::CheckMigration 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMatchApp::OpenSettingsStore 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMatch.cpp(936)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [0B48] 05 M> > 0 CIMInstallationVerifier::LogModuleVersions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMInstallationVerifier.cpp(233)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 15 [24F4] 02 I> Opening settings database: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imatch.pts 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(151)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Opening settings C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imatch.pts [settings] 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3880)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(4522)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3853)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 0 instances. Max instances: 0 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::Close 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [0B48] 05 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMInstallationVerifier::LogModuleVersions 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Database 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imatch.pts' for thread 24F4 (9460) shared cache 1 Writable. 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Database file has 4,90 MB 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:00+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::Open 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] PTSettingsStore::Open 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Settings database opened/created. 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::Attach 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(199)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Attaching settings [settings] 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTSettingsStore::Attach 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> DB-specific Settings loaded 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::TestIntegrity 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(298)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 16 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] PTSettingsStore::TestIntegrity 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMatchApp::OpenSettingsStore 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Initializing Ressource Manager 05.30 14:07:00+ 31 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMResManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMResManager.cpp(180)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTResManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTResManager.cpp(181)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(444)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadLanguageNeutralResources 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(616)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(64)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading resource file 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\imatchres-core.json'. 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading stockIds 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading constTable 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading iconTable 05.30 14:07:00+ 15 [24F4] 02 I> Loading contextTable 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading bitmapTable 05.30 14:07:00+ 94 [24F4] 02 I> Loading vectorTable 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading countryTable 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading timeZonesTable 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading isoLanguagesTable 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [109ms] PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadLanguageNeutralResources 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadLanguages 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(386)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(64)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading resource file 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\languages.json'. 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadLanguages 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(64)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading resource file 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\imatchres.json'. 05.30 14:07:00+ 16 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(64)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading resource file 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\imatchres-en.json'. 05.30 14:07:00+ 15 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [15ms] PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadCommands 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1062)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 32 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [32ms] PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadCommands 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadMenus 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1263)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'P' for menu PTR_MENU_FAVORITE_GENERIC, entry 45237 (ID_CMD_FAVORITE_PRINT_ADD), 'New from &Print Template' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'M' for menu PTR_MENU_FAVORITE_GENERIC, entry 45252 (ID_CMD_FAVORITE_STOREAPP_ADD), 'New from &Microsoft Store App (MSIX)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'P' for menu PTR_MENU_FAVORITE_GENERIC, entry 45239 (ID_CMD_FAVORITE_PLACEHOLDER), 'New &Placeholder' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'l' for menu PTR_MENU_FAVORITE_AUTOFILL, entry 45212 (ID_CMD_FAVORITE_DELETE), 'De&lete Favorite' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'P' for menu PTR_MENU_FAVORITE_PRINT, entry 45211 (ID_CMD_FAVORITE_PROPERTIES), '&Properties...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'U' for menu PTR_MENU_FAVORITE_PERSONS, entry 45213 (ID_CMD_FAVORITE_MOVEUP), 'Move &Up' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'F' for menu PTR_MENU_GROUP_PANEL_TB_GROUPS, entry 45278 (ID_CMD_FILTERBAR_TOGGLE), '&Filter' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'F' for menu PTR_MENU_GROUP_PANEL_GROUPS, entry 45278 (ID_CMD_FILTERBAR_TOGGLE), '&Filter' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'G' for menu PTR_MENU_GEO_PANEL_TB, entry 46010 (ID_MDCONTAINER_GEOCODE), 'Reverse &Geocode all selected files...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'L' for menu PTR_MENU_GEO_PANEL_LOC, entry 45290 (ID_CMD_GEO_PANEL_LOC_LOAD), '&Load Location' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'R' for menu PTR_MENU_TREE_FILTER, entry 45534 (ID_CMD_FILTER_REGEX), '&Regular expression' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'n' for menu PTR_MENU_DBCLIENT_FOLDERS_TREE, entry 45564 (ID_CMD_FOLDER_SCANFOLDER), 'Rescan &now' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'F' for menu PTR_MENU_DBCLIENT_GROUP_TREE, entry 45757 (ID_CMD_CATEGORY_FIND), '&Find...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'O' for menu ID_MENU_FILEWND, entry 45675 (ID_CMD_FILE_REPLACE_ORIGINAL_WITH_FOCUSED), 'Replace the &Original with the focused file' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'O' for menu ID_MENU_FILEWND, entry 45662 (ID_CMD_FILE_OPEN), '&Open...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 15 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'n' for menu ID_MENU_FILEWND, entry 45644 (ID_CMD_FILE_FIND), 'Fi&nd' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'n' for menu ID_MENU_FILEWND, entry 45641 (ID_CMD_FILE_RESCAN), 'Rescan &now' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey for menu ID_MENU_FILEWND, 40115 (), '&Video Options' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'C' for menu ID_MENU_FILEWND_GROUPS, entry 45846 (ID_FILEWND_GROUP_COLLAPSEALLBUTTHIS), '&Collapse all but this' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'S' for menu ID_MENU_FILEWND_CTXSTACK, entry 45812 (ID_CMD_STACK_STACK), '&Stack files' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'l' for menu ID_MENU_FILEWND_CTXSTACK, entry 45814 (ID_CMD_STACK_STACK_DELETE), 'De&lete Stack' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'V' for menu ID_MENU_FILEWND_CTXVER, entry 45805 (ID_CMD_VERSION_FIND), 'Show all &Versions...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'O' for menu ID_MENU_FILEWND_TOOLBAR_OPEN, entry 45664 (ID_CMD_FILE_OPEN_WITH), '&Open file with...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'A' for menu ID_MENU_FILEWND_TOOLBAR_SEARCH_MENU, entry 45885 (ID_FILEWND_SEARCHBAR_MODE_ADVANCED), '&Advanced Search (AND, OR, NOT...)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'C' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_TOOLBAR, entry 46002 (ID_MDCONTAINER_EDIT_COPY), '&Copy' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'T' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_TOOLBAR, entry 46004 (ID_MDCONTAINER_OPEN_THESAURUS), '&Thesaurus Manager...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'C' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_KEYWORDS_TOOLBAR, entry 57634 (ID_EDIT_COPY), '&Copy' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'P' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_KEYWORDS_TOOLBAR, entry 46112 (ID_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_PROPAGATE), '&Propagate keywords again' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'l' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_KEYWORDS_TOOLBAR_CONFIGUREMENU, entry 46106 (ID_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_CONFIGURE_SHOWCLOUD), 'Show C&loud' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'S' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_KEYWORDS_TOOLBAR_CONFIGUREMENU, entry 46107 (ID_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_CONFIGURE_SHOWSYN), 'Show &Synonyms' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'r' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_KEYWORDS_TOOLBAR_CONFIGUREMENU, entry 46109 (ID_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_CONFIGURE_SHOWGROUPCOLORS), 'Show Colo&rs' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 't' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_KEYWORDS_TOOLBAR_CONFIGUREMENU, entry 46110 (ID_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_CONFIGURE_SYCHTHESAURUS), 'Add new keywords to &thesaurus' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'A' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_FAVLIST, entry 46123 (ID_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_ADDTOTHESAURUS), '&Add to Thesaurus' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'T' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_FAVLIST, entry 46004 (ID_MDCONTAINER_OPEN_THESAURUS), '&Thesaurus Manager...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'A' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_CURRENT, entry 46117 (ID_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_FAVADD), '&Add to Favorites' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'C' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_CURRENT, entry 46126 (ID_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_QUERYALL), 'Find &Combination...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'C' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_CURRENT_GLOBAL, entry 46126 (ID_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_QUERYALL), 'Find &Combination...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'T' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_EDITCONTROL_DROPDOWN, entry 46056 (ID_MDCONTAINER_SELDATE_TOMORROW), '&Tomorrow' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'C' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_EDITCONTROL_DROPDOWN, entry 46049 (ID_MDCONTAINER_COPY_VAL), '&Copy' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'C' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_EDITCONTROL_DROPDOWN, entry 46050 (ID_MDCONTAINER_COPY_TAGNAME), '&Copy Name/Value' 05.30 14:07:00+ 16 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'F' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_EDITCONTROL_DROPDOWN, entry 46008 (ID_MDCONTAINER_QUERY), '&Find all files with this value (Entire database)...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'N' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_EDITCONTROL_DROPDOWN, entry 46136 (ID_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_KW_GOTO_NEXTFILE), '&Next File' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'C' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_EDITCONTROL_CONTEXTMENU_READONLY, entry 46050 (ID_MDCONTAINER_COPY_TAGNAME), '&Copy Name/Value' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'F' for menu ID_MENU_MDCONTAINER_PANEL_EDITCONTROL_CONTEXTMENU_READONLY, entry 46008 (ID_MDCONTAINER_QUERY), '&Find all files with this value (Entire database)...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'L' for menu ID_MENU_THESMGRWND, entry 46143 (ID_MDTHESMGRWND_EDITENTRYLANGALT), 'Edit &Language alternatives...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'U' for menu ID_MENU_THESMGRWND, entry 57643 (ID_EDIT_UNDO), '&Undo' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'n' for menu ID_MENU_THESMGRWND, entry 46173 (ID_MDTHESMGRWND_SEARCH_OPEN), 'Ope&n' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'U' for menu ID_MENU_MDTHESMGRWND_TOOLBAR, entry 46146 (ID_MDTHESMGRWND_UP), '&Up' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'n' for menu ID_MENU_MDTHESMGRWND_TOOLBAR, entry 46173 (ID_MDTHESMGRWND_SEARCH_OPEN), 'Ope&n' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'p' for menu ID_MENU_MDTHESMGRWND_TOOLBAR, entry 46148 (ID_MDTHESMGRWND_IMPORTEXPORT), 'Im&port && Export' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'P' for menu ID_MENU_VERSION_PANEL_CONTEXT, entry 46235 (ID_VERSION_PANEL_SHOWVISUALPROXY), 'Show Visual &Proxy' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'G' for menu ID_MENU_VIEWER, entry 46294 (ID_VIEWER_GOTO_ORIGIN_SCOPE), '&Goto file' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey for menu ID_MENU_VIEWER, 40175 (), '&Label' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [0B48] 02 I> Installation verification successful: 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [0B48] 00 I> 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMatch2023x64.exe' [23.9.2] c(10.07.2023,12:08:47), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:08:20) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imengine6x64.dll' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:06:24) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imlib6x64.dll' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:06:40) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imgui6x64.dll' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:06:32) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptpif6x64.dll' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:07:20) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imsq6x64.dll' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:06:56) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptresmgr6x64.dll' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:07:28) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptpicore6x64.dll' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:59), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:07:12) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imanno6x64.dll' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:06:16) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptvision6x64.dll' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:07:36) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptgeo6x64.dll' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:07:04) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptspell6x64.dll' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:07:44) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imws6x64.dll' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:07:52) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imservices6x64.dll' [no version info] c(06.11.2023,12:05:20), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:06:48) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imtlux64.dll' [no version info] c(30.04.2022,16:28:59), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,15:26:14) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptdebug.exe' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:08:36) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMPackAndGo.exe' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:08:28) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMatchChromiumHelper.exe' [23.9.2] c(30.04.2022,16:28:58), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:08:52) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\POLYIMAGEPRO64.DLL' [1.0.5] c(30.04.2022,16:28:59), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(26.06.2017,18:41:02) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe' [12.8.4] c(30.04.2022,16:28:59), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.05.2024,17:08:56) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\exif2xmp.args' [no version info] c(08.05.2024,13:51:41), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(07.04.2022,19:27:30) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\iptc2xmp.args' [no version info] c(08.05.2024,13:51:41), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(03.05.2017,14:35:28) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\pdf2xmp.args' [no version info] c(08.05.2024,13:51:41), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(03.05.2017,14:35:28) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\gps2xmp.args' [no version info] c(08.05.2024,13:51:41), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(02.06.2018,14:56:22) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\xmp2exif.args' [no version info] c(08.05.2024,13:51:41), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(09.02.2023,15:32:38) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\xmp2iptc.args' [no version info] c(08.05.2024,13:51:41), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(04.12.2019,22:25:54) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\xmp2pdf.args' [no version info] c(08.05.2024,13:51:41), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(03.05.2017,14:35:28) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\xmp2gps.args' [no version info] c(08.05.2024,13:51:41), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(02.06.2018,14:56:22) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ffmpeg.exe' [no version info] c(22.01.2024,8:47:45), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(11.11.2023,8:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ffprobe.exe' [no version info] c(22.01.2024,8:47:45), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(11.11.2023,8:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avcodec-60.dll' [60.31.102] c(22.01.2024,8:47:45), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(11.11.2023,8:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avdevice-60.dll' [60.3.100] c(22.01.2024,8:47:46), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(11.11.2023,8:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avfilter-9.dll' [9.12.100] c(22.01.2024,8:47:46), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(11.11.2023,8:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avformat-60.dll' [60.16.100] c(22.01.2024,8:47:47), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(11.11.2023,8:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avutil-58.dll' [58.29.100] c(22.01.2024,8:47:48), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(11.11.2023,8:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\postproc-57.dll' [57.3.100] c(22.01.2024,8:47:48), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(11.11.2023,8:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\swresample-4.dll' [4.12.100] c(22.01.2024,8:47:48), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(11.11.2023,8:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\swscale-7.dll' [7.5.100] c(22.01.2024,8:47:48), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(11.11.2023,8:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\xpdf\pdftopng.exe' [no version info] c(08.05.2024,13:51:50), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(28.01.2021,0:23:54) 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml6.dll' [6.30.23396] c(15.05.2024,9:54:47), a(30.05.2024,14:07:00), m(15.05.2024,9:54:47) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMatch2023x64.exe' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imengine6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imlib6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imgui6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptpif6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imsq6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptresmgr6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptpicore6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imanno6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptvision6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptgeo6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptspell6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imws6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imservices6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imtlux64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptdebug.exe' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMPackAndGo.exe' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMatchChromiumHelper.exe' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\POLYIMAGEPRO64.DLL' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ffmpeg.exe' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ffprobe.exe' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avcodec-60.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avdevice-60.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avfilter-9.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avformat-60.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avutil-58.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\postproc-57.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\swresample-4.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\swscale-7.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\xpdf\pdftopng.exe' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\msxml6.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'G' for menu ID_MENU_VIEWER_THUMBS, entry 46294 (ID_VIEWER_GOTO_ORIGIN_SCOPE), '&Goto file' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'A' for menu ID_MENU_VIEWER_ANNOOBJECT, entry 46276 (ID_VIEWER_SHOW_ANNOTATIONS), 'Toggle &Annotations Panel' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'l' for menu ID_RESULT_WINDOW_TAB, entry 45198 (ID_RESULT_CLOSEALLBUTTHIS), 'Close al&l but this' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey '2' for menu ID_MENU_QUICKVIEW, entry 46361 (ID_QUICKVIEW_ZOOM_25), 'Zoom to &25%' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey '1' for menu ID_MENU_QUICKVIEW, entry 46362 (ID_QUICKVIEW_ZOOM_10), 'Zoom to &10%' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'l' for menu ID_MENU_QUICKVIEW, entry 46260 (ID_VIEWER_ZOOM_ALLOW_GROW), 'En&large smaller images' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'l' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT, entry 46448 (ID_PRINTUI_TEMPLATE_DELETE), 'De&lete Document Template...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'S' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_EDITOR_TB, entry 46447 (ID_PRINTUI_TEMPLATE_SAVEAS), '&Save Document Template as...' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'C' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_EDITOR_TB, entry 46500 (ID_PRINTUI_DESIGN_CLONE_PAGE), '&Clone Page' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'r' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_EDITOR_TB, entry 46470 (ID_PRINTUI_PREVIEW_PAGE_PREV), 'P&revious Page' 05.30 14:07:00+ 16 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'e' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_EDITOR_TB, entry 46471 (ID_PRINTUI_PREVIEW_PAGE_NEXT), 'N&ext Page' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'd' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_EDITOR_TB, entry 46504 (ID_PRINTUI_DESIGN_CONTAINER_ADD), 'Ad&d Container' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'o' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_EDITOR_TB, entry 46514 (ID_PRINTUI_DESIGN_CONTAINER_ZORDER_UP), 'Bring f&orward' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'o' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_EDITOR_TB, entry 46516 (ID_PRINTUI_DESIGN_CONTAINER_ZORDER_TOP), 'Bring to t&op' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'l' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_EDITOR_TB, entry 46505 (ID_PRINTUI_DESIGN_CONTAINER_DELETE), 'De&lete Container' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'o' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_PREVIEW_TB, entry 46465 (ID_PRINTUI_PREVIEW_SOFTPROOF), 'S&oft Proofing' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'r' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_PREVIEW_TB, entry 46470 (ID_PRINTUI_PREVIEW_PAGE_PREV), 'P&revious Page' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'r' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_PREVIEW_NAV_PREV, entry 46468 (ID_PRINTUI_PREVIEW_PAGE_FIRST), 'Fi&rst Page' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'd' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_DESIGNER_EDITOR_CONTEXT, entry 46510 (ID_PRINTUI_DESIGN_CONTAINER_DATASOURCE), 'Set &data source' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'l' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_DESIGNER_EDITOR_CONTEXT, entry 46505 (ID_PRINTUI_DESIGN_CONTAINER_DELETE), 'De&lete Container' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> Duplicate hotkey 'P' for menu IDM_PRINTUI_DESIGNER_EDITOR_CONTEXT, entry 46520 (ID_PRINTUI_DESIGN_CONTAINER_EDIT_PROPERTIES), 'Edit &Properties' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [47ms] PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadMenus 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Mapping command bitmaps 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadStrings 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1347)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadStrings 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadMessages 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1390)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 15 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [15ms] PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadMessages 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadDialogs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1536)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadDialogs 05.30 14:07:00+ 16 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadProperties 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1740)' 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadProperties 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [250ms] PTRMLoaderJSON::Load 05.30 14:07:00+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [250ms] PTResManager::Load 05.30 14:07:00+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMResManager::RegisterCommandIcons 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMResManager.cpp(1576)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 2782 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [2782ms] CIMResManager::RegisterCommandIcons 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [3047ms] CIMResManager::Load 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loaded application resources from C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\imatchres.json 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTResManager::LoadHelpMap 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTResManager.cpp(2631)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadHelpMap 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1847)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(64)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading resource file 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\imatchhelp_map.json'. 05.30 14:07:03+ 15 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [15ms] PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [15ms] PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadHelpMap 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [15ms] PTResManager::LoadHelpMap 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMCommandPalette::LoadCommands 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMCommandPalette.cpp(405)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMCommandPalette::LoadCommands 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMResManager::RegisterMarkupBitmaps 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMResManager.cpp(789)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMResManager::RegisterMarkupBitmaps 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTAnnoRessourceManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imanno\PTAnnoRessourceManager.cpp(198)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTAnnoRessourceManager::LoadXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imanno\PTAnnoRessourceManager.cpp(232)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> PTAnnoRessourceManager: Loading C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\annotations\imatch_anno.imad 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTAnnoRessourceManager::LoadStickers 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imanno\PTAnnoRessourceManager.cpp(276)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTAnnoRessourceManager::LoadStickers 05.30 14:07:03+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTAnnoRessourceManager::LoadShapes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imanno\PTAnnoRessourceManager.cpp(353)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTAnnoRessourceManager::LoadShapes 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTAnnoRessourceManager::LoadXML 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTAnnoRessourceManager::LoadXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imanno\PTAnnoRessourceManager.cpp(232)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> PTAnnoRessourceManager: Loading C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\annotations\my_logo.imad 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTAnnoRessourceManager::LoadStickers 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imanno\PTAnnoRessourceManager.cpp(276)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTAnnoRessourceManager::LoadStickers 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTAnnoRessourceManager::LoadShapes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imanno\PTAnnoRessourceManager.cpp(353)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTAnnoRessourceManager::LoadShapes 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTAnnoRessourceManager::LoadXML 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTAnnoRessourceManager::Load 05.30 14:07:03+ 15 [24F4] 00 I> Application settings initialized 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Windows Text Scaling applied with 1,00. 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Opening tdb in C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imatch.tdb 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 ptc_telemetry::CPTCTelemetry::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\PTCTelemetry.cpp(75)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 ptc_telemetry::CPTCTelemetry::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\PTCTelemetry.cpp(186)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 ptc_telemetry::CPTCTelemetry::Close 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3880)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(4522)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3853)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 0 instances. Max instances: 0 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::Close 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Database 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imatch.tdb' for thread 24F4 (9460) shared cache 1 Writable. 05.30 14:07:03+ 16 [24F4] 02 I> Database file has 0,09 MB 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::Open 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 ptc_telemetry::CPTCTelemetry::Purge 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\PTCTelemetry.cpp(207)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 ptc_telemetry::CPTCTelemetry::Purge 05.30 14:07:03+ 15 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [31ms] ptc_telemetry::CPTCTelemetry::Open 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> 2023.9.2 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Process DPI-aware: 1 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> List of folders used by IMatch 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Personal Folder: C:\Users\mosdu\AppData\Roaming\photools.com\IMatch6\ 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> User Documents Folder: C:\Users\mosdu\OneDrive\Documents\ 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Common Images Folder: C:\Users\mosdu\OneDrive\Pictures\ 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Common AppData Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\ 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Common Config Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\ 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Common Resource Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\ 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Common Presets Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\Presets\ 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> PlugIn Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\plugins\ 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Webroot Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\ 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> IMWS Resource Base Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\IMWS 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Experimental features enabled: 0 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CAppVariables::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\appvariables.cpp(51)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CAppVariables::Load 05.30 14:07:03+ 16 [24F4] 00 I> Application variables loaded 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Starting plug-in manager 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading plug-ins from folder 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\plugins\' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystem::PTFileSystem 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystem.cpp(103)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystem::PTFileSystem 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Plug-in: C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\plugins\ptpimm6x64.impi 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Plug-in: C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\plugins\ptpipip6x64.impi 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Processing configuration file 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\plugins\ptpiconfig.xml' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::CheckWICStatus 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(633)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 16 [24F4] 02 I> WIC codecs installed for these formats: .3FR;.ARI;.ARW;.AVCI;.AVCS;.AVIF;.AVIFS;.BAY;.BMP;.CAP;.CR2;.CR3;.CRW;.CUR;.DCR;.DCS;.DDS;.DIB;.DNG;.DRF;.EIP;.ERF;.EXIF;.FFF;.GIF;.HEIC;.HEICS;.HEIF;.HEIFS;.HIF;.ICO;.ICON;.IIP;.IIQ;.JFIF;.JPE;.JPEG;.JPG;.JXR;.K25;.KDC;.MEF;.MOS;.MRW;.NEF;.NRW;.ORF;.ORI;.PEF;.PNG;.PTX;.PXN;.RAF;.RAW;.RLE;.RW2;.RWL;.SR2;.SRF;.SRW;.TIF;.TIFF;.WDP;.WEBP;.X3F 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> No codec for: 7Z,AFDESIGN,AFPHOTO,AFPUBL,AQUAS,AUDIO,AWD,AZW,BLENDER,CALS,CAM,CGM,CLIP,CODE,COR,CRM,DCX,DJVU,DPX,DXF,EPUB,EXR,FAX,FITS,FLAC,FLASH,FPIX,GIMP,GOOSU,GPR,GZIP,IFF,INDESIGN,JBIG,JPEG 2000,JPGXL,LTCMP,LUMINAR,LYTRO,MBM,MCI,MOBI,MP3,MPO,MRSID,ODF,OFFICE,ONPHOTO,PAGEM,PBM,PCX,PDF,PHOTOCD,PICT,PLD,PSP,QUARK,RAD,RAR,RAWZOR,RTF,SERIF,SFW,SGI,SINAR,SUN,SVG,TAR,TARGA,TEXT,THM,VCARD,VEC,WAP,WEB,WFX,WMF,XBM,XML,XPICMAP,XPM,XPS,ZIP 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Not using codec for: GIF,JPEG,PNG,PSD 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] PTPlugInManager::CheckWICStatus 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystem::~PTFileSystem 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystem.cpp(142)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystem::ClearIconCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystem.cpp(301)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystem::ClearIconCache 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystem::~PTFileSystem 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Creating database engine 05.30 14:07:03+ 15 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::Startup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(2414)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> ET executable at 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Engine Build: STANDARD 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Engine config folder at 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Engine model folder at 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\data\model\' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::Startup 05.30 14:07:03+ 110 [24F4] 02 I> Creating main frame 05.30 14:07:03+ 15 [24F4] 00 I> Desktop Resolution: 144 DPI 05.30 14:07:03+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CViewWndWelcome::OnCreate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndWelcome.cpp(181)' 05.30 14:07:03+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CViewWndWelcome::OnCreate 05.30 14:07:03+ 31 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMResManager::RegisterIcons 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMResManager.cpp(334)' 05.30 14:07:05+ 1266 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [1266ms] CIMResManager::RegisterIcons 05.30 14:07:05+ 62 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMResManager::TaskDialog 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMResManager.cpp(1292)' 05.30 14:07:05+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> PTR_MSG_LOGFILE_DEBUG_LOGGING 05.30 14:07:07+ 1938 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [1938ms] CIMResManager::TaskDialog 05.30 14:07:07+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystem::PTFileSystem 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystem.cpp(103)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystem::PTFileSystem 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CAppManager::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWS\AppManager.cpp(978)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Scanning folder C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\app-translator\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\appmanager\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\appspy\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\appwizard\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\attr-importer\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\auto-tagger\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\category-dashboard\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\copydata\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\csv-import\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\dyk-app\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\autofill\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\dashboard\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\events\event-editor\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\events\event-filter\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\events\timeline\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\fw-album\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\fw-gallery\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\im-feature-banner\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\im-feature-clipboard\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\im-feature-fav-hotkeys\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\mapapp\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\md-diff\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 15 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\people\face-manager\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\people\people-filter\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\people\people-organizer\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\people\people-view\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\people\person-editor\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\FEATURES\people\person-selector\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\file-finder\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\file-verifier\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\filedata\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\gif-app\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\html-report\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\imatch-notepad\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\imatch-translator\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\imws-doc\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\info-app\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\lr-importer\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\md-analyst\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\md-mechanic\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\news-app\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\notes\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\pinboard\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\recent\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\regexp-tester\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\statsapp\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\tag-info\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\time-wiz\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\updater\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\apps\vartoy\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\attributes\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\categories\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\clipboard\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\collections\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\dialogs\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\dragdrop\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\files\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\filewindow\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\filters\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\folders\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\globalvars\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\metadata\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\modal\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\process\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\processfiles\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\progressbar\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\relations\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\imatch\samples\stacks\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CAppManager: Reading app C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\user\my-app\app.json 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [79ms] CAppManager::Start 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSHolder::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWS\IMWSHolder.cpp(157)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSHolder::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWS\IMWSHolder.cpp(355)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServicesCW::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServicesCW.cpp(386)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> IMatch Web Services stopping... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(2549)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySessions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(2989)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySessions 05.30 14:07:07+ 15 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DetachDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(1852)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopping database event monitor... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopped. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DetachDatabase 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopping CW database event monitor... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopped. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopping session monitor... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopped. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Closing storage database... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Closing IMWS storage database... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMatchWebServices::Stop 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> IMatch Web Services stopped. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMatchWebServicesCW::Stop 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMWSHolder::Stop 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServicesCW::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServicesCW.cpp(166)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(1544)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServicesCW::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServicesCW.cpp(386)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> IMatch Web Services stopping... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(2549)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySessions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(2989)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMatchWebServices::DestroySessions 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DetachDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(1852)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopping database event monitor... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopped. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DetachDatabase 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopping CW database event monitor... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopped. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopping session monitor... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopped. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Closing storage database... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Closing IMWS storage database... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMatchWebServices::Stop 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> IMatch Web Services stopped. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMatchWebServicesCW::Stop 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Opening settings database 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imws-storage.db'. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(151)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Opening settings C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imws-storage.db [settings] 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3880)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(4522)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3853)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 15 [24F4] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 0 instances. Max instances: 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMSQLite::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Database 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imws-storage.db' for thread 24F4 (9460) shared cache 1 Writable. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Database file has 0,06 MB 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMSQLite::Open 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [31ms] PTSettingsStore::Open 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::TestIntegrity 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(298)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTSettingsStore::TestIntegrity 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(151)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Opening settings C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imws-storage.db [IMWS] 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3880)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(4522)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3853)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 0 instances. Max instances: 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Database 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imws-storage.db' for thread 24F4 (9460) shared cache 1 Writable. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Database file has 0,06 MB 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::Open 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] PTSettingsStore::Open 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Starting session monitor... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTLicenseManager::LoadCALs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\PTLicenseManager.cpp(924)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTLicenseManager::GetMachineData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\PTLicenseManager.cpp(215)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTLicenseManager::GetMachineData 05.30 14:07:07+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTLicenseManager::LoadCALs 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [78ms] CIMatchWebServices::Start 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> IMatch Web Services starting... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSServer::CIMWSServer 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSServer.cpp(347)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::SetupServiceMap 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(839)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::SetupServiceMap 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSServer::CIMWSServer 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServicesCW::InitWebSockets 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServicesCW.cpp(339)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServicesCW::InitWebSockets 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> IMatch Web Services running. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [78ms] CIMatchWebServicesCW::Start 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> IMatch WebServices listening on port 50519. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTWGet::Get 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptgeo\PTWGet.cpp(170)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTWGet::RetrieveFromNet 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptgeo\PTWGet.cpp(601)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTWGet::RetrieveFromNet 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTWGet::Get 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> IMWS test request succeeded. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [109ms] CIMWSHolder::Start 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Trees created 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> Command line processing completed 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Starting Import & Export Manager... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMIEManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMIEManager.cpp(231)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMIEManager::DestroyModules 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMIEManager.cpp(316)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMIEManager::DestroyModules 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMIEManager::Load 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Done 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Starting Task Manager 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Done, with 10 max. tasks 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchApp::InitHunspell 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMatch.cpp(4114)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTHunspell::ParseDictionaryFolder 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptspell\PTHunspell.cpp(701)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Adding dictionary 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\dictionaries\en_GB.dic' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Adding dictionary 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\dictionaries\en_US.dic' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTHunspell::ParseDictionaryFolder 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTHunspell::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptspell\PTHunspell.cpp(47)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTHunspell::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptspell\PTHunspell.cpp(165)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTHunspell::CustomDictionarySaveAllModified 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptspell\PTHunspell.cpp(560)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTHunspell::CustomDictionarySaveAllModified 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTHunspell::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 31 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [31ms] PTHunspell::Open 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTHunspell::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptspell\PTHunspell.cpp(47)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTHunspell::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptspell\PTHunspell.cpp(165)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTHunspell::CustomDictionarySaveAllModified 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptspell\PTHunspell.cpp(560)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTHunspell::CustomDictionarySaveAllModified 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTHunspell::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 31 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [31ms] PTHunspell::Open 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Spelling: Loaded dictionary from 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\dictionaries\en_GB.dic' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Spelling: Loading user dictionary from 'C:\Users\mosdu\AppData\Roaming\photools.com\IMatch6\dictionaries\user.dic' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTHunspell::CustomDictionaryLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptspell\PTHunspell.cpp(459)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTHunspell::CustomDictionaryUnload 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptspell\PTHunspell.cpp(543)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTHunspell::CustomDictionaryUnload 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTHunspell::CustomDictionaryLoad 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [62ms] CIMatchApp::InitHunspell 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWorkspace.cpp(371)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 05.30 14:07:07+ 31 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CAppManager::StartServiceApps 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWS\AppManager.cpp(2559)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CAppManager::StartServiceApps 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CMainFrame::LoadDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\MainFrm.cpp(6989)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 274MB, WSP: 274MB (NEW PEAK), PF: 1267645 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CMainFrame::CloseDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\MainFrm.cpp(7403)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CRenamer::LoadPresets 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\Renamer.cpp(443)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CRenamer::LoadPresets 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CRenamer::LoadGlobals 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\Renamer.cpp(483)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CRenamer::LoadGlobals 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSHolder::DetachDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWS\IMWSHolder.cpp(387)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DetachDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(1852)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 05 I> Stopping database event monitor... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopped. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMatchWebServices::DetachDatabase 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopping CW database event monitor... 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Stopped. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySessions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(2989)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySessions 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMWSHolder::DetachDatabase 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTClipboardManager::Clear 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTClipboardManager.cpp(59)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTClipboardManager::Clear 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTPrintQueue::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTPrintQueue.cpp(718)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTPrintQueue::Clear 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTPrintQueue.cpp(743)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTPrintQueue::Clear 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTPrintQueue::Stop 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CMainFrame::SwitchViews 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\MainFrm.cpp(4723)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CMainFrame::DestroyDBView 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\MainFrm.cpp(4700)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CMainFrame::DestroyDBView 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CMainFrame::SwitchViews 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(5178)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 46 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(777)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngineLockManager::Shutdown 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineLockManager.cpp(129)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMEngineLockManager::Shutdown 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(315)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSemaphore::UnlockFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSemaphore.cpp(134)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSemaphore::UnlockFile 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 S> #STS#: "engine.uptime " 0 0 0,00 "14:07:07" 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(777)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [62ms] CIMEngine5::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 31 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [125ms] CMainFrame::CloseDatabase 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::GetDBInformation 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(4890)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSemaphore::LockFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSemaphore.cpp(53)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSemaphore::LockFile 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSemaphore::UnlockFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSemaphore.cpp(134)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSemaphore::UnlockFile 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3880)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(4522)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3853)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 0 instances. Max instances: 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Database 'D:\IMatch_Database\IMatch Database Test.imd5' for thread 24F4 (9460) shared cache 0 Writable. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Database file has 101,66 MB 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 15 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 10 instances from 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMSQLite::Open 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(4522)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3853)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 10 instances. Max instances: 1 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> ++ Transaction Counter: 10 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> ++ Memory used: 0 / 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> ++ Page Cache used: 1 297 / 1 427 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> ++ Page Cache overflow: 0 / 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> ++ Page Cache maximum page size: 0 / 4 368 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> ++ Cache used: 61 515 / 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> ++ Statement Cache used: 0 / 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> ++ Cache Hits: 4 / 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> ++ Cache Misses: 14 / 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> ++ Cache Writes: 0 / 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMEngine5::GetDBInformation 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(3660)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(777)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(5178)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngineLockManager::Shutdown 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineLockManager.cpp(129)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMEngineLockManager::Shutdown 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(315)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSemaphore::UnlockFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSemaphore.cpp(134)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSemaphore::UnlockFile 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 S> #STS#: "engine.uptime " 0 0 0,00 "14:07:07" 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 31 [24F4] 02 I> Opening semaphore file for D:\IMatch_Database\IMatch Database Test.imd5 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSemaphore::LockFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSemaphore.cpp(53)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSemaphore::LockFile 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Semaphore successfully created. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3880)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(4522)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3853)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 0 instances. Max instances: 1 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::ReleaseInstancePool 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Database 'D:\IMatch_Database\IMatch Database Test.imd5' for thread 24F4 (9460) shared cache 0 Writable. 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 02 I> Database file has 101,66 MB 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 15 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 15 instances from 0 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMSQLite::Open 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::Attach 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(199)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Attaching settings [dbset] 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTSettingsStore::Attach 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::Attach 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(199)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Attaching settings [datastore] 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTSettingsStore::Attach 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> DB SOURCE-ID: '2024-03-12 11:06:23 d8cd6d49b46a395b13955387d05e9e1a2a47e54fb99f3c9b59835bbefad6af77' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Logging in user mosdu on machine DESKTOP-L9VTLMB 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::RemoveUserFormats 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(849)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTPlugInManager::RemoveUserFormats 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::GetUserFileFormats 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(12609)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::GetUserFileFormats 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::AddUserFormats 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(818)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::RemoveUserFormats 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(849)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTPlugInManager::RemoveUserFormats 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTPlugInManager::AddUserFormats 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::GetDisabledFormats 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(12925)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::GetDisabledFormats 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::GetDisabledAlphaChannelFormats 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(13002)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::GetDisabledAlphaChannelFormats 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loading catalog 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::Reset 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(344)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::Reset 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(912)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(1066)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::Reset 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(344)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::Reset 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 15 [10F0] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::LoadFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(551)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [3744] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::LoadFolders 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(603)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [3BB8] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::LoadGroups 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(648)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [10F0] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::LoadFiles 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [3744] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::ConnectChildren 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(4678)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [3BB8] 02 I> # Category memory usage: 0 MB and real 0 MB 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [3BB8] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::LoadGroups 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [3744] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::ConnectChildren 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [3744] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::LoadFolders 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Database Stats 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> 11 folders 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> 604 files 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> 367 categories 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> 0ms. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMCatalog::Open 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::PrecacheFileSystemDriveData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(4828)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::PrecacheFileSystemDriveData 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Done. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> GUID: 22675969-49EF-41A7-B4CD-5AA8CFB4FCB1 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMFileHistory::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFileHist.cpp(355)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMFileHistory::Purge 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFileHist.cpp(422)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> FileHistory: Purging selected entries before 30.04.2024 14:07:07 from database. 0 entries removed. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMFileHistory::Purge 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMFileHistory::Open 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::LoadMDOptions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(12695)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::LoadMDOptions 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Opening Metabase 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(1643)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTMetabaseMigrator::MigratePreLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseMigrator.cpp(55)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 PTMetabaseMigrator::MigratePreLoad 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::Open 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(1899)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::LoadMetaConfigFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase2.cpp(4228)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Opening SimpleDB 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTSimpleDB::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTSimpleDB.cpp(548)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTSimpleDB::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTSimpleDB.cpp(597)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::LoadMetaConfigFile 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::GetSystemInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(1449)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTSimpleDB::ClearDomainRefCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTSimpleDB.cpp(3084)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::GetSystemInfo 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTSimpleDB::ClearDomainRefCache 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [15ms] PTSimpleDB::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTSimpleDB::LoadDomains 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTSimpleDB.cpp(617)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTSimpleDB::ClearDomainRefCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTSimpleDB.cpp(3084)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTSimpleDB::ClearDomainRefCache 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 PTSimpleDB::LoadDomains 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [15ms] PTSimpleDB::Open 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Opening Cache Manager 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(479)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(546)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(580)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::StartupCheck 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(624)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [24F4] 00 I> Cache folder: E:\previewcache\22675969-49EF-41A7-B4CD-5AA8CFB4FCB1\ 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMCacheManager::StartupCheck 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::RemoveTempFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(647)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> Cleaning temporary cache folder E:\previewcache\22675969-49EF-41A7-B4CD-5AA8CFB4FCB1\temp\mosdu\ 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::RemoveTempFiles 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(677)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeCache 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMCacheManager::Open 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Waiting for metabase... 05.30 14:07:07+ 141 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::LoadMetaConfigFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase2.cpp(4228)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 15 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::LoadTagDef 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase2.cpp(4702)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::LoadTagDef 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabaseTagManager::LoadConfig 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseTagManager.cpp(326)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 78 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabaseTagManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseTagManager.cpp(132)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 16 [394C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabaseTagManager::Load 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 10 M> < 0 [94ms] PTMetabaseTagManager::LoadConfig 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::LoadSearchEngine 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase2.cpp(4788)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::LoadSearchEngine 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::LoadPropagation 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase2.cpp(4933)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::LoadPropagation 05.30 14:07:07+ 15 [394C] 10 M> < 0 [140ms] PTMetabase::LoadMetaConfigFile 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 02 I> Metabase: 1083 unsafe tags for write-back loaded. 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:07:07+ 0 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:07:08+ 344 [394C] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 394C, new process 175C). 05.30 14:07:08+ 375 [1C4C] 10 I> CIMCacheManager::UpdateStats in 0ms 05.30 14:07:08+ 16 [394C] 10 M> < 0 [735ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 10 M> < 0 [735ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:07:08+ 109 [394C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Version 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1746)' 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:07:08+ 109 [394C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::Version 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 02 I> Loading write-back file cache: 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 02 I> 500 files in cache. 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 00 S> #STS#: "metabase.loadtime " 0 0 0,00 "1265ms" 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabaseTagManager::GetARGExcludes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseTagManager.cpp(664)' 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabaseTagManager::GetARGExcludes 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 00 M> > 0 PTMetabaseMigrator::MigratePostLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseMigrator.cpp(80)' 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 00 M> < 0 PTMetabaseMigrator::MigratePostLoad 05.30 14:07:08+ 0 [394C] 10 M> < 0 [1265ms] PTMetabase::InnerLoad 05.30 14:07:09+ 860 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ProcessMachineConfig 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(4982)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ProcessMachineConfig 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Checking ET version 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::NeedsUpdate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(1532)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::NeedsUpdate 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::LoadLabelDefs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8243)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::LoadLabelDefs 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::LoadSortDefs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(11601)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::LoadSortDefs 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Opening Thesaurus 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2707)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::Clear 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(582)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::Clear 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2884)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::Clear 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(582)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::Clear 05.30 14:07:09+ 47 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTThesaurus::Load 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [62ms] PTThesaurus::Open 05.30 14:07:09+ 16 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTAutoFillService::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTAutoFillService.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 PTAutoFillService::Open 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Event Queue Monitor started 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(589)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(711)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Close 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::UpdateVerbCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(657)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> 0 entries cached. 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::UpdateVerbCache 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Open 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Relation Manager started 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMAnnoManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMAnnoManager.cpp(97)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMAnnoManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMAnnoManager.cpp(124)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMAnnoManager::Close 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMAnnoManager::Open 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Annotation Manager started 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(71)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(180)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::Close 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::Open 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> DataGroup Manager started 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMGeoLocationManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGeoLocation.cpp(202)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMGeoLocationManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGeoLocation.cpp(216)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMGeoLocationManager::Close 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMGeoLocationManager::Open 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Geolocation Manager started 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2202)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2490)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Close 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2594)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loaded collection '2' with 0 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2594)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 15 [24F4] 02 I> Loaded collection '4' with 0 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMCollectionManager::Load 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2594)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loaded collection '11' with 0 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2594)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loaded collection '12' with 0 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2594)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loaded collection '31' with 0 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2594)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loaded collection '32' with 0 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2594)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loaded collection '33' with 0 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2594)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 16 [24F4] 02 I> Loaded collection '51' with 0 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMCollectionManager::Load 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2594)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loaded collection '52' with 0 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2594)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Loaded collection '53' with 0 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Load 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMCollectionManager::Open 05.30 14:07:09+ 15 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMTimeline::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMTimeLine.cpp(440)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMTimeline::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMTimeLine.cpp(600)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMTimeline::Close 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 S> #STS#: "timeline.loadtime " 0 0 0,00 "0ms" 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 CIMTimeline::Open 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> FolderSweeper started 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMQueryManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(442)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMQueryManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(493)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 16 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMQueryManager::Close 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [16C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineFolderSweeper::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(46)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMQueryManager::Open 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Query Manager started 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [19FC] 10 M> > 0 CQMEQM::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(81)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(300)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(315)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(329)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Load 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Open 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpgradeDB 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(13173)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::UpgradeDB 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Opening Entity Manager 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTCEntityManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEntityManager.cpp(454)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTCEntityManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEntityManager.cpp(610)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 16 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTCEntityManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEntityManager.cpp(615)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTCEntityManager::Close 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTCEntityManager::Close 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTCEntityManager::ReadSchemas 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEntityManager.cpp(742)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTCEntityManager::ReadEntitySchema 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEntityManager.cpp(755)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTCEntityManager::ReadEntitySchema 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTCEntityManager::ReadSchemas 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] PTCEntityManager::Open 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Opening Edge Manager 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTCEdgeManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEdgeManager.cpp(384)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTCEdgeManager::ReadEdgeSchema 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEdgeManager.cpp(615)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [2354] 10 M> > 0 PTCEntityManagerDel::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEntityManager.cpp(216)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTCEdgeManager::ReadEdgeSchema 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTCEdgeManager::Open 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Opening Event Manager 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMEventManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEventManager.cpp(1100)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 15 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMEventManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEventManager.cpp(1130)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMEventManager::Close 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEventManager::Open 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Opening People Manager 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(1051)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(1103)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::Close 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [3BF0] 10 M> > 0 CEQLEventManager::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEventManager.cpp(303)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [2720] 10 M> > 0 CEQLPeopleManager::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(471)' 05.30 14:07:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(135)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 344 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [344ms] CIMFaceIndex::Open 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [344ms] CIMPeopleManager::Open 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Opening Family Manager 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTCFamilyManager::LoadRelationDefinititons 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCFamilyManager.cpp(965)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTCFamilyManager::LoadRelationDefinititons 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTCFamilyManager::LoadGraph 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCFamilyManager.cpp(159)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTCEntityManager::SelectEntities 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEntityManager.cpp(4008)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTCEntityManager::SelectEntities 05.30 14:07:10+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTCFamilyManager::CalculateGraph 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCFamilyManager.cpp(257)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTCFamilyManager::CreateInboundEdges 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCFamilyManager.cpp(274)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTCFamilyManager::CreateInboundEdges 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTCFamilyManager::CalculateGraph 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTCFamilyManager::LoadGraph 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Opening Media Bookmark Manager 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMMediaBookmarkManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMMediaBookmarkManager.cpp(215)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMMediaBookmarkManager::Migrate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMMediaBookmarkManager.cpp(256)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMMediaBookmarkManager::Migrate 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMMediaBookmarkManager::Open 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTCEntityManager::Migrate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEntityManager.cpp(628)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTCEntityManager::Migrate 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::Migrate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(1135)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::Migrate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(194)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::Migrate 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(155)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMFaceIndex::Close 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::Migrate 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEventManager::Migrate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEventManager.cpp(1148)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEventManager::Migrate 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 PTCEdgeManager::Migrate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEdgeManager.cpp(439)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 PTCEdgeManager::Migrate 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ValidateFavoriteSets 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(12379)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ValidateFavoriteSet 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(12421)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ValidateFavoriteSet 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ValidateFavoriteSet 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(12421)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ValidateFavoriteSet 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ValidateFavoriteSet 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(12421)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ValidateFavoriteSet 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ValidateFavoriteSet 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(12421)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ValidateFavoriteSet 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ValidateFavoriteSets 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:07:10+ 16 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(654)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Load 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngineLockManager::Startup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineLockManager.cpp(121)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMEngineLockManager::Startup 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2669)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3099)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Stop 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::FillEntryCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2578)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::FillEntryCache 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> UpdQueue: 15 core threads, 8 metaread threads, max. 15 face index threads, 15 recluster threads. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4E6C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRelMan::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2021)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [1FD0] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2628] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [1D08] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 15 [4CBC] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [09BC] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4ACC] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [1FE0] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2B0C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2438] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [26C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0678] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0B58] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2EF8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [21F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateMeta::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(1376)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateMeta::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(1376)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateMeta::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(1376)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateMeta::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(1376)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateMeta::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(1376)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 16 [2768] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateMeta::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(1376)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateMeta::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(1376)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateMeta::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(1376)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3B9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2B88] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [32CC] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [1C30] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4440] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3758] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4D54] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [46BC] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2E00] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4F5C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2440] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2FF4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [1024] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [080C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4AC4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateFaceIndex::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueFaceIndex.cpp(45)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 15 [2130] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2AFC] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2270] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2170] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [145C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0D0C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [12D0] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4F4C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [21D0] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateCore::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(267)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4974] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4F00] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2A48] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [1E70] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [37DC] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueueDelegateRecluster::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueueRecluster.cpp(57)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 I> UpdQueue: UpdCounter 0. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [46ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Start 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue started 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 16 [4A54] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4A54] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 16 [158C] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 15 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [19C0] 50 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::CountUnconfirmedFaces 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1080)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::CountUnconfirmedFaces 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(777)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::StartPerformanceMonitor 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(4849)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 16 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::StartPerformanceMonitor 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> GUID: 22675969-49EF-41A7-B4CD-5AA8CFB4FCB1 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 00 S> #STS#: "engine.loadtime " 0 0 0,00 "2985ms" 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [2985ms] CIMEngine5::Open 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSHolder::AttachDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWS\IMWSHolder.cpp(371)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::AttachDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(1779)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::LoadMDSearchTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(1711)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::LoadMDSearchTags 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Starting caches... 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSIDListCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSIDListCache.cpp(49)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSIDListCache::Start 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Cache [0] started in 0ms. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMWSImageCache::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSImageCache.cpp(371)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> ImageCache Stats: checked: 0, created: 0 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMWSImageCache::Stop 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSImageCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSImageCache.cpp(198)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> IMWS Cache Root Folder: E:\previewcache\IMWS\22675969-49EF-41A7-B4CD-5AA8CFB4FCB1\ 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMWSImageCache::WICEnum 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSImageCache.cpp(2169)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 15 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'BMP Decoder' for extensions '.bmp,.dib,.rle' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'GIF Decoder' for extensions '.gif' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'ICO Decoder' for extensions '.ico,.icon' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'CUR Decoder' for extensions '.cur' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'JPEG Decoder' for extensions '.jpeg,.jpe,.jpg,.jfif,.exif' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'PNG Decoder' for extensions '.png' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'TIFF Decoder' for extensions '.tiff,.tif' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'DNG Decoder' for extensions '.dng' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'WMPhoto Decoder' for extensions '.wdp,.jxr' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'DDS Decoder' for extensions '.dds' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Microsoft HEIF Decoder' for extensions '.heic,.heif,.hif,.avci,.heics,.heifs,.avcs,.avif,.avifs' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Microsoft Webp Decoder' for extensions '.webp' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Nikon .NRW Raw File Decoder' for extensions '.nrw' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Microsoft Raw Image Decoder' for extensions '.3FR,.ARI,.ARW,.BAY,.CAP,.CR2,.CR3,.CRW,.DCS,.DCR,.DRF,.EIP,.ERF,.FFF,.IIQ,.K25,.KDC,.MEF,.MOS,.MRW,.NEF,.NRW,.ORF,.ORI,.PEF,.PTX,.PXN,.RAF,.RAW,.RW2,.RWL,.SR2,.SRF,.SRW,.X3F,.DNG' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Microsoft Camera Raw Decoder' for extensions '.ARW,.CR2,.CRW,.ERF,.KDC,.MRW,.NEF,.NRW,.ORF,.PEF,.RAF,.RAW,.RW2,.RWL,.SR2,.SRW,.DNG' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Phase One Image Decoder 2' for extensions '.TIFF,.TIF,.IIQ,.IIP,.EIP,.MOS' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'FUJIFILM .RAF Raw File Decoder' for extensions '.raf' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMWSImageCache::WICEnum 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2A44] 05 I> Database prefetch of 101 MB in 31ms. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [4E70] 05 M> > 0 CIMEnginePerformanceMonitor::DiskUtilizationThread 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEnginePerformanceMonitor.cpp(404)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 31 [282C] 05 M> > 0 CIMEnginePerformanceMonitor::CoreThread 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEnginePerformanceMonitor.cpp(245)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 250 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [296ms] CIMWSImageCache::Start 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Cache [1] started in 296ms. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSFolderCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSFolderCache.cpp(53)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSFolderCache::Start 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Cache [2] started in 0ms. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSCategoryCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSCategoryCache.cpp(47)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSCategoryCache::Start 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Cache [3] started in 0ms. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSKeywordCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSKeywordCache.cpp(49)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSKeywordCache::Start 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Cache [4] started in 0ms. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSRelationCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSRelCache.cpp(47)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSRelationCache::Start 05.30 14:07:10+ 16 [24F4] 05 I> Cache [5] started in 16ms. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSGroupCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSGroupCache.cpp(152)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSGroupCache::Start 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Cache [6] started in 0ms. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSFileNameCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSFileNameCache.cpp(48)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSFileNameCache::Start 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Cache [7] started in 0ms. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSGPSCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSGPSCache.cpp(42)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSGPSCache::Start 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Cache [8] started in 0ms. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSTagCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSTagCache.cpp(97)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSTagCache::Start 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Cache [9] started in 0ms. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> Caches started in 312ms. 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Starting database event monitor... 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2870] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSTagCache::LoadGroups 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSTagCache.cpp(131)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [312ms] CIMatchWebServices::AttachDatabase 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 I> Starting CW database event monitor... 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [2870] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSTagCache::LoadGroups 05.30 14:07:10+ 16 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [328ms] CIMWSHolder::AttachDatabase 05.30 14:07:10+ 15 [2870] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSTagCache::LoadTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSTagCache.cpp(167)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMResManager::RegisterLabelBitmaps 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMResManager.cpp(508)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 47 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMResManager::RegisterLabelBitmaps 05.30 14:07:10+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CDBFolderTree::InnerLoadFromDB 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\DBFolderTree.cpp(361)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CDBFolderTree::InnerLoadFromDB 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CDBGroupTree::LoadFromDB 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\DBGroupTree.cpp(766)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::GetTopLevelGroups 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10067)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::GetTopLevelGroups 05.30 14:07:10+ 62 [3BF0] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [62ms] CDBGroupTree::LoadFromDB 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3BF0] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CMainFrame::SwitchViews 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\MainFrm.cpp(4723)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3BF0] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CMainFrame::DestroyDBView 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\MainFrm.cpp(4700)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3BF0] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CMainFrame::DestroyDBView 05.30 14:07:10+ 16 [3BF0] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3BF0] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3BF0] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3BF0] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3BF0] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3BF0] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3BF0] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3BF0] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3BF0] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [3BF0] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CMainFrame::LoadWorkspaces 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\MainFrm.cpp(8225)' 05.30 14:07:10+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CMainFrame::LoadWorkspaces 05.30 14:07:11+ 31 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CViewWndDatabase::OnCreate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndDatabase.cpp(471)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 94 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [94ms] CViewWndDatabase::OnCreate 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CViewWndDatabase::Split 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndDatabase.cpp(1289)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CViewWndDatabaseClient::OnCreate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndDatabaseClient.cpp(616)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 62 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMQueryManager::GetQueries 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(2780)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMQueryManager::GetQueries 05.30 14:07:11+ 31 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWorkspace.cpp(371)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [2870] 05 M> < 0 [406ms] CIMWSTagCache::LoadTags 05.30 14:07:11+ 125 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavContainerWnd::GetWorkspaceFavSets 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavContainerWnd.cpp(573)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMFavContainerWnd::GetWorkspaceFavSets 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::Reload 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(5270)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileWnd::Reload 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWndBase::ApplyFind 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWndBase.cpp(1485)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileWndBase::ApplyFind 05.30 14:07:11+ 31 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CDBTreeWndTreeCtrl::SwitchFolderThumbs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\DBTreeWndTreeCtrl.cpp(2113)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CDBTreeWndTreeCtrl::SwitchFolderThumbs 05.30 14:07:11+ 15 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWorkspace.cpp(371)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CDBTreeWnd::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\DBTreeWnd.cpp(481)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CDBTreeWnd::LoadLayout 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CDBTreeWndTreeCtrl::Refresh 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\DBTreeWndTreeCtrl.cpp(2922)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTFileSystem::InvalidateCaches 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystem.cpp(536)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTFileSystem::InvalidateCaches 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CDBFolderTree::InnerLoadFromDB 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\DBFolderTree.cpp(361)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CDBFolderTree::InnerLoadFromDB 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CDBTreeWndTreeCtrl::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\DBTreeWndTreeCtrl.cpp(1062)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CDBTreeWndTreeCtrl::Load 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CDBTreeWndTreeCtrl::Refresh 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CDBTreeWnd::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\DBTreeWnd.cpp(481)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CDBTreeWnd::LoadLayout 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWorkspace.cpp(371)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 05.30 14:07:11+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMQueryManager::GetQueries 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(2780)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMQueryManager::GetQueries 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMQueryManager::GetQueries 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(2780)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMQueryManager::GetQueries 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMQueryManager::GetQueries 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(2780)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMQueryManager::GetQueries 05.30 14:07:11+ 31 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWorkspace.cpp(371)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 05.30 14:07:11+ 109 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavContainerWnd::GetWorkspaceFavSets 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavContainerWnd.cpp(573)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMFavContainerWnd::GetWorkspaceFavSets 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::Reload 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(5270)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileWnd::Reload 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWndBase::ApplyFind 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWndBase.cpp(1485)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileWndBase::ApplyFind 05.30 14:07:11+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMQueryManager::GetQueries 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(2780)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMQueryManager::GetQueries 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMQueryManager::GetQueries 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(2780)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMQueryManager::GetQueries 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [578ms] CViewWndDatabaseClient::OnCreate 05.30 14:07:11+ 125 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CViewWndDatabase::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndDatabase.cpp(1172)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 15 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWorkspace.cpp(371)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 32 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CViewWndDatabase::SetViewerMode 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndDatabase.cpp(3466)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 46 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CViewWndDatabase::DestroyViewerWnd 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndDatabase.cpp(3425)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CViewWndDatabase::DestroyViewerWnd 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [46ms] CViewWndDatabase::SetViewerMode 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [93ms] CViewWndDatabase::LoadLayout 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [812ms] CViewWndDatabase::Split 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [953ms] CMainFrame::SwitchViews 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTFutureManager::AddFuture 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFuture.cpp(451)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTFutureManager::AddFuture 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [0390] 50 M> > 0 PTFutureManager::GetWorker 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFuture.cpp(585)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [0390] 50 M> < 0 PTFutureManager::GetWorker 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavIconCache::LoadFavIconsInDatabaseAsync 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavIconCache.cpp(82)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 02 I> PTFutureManager 'IMatch': Future 'TelFuDatabase' running. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CIMFavIconCache: processing fav set 'Favorites'. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [4404] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CIMFavIconCache: processing fav set 'Folder History'. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CIMFavIconCache: processing fav set 'Category History'. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CIMFavIconCache: processing fav set 'Applications'. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CIMFavIconCache: enqueuing fav 'Adobe Photoshop 2023' with link 'C:\Users\mosdu\AppData\Roaming\photools.com\IMatch6\Adobe Photoshop 2023.lnk'. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CIMFavIconCache: enqueuing fav 'Adobe Photoshop CS6' with link 'C:\Users\mosdu\AppData\Roaming\photools.com\IMatch6\Adobe Photoshop CS6.lnk'. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CIMFavIconCache: enqueuing fav 'Windows Photo Viewer' with link 'C:\Users\mosdu\AppData\Roaming\photools.com\IMatch6\Windows Photo Viewer.lnk'. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [1CC4] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavIconCache::LoadAndCacheIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavIconCache.cpp(143)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::GetGroups 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10049)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [2220] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavIconCache::LoadAndCacheIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavIconCache.cpp(143)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CIMFavIconCache: enqueuing fav 'SIGMA Photo Pro 6' with link 'C:\Users\mosdu\AppData\Roaming\photools.com\IMatch6\SIGMA Photo Pro 6.lnk'. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [0630] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavIconCache::LoadAndCacheIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavIconCache.cpp(143)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [1CC4] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavIconCache::LoadShellIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavIconCache.cpp(182)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::GetGroups 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [2220] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavIconCache::LoadShellIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavIconCache.cpp(182)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> CIMFavIconCache: enqueuing fav 'Adobe Acrobat DC' with link 'C:\Users\mosdu\AppData\Roaming\photools.com\IMatch6\Adobe Acrobat DC.lnk'. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [36D8] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavIconCache::LoadAndCacheIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavIconCache.cpp(143)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [0630] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavIconCache::LoadShellIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavIconCache.cpp(182)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 50 M> > 0 PTFutureManager::ReleaseWorker 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFuture.cpp(636)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMFavIconCache::LoadFavIconsInDatabaseAsync 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [459C] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavIconCache::LoadAndCacheIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavIconCache.cpp(143)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 15 [36D8] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavIconCache::LoadShellIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavIconCache.cpp(182)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [4404] 50 M> < 0 PTFutureManager::ReleaseWorker 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [459C] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavIconCache::LoadShellIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavIconCache.cpp(182)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTPrintQueue::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTPrintQueue.cpp(693)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTPrintQueue::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTPrintQueue.cpp(718)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTPrintQueue::Clear 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTPrintQueue.cpp(743)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTPrintQueue::Clear 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTPrintQueue::Stop 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTPrintQueue::Start 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 00 I> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 874MB, WSP: 924MB (NEW PEAK), PF: 1506288 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [3D68] 10 M> > 0 PTPrinter::ListPrinters 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTPrinter.cpp(94)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMCommandPalette::LoadCommands 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMCommandPalette.cpp(405)' 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [3D68] 10 I> Enumerating 5 printers. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [3D68] 10 I> OneNote for Windows 10 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [3D68] 10 I> OneNote (Desktop) 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [3D68] 10 I> Microsoft XPS Document Writer 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMCommandPalette::LoadCommands 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [3D68] 10 I> Microsoft Print to PDF 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [3D68] 10 I> Fax 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [3D68] 10 M> < 0 PTPrinter::ListPrinters 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [4625ms] CMainFrame::LoadDatabase 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [11656ms #sl] CIMatchApp::InitInstance 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [2220] 10 I> CIMFavIconCache: shell icon for fav ['Applications'] 'Adobe Photoshop CS6' '2E263D2B-B18A-4DCD-B2B4-B7885BB88EF7' loaded successfully. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [2220] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMFavIconCache::LoadShellIcon 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [2220] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMFavIconCache::LoadAndCacheIcon 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [0630] 10 I> CIMFavIconCache: shell icon for fav ['Applications'] 'Windows Photo Viewer' '011E7E38-0C53-4150-9B4E-D882FB1A0D97' loaded successfully. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [0630] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMFavIconCache::LoadShellIcon 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [0630] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMFavIconCache::LoadAndCacheIcon 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [1CC4] 10 I> CIMFavIconCache: shell icon for fav ['Applications'] 'Adobe Photoshop 2023' '22AEE887-8B5B-45C3-9570-0827F379F6F6' loaded successfully. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [1CC4] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMFavIconCache::LoadShellIcon 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [1CC4] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMFavIconCache::LoadAndCacheIcon 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [36D8] 10 I> CIMFavIconCache: shell icon for fav ['Applications'] 'SIGMA Photo Pro 6' '97A48AB2-1EFE-4B3B-878D-DF884A7AD3DE' loaded successfully. 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [36D8] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMFavIconCache::LoadShellIcon 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [36D8] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMFavIconCache::LoadAndCacheIcon 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [459C] 10 I> CIMFavIconCache: shell icon for fav ['Applications'] 'Adobe Acrobat DC' 'AC676B39-AEC6-4CEA-AC81-AC37E7914240' loaded successfully. 05.30 14:07:11+ 16 [459C] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMFavIconCache::LoadShellIcon 05.30 14:07:11+ 0 [459C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMFavIconCache::LoadAndCacheIcon 05.30 14:07:12+ 62 [24F4] 02 I> FileWnd: icon loaded/updated for favorite '2E263D2B-B18A-4DCD-B2B4-B7885BB88EF7' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> FileWnd: icon loaded/updated for favorite '2E263D2B-B18A-4DCD-B2B4-B7885BB88EF7' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> FileWnd: icon loaded/updated for favorite '011E7E38-0C53-4150-9B4E-D882FB1A0D97' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> FileWnd: icon loaded/updated for favorite '011E7E38-0C53-4150-9B4E-D882FB1A0D97' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> FileWnd: icon loaded/updated for favorite '22AEE887-8B5B-45C3-9570-0827F379F6F6' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> FileWnd: icon loaded/updated for favorite '22AEE887-8B5B-45C3-9570-0827F379F6F6' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> FileWnd: icon loaded/updated for favorite '97A48AB2-1EFE-4B3B-878D-DF884A7AD3DE' 05.30 14:07:12+ 16 [24F4] 02 I> FileWnd: icon loaded/updated for favorite '97A48AB2-1EFE-4B3B-878D-DF884A7AD3DE' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> FileWnd: icon loaded/updated for favorite 'AC676B39-AEC6-4CEA-AC81-AC37E7914240' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> FileWnd: icon loaded/updated for favorite 'AC676B39-AEC6-4CEA-AC81-AC37E7914240' 05.30 14:07:12+ 250 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CViewWndClientFolders::ReloadFileWnd 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndClientFolders.cpp(648)' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::LoadGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(5537)' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::Clear 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(1582)' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileWnd::Clear 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::InnerLoadGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(5330)' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:07:12+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTFileWnd::InnerLoadGroup 05.30 14:07:12+ 250 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [265ms] PTFileWnd::LoadGroup 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [265ms] CViewWndClientFolders::ReloadFileWnd 05.30 14:07:12+ 63 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTFutureManager::AddFuture 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFuture.cpp(451)' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTFutureManager::AddFuture 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [0390] 50 M> > 0 PTFutureManager::GetWorker 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFuture.cpp(585)' 05.30 14:07:12+ 15 [0390] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTFutureManager::GetWorker 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [4404] 02 I> PTFutureManager 'IMatch': Future 'FW-Assoc' running. 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [4404] 50 M> > 0 PTFutureManager::ReleaseWorker 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFuture.cpp(636)' 05.30 14:07:12+ 0 [4404] 50 M> < 0 PTFutureManager::ReleaseWorker 05.30 14:07:14+ 1907 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavContainerWnd::GetWorkspaceFavSets 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavContainerWnd.cpp(573)' 05.30 14:07:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMFavContainerWnd::GetWorkspaceFavSets 05.30 14:07:14+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMFavContainerWnd::GetWorkspaceFavSets 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMFavContainerWnd.cpp(573)' 05.30 14:07:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMFavContainerWnd::GetWorkspaceFavSets 05.30 14:07:15+ 500 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataSource::SetGlobalData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTDragDrop.cpp(385)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataSource::SetGlobalData 05.30 14:07:15+ 94 [2A94] 50 M> > 0 CIMatchIMWS::HandlerGET_UserInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWS\IMatchIMWS.cpp(903)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [2A94] 10 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::CreateSession 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(20895)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [2A94] 10 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::CreateSession 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [2A94] 50 M> < 0 CIMatchIMWS::HandlerGET_UserInfo 05.30 14:07:15+ 16 [1A38] 10 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::Authenticate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(20782)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [1A38] 10 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::CreateSession 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(20895)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [1A38] 10 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::CreateSession 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [1A38] 10 I> Authenticated 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [1A38] 10 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::Authenticate 05.30 14:07:15+ 31 [1780] 50 M> > 0 CIMatchIMWS::HandlerGET_AppInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWS\IMatchIMWS.cpp(1054)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [1780] 50 M> < 0 CIMatchIMWS::HandlerGET_AppInfo 05.30 14:07:15+ 16 [285C] 50 M> > 0 CIMatchIMWS::HandlerGET_UserInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWS\IMatchIMWS.cpp(903)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [285C] 50 M> < 0 CIMatchIMWS::HandlerGET_UserInfo 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [0834] 10 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::HandlerGET_Data 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(17016)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [0834] 10 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::HandlerGET_Data 05.30 14:07:15+ 187 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:07:15+ 250 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CViewWndClientFolders::ReloadFileWnd 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndClientFolders.cpp(648)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::LoadGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(5537)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::Clear 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(1582)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTFileWnd::Clear 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::InnerLoadGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(5330)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileWnd::InnerLoadGroup 05.30 14:07:15+ 297 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [313ms] PTFileWnd::LoadGroup 05.30 14:07:15+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [313ms] CViewWndClientFolders::ReloadFileWnd 05.30 14:07:17+ 1093 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:07:17+ 0 [0DE8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineFolderScanner::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(666)' 05.30 14:07:17+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 1 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:07:17+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:07:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineIdleDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(823)' 05.30 14:07:19+ 2438 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:07:19+ 265 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CViewWndClientFolders::ReloadFileWnd 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndClientFolders.cpp(648)' 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::LoadGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(5537)' 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::Clear 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(1582)' 05.30 14:07:19+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTFileWnd::Clear 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::InnerLoadGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(5330)' 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 0 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 1 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:07:19+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTFileWnd::InnerLoadGroup 05.30 14:07:19+ 125 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [157ms] PTFileWnd::LoadGroup 05.30 14:07:19+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [157ms] CViewWndClientFolders::ReloadFileWnd 05.30 14:07:21+ 1093 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMControlContainerWnd.cpp(235)' 05.30 14:07:21+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 05.30 14:07:21+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMControlContainerWnd.cpp(235)' 05.30 14:07:21+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 05.30 14:07:21+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMControlContainerWnd.cpp(235)' 05.30 14:07:21+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 05.30 14:07:21+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMControlContainerWnd.cpp(235)' 05.30 14:07:21+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 05.30 14:07:21+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMControlContainerWnd.cpp(235)' 05.30 14:07:21+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 05.30 14:07:21+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMControlContainerWnd.cpp(235)' 05.30 14:07:21+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 05.30 14:07:26+ 5610 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CViewWndClientFolders::ReloadFileWnd 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndClientFolders.cpp(648)' 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::LoadGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(5537)' 05.30 14:07:26+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::Clear 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(1582)' 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileWnd::Clear 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::InnerLoadGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(5330)' 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 0 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:07:26+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 1 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTFileWnd::InnerLoadGroup 05.30 14:07:26+ 156 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [187ms] PTFileWnd::LoadGroup 05.30 14:07:26+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [187ms] CViewWndClientFolders::ReloadFileWnd 05.30 14:07:27+ 219 [4A9C] 10 I> Offline check for folder 'D:\Photo_Workflow\Test_Images\': online. 05.30 14:07:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> Offline check for folder '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\': online. 05.30 14:07:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> Offline check for folder '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\19_Photo_Archive_Canon_5DSR\': online. 05.30 14:07:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> Offline check for folder 'D:\98_Test_folder\15_Photo_Archive_Sony_a7RII\': online. 05.30 14:07:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> Offline check for folder '\\DISKSTATION\DiskStation\98_Test_folder\03_Photo_Archive_Canon_1D\': online. 05.30 14:07:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> Offline check for folder 'D:\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\': online. 05.30 14:07:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> Offline check for folder '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\': online. 05.30 14:07:27+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1549)' 05.30 14:07:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 05.30 14:07:28+ 1843 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::GetWriteBackTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(11457)' 05.30 14:07:28+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::GetWriteBackTags 05.30 14:07:35+ 6891 [4E70] 01 W> IMEnginePerformanceMonitor: Failcounter for drive D: is 5 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEnginePerformanceMonitor.cpp(516)' 05.30 14:07:35+ 0 [4E70] 10 I> IMEnginePerformanceMonitor::DiskUtilizationThread finished. 05.30 14:07:35+ 0 [4E70] 05 M> < 0 [25344ms #sl] CIMEnginePerformanceMonitor::DiskUtilizationThread 05.30 14:07:54+18812 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:07:54+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:07:55+ 860 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:07:55+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:08:13+18297 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::WriteBack 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMControlContainerWnd.cpp(1915)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 0 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:08:13+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(3567)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMTaskMetabase::UpdateFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMTasksMetabase.cpp(952)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 31 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMTaskMetabase::UpdateFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTTaskManager::Add 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTTaskManager.cpp(76)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTTaskManager::Add 05.30 14:08:13+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [42FC] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [42FC] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [42FC] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [42FC] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [42FC] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [42FC] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:08:13+ 15 [42FC] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [42FC] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [42FC] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [42FC] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [42FC] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [42FC] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [42FC] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [42FC] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:13+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(3567)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 05.30 14:08:14+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 1 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [343ms] CIMControlContainerWnd::WriteBack 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [42FC] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 62ms. 05.30 14:08:14+ 0 [42FC] 10 I> FileHist Delegate: 100 of 100 events written in 0ms 05.30 14:08:23+ 9766 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMTaskMDTemplate::ApplyTemplate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMTaskMDTemplate.cpp(172)' 05.30 14:08:23+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> #FindRelated: 100 masters, 0 definitions, 0 links found. 0 files analyzed. 05.30 14:08:23+ 47 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::ApplyTemplate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(571)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 94 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(3567)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 05.30 14:08:24+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [359ms] PTMDTemplateManager::ApplyTemplate 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [406ms] CIMTaskMDTemplate::ApplyTemplate 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTTaskManager::Add 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTTaskManager.cpp(76)' 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTTaskManager::Add 05.30 14:08:24+ 16 [42FC] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 94ms. 05.30 14:08:24+ 0 [42FC] 10 I> FileHist Delegate: 100 of 100 events written in 0ms 05.30 14:08:28+ 4516 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMControlContainerWnd.cpp(235)' 05.30 14:08:28+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 05.30 14:08:28+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMControlContainerWnd.cpp(235)' 05.30 14:08:28+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::LoadLayouts 05.30 14:08:29+ 235 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:08:29+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:08:29+ 141 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:08:29+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:08:43+14187 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:08:43+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:08:43+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:08:43+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:08:43+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::UpdateVKWPathMap 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5174)' 05.30 14:08:43+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTThesaurus::UpdateVKWPathMap 05.30 14:08:43+ 203 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:08:43+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:08:48+ 4297 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:08:48+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:08:48+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:08:48+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:08:48+ 141 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:08:48+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:09:17+29031 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: '@Keywords'. 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:09:17+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [112C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [112C] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [112C] 02 I> 300 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [112C] 02 I> 3 children after in group 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [112C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:09:17+ 15 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: '@Keywords' in 31 ms. 05.30 14:09:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:09:18+ 1063 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Make and Model'. 05.30 14:09:18+ 15 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4D80] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [0BC8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4D80] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4D80] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [0BC8] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4D80] 02 I> 3 children after in group 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4D80] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [0BC8] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [0BC8] 02 I> 4 children after in group 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [0BC8] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [1B64] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:18+ 16 [1B64] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [1B64] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [1B64] 02 I> 3 children after in group 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [1B64] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [472C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [472C] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [472C] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [472C] 02 I> 4 children after in group 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [472C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:09:18+ 16 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Make and Model' in 47 ms. 05.30 14:09:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:09:20+ 1937 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:09:20+ 16 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Lens'. 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [33E4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [33E4] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [33E4] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [33E4] 02 I> 9 children after in group 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [33E4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:20+ 15 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Lens' in 15 ms. 05.30 14:09:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:09:22+ 1735 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:09:22+ 15 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'ISO'. 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [1FCC] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:22+ 16 [1FCC] 02 I> Group-Query: 16ms 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [1FCC] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [1FCC] 02 I> 13 children after in group 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [1FCC] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:22+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'ISO' in 32 ms. 05.30 14:09:22+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:09:23+ 1750 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Location'. 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4E38] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [2128] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 15 [4264] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [2128] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4E38] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [2128] 02 I> 200 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4E38] 02 I> 200 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [2128] 02 I> 1 children after in group 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [2128] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4E38] 02 I> 1 children after in group 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4E38] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:09:23+ 16 [4264] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4264] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [2398] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [2398] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [2398] 02 I> 200 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [2398] 02 I> 1 children after in group 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [2398] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [48A0] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [48A0] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [48A0] 02 I> 200 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [48A0] 02 I> 1 children after in group 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [48A0] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:23+ 16 [17D0] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [17D0] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [17D0] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [17D0] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [17D0] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Location' in 47 ms. 05.30 14:09:23+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:09:25+ 1859 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Aperture'. 05.30 14:09:25+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [45D8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [45D8] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:25+ 15 [45D8] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [45D8] 02 I> 14 children after in group 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [45D8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:25+ 16 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Aperture' in 47 ms. 05.30 14:09:25+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:09:27+ 1734 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:09:27+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Camera Name'. 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [1C64] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [1C64] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [1C64] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [1C64] 02 I> 4 children after in group 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [1C64] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:09:27+ 15 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Camera Name' in 15 ms. 05.30 14:09:27+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:09:29+ 1844 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'MP3 Files'. 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [2738] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1B78] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [2738] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [2738] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [2738] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [2738] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1B78] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1B78] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1B78] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 16 [1B78] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [46B8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [46B8] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [46B8] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [46B8] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [46B8] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1E54] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1E54] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1E54] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1E54] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1E54] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 15 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'MP3 Files' in 31 ms. 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:09:29+ 94 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'PDF Files'. 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [14CC] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [0B90] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [14CC] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [0B90] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [0B90] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [0B90] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [0B90] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [14CC] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [14CC] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [14CC] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [09B4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [09B4] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [09B4] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [09B4] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [09B4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:29+ 15 [06C4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [06C4] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [06C4] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [06C4] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [06C4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'PDF Files' in 31 ms. 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:09:29+ 110 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Face Arrangement'. 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:09:29+ 15 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1F24] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1F24] 10 I> Parsing variables for 604 files. 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [3FDC] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [3FDC] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [3FDC] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [3FDC] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 16 [3FDC] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [3FDC] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [3FDC] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [3FDC] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [3FDC] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [3FDC] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [3FDC] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [3FDC] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [3FDC] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [3FDC] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1F24] 10 I> Parsing variable '{File.Faces.Arrangement.Type}' done in 16ms (16 threads), producing 604 elements. 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1F24] 02 I> 604 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1F24] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [1F24] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:09:29+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Face Arrangement' in 47 ms. 05.30 14:09:29+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:09:37+ 8031 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:09:37+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:09:37+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:09:37+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:09:37+ 203 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:09:37+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:09:52+14188 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:09:52+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:09:52+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:09:52+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:09:52+ 140 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:09:52+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:09:59+ 7047 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:09:59+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:09:59+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:09:59+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:09:59+ 234 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:09:59+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:10:14+15031 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:10:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:10:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:10:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:10:14+ 141 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:10:14+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:10:28+13781 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:10:28+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:10:28+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:10:28+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:10:28+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:10:28+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:10:30+ 1985 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTResManager::DialogTranslate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTResManager.cpp(1045)' 05.30 14:10:30+ 15 [24F4] 50 I> PTRMDLG_IMHTMLDIALOG 05.30 14:10:30+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTResManager::DialogLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTResManager.cpp(302)' 05.30 14:10:30+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTResManager::DialogLoad 05.30 14:10:30+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTResManager::DialogTranslate 05.30 14:10:33+ 2797 [24F4] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySession 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(3009)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySession 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::WriteBack 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMControlContainerWnd.cpp(1915)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 0 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::UpdateVKWPathMap 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5174)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTThesaurus::UpdateVKWPathMap 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(3567)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMTaskMetabase::UpdateFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMTasksMetabase.cpp(952)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 46 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [46ms] CIMTaskMetabase::UpdateFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTTaskManager::Add 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTTaskManager.cpp(76)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTTaskManager::Add 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::FillKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(356)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMGroupCache::FillKWCache 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetVariableGroupsPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(557)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetVariableGroupsPending 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [1E9C] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySession 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(3009)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [1E9C] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySession 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:33+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(3567)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 1 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [42FC] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 4 1016ms. 05.30 14:10:34+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [1313ms] CIMControlContainerWnd::WriteBack 05.30 14:10:34+ 15 [42FC] 10 I> FileHist Delegate: 100 of 100 events written in 15ms 05.30 14:10:39+ 4985 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 15 [27C8] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: '@Keywords' for 100 files. 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [14F4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [14F4] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [14F4] 02 I> 700 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [14F4] 02 I> 4 children after in group 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [14F4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10114)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3607)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 16 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMCatalog::AddGroup 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::AddGroup 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10114)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3607)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10114)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3607)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 16 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMCatalog::AddGroup 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::AddGroup 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10114)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3607)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10114)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3607)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 15 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMCatalog::AddGroup 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::AddGroup 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: '@Keywords' for 100 files in 47 ms. 05.30 14:10:39+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [62ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:10:50+11125 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:10:50+ 16 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Face Arrangement'. 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [3260] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [3260] 10 I> Parsing variables for 604 files. 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [3260] 10 I> Parsing variable '{File.Faces.Arrangement.Type}' done in 0ms (16 threads), producing 604 elements. 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [3260] 02 I> 604 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [3260] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [3260] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:10:50+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Face Arrangement' in 16 ms. 05.30 14:10:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:10:56+ 5765 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMTaskMetabase::WriteBack 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMTasksMetabase.cpp(1738)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 0 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:10:56+ 125 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::WriteBack 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(9809)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 I> 100 files to write-back to 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(777)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 05.30 14:10:56+ 15 [22F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::GetFileOids 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(946)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::GetFileOids 05.30 14:10:56+ 16 [22F8] 02 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack prep time for 100 files: 16ms 05.30 14:10:56+ 47 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetVariableGroupsPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(557)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetVariableGroupsPending 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 16 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 15 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 16 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 15 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 16 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 16 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 15 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 16 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 16 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:56+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 15 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 16 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 15 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 16 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 16 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:10:57+ 15 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 16 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [42FC] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 63ms. 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [42FC] 10 I> FileHist Delegate: 100 of 100 events written in 0ms 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 16 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:10:57+ 15 [4C20] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 16 [3760] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 15 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:10:57+ 16 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 16 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 50 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3811)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3817)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\IMSQLite.cpp(3960)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 I> Locking mode is SHARED 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::InnerOpen 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Grown to 2 instances from 0 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 50 M> < 0 CIMSQLite::GrowInstancePool 05.30 14:10:57+ 15 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 203 [0840] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 840, new process 2DA8). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4170] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 4170, new process 2C40). 05.30 14:10:57+ 16 [0D8C] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread D8C, new process 2F68). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [1244] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 1244, new process 2AF4). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [10E4] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 10E4, new process 2FA8). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0820] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 820, new process 2A80). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 31 [09E4] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 9E4, new process 1F00). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0958] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 958, new process 2DE0). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 4C20, new process 2FD0). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 16 [3760] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 3760, new process 1F5C). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 16 [03C0] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 3C0, new process 2AA4). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [1B48] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 1B48, new process 6B0). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 15 [0AD8] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread AD8, new process 2ED8). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 239C, new process 3004). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4CA8] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 4CA8, new process 3018). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 31 [4E8C] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 4E8C, new process 3060). 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 485 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [594ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [610ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 47 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 15 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 16 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 16 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [625ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [688ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [625ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [688ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 15 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 16 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [688ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [688ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 15 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [671ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [671ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 16 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [703ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [703ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 16 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [688ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [657ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [688ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [657ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 15 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [703ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [703ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [703ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [703ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 16 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 31 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 16 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 15 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 16 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 16 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 15 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:10:58+ 469 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 31 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 16 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 141 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:58+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:59+ 46 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:59+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:59+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:59+ 0 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:59+ 0 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:59+ 16 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:10:59+ 16 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:32+92968 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1549)' 05.30 14:12:32+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 05.30 14:12:44+12766 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [106609ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:44+ 0 [0840] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0423.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:44+ 0 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [107719ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:44+ 0 [0840] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4876] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0423.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:44+ 16 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:46+ 1593 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:47+ 625 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [108234ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:47+ 0 [0D8C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0422.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:47+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [109953ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:47+ 0 [0D8C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4875] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0422.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:47+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:48+ 1297 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:49+ 1563 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [110906ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:49+ 0 [10E4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0425.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:49+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [112797ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:49+ 0 [10E4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4878] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0425.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:49+ 15 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:50+ 94 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [111015ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [4C20] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0428.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [112875ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [4C20] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4881] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0428.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:50+ 63 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [111235ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [1244] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0426.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [112969ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [1244] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4879] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0426.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:50+ 156 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [111234ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [0958] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0430.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [113094ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [0958] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4883] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0430.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:50+ 78 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [111469ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [4170] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0424.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [113203ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [4170] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4877] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0424.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:50+ 16 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [111328ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:50+ 15 [0820] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0427.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [113234ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [0820] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4880] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0427.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:50+ 0 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:50+ 547 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:50+ 78 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:51+ 63 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:51+ 47 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [112078ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:51+ 0 [1B48] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0432.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:51+ 15 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [113922ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:51+ 0 [1B48] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4885] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0432.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:51+ 63 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:51+ 62 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:51+ 47 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:51+ 78 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:52+ 985 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:54+ 2593 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [115843ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:54+ 16 [4CA8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0437.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:54+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [117750ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:54+ 0 [4CA8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4890] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0437.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:54+ 47 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 141 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [116079ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [0AD8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0435.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [117922ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [0AD8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4888] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0435.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 31 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 78 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [116188ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [03C0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0434.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [118063ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [116188ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [239C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0433.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [03C0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4887] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0434.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [118047ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [239C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4886] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0433.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:55+ 62 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 16 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 31 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [116297ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [4E8C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0436.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [118125ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [116297ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [3760] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0431.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [118187ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [116297ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [09E4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0429.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [3760] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4884] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0431.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [4E8C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4889] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0436.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [118203ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [09E4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4882] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0429.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:12:55+ 78 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 16 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 141 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 62 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 78 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:12:55+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:26+91203 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [100500ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:26+ 0 [0840] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0438.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:26+ 0 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [102093ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:26+ 0 [0840] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4891] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0438.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:27+ 329 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:28+ 875 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [96860ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:28+ 0 [0820] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0445.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:28+ 0 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [97782ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:28+ 0 [0820] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4898] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0445.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:28+ 265 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:28+ 31 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:29+ 1469 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:32+ 2125 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [103672ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:32+ 0 [0D8C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0439.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:32+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [104969ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:32+ 0 [0D8C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4892] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0439.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:32+ 203 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:33+ 1766 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:35+ 1281 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [104234ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:35+ 16 [1244] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0442.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:35+ 0 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [105203ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:35+ 0 [1244] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4895] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0442.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:35+ 672 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:38+ 2375 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:38+ 437 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [106437ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:38+ 0 [1B48] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0446.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:38+ 0 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [107422ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:38+ 0 [1B48] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4899] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0446.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:39+ 485 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [108360ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:39+ 0 [10E4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0440.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:39+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [109329ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:39+ 0 [10E4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4893] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0440.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:39+ 78 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:39+ 343 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:40+ 579 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [109032ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:40+ 0 [4170] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0444.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:40+ 0 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [109938ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:40+ 0 [4170] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4897] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0444.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:40+ 453 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:40+ 156 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:41+ 203 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:41+ 688 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:41+ 171 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [110765ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:41+ 0 [0958] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0443.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:41+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [111687ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:41+ 0 [0958] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4896] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0443.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:42+ 266 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:43+ 1359 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:45+ 2235 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [110656ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:45+ 0 [4CA8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0447.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:45+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [110797ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:45+ 0 [4CA8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4900] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0447.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:45+ 203 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:47+ 1062 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:49+ 1969 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [118047ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:49+ 0 [4C20] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0441.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:49+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [119000ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:49+ 0 [4C20] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4894] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0441.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:49+ 188 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:50+ 1218 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:52+ 2094 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [117219ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:52+ 0 [0AD8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0448.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:52+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [117359ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:52+ 0 [0AD8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4901] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0448.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:52+ 110 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:53+ 468 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:53+ 16 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [117531ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:53+ 0 [03C0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0449.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:53+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [117797ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:53+ 0 [03C0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4902] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0449.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:53+ 47 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:53+ 234 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:53+ 16 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [117766ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:53+ 0 [239C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0450.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:53+ 0 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [118094ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:53+ 0 [239C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4903] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0450.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:53+ 47 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:53+ 343 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [118078ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:53+ 0 [3760] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0451.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:53+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [118375ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:53+ 0 [3760] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4904] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0451.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:53+ 0 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:53+ 16 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [118094ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:53+ 0 [09E4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0453.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:53+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [118375ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:53+ 0 [09E4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4906] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0453.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:14:53+ 31 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:53+ 16 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:54+ 281 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:54+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:14:55+ 1610 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [120032ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:14:55+ 0 [4E8C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0452.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:14:55+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [120313ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:14:55+ 0 [4E8C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4905] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0452.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:14:55+ 15 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:14:55+ 110 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:17+81203 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [107188ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:17+ 0 [0820] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0455.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:17+ 0 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [108657ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:17+ 0 [0820] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4908] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0455.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:16:17+ 593 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:19+ 1454 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:25+ 6296 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [117031ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:25+ 0 [0840] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0454.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:25+ 0 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [118171ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:25+ 0 [0840] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4907] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0454.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:16:25+ 297 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:26+ 1094 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:28+ 1922 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [114750ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:28+ 0 [0D8C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0456.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:28+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [116516ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:28+ 0 [0D8C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4909] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0456.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:16:28+ 187 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:29+ 1000 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:34+ 4235 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [113297ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:34+ 0 [1B48] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0458.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:34+ 0 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [114828ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:34+ 0 [1B48] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4911] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0458.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:16:34+ 94 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [115922ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:34+ 0 [1244] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0457.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:34+ 0 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [118297ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:34+ 0 [1244] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4910] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0457.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:16:35+ 781 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:35+ 62 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:36+ 1422 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [114765ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:36+ 0 [4170] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0460.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:36+ 16 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [115828ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:36+ 0 [4170] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4913] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0460.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:16:37+ 906 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:38+ 1281 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:38+ 32 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [111704ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:38+ 0 [4CA8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0462.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:38+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [112766ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:38+ 0 [4CA8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4915] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0462.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:16:38+ 62 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:39+ 1000 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:41+ 1688 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:42+ 718 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:48+ 5860 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [127016ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:48+ 0 [10E4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0459.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:48+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [128407ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:48+ 0 [10E4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4912] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0459.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:16:48+ 218 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:49+ 813 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:53+ 4641 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [123329ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:53+ 0 [4C20] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0463.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:53+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [124547ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:53+ 0 [4C20] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4916] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0463.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:16:53+ 125 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:53+ 93 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [130422ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:53+ 0 [0958] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0461.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:53+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [131781ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:53+ 0 [0958] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4914] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0461.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:16:54+ 141 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:54+ 172 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:54+ 297 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:54+ 93 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [120531ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [09E4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0468.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [120812ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [09E4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4921] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0468.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:16:54+ 63 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:54+ 156 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [120750ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [3760] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0467.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [121047ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [3760] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4920] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0467.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:16:54+ 31 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [121828ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [0AD8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0464.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [122296ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [0AD8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4917] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0464.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:16:54+ 32 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:54+ 15 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:54+ 16 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [121188ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [239C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0466.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [121531ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [239C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4919] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0466.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:16:54+ 16 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [121610ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [03C0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0465.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [121844ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:54+ 0 [03C0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4918] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0465.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:16:55+ 31 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:55+ 31 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:55+ 156 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:55+ 0 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:55+ 78 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:55+ 63 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:16:59+ 4391 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [123875ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:16:59+ 0 [4E8C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0469.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:16:59+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [123985ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:16:59+ 0 [4E8C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4922] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0469.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:16:59+ 31 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:16:59+ 109 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:17:32+32391 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1549)' 05.30 14:17:32+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 05.30 14:18:06+34187 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [107343ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:06+ 0 [0820] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0470.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:06+ 0 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [108797ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:06+ 0 [0820] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4923] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0470.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:18:06+ 63 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:06+ 219 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:11+ 4531 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [104469ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:11+ 0 [0840] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0471.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:11+ 0 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [105563ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:11+ 0 [0840] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4924] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0471.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:18:11+ 469 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:14+ 2562 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:38+23859 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [115953ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:38+ 0 [4CA8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0476.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:38+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [118359ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:38+ 0 [4CA8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4929] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0476.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:18:38+ 532 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:40+ 2203 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:42+ 1250 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [132235ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:42+ 0 [0D8C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0472.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:42+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [133235ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:42+ 0 [0D8C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4925] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0472.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:18:42+ 172 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:43+ 1062 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:43+ 94 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [108906ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [0958] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0479.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [109375ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [0958] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4932] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0479.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:18:43+ 234 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:43+ 16 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [109453ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [4C20] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0478.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [109859ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [4C20] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4931] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0478.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:18:43+ 94 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [114719ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [10E4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0477.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [115532ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [10E4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4930] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0477.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:18:43+ 78 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [125094ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [1244] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0474.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [128813ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [1244] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4927] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0474.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:18:43+ 15 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:43+ 32 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [122453ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [4170] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0475.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [126516ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:43+ 0 [4170] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4928] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0475.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:18:44+ 78 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:44+ 47 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:44+ 31 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:44+ 125 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [125516ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:44+ 0 [1B48] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0473.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:44+ 0 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [129203ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:44+ 0 [1B48] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4926] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0473.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:18:44+ 172 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:44+ 31 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:44+ 188 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:44+ 78 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:44+ 47 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:44+ 15 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:45+ 360 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:49+ 3890 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [114047ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:49+ 0 [09E4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0480.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:49+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [114281ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:49+ 0 [09E4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4933] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0480.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:18:49+ 188 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:50+ 812 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:51+ 1485 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [116204ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [239C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0483.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [116469ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [239C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4936] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0483.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:18:51+ 62 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:51+ 281 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [116625ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [0AD8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0482.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [116890ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [116625ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [3760] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0481.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [116890ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [0AD8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4935] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0482.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [3760] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4934] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0481.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:18:51+ 16 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:51+ 31 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [116531ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [03C0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0484.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [116828ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [03C0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4937] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0484.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:18:51+ 31 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:51+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:51+ 47 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:52+ 453 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:52+ 47 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:52+ 78 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:18:55+ 2907 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [115563ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:18:55+ 0 [4E8C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0485.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:18:55+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [115672ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:18:55+ 0 [4E8C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4938] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0485.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:18:55+ 31 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:18:55+ 203 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:06+71188 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [120125ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:06+ 0 [0820] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0486.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:06+ 0 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [120344ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:06+ 0 [0820] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4939] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0486.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:06+ 46 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:07+ 250 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:07+ 688 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [113547ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:07+ 0 [0840] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0487.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:07+ 0 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [116109ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:07+ 0 [0840] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4940] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0487.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:20:07+ 31 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:08+ 141 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:44+36375 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [123500ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:44+ 0 [4CA8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0488.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:44+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [125703ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:44+ 0 [4CA8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4941] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0488.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:45+ 625 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:46+ 1672 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:48+ 1593 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [123546ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:48+ 0 [1244] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0493.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:48+ 0 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [124218ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:48+ 16 [1244] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4946] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0493.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:48+ 219 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:48+ 297 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [124203ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:48+ 0 [4C20] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0491.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:48+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [124907ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:48+ 0 [4C20] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4944] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0491.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:49+ 406 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:49+ 672 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:49+ 62 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [126578ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:49+ 0 [0D8C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0489.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:49+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [127640ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:49+ 0 [0D8C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4942] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0489.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:50+ 250 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:50+ 219 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:50+ 438 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [126469ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:50+ 0 [0958] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0490.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:50+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [127157ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:50+ 0 [0958] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4943] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0490.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:50+ 93 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [125843ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:50+ 0 [1B48] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0495.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:50+ 0 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [126531ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:50+ 0 [1B48] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4948] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0495.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:51+ 110 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:51+ 203 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:51+ 15 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:52+ 985 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:52+ 62 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:52+ 32 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [119954ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:52+ 0 [3760] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0499.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:52+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [120454ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:52+ 0 [3760] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4952] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0499.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:52+ 265 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:53+ 469 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [128344ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:53+ 0 [4170] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0494.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:53+ 0 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [129000ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:53+ 0 [4170] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4947] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0494.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:53+ 203 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:53+ 109 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:54+ 657 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:54+ 687 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [122219ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:54+ 0 [03C0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0500.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:54+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [122797ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:54+ 0 [03C0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4953] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0500.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:54+ 94 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:54+ 62 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [124906ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:54+ 0 [09E4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0496.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:54+ 16 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [125734ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:54+ 0 [09E4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4949] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0496.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:54+ 63 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [130297ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:54+ 0 [10E4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0492.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:54+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [130969ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:54+ 0 [10E4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4945] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0492.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:55+ 31 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:55+ 78 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:55+ 16 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [122657ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:55+ 0 [0AD8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0498.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:55+ 15 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [123219ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:55+ 0 [0AD8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4951] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0498.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:55+ 31 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:55+ 32 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:55+ 437 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:55+ 47 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:55+ 63 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:56+ 500 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [124391ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:56+ 15 [239C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0497.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:56+ 0 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [124703ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:56+ 0 [239C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4950] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0497.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:56+ 31 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:56+ 204 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:20:57+ 875 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [121688ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:20:57+ 0 [4E8C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0501.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:20:57+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [121891ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:20:57+ 0 [4E8C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4954] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0501.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:20:57+ 15 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:20:57+ 172 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:22:19+82188 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [132579ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:22:19+ 0 [0820] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0502.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:22:19+ 0 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [132829ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:22:19+ 0 [0820] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4955] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0502.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:22:19+ 46 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:22:19+ 188 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:22:20+ 391 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [132344ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:22:20+ 0 [0840] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0503.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:22:20+ 0 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [132485ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:22:20+ 0 [0840] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4956] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0503.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:22:20+ 15 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:22:20+ 125 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:22:32+12000 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1549)' 05.30 14:22:32+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 05.30 14:22:51+18984 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [121609ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:22:51+ 0 [1244] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0505.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:22:51+ 0 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [122984ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:22:51+ 0 [1244] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4958] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0505.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:22:51+ 453 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:22:53+ 1985 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:22:54+ 968 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [128218ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:22:54+ 0 [4CA8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0504.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:22:54+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [129890ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:22:54+ 0 [4CA8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4957] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0504.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:22:55+ 407 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:22:56+ 1422 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:22:57+ 1000 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [126469ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:22:57+ 0 [0D8C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0507.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:22:57+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [127532ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:22:57+ 0 [0D8C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4960] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0507.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:22:57+ 0 [0D8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:22:57+ 78 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [125485ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:22:57+ 0 [1B48] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0509.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:22:57+ 0 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [126532ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:22:57+ 0 [1B48] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4962] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0509.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:22:57+ 0 [1B48] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:22:58+ 1109 [0D8C] 10 M> < 0 [1187ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:22:58+ 47 [1B48] 10 M> < 0 [1156ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:22:59+ 62 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [126765ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:22:59+ 0 [0958] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0508.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:22:59+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [127968ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:22:59+ 0 [0958] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4961] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0508.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:22:59+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:22:59+ 235 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [128844ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:22:59+ 0 [4C20] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0506.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:22:59+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [130047ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:22:59+ 0 [4C20] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4959] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0506.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:22:59+ 0 [4C20] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:23:00+ 953 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:00+ 234 [4C20] 10 M> < 0 [1187ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:07+ 7219 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [132516ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [03C0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0512.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [132828ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [03C0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4965] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0512.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [03C0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:23:07+ 78 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [132078ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [10E4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0514.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [132656ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [10E4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4967] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0514.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [10E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:23:07+ 16 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [134360ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [3760] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0510.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [135141ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [3760] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4963] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0510.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [3760] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:23:07+ 62 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [132093ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [0AD8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0515.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [132640ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [0AD8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4968] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0515.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [0AD8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:23:07+ 47 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [133812ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [4170] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0511.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [134578ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [4170] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4964] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0511.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:23:07+ 0 [4170] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:23:08+ 172 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [132422ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:08+ 0 [09E4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0513.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:23:08+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [133031ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:23:08+ 0 [09E4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4966] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0513.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:23:08+ 0 [09E4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:23:08+ 313 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [131875ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:08+ 0 [239C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0516.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:23:08+ 0 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [132079ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:23:08+ 0 [239C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4969] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0516.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:23:08+ 0 [239C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:23:08+ 500 [03C0] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:08+ 62 [3760] 10 M> < 0 [1156ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:08+ 16 [10E4] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:09+ 62 [0AD8] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:09+ 47 [4170] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:09+ 156 [09E4] 10 M> < 0 [1156ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:09+ 328 [239C] 10 M> < 0 [1171ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:09+ 204 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [132188ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:09+ 0 [4E8C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0517.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:23:09+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [132360ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:23:09+ 0 [4E8C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4970] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0517.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:23:09+ 0 [4E8C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:23:10+ 1171 [4E8C] 10 M> < 0 [1171ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:41+30891 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [81297ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:41+ 0 [0840] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0519.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:23:41+ 0 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [81422ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:23:41+ 0 [0840] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4972] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0519.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:23:41+ 0 [0840] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:23:42+ 219 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [82047ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:42+ 15 [0820] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0518.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:23:42+ 0 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [82250ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:23:42+ 0 [0820] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4971] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0518.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:23:42+ 0 [0820] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:23:43+ 985 [0840] 10 M> < 0 [1219ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:43+ 219 [0820] 10 M> < 0 [1204ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:48+ 4859 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [54156ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:48+ 0 [1244] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0520.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:23:48+ 0 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [56141ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:23:48+ 0 [1244] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4973] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0520.RAF' in 56 s 05.30 14:23:48+ 16 [1244] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:23:48+ 515 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [51890ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:48+ 16 [4CA8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0521.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:23:48+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [53328ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:23:48+ 0 [4CA8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [4974] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0521.RAF' in 53 s 05.30 14:23:48+ 0 [4CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:23:49+ 656 [1244] 10 M> < 0 [1187ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:49+ 531 [4CA8] 10 M> < 0 [1187ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:23:50+ 266 [22F8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack for 100 files in 773297ms 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [22F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::TouchFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(6123)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 31 [22F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::TouchFolder 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(6063)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [22F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::UpdateFolder 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3035)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [22F8] 50 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::UpdateFolder 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [22F8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::TouchFolder 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [22F8] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::TouchFiles 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ResetFileFlags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(7234)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 47 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ResetFileFlags 05.30 14:23:50+ 16 [22F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntries 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3416)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [22F8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntries 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [22F8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack completed for 100 files (100 workfiles) in 773422 ms. 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(777)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [22F8] 10 M> < 0 [773422ms #sl] PTMetabase::WriteBack 05.30 14:23:50+ 31 [42FC] 10 I> FileHist Delegate: 100 of 100 events written in 0ms 05.30 14:23:50+ 94 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 1 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:23:50+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [773703ms #sl] CIMTaskMetabase::WriteBack 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 16 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 16 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 328 [0A08] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread A08, new process 2ED4). 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [2D98] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 2D98, new process 2E50). 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [026C] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 26C, new process 2D64). 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [4FE8] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 4FE8, new process 2FC4). 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [1C5C] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 1C5C, new process 1498). 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [43C8] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 43C8, new process 3090). 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [2768] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 2768, new process 28F4). 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 15 [158C] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 158C, new process 2FBC). 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:50+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 469 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [469ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [469ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [484ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [484ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 16 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [485ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [500ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 15 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [500ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [500ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [500ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [500ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [500ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [515ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [515ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [500ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [516ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [531ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 62 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [93ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 16 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [94ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 15 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 16 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:51+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:23:54+ 3594 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [3610ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:23:54+ 31 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:23:54+ 16 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [4641ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [4641ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4641 ms 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04900] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0447.RAF' 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04901] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0448.RAF' 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04902] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0449.RAF' 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04903] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0450.RAF' 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04904] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0451.RAF' 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [4657ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:54+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabaseTagManager::GetExcludedTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseTagManager.cpp(740)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 15 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [3719ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabaseTagManager::GetExcludedTags 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:23:55+ 16 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetDependingGroupsPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(599)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [3719ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetDependingGroupsPending 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 15 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [46ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:23:55+ 16 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 [4703ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [4703ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4703 ms 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [04890] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0437.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [04891] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0438.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [04892] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0439.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [3719ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [04893] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0440.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [04894] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0441.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [4719ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:23:55+ 16 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [4719ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [4719ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4719 ms 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04880] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0427.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04881] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0428.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04882] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0429.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04883] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0430.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04884] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0431.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [4735ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 15 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 16 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 [4734ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [4750ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4750 ms 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04910] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0457.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04911] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0458.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04912] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0459.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04913] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0460.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04914] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0461.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 16 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [4766ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:23:55+ 15 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [3828ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 16 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:23:55+ 15 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:23:55+ 16 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1874 tags) in 62 ms. 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [62ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [4812ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [4828ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [43C8] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4828 ms 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [04905] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0452.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [04906] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0453.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [04907] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0454.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [04908] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0455.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [04909] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0456.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [4844ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 16 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 62 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [3937ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 16 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [3938ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [3938ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 31 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [4953ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [4953ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4953 ms 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [04875] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0422.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [04876] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0423.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [04877] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0424.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [04878] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0425.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [04879] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0426.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [4985ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:23:55+ 15 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [4968ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [4984ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [62ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4984 ms 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [04895] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0442.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [04896] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0443.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [04897] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0444.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [04898] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0445.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [04899] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0446.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [4968ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [5000ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [4984ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4984 ms 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04885] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0432.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04886] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0433.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04887] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0434.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04888] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0435.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04889] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0436.RAF' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [5000ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:23:55+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 9266 [43C8] 05 M> < 0 [9422ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [0A08] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 41 9094ms. 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 2568 (a08) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 9281ms. Trans held by 17352 (0x43C8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [9281ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 16 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [9297ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 41 9094ms. 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 10088 (2768) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 9266ms. Trans held by 17352 (0x43C8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [9282ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 15 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [9297ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 42 9281ms. 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 11672 (2d98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 9469ms. Trans held by 17352 (0x43C8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [9469ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 16 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [9485ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [1C5C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 42 9344ms. 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 7260 (1c5c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 9531ms. Trans held by 17352 (0x43C8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [9547ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 15 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 16 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 16 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 15 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1870 tags) in 9375 ms. 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [9375ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:24:04+ 0 [2768] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:24:07+ 2907 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [2954ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:24:07+ 46 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [46ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 [46ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 [3015ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [3015ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3015 ms 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04915] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0462.RAF' 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04916] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0463.RAF' 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04917] 377 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0464.RAF' 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04918] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0465.RAF' 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04919] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0466.RAF' 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [3015ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:24:07+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:07+ 16 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 6719 [2768] 05 M> < 0 [9688ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:24:14+ 15 [0A08] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 43 9609ms. 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 2568 (a08) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 9796ms. Trans held by 10088 (0x2768) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:14+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [9812ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [9812ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [43C8] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 29 6578ms. 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 17352 (43c8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 6750ms. Trans held by 10088 (0x2768) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:14+ 16 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [6766ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [6782ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 86 19078ms. 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 620 (26c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 19250ms. Trans held by 17352 (0x43C8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 15 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [19265ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [19281ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 43 9609ms. 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 11672 (2d98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 9797ms. Trans held by 10088 (0x2768) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [9812ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1872 tags) in 19468 ms. 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [19468ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 16 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 43 9641ms. 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 7260 (1c5c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 9813ms. Trans held by 11672 (0x2D98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:14+ 16 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [9844ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [9844ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:14+ 15 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1870 tags) in 19437 ms. 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [19437ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:24:14+ 0 [1C5C] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:24:17+ 2891 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [2953ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:24:17+ 47 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [3000ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [3000ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3000 ms 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04920] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0467.RAF' 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04921] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0468.RAF' 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04922] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0469.RAF' 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04923] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0470.RAF' 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04924] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0471.RAF' 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [3000ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:24:17+ 15 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:17+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:24+ 6922 [1C5C] 05 M> < 0 [9875ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:24:24+ 16 [0A08] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 44 9781ms. 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 2568 (a08) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 9969ms. Trans held by 0 (0x0) '' 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:24+ 15 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [9984ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [9984ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [2768] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 30 6781ms. 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [2768] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 10088 (2768) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 6953ms. Trans held by 7260 (0x1C5C) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:24+ 16 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [6969ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [6969ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [2D98] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 44 9781ms. 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 11672 (2d98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 9969ms. Trans held by 620 (0x26C) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [2D98] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:24:24+ 16 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:24:24+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:24:24+ 78 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:24:28+ 3609 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [3609ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:24:28+ 31 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:24:28+ 16 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [3734ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [3734ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3734 ms 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04925] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0472.RAF' 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04926] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0473.RAF' 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04927] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0474.RAF' 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04928] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0475.RAF' 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04929] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0476.RAF' 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [3750ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:28+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 6234 [2D98] 05 M> < 0 [9984ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:24:34+ 16 [026C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 89 19766ms. 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [026C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 620 (26c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 19953ms. Trans held by 7260 (0x1C5C) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:34+ 16 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [19969ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:34+ 15 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [19984ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [1C5C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 27 6093ms. 05.30 14:24:34+ 16 [1C5C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 7260 (1c5c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 6297ms. Trans held by 11672 (0x2D98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [6297ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [2768] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 44 9859ms. 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [2768] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 10088 (2768) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 10047ms. Trans held by 11672 (0x2D98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 16 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [10063ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [10063ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 90 19860ms. 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 17352 (43c8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 20047ms. Trans held by 620 (0x26C) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:34+ 15 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [20062ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [20062ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [6328ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 16 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:34+ 15 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1879 tags) in 26875 ms. 05.30 14:24:34+ 16 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [26891ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:24:34+ 0 [43C8] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:24:37+ 2984 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [3062ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:24:37+ 16 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:24:37+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:24:37+ 31 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:24:37+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:24:37+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [3109ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:24:37+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [3125ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:24:37+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3125 ms 05.30 14:24:37+ 16 [2D98] 02 I> [04930] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0477.RAF' 05.30 14:24:37+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04931] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0478.RAF' 05.30 14:24:37+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04932] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0479.RAF' 05.30 14:24:37+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04933] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0480.RAF' 05.30 14:24:37+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04934] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0481.RAF' 05.30 14:24:37+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [3141ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:24:37+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:24:37+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:37+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 6875 [43C8] 05 M> < 0 [9922ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:24:44+ 16 [2768] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 44 9813ms. 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 10088 (2768) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 10000ms. Trans held by 17352 (0x43C8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:44+ 15 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [10015ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [10015ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [1C5C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 44 9812ms. 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 7260 (1c5c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 9984ms. Trans held by 17352 (0x43C8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:44+ 16 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [10016ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [10016ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 90 19922ms. 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 2568 (a08) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 20110ms. Trans held by 0 (0x0) '' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 15 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [20125ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:44+ 16 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [158C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 222 49031ms. 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [158C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 5516 (158c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 49219ms. Trans held by 17352 (0x43C8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:44+ 16 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [49235ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [49235ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [20157ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:44+ 15 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1876 tags) in 49265 ms. 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [49265ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:24:44+ 0 [0A08] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:24:47+ 3125 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [3187ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:24:47+ 32 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:24:47+ 15 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 [3234ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [3234ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3234 ms 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04935] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0482.RAF' 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04936] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0483.RAF' 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04937] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0484.RAF' 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04938] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0485.RAF' 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [04939] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0486.RAF' 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [3234ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:47+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:53+ 5781 [24F4] 50 I> CIMPaneDBInfo::Update: new max duration: 31ms. 05.30 14:24:54+ 1125 [0A08] 05 M> < 0 [10078ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:24:54+ 16 [158C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 45 9922ms. 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [158C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 5516 (158c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 10109ms. Trans held by 2568 (0xA08) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:54+ 16 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [10125ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [10125ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [026C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 91 20047ms. 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [026C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 620 (26c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 20235ms. Trans held by 0 (0x0) '' 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [20235ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:24:54+ 15 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [026C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1874 tags) in 59531 ms. 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [59531ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [026C] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:24:54+ 78 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:24:54+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:24:58+ 3610 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [3610ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:24:58+ 47 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [3657ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [3657ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3657 ms 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [04940] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0487.RAF' 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [04941] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0488.RAF' 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [04942] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0489.RAF' 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [04943] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0490.RAF' 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [04944] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0491.RAF' 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [3657ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:24:58+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:24:58+ 15 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 6219 [026C] 05 M> < 0 [9969ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2768] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 90 19937ms. 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2768] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 10088 (2768) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 20125ms. Trans held by 0 (0x0) '' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:04+ 31 [2D98] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 122 26922ms. 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 11672 (2d98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 27109ms. Trans held by 17352 (0x43C8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:04+ 16 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [27125ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [27125ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 16 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 15 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 16 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1880 tags) in 27172 ms. 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [27172ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [4FE8] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 315 69500ms. 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [4FE8] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 20456 (4fe8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 69688ms. Trans held by 7260 (0x1C5C) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [20219ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:04+ 31 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [20250ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2768] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1876 tags) in 47344 ms. 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [47344ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [2768] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 31 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [69750ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:04+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:07+ 3078 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [3171ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:25:07+ 47 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [3234ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [3234ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3234 ms 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [04945] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0492.RAF' 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [04946] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0493.RAF' 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [04947] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0494.RAF' 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [04948] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0495.RAF' 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [04949] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0496.RAF' 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [3234ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:07+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:14+ 7016 [2768] 05 M> < 0 [10172ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:25:14+ 0 [158C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 91 20094ms. 05.30 14:25:14+ 0 [158C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 5516 (158c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 20281ms. Trans held by 0 (0x0) '' 05.30 14:25:14+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:14+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:14+ 16 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [20297ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:14+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:14+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:14+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [20297ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:14+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:14+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:14+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:14+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:15+ 15 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [158C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1870 tags) in 79672 ms. 05.30 14:25:15+ 16 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [79688ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [158C] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:25:15+ 31 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:25:15+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:25:15+ 31 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:25:18+ 3485 [24F4] 50 I> CIMPaneDBInfo::Update: new max duration: 32ms. 05.30 14:25:18+ 15 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [3500ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:25:18+ 47 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [3578ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [3578ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3578 ms 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04950] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0497.RAF' 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04951] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0498.RAF' 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04952] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0499.RAF' 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04953] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0500.RAF' 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [04954] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0501.RAF' 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [3609ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:18+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:24+ 6344 [158C] 05 M> < 0 [9953ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:25:25+ 31 [2D98] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 91 20047ms. 05.30 14:25:25+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 11672 (2d98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 20234ms. Trans held by 0 (0x0) '' 05.30 14:25:25+ 0 [2D98] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:25:25+ 16 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:25:25+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:25:25+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:25:25+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:25:27+ 2969 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [2969ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:25:27+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:25:27+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:25:28+ 31 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:25:28+ 15 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [46ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:25:28+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [3015ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:25:28+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [3015ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:25:28+ 0 [158C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3015 ms 05.30 14:25:28+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [04955] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0502.RAF' 05.30 14:25:28+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [04956] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0503.RAF' 05.30 14:25:28+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [04957] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0504.RAF' 05.30 14:25:28+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [04958] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0505.RAF' 05.30 14:25:28+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [04959] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0506.RAF' 05.30 14:25:28+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [3015ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:25:28+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:25:28+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:28+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 6891 [2D98] 05 M> < 0 [9922ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:25:34+ 16 [026C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 121 26797ms. 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 620 (26c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 26969ms. Trans held by 0 (0x0) '' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [26985ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [26985ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 15 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 16 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:34+ 16 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:34+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:35+ 15 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 228 50297ms. 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 7260 (1c5c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 50469ms. Trans held by 2568 (0xA08) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [50484ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [50484ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:35+ 16 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:35+ 15 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1880 tags) in 66859 ms. 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [66859ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:25:35+ 0 [1C5C] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:25:38+ 3000 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [3062ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:25:38+ 16 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:25:38+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:25:38+ 31 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:25:38+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:25:38+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [3109ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:25:38+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [3109ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:25:38+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3109 ms 05.30 14:25:38+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04960] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0507.RAF' 05.30 14:25:38+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04961] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0508.RAF' 05.30 14:25:38+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04962] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0509.RAF' 05.30 14:25:38+ 16 [2D98] 02 I> [04963] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0510.RAF' 05.30 14:25:38+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04964] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0511.RAF' 05.30 14:25:38+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [3125ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:25:38+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:25:38+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:38+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:44+ 6859 [1C5C] 05 M> < 0 [9922ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:25:44+ 16 [2D98] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 30 6703ms. 05.30 14:25:44+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 11672 (2d98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 6875ms. Trans held by 7260 (0x1C5C) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:25:44+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:44+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:44+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [6875ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:44+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:44+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:44+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [6875ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:44+ 16 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:44+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:44+ 0 [43C8] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 259 57047ms. 05.30 14:25:44+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 17352 (43c8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 57235ms. Trans held by 2568 (0xA08) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:25:44+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:44+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [57235ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [57235ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 15 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 76 16781ms. 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 5516 (158c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 16969ms. Trans held by 11672 (0x2D98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16969ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16969ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 16 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [026C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 44 9828ms. 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [026C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 620 (26c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 10016ms. Trans held by 0 (0x0) '' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [10031ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [026C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1880 tags) in 37063 ms. 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [37063ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:45+ 15 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 16 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:45+ 16 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 15 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1880 tags) in 57328 ms. 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [57328ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [93ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [93ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 16 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 16 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:45+ 15 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1880 tags) in 7031 ms. 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [7031ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [2D98] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:25:45+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:48+ 2969 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [3078ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:25:48+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:25:48+ 16 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:25:48+ 31 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:25:48+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:25:48+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [3125ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:25:48+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [3125ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:25:48+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3125 ms 05.30 14:25:48+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04965] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0512.RAF' 05.30 14:25:48+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04966] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0513.RAF' 05.30 14:25:48+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04967] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0514.RAF' 05.30 14:25:48+ 15 [1C5C] 02 I> [04968] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0515.RAF' 05.30 14:25:48+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [04969] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0516.RAF' 05.30 14:25:48+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [3140ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:25:48+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:25:48+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:48+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:54+ 6657 [2D98] 05 M> < 0 [9688ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:25:54+ 15 [158C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 43 9515ms. 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [158C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 5516 (158c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 9703ms. Trans held by 11672 (0x2D98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:25:54+ 16 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [9719ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [9719ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [026C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 43 9641ms. 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [026C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 620 (26c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 9828ms. Trans held by 5516 (0x158C) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [026C] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:25:54+ 47 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:25:54+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:25:58+ 3750 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [3750ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:25:58+ 31 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:25:58+ 16 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [3797ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [3797ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3797 ms 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04970] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0517.RAF' 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04971] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0518.RAF' 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04972] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0519.RAF' 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04973] 374 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0520.RAF' 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [04974] 376 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\06_Dacha_16.04.2021\_DSF0521.RAF' 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [3797ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:25:58+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 6156 [026C] 05 M> < 0 [10000ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:26:04+ 16 [4FE8] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 271 59844ms. 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 20456 (4fe8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 60032ms. Trans held by 0 (0x0) '' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [129797ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 15 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:04+ 16 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 44 9860ms. 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 5516 (158c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 10047ms. Trans held by 0 (0x0) '' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:04+ 15 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [10062ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [10062ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:04+ 16 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1880 tags) in 36891 ms. 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [36891ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [43C8] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 89 19656ms. 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 17352 (43c8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 19844ms. Trans held by 11672 (0x2D98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:26:04+ 0 [43C8] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:26:06+ 1141 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:26:14+ 8656 [43C8] 05 M> < 0 [9797ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:26:14+ 31 [1C5C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 119 26406ms. 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 7260 (1c5c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 26594ms. Trans held by 11672 (0x2D98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 16 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [26610ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [26610ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 15 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 16 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 16 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1880 tags) in 26657 ms. 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [26657ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 345 76188ms. 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 2568 (a08) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 76360ms. Trans held by 620 (0x26C) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 15 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [76375ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [76390ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 16 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 15 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1880 tags) in 76437 ms. 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [76437ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 72 16000ms. 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 11672 (2d98) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 16187ms. Trans held by 620 (0x26C) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 16 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16203ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16203ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 15 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 16 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 16 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1876 tags) in 16250 ms. 05.30 14:26:14+ 15 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16265ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:26:14+ 0 [2D98] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:26:15+ 1032 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:26:24+ 8875 [2D98] 05 M> < 0 [9907ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:26:24+ 15 [158C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 89 19765ms. 05.30 14:26:24+ 0 [158C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 5516 (158c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 19953ms. Trans held by 0 (0x0) '' 05.30 14:26:24+ 0 [158C] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:26:24+ 63 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:26:26+ 1172 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:26:34+ 8625 [158C] 05 M> < 0 [9860ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:26:34+ 31 [4FE8] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 134 29688ms. 05.30 14:26:34+ 0 [4FE8] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 20456 (4fe8) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 29875ms. Trans held by 5516 (0x158C) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:26:34+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:34+ 15 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:34+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [29890ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:34+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:34+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:34+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [29890ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:34+ 0 [4FE8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1870 tags) in 159734 ms. 05.30 14:26:34+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [159734ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:26:34+ 0 [4FE8] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:26:34+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:26:35+ 1188 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:26:44+ 8703 [4FE8] 05 M> < 0 [9891ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:26:44+ 16 [1C5C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 134 29688ms. 05.30 14:26:44+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 7260 (1c5c) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 29875ms. Trans held by 0 (0x0) '' 05.30 14:26:44+ 0 [1C5C] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:26:44+ 31 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:26:45+ 1219 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [1219ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:26:54+ 8437 [1C5C] 05 M> < 0 [9687ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:26:54+ 16 [2768] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 433 95578ms. 05.30 14:26:54+ 15 [2768] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 10088 (2768) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 95765ms. Trans held by 5516 (0x158C) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [95781ms #sl] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [95781ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 16 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 16 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:54+ 15 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:26:54+ 16 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1880 tags) in 95844 ms. 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [95844ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:26:54+ 0 [2768] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:26:55+ 1172 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:27:04+ 8500 [2768] 05 M> < 0 [9672ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:27:04+ 15 [0A08] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 222 49093ms. 05.30 14:27:04+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> ##WAIT: InnerBeginTrans Thread 2568 (a08) 'Engine.UPDQDelegate.Meta' tlev: 1 waited in BeginTrans for 49281ms. Trans held by 0 (0x0) '' 05.30 14:27:04+ 0 [0A08] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8802)' 05.30 14:27:04+ 63 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:27:05+ 1203 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [1203ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:27:08+ 3297 [24F4] 50 I> CIMPaneDBInfo::Update: new max duration: 47ms. 05.30 14:27:13+ 5047 [0A08] 05 M> < 0 [9610ms #sl] CIMEngine5::UpdateFileAttributes 05.30 14:27:13+ 31 [4A9C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 4 906ms. 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: '@Keywords'. 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [2F14] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [2F14] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [2F14] 02 I> 1000 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [2F14] 02 I> 4 children after in group 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [2F14] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:27:13+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: '@Keywords' in 16 ms. 05.30 14:27:13+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:27:13+ 15 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:27:14+ 1078 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Make and Model'. 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [3474] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:14+ 16 [4F84] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [3474] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [3474] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4F84] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [3474] 02 I> 3 children after in group 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [3474] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4F84] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4F84] 02 I> 4 children after in group 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4F84] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [241C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [241C] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [241C] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [241C] 02 I> 3 children after in group 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [241C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [0C38] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [0C38] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [0C38] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:14+ 16 [0C38] 02 I> 4 children after in group 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [0C38] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Make and Model' in 32 ms. 05.30 14:27:14+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:27:15+ 78 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:27:16+ 1015 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Lens'. 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [0950] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:16+ 16 [0950] 02 I> Group-Query: 16ms 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [0950] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [0950] 02 I> 9 children after in group 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [0950] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Lens' in 16 ms. 05.30 14:27:16+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:27:17+ 1094 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'ISO'. 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [23D0] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:17+ 15 [23D0] 02 I> Group-Query: 15ms 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [23D0] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [23D0] 02 I> 13 children after in group 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [23D0] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'ISO' in 15 ms. 05.30 14:27:17+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:27:18+ 1094 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Location'. 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3600] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3BA0] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [1E00] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3BA0] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3600] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:27:18+ 16 [1E00] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [1E00] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3600] 02 I> 200 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3BA0] 02 I> 200 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [1E00] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [1E00] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3BA0] 02 I> 1 children after in group 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3600] 02 I> 1 children after in group 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3600] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3BA0] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3478] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3478] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3478] 02 I> 200 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3478] 02 I> 1 children after in group 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3478] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4740] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4740] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4740] 02 I> 200 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4740] 02 I> 1 children after in group 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4740] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3D54] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:18+ 15 [3D54] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3D54] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3D54] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [3D54] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Location' in 31 ms. 05.30 14:27:18+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:27:19+ 1079 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Aperture'. 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:27:19+ 15 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [10C4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [10C4] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [10C4] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [10C4] 02 I> 14 children after in group 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [10C4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:27:19+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Aperture' in 15 ms. 05.30 14:27:19+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:27:20+ 1078 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Camera Name'. 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [1E74] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [1E74] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [1E74] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:20+ 16 [1E74] 02 I> 4 children after in group 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [1E74] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Camera Name' in 16 ms. 05.30 14:27:20+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:27:21+ 1078 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Face Arrangement'. 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:27:21+ 15 [26B0] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [26B0] 10 I> Parsing variables for 604 files. 05.30 14:27:21+ 16 [26B0] 10 I> Parsing variable '{File.Faces.Arrangement.Type}' done in 16ms (16 threads), producing 604 elements. 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [26B0] 02 I> 604 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [26B0] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [26B0] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Face Arrangement' in 31 ms. 05.30 14:27:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:27:41+20125 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1549)' 05.30 14:27:41+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 05.30 14:27:45+ 3359 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:27:45+ 266 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CViewWndClientFolders::ReloadFileWnd 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndClientFolders.cpp(648)' 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::LoadGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(5537)' 05.30 14:27:45+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::Clear 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(1582)' 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileWnd::Clear 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::InnerLoadGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(5330)' 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 0 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:27:45+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 1 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTFileWnd::InnerLoadGroup 05.30 14:27:45+ 281 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [312ms] PTFileWnd::LoadGroup 05.30 14:27:45+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [312ms] CViewWndClientFolders::ReloadFileWnd 05.30 14:28:08+23110 [24F4] 50 I> CIMPaneDBInfo::Update: new max duration: 63ms. 05.30 14:28:29+20219 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataSource::SetGlobalData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTDragDrop.cpp(385)' 05.30 14:28:29+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataSource::SetGlobalData 05.30 14:28:42+13750 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:28:42+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:28:46+ 3671 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMTaskThesaurus::AddElement 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMTaskThesaurus.cpp(106)' 05.30 14:28:46+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::AddElem 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(3646)' 05.30 14:28:46+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::AddElem 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(3440)' 05.30 14:28:46+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::Flush 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2861)' 05.30 14:28:46+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2959)' 05.30 14:28:46+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTThesaurus::Store 05.30 14:28:46+ 62 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::FlushHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2816)' 05.30 14:28:46+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::FlushHistory 05.30 14:28:46+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [78ms] PTThesaurus::Flush 05.30 14:28:46+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTThesaurus::AddElem 05.30 14:28:46+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTThesaurus::AddElem 05.30 14:28:46+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [94ms] CIMTaskThesaurus::AddElement 05.30 14:28:46+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTTaskManager::Add 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTTaskManager.cpp(76)' 05.30 14:28:46+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTTaskManager::Add 05.30 14:29:22+36125 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:29:22+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:29:24+ 1890 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMTaskThesaurus::AddElement 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMTaskThesaurus.cpp(106)' 05.30 14:29:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::AddElem 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(3646)' 05.30 14:29:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::AddElem 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(3440)' 05.30 14:29:24+ 16 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::Flush 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2861)' 05.30 14:29:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2959)' 05.30 14:29:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::Store 05.30 14:29:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::FlushHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2816)' 05.30 14:29:24+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTThesaurus::FlushHistory 05.30 14:29:24+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] PTThesaurus::Flush 05.30 14:29:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTThesaurus::AddElem 05.30 14:29:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTThesaurus::AddElem 05.30 14:29:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMTaskThesaurus::AddElement 05.30 14:29:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTTaskManager::Add 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTTaskManager.cpp(76)' 05.30 14:29:24+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTTaskManager::Add 05.30 14:29:51+26531 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:29:51+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:29:52+ 1047 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMTaskThesaurus::AddElement 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMTaskThesaurus.cpp(106)' 05.30 14:29:52+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::AddElem 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(3646)' 05.30 14:29:52+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::AddElem 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(3440)' 05.30 14:29:52+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::Flush 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2861)' 05.30 14:29:52+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2959)' 05.30 14:29:52+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::Store 05.30 14:29:52+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::FlushHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2816)' 05.30 14:29:52+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::FlushHistory 05.30 14:29:52+ 0 [24F4] 00 M> < 0 [15ms] PTThesaurus::Flush 05.30 14:29:52+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTThesaurus::AddElem 05.30 14:29:52+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTThesaurus::AddElem 05.30 14:29:52+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMTaskThesaurus::AddElement 05.30 14:29:52+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTTaskManager::Add 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTTaskManager.cpp(76)' 05.30 14:29:52+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTTaskManager::Add 05.30 14:30:09+17281 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::WriteBack 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMControlContainerWnd.cpp(1915)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 0 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(3567)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 05.30 14:30:09+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMTaskMetabase::UpdateFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMTasksMetabase.cpp(952)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 31 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMTaskMetabase::UpdateFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTTaskManager::Add 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTTaskManager.cpp(76)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTTaskManager::Add 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetVariableGroupsPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(557)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetVariableGroupsPending 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(3567)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 1 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:30:09+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [297ms] CIMControlContainerWnd::WriteBack 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [42FC] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 63ms. 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [42FC] 10 I> FileHist Delegate: 100 of 100 events written in 0ms 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:30:09+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:30:09+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:30:16+ 6500 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMTaskMDTemplate::ApplyTemplate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMTaskMDTemplate.cpp(172)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 50 I> #FindRelated: 100 masters, 0 definitions, 0 links found. 0 files analyzed. 05.30 14:30:16+ 32 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::ApplyTemplate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(571)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 93 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetDependingGroupsPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(599)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetDependingGroupsPending 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(3567)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [42FC] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 125ms. 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [42FC] 10 I> FileHist Delegate: 100 of 100 events written in 0ms 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [406ms] PTMDTemplateManager::ApplyTemplate 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [438ms] CIMTaskMDTemplate::ApplyTemplate 05.30 14:30:16+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTTaskManager::Add 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTTaskManager.cpp(76)' 05.30 14:30:16+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTTaskManager::Add 05.30 14:30:21+ 5125 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Location'. 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:30:21+ 15 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4E7C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [2260] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4E7C] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4690] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4E7C] 02 I> 300 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [2260] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4690] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4690] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4690] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4690] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [2260] 02 I> 300 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4E7C] 02 I> 1 children after in group 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4E7C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [2260] 02 I> 2 children after in group 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [2260] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [06F8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 16 [06F8] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [06F8] 02 I> 300 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [06F8] 02 I> 1 children after in group 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [06F8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [09C4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [09C4] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [09C4] 02 I> 300 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [09C4] 02 I> 2 children after in group 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [09C4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [1BC8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [1BC8] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [1BC8] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [1BC8] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [1BC8] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10114)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3607)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 15 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMCatalog::AddGroup 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::AddGroup 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10114)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3607)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:30:21+ 16 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Location' in 62 ms. 05.30 14:30:21+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [62ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:30:35+13156 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Face Arrangement'. 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [19F4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [19F4] 10 I> Parsing variables for 604 files. 05.30 14:30:35+ 16 [19F4] 10 I> Parsing variable '{File.Faces.Arrangement.Type}' done in 16ms (16 threads), producing 604 elements. 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [19F4] 02 I> 604 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [19F4] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [19F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:30:35+ 16 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Face Arrangement' in 32 ms. 05.30 14:30:35+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:30:41+ 6265 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::UpdateVKWPathMap 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5174)' 05.30 14:30:41+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTThesaurus::UpdateVKWPathMap 05.30 14:30:41+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:30:41+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:30:41+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:30:41+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:30:41+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::UpdateVKWPathMap 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5174)' 05.30 14:30:41+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::UpdateVKWPathMap 05.30 14:30:41+ 79 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:30:41+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:31:23+42047 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:31:23+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:31:23+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:31:23+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:31:23+ 203 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:31:23+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:31:45+21578 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:31:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:31:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:31:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:31:45+ 110 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:31:45+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:31:55+ 9875 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:31:55+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:31:55+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5123)' 05.30 14:31:55+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::SetHistory 05.30 14:31:55+ 47 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5082)' 05.30 14:31:55+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTThesaurus::GetHistory 05.30 14:31:58+ 2921 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMControlContainerWnd::WriteBack 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMControlContainerWnd.cpp(1915)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 0 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::UpdateVKWPathMap 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(5174)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTThesaurus::UpdateVKWPathMap 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(3567)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMTaskMetabase::UpdateFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMTasksMetabase.cpp(952)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 31 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMTaskMetabase::UpdateFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTTaskManager::Add 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTTaskManager.cpp(76)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTTaskManager::Add 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::FillKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(356)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::FillKWCache 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetVariableGroupsPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(557)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetVariableGroupsPending 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 15 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(3567)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Propagate 05.30 14:31:58+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 1 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [579ms] CIMControlContainerWnd::WriteBack 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [42FC] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 1 313ms. 05.30 14:31:58+ 0 [42FC] 10 I> FileHist Delegate: 100 of 100 events written in 0ms 05.30 14:32:03+ 5000 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: '@Keywords' for 100 files. 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [4654] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [4654] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [4654] 02 I> 400 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [4654] 02 I> 3 children after in group 05.30 14:32:03+ 15 [4654] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10114)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3607)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10114)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3607)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 16 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::AddGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10114)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3607)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10114)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3607)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 15 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::AddGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10114)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3607)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10114)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::AddGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3607)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:32:03+ 16 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMCatalog::AddGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(768)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineHistory::Store 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::AddGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(10553)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::SetGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: '@Keywords' for 100 files in 62 ms. 05.30 14:32:03+ 0 [27C8] 10 M> < 0 [62ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:32:06+ 2359 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:32:06+ 16 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Face Arrangement'. 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4D80] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4D80] 10 I> Parsing variables for 604 files. 05.30 14:32:06+ 16 [4D80] 10 I> Parsing variable '{File.Faces.Arrangement.Type}' done in 16ms (16 threads), producing 604 elements. 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4D80] 02 I> 604 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4D80] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4D80] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Face Arrangement' in 16 ms. 05.30 14:32:06+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:32:23+17203 [24F4] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::GetWriteBackTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(11457)' 05.30 14:32:23+ 15 [24F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::GetWriteBackTags 05.30 14:32:30+ 7344 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMTaskMetabase::WriteBack 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMTasksMetabase.cpp(1738)' 05.30 14:32:30+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:32:30+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 0 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:32:30+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:32:30+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:32:30+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:32:31+ 609 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::WriteBack 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(9809)' 05.30 14:32:31+ 0 [2454] 10 I> 100 files to write-back to 05.30 14:32:31+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(777)' 05.30 14:32:31+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 05.30 14:32:31+ 0 [2454] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::GetFileOids 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(946)' 05.30 14:32:31+ 16 [2454] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMFaceIndex::GetFileOids 05.30 14:32:32+ 594 [2454] 02 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack prep time for 100 files: 610ms 05.30 14:32:32+ 46 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetVariableGroupsPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(557)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetVariableGroupsPending 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 16 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 16 [2454] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 15 [2454] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 16 [2454] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 16 [2454] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 15 [2454] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 16 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 15 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 16 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 16 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 15 [2454] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 16 [2454] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 16 [2454] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 15 [2454] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 16 [2454] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:32:32+ 15 [42FC] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 62ms. 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [42FC] 10 I> FileHist Delegate: 100 of 100 events written in 0ms 05.30 14:32:32+ 47 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 16 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 16 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 15 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 297 [0710] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 710, new process 2BF4). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [34AC] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 34AC, new process 3238). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [0218] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 218, new process 31D4). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1D84] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 1D84, new process 327C). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1B44] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 1B44, new process 2B2C). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2094] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 2094, new process 3124). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2B00] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 2B00, new process 2DFC). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [464C] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 464C, new process 30F0). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [0958] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 958, new process 3084). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1CE8] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 1CE8, new process 2B9C). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 16 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [4FB0] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 4FB0, new process 2B5C). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [4A80] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 4A80, new process 3248). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [08E0] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 8E0, new process 32FC). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [41D4] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 41D4, new process 2AC4). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 15 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2848] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 2848, new process 2FDC). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1CA8] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 1CA8, new process 2F44). 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:32+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 532 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [563ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 15 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [578ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 47 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [609ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [625ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 16 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [641ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 47 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [672ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [657ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [672ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [672ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [672ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [688ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [688ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [688ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [672ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 15 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [672ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [672ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [687ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [687ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [687ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [687ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [672ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [703ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [672ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [687ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [687ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [703ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [703ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [672ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [703ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 16 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 15 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 16 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 47 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 16 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 15 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 05.30 14:32:33+ 31 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:33+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:35+ 1891 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [1953ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:35+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [1953ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:35+ 16 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:35+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [1953ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:35+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [1938ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:35+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [1953ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:35+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [1953ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:35+ 15 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:35+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:35+ 188 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [2266ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:35+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [2266ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:35+ 15 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [2171ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:35+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [2171ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:35+ 16 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [2266ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:35+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [2266ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:35+ 31 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [2172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:35+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [2172ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:35+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:35+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:35+ 16 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:35+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:36+ 312 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [2500ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [2500ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [2500ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [2500ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:36+ 63 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [2609ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [2609ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:36+ 31 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [2703ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [2703ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [2703ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [2703ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:36+ 16 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [2610ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [2610ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [2610ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [2610ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:36+ 31 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:36+ 31 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:36+ 47 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [2719ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [2719ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [2719ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [2719ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:32:36+ 16 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:36+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:32:47+10953 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1549)' 05.30 14:32:47+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 05.30 14:34:12+85359 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [97125ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:12+ 0 [41D4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9705.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:12+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [100218ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:12+ 0 [41D4] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1985] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9705.xmp' 05.30 14:34:12+ 0 [41D4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1985] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9705.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:34:12+ 188 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [97328ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:12+ 0 [1CE8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9701.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:12+ 15 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [100437ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:12+ 0 [1CE8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1981] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9701.xmp' 05.30 14:34:12+ 0 [1CE8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1981] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9701.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:34:13+ 454 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [97782ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:13+ 0 [4FB0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9707.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:13+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [100875ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:13+ 0 [4FB0] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1987] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9707.xmp' 05.30 14:34:13+ 0 [4FB0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1987] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9707.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:34:13+ 312 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:13+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:13+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:13+ 16 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:13+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:13+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:14+ 468 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:14+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:14+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:17+ 3516 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [101844ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:17+ 0 [1B44] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9702.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:17+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [105219ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:17+ 16 [1B44] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1982] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9702.xmp' 05.30 14:34:17+ 0 [1B44] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1982] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9702.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:34:18+ 468 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:18+ 172 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:18+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:22+ 4516 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [107000ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:22+ 0 [08E0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9706.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:22+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [110359ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:22+ 0 [08E0] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1986] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9706.xmp' 05.30 14:34:22+ 0 [08E0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1986] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9706.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:34:23+ 422 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:23+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:23+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:23+ 312 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [9890ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:23+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [9890ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:24+ 469 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [9891ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:24+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [9891ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:24+ 156 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:24+ 157 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:26+ 1937 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [7969ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:26+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [7969ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:26+ 359 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:30+ 4094 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [114453ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:30+ 0 [2B00] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9703.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:30+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [118281ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:30+ 0 [2B00] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1983] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9703.xmp' 05.30 14:34:30+ 0 [2B00] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1983] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9703.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:34:30+ 141 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [114563ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:30+ 0 [4A80] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9708.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:30+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [118406ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:30+ 0 [4A80] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1988] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9708.xmp' 05.30 14:34:30+ 0 [4A80] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1988] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9708.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:34:31+ 375 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [115438ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [1D84] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9699.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [118813ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [1D84] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1979] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9699.xmp' 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [1D84] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1979] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9699.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:34:31+ 500 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:31+ 47 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [115547ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [0218] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9698.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [119360ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [0218] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1978] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9698.xmp' 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [0218] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1978] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9698.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:34:31+ 172 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [115657ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [1CA8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9710.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [119485ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [1CA8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1990] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9710.xmp' 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [1CA8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1990] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9710.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:31+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:32+ 171 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [115765ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:32+ 0 [2848] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9709.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:32+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [119671ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:32+ 0 [2848] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1989] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9709.xmp' 05.30 14:34:32+ 0 [2848] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1989] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9709.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:34:32+ 94 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [116406ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:32+ 0 [464C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9696.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:32+ 16 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [119813ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:32+ 0 [464C] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1976] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9696.xmp' 05.30 14:34:32+ 0 [464C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1976] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9696.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:34:32+ 47 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:32+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:32+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:32+ 125 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [18766ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:32+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [18766ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:32+ 312 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:32+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:32+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:32+ 94 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:33+ 266 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:33+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:33+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:33+ 15 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:33+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:33+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:34+ 1485 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [11344ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:34+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [11344ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:34+ 171 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:35+ 672 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [119187ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:35+ 0 [0958] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9704.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:35+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [122984ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:35+ 0 [0958] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1984] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9704.xmp' 05.30 14:34:35+ 0 [0958] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1984] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9704.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:34:36+ 719 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:36+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:36+ 16 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:37+ 1734 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [121531ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:37+ 16 [2094] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9700.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:37+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [125469ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:37+ 0 [2094] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1980] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9700.xmp' 05.30 14:34:37+ 0 [2094] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1980] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9700.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:34:37+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [121641ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:37+ 0 [34AC] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9695.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:37+ 15 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [125500ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:37+ 0 [34AC] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1975] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9695.xmp' 05.30 14:34:37+ 0 [34AC] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1975] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9695.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:34:37+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [121656ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:37+ 0 [0710] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9697.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:34:37+ 16 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [125516ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:34:37+ 0 [0710] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1977] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9697.xmp' 05.30 14:34:37+ 0 [0710] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1977] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9697.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:34:38+ 62 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:38+ 32 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:38+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:38+ 15 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:38+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:38+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:38+ 16 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:34:38+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:34:38+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:39+ 1078 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [7187ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:39+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [7187ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:39+ 63 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:39+ 62 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [6547ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:39+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [6547ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:39+ 16 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:39+ 15 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [6218ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:39+ 16 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [6234ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:39+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [6219ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:39+ 16 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [6235ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:39+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:39+ 15 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:39+ 16 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [7609ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:39+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [7625ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:39+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [7625ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:39+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [7078ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:39+ 15 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [7093ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:39+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [7625ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:39+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:39+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:39+ 16 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:39+ 422 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [3656ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:39+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [3672ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:39+ 62 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:40+ 782 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [2610ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:40+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [2610ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:40+ 15 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:40+ 110 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [2719ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:40+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [2719ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:40+ 15 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:34:40+ 47 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [2812ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:34:40+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [2812ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:34:40+ 16 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:35:53+72375 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [88906ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:35:53+ 0 [4FB0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9713.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:35:53+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [99110ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:35:53+ 0 [4FB0] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1993] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9713.xmp' 05.30 14:35:53+ 0 [4FB0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1993] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9713.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:35:53+ 453 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:35:53+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:35:53+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:35:54+ 578 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [90094ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:35:54+ 0 [1CE8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9712.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:35:54+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [100609ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:35:54+ 0 [1CE8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1992] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9712.xmp' 05.30 14:35:54+ 0 [1CE8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1992] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9712.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:35:54+ 641 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:35:54+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:35:54+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:35:59+ 4281 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [5500ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:35:59+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [5500ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:35:59+ 31 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [92594ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:35:59+ 0 [1B44] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9714.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:35:59+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [101094ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:35:59+ 0 [1B44] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1994] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9714.xmp' 05.30 14:35:59+ 0 [1B44] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1994] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9714.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:35:59+ 63 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:35:59+ 125 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:35:59+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:35:59+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:35:59+ 31 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [4531ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:35:59+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [4531ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:35:59+ 78 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:00+ 438 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [87141ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:00+ 0 [41D4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9711.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:36:00+ 15 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [106328ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:36:00+ 0 [41D4] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1991] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9711.xmp' 05.30 14:36:00+ 0 [41D4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1991] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9711.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:36:00+ 94 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:36:00+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:36:00+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:00+ 562 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [85875ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:00+ 0 [08E0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9715.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:36:00+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [97390ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:36:00+ 0 [08E0] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1995] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9715.xmp' 05.30 14:36:00+ 0 [08E0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1995] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9715.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:36:00+ 141 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:36:00+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:36:00+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:03+ 2875 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [4234ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:03+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [4234ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:04+ 406 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:14+10469 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [14453ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:14+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [14453ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:14+ 359 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:23+ 8329 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [22438ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:23+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [22438ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:24+ 1015 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:35+11281 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [116125ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [0218] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9719.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [123218ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [0218] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1999] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9719.xmp' 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [0218] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1999] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9719.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:36:35+ 188 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [116344ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [464C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9722.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [122609ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [464C] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2002] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9722.xmp' 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [464C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2002] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9722.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:36:35+ 31 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [116328ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [2B00] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9716.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [123984ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [2B00] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1996] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9716.xmp' 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [2B00] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1996] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9716.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:36:35+ 16 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [116453ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [1CA8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9720.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [123016ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [1CA8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2000] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9720.xmp' 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [1CA8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2000] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9720.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:36:35+ 156 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:36:35+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:36+ 203 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:36:36+ 16 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:36+ 15 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [116750ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [4A80] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9717.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [124390ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [4A80] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1997] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9717.xmp' 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [4A80] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1997] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9717.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:36:36+ 79 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [116875ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [2848] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9721.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [123125ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [2848] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2001] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9721.xmp' 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [2848] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2001] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9721.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:36:36+ 93 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [117093ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [1D84] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9718.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [124343ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [1D84] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [1998] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9718.xmp' 05.30 14:36:36+ 0 [1D84] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [1998] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9718.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:36:37+ 750 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:36:37+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:36:37+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:37+ 16 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:36:37+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:36:37+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:36:37+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:37+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:36:37+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:37+ 859 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [118047ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:37+ 0 [0958] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9723.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:36:37+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [121781ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:36:37+ 0 [0958] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2003] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9723.xmp' 05.30 14:36:37+ 0 [0958] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2003] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9723.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:36:38+ 47 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [117297ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [34AC] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9725.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [119922ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [34AC] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2005] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9725.xmp' 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [34AC] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2005] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9725.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:36:38+ 125 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [117297ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [0710] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9726.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [120031ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [0710] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2006] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9726.xmp' 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [0710] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2006] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9726.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:36:38+ 156 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:36:38+ 16 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:38+ 31 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:36:38+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:39+ 1344 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [118781ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:39+ 0 [2094] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9724.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:36:39+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [121641ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:36:39+ 0 [2094] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2004] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9724.xmp' 05.30 14:36:39+ 0 [2094] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2004] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9724.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:36:39+ 94 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:36:39+ 15 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:36:39+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:40+ 750 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [3453ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [4406ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [3453ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [4406ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:40+ 16 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [4406ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [3453ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [3453ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [4406ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [4406ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [4422ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [3453ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [4625ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [4625ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [3453ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:40+ 16 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:40+ 15 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:40+ 235 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [2485ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [2485ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:40+ 15 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:40+ 32 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [2563ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [2579ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:40+ 15 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [2594ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [2579ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:40+ 16 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:40+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:36:41+ 828 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [1938ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:36:41+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [1938ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:36:41+ 47 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:37:47+65812 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1549)' 05.30 14:37:47+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 05.30 14:38:04+16719 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [124766ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:04+ 15 [1CE8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9728.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:04+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [129390ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:04+ 0 [1CE8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2008] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9728.xmp' 05.30 14:38:04+ 0 [1CE8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2008] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9728.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:04+ 157 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:04+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:04+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:04+ 15 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [125187ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:04+ 0 [4FB0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9727.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:04+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [130781ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:04+ 0 [4FB0] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2007] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9727.xmp' 05.30 14:38:04+ 16 [4FB0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2007] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9727.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:04+ 156 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:04+ 16 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:04+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:06+ 1750 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [122360ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:06+ 0 [1B44] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9729.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:06+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [127000ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:06+ 0 [1B44] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2009] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9729.xmp' 05.30 14:38:06+ 0 [1B44] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2009] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9729.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:06+ 172 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:06+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:06+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:08+ 1875 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [4000ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:08+ 15 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [4015ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:38:08+ 78 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [3890ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:08+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [3890ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:38:08+ 94 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:08+ 78 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:10+ 1969 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [4109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:10+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [4109ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:38:10+ 78 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:11+ 1125 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [117016ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:11+ 0 [41D4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9730.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:11+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [131828ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:11+ 0 [41D4] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2010] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9730.xmp' 05.30 14:38:11+ 0 [41D4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2010] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9730.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:12+ 203 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:12+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:12+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:14+ 2250 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [110125ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:14+ 0 [08E0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9731.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:14+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [133578ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:14+ 0 [08E0] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2011] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9731.xmp' 05.30 14:38:14+ 0 [08E0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2011] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9731.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:14+ 31 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [2281ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:14+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [2281ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:38:14+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:14+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:14+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:14+ 16 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:19+ 4656 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [4656ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:19+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [4672ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:38:19+ 422 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:55+36360 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [135313ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:55+ 0 [2848] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9737.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:55+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [138782ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:55+ 0 [2848] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2017] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9737.xmp' 05.30 14:38:55+ 0 [2848] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2017] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9737.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:56+ 796 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:56+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:56+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 1485 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [137250ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [34AC] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9740.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [139860ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [34AC] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2020] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9740.xmp' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [34AC] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2020] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9740.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:58+ 47 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [137360ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0710] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9741.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [139860ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0710] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2021] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9741.xmp' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0710] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2021] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9741.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:58+ 47 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 15 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [137672ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [1CA8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9735.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [142125ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [137672ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [1D84] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9738.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [1CA8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2015] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9735.xmp' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [1CA8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2015] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9735.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [141156ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [1D84] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2018] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9738.xmp' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [1D84] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2018] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9738.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:58+ 31 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 63 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [137781ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [464C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9733.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [137797ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2B00] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9734.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [142203ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [142219ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [464C] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2013] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9733.xmp' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2B00] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2014] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9734.xmp' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [464C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2013] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9733.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2B00] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2014] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9734.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:58+ 62 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 16 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 31 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [137890ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [4A80] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9736.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [141359ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [4A80] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2016] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9736.xmp' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [4A80] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2016] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9736.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:58+ 16 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [136703ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2094] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9742.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [138703ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [137578ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0958] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9739.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [140188ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [137891ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0218] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9732.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [142547ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2094] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2022] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9742.xmp' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2094] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2022] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9742.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0218] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2012] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9732.xmp' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0218] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2012] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9732.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0958] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2019] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9739.xmp' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0958] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2019] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9739.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:38:58+ 172 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 125 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:38:58+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:39:00+ 1656 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [3766ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:39:00+ 16 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [3782ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:39:00+ 15 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:39:00+ 172 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [2390ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:39:00+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [2390ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:39:00+ 31 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:39:00+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [2375ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:39:00+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [2375ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:39:00+ 16 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:39:01+ 359 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [2609ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [2609ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:39:01+ 16 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [2281ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [2281ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [2281ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [2281ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:39:01+ 16 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:39:01+ 62 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [2703ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [2719ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [2719ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [2719ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:39:01+ 16 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [2719ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [2719ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [2500ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [2500ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:39:01+ 15 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [2390ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [2390ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:39:01+ 16 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:39:01+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:40:19+78219 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [130641ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:40:19+ 15 [4FB0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9744.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:40:19+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [134734ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:40:19+ 0 [4FB0] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2024] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9744.xmp' 05.30 14:40:19+ 0 [4FB0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2024] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9744.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:40:19+ 172 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:40:19+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:40:19+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:40:20+ 703 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [131609ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:40:20+ 0 [1CE8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9743.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:40:20+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [135796ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:40:20+ 0 [1CE8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2023] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9743.xmp' 05.30 14:40:20+ 0 [1CE8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2023] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9743.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:40:20+ 157 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:40:20+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:40:20+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:40:21+ 1547 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [131188ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:40:21+ 0 [1B44] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9745.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:40:22+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [135375ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:40:22+ 0 [1B44] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2025] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9745.xmp' 05.30 14:40:22+ 0 [1B44] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2025] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9745.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:40:22+ 140 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:40:22+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:40:22+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:40:22+ 485 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [3032ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:40:22+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [3032ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:40:22+ 31 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:40:23+ 500 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [2703ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:40:23+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [2703ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:40:23+ 140 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:40:24+ 1454 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [2610ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:40:24+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [2610ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:40:24+ 46 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:40:25+ 594 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [130969ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:40:25+ 0 [41D4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9746.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:40:25+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [133250ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:40:25+ 0 [41D4] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2026] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9746.xmp' 05.30 14:40:25+ 0 [41D4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2026] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9746.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:40:25+ 219 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:40:25+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:40:25+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:40:27+ 2375 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [2375ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:40:27+ 16 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [2391ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:40:28+ 78 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:40:31+ 3906 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [132469ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:40:31+ 0 [08E0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9747.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:40:31+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [137563ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:40:31+ 0 [08E0] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2027] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9747.xmp' 05.30 14:40:31+ 0 [08E0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2027] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9747.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:40:32+ 47 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:40:32+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:40:32+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:40:36+ 4344 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [4344ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:40:36+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [4344ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:40:36+ 281 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:06+29656 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [125625ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:06+ 0 [0710] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9750.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:41:06+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [128016ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:41:06+ 0 [0710] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2030] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9750.xmp' 05.30 14:41:06+ 0 [0710] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2030] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9750.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:41:07+ 938 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:41:07+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:41:07+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:10+ 3468 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [130047ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:10+ 0 [34AC] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9749.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:41:10+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [132468ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:41:10+ 0 [34AC] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2029] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9749.xmp' 05.30 14:41:10+ 0 [34AC] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2029] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9749.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:41:11+ 1063 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:41:11+ 109 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:41:11+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:13+ 1688 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [132407ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:13+ 0 [1CA8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9751.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:41:13+ 15 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [135172ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:41:13+ 0 [1CA8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2031] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9751.xmp' 05.30 14:41:13+ 0 [1CA8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2031] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9751.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:41:13+ 203 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [132609ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:13+ 16 [4A80] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9755.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:41:13+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [135156ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:41:13+ 0 [4A80] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2035] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9755.xmp' 05.30 14:41:13+ 0 [4A80] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2035] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9755.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:41:13+ 16 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:41:13+ 15 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:41:13+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:13+ 141 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:41:13+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:41:13+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 31 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [132937ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0218] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9757.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [135234ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [132844ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [1D84] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9752.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [135594ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0218] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2037] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9757.xmp' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0218] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2037] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9757.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [1D84] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2032] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9752.xmp' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [1D84] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2032] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9752.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:41:14+ 94 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [133063ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2B00] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9754.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [135672ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2B00] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2034] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9754.xmp' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2B00] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2034] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9754.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:41:14+ 16 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [132938ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0958] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9758.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [135344ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [133047ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2094] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9756.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [135344ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0958] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2038] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9758.xmp' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0958] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2038] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9758.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2094] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2036] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9756.xmp' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2094] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2036] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9756.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:41:14+ 46 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [133703ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2848] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9748.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [137500ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2848] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2028] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9748.xmp' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2848] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2028] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9748.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:41:14+ 47 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 16 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 47 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 31 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 63 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:41:14+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:15+ 1578 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [134766ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:15+ 0 [464C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9753.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:41:15+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [137516ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:41:15+ 0 [464C] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2033] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9753.xmp' 05.30 14:41:15+ 0 [464C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2033] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9753.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:41:15+ 15 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [8718ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:15+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [8718ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:41:15+ 16 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:16+ 94 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:41:16+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:41:16+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:16+ 234 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [4422ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:16+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [4422ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:41:16+ 31 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:16+ 313 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [2813ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:16+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [2813ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:41:16+ 15 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:17+ 344 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [3031ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:17+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [3031ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:41:17+ 16 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:17+ 203 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [2922ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:17+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [2922ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:41:17+ 16 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [3032ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:17+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [3032ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:41:17+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:17+ 15 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [3031ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:17+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [3047ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:41:17+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [3031ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:17+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [3031ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:41:17+ 16 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:17+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [2906ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:17+ 15 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [2921ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:41:17+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:17+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:17+ 16 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:17+ 16 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [3016ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:17+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [3016ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:41:17+ 15 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:41:18+ 782 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [2047ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:41:18+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [2047ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:41:18+ 31 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:42:39+81812 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [137312ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:42:39+ 0 [4FB0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9759.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:42:39+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [140375ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:42:39+ 0 [4FB0] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2039] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9759.xmp' 05.30 14:42:39+ 16 [4FB0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2039] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9759.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:42:40+ 187 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:42:40+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:42:40+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:42:42+ 2172 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [139047ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:42:42+ 0 [1CE8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9760.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:42:42+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [141890ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:42:42+ 0 [1CE8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2040] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9760.xmp' 05.30 14:42:42+ 0 [1CE8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2040] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9760.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:42:42+ 125 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:42:42+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:42:42+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:42:43+ 1266 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [3563ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:42:43+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [3563ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:42:43+ 78 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:42:44+ 438 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [139454ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:42:44+ 0 [1B44] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9761.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:42:44+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [142110ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:42:44+ 0 [1B44] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2041] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9761.xmp' 05.30 14:42:44+ 0 [1B44] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2041] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9761.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:42:44+ 125 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:42:44+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:42:44+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:42:45+ 1125 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [3032ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:42:45+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [3032ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:42:45+ 156 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:42:47+ 1640 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [2921ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:42:47+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [2921ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:42:47+ 32 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:42:47+ 515 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1549)' 05.30 14:42:47+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 05.30 14:42:48+ 547 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [140312ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:42:48+ 0 [41D4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9762.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:42:48+ 16 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [142797ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:42:48+ 0 [41D4] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2042] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9762.xmp' 05.30 14:42:48+ 0 [41D4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2042] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9762.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:42:48+ 94 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:42:48+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:42:48+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:42:50+ 1625 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [1625ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:42:50+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [1625ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:42:50+ 78 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:42:55+ 5343 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [138890ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:42:55+ 0 [08E0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9763.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:42:55+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [143515ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:42:55+ 0 [08E0] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2043] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9763.xmp' 05.30 14:42:55+ 0 [08E0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2043] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9763.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:42:55+ 47 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:42:55+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:42:55+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:42:57+ 1516 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [1516ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:42:57+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [1516ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:42:57+ 78 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:31+34234 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [135437ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:31+ 16 [0710] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9764.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:43:31+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [144187ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:43:31+ 0 [0710] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2044] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9764.xmp' 05.30 14:43:31+ 0 [0710] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2044] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9764.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:43:31+ 125 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [135219ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:31+ 0 [34AC] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9765.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:43:31+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [139781ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:43:31+ 0 [34AC] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2045] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9765.xmp' 05.30 14:43:31+ 0 [34AC] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2045] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9765.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:43:32+ 844 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:43:32+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:43:32+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:32+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:43:32+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:43:32+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:36+ 3781 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [139516ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:36+ 0 [1CA8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9766.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:43:36+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [142359ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:43:36+ 0 [1CA8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2046] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9766.xmp' 05.30 14:43:36+ 16 [1CA8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2046] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9766.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:43:37+ 906 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:43:37+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:43:37+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:37+ 812 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [140890ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:37+ 0 [4A80] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9767.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:43:37+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [143937ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:43:37+ 0 [4A80] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2047] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9767.xmp' 05.30 14:43:37+ 0 [4A80] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2047] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9767.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:43:38+ 407 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 62 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [141094ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [0218] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9768.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [144156ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [0218] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2048] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9768.xmp' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [0218] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2048] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9768.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:43:38+ 31 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [141109ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2848] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9773.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [144046ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2848] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2053] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9773.xmp' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2848] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2053] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9773.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:43:38+ 47 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [141218ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [0958] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9771.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [144187ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [0958] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2051] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9771.xmp' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [0958] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2051] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9771.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:43:38+ 94 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [141219ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2094] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9772.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [144281ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2094] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2052] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9772.xmp' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2094] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2052] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9772.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:43:38+ 31 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [141312ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2B00] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9770.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [144375ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2B00] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2050] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9770.xmp' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2B00] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2050] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9770.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:43:38+ 16 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [141313ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [1D84] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9769.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [144391ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [1D84] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2049] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9769.xmp' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [1D84] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2049] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9769.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:43:38+ 94 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 15 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [140562ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [464C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9774.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [142640ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [464C] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2054] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9774.xmp' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [464C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2054] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9774.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 250 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:43:38+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:39+ 860 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [7422ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:39+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [7422ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:43:39+ 109 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:40+ 94 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [7625ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:40+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [7625ms #sl] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:43:40+ 31 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:40+ 906 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [3859ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:40+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [3859ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:43:40+ 16 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:41+ 31 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [2687ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:41+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [2687ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:43:41+ 31 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:41+ 344 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [2797ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:41+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [2797ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:43:41+ 16 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [2813ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:41+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [2813ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:43:41+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:41+ 31 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:41+ 16 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [2485ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:41+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [2485ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:43:41+ 47 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:41+ 15 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [2906ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:41+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [2922ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:43:41+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [2812ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:41+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [2812ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:43:41+ 16 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [2813ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:41+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [2813ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:43:41+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:41+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:41+ 15 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:43:41+ 63 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [2906ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:43:41+ 0 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [2906ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:43:41+ 47 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:44:52+71094 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [128938ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:44:52+ 0 [4FB0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9775.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:44:52+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [132579ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:44:52+ 0 [4FB0] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2055] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9775.xmp' 05.30 14:44:52+ 0 [4FB0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2055] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9775.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:44:52+ 156 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:44:52+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:44:52+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:44:55+ 2625 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [129875ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:44:55+ 0 [1CE8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9776.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:44:55+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [133063ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:44:55+ 0 [1CE8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2056] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9776.xmp' 05.30 14:44:55+ 0 [1CE8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2056] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9776.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:44:55+ 125 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:44:55+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:44:55+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:44:55+ 140 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [2890ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:44:55+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [2890ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:44:55+ 79 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:44:56+ 890 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [129437ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:44:56+ 0 [1B44] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9777.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:44:56+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [132390ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:44:56+ 16 [1B44] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2057] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9777.xmp' 05.30 14:44:56+ 0 [1B44] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2057] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9777.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:44:56+ 156 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:44:56+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:44:56+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:44:58+ 1203 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [2484ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:44:58+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [2484ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:44:58+ 47 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:44:59+ 1234 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [2484ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:44:59+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [2484ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:44:59+ 63 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:44:59+ 47 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [129328ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:44:59+ 0 [41D4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9778.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:44:59+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [131031ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:44:59+ 0 [41D4] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2058] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9778.xmp' 05.30 14:44:59+ 0 [41D4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2058] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9778.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:44:59+ 62 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::Write 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3231)' 05.30 14:44:59+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(4222)' 05.30 14:44:59+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:45:00+ 1188 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:45:00+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::CreateXMPSidecarFile 05.30 14:45:00+ 47 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:45:06+ 5890 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [129531ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:45:06+ 0 [08E0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9779.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:45:06+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [131125ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:45:06+ 0 [08E0] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2059] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9779.xmp' 05.30 14:45:06+ 0 [08E0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2059] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9779.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:45:06+ 0 [08E0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:45:07+ 1172 [08E0] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:45:37+29328 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [117281ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:45:37+ 0 [0710] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9780.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:45:37+ 0 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [124812ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:45:37+ 0 [0710] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2060] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9780.xmp' 05.30 14:45:37+ 0 [0710] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2060] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9780.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:45:37+ 0 [0710] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:45:38+ 1203 [0710] 10 M> < 0 [1203ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:45:38+ 532 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [118891ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:45:38+ 0 [34AC] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9781.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:45:38+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [126547ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:45:38+ 0 [34AC] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2061] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9781.xmp' 05.30 14:45:38+ 0 [34AC] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2061] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9781.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:45:38+ 0 [34AC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:45:40+ 1172 [34AC] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:45:47+ 7468 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [126609ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:45:47+ 0 [1CA8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9782.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:45:47+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [130484ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:45:47+ 0 [1CA8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2062] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9782.xmp' 05.30 14:45:47+ 0 [1CA8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2062] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9782.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:45:47+ 0 [1CA8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:45:47+ 172 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [126719ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:45:47+ 0 [4A80] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9783.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:45:47+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [129437ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:45:47+ 0 [4A80] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2063] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9783.xmp' 05.30 14:45:47+ 0 [4A80] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2063] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9783.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:45:47+ 0 [4A80] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:45:48+ 703 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [126937ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [0958] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9786.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [129875ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [0958] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2066] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9786.xmp' 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [0958] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2066] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9786.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [0958] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:45:48+ 297 [1CA8] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:45:48+ 31 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [127140ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [2094] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9787.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:45:48+ 16 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [130109ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [2094] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2067] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9787.xmp' 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [2094] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2067] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9787.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [2094] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:45:48+ 47 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [127453ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [0218] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9784.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [130266ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [0218] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2064] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9784.xmp' 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [0218] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2064] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9784.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [0218] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:45:48+ 47 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [127469ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [2848] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9785.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [130313ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [2848] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2065] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9785.xmp' 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [2848] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2065] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9785.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [2848] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:45:48+ 15 [4A80] 10 M> < 0 [1156ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:45:48+ 79 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [127454ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:45:48+ 0 [1D84] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9789.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [130282ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [1D84] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2069] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9789.xmp' 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [1D84] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2069] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9789.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [1D84] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:45:49+ 109 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [127578ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [2B00] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9788.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [130406ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [2B00] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2068] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9788.xmp' 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [2B00] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2068] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9788.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [2B00] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:45:49+ 172 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [127781ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [464C] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9790.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [130313ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [464C] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2070] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9790.xmp' 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [464C] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2070] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9790.RAF' in 2 Minutes 05.30 14:45:49+ 0 [464C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:45:49+ 344 [0958] 10 M> < 0 [1157ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:45:49+ 375 [2094] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:45:50+ 31 [0218] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:45:50+ 62 [2848] 10 M> < 0 [1187ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:45:50+ 94 [1D84] 10 M> < 0 [1187ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:45:50+ 109 [2B00] 10 M> < 0 [1187ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:45:50+ 157 [464C] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:46:18+28187 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [82765ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:18+ 0 [4FB0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9791.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:46:18+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [85734ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:46:18+ 0 [4FB0] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2071] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9791.xmp' 05.30 14:46:18+ 0 [4FB0] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2071] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9791.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:46:18+ 0 [4FB0] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:46:19+ 1188 [4FB0] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:46:21+ 1765 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [83406ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:21+ 0 [1CE8] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9792.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:46:21+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [85937ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:46:21+ 0 [1CE8] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2072] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9792.xmp' 05.30 14:46:21+ 0 [1CE8] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2072] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9792.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:46:21+ 0 [1CE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:46:22+ 1078 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [83187ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:22+ 0 [1B44] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9793.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:46:22+ 16 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [85750ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:46:22+ 0 [1B44] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2073] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9793.xmp' 05.30 14:46:22+ 0 [1B44] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2073] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9793.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:46:22+ 0 [1B44] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:46:22+ 78 [1CE8] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:46:23+ 1094 [1B44] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:46:25+ 1359 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [84390ms #sl] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:25+ 0 [41D4] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: Tag 'exif:digimageguid' is not defined - \\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9794.xmp 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3790)' 05.30 14:46:25+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [85625ms #sl] PTETWrapper::Write 05.30 14:46:25+ 0 [41D4] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack created XMP file [2074] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9794.xmp' 05.30 14:46:25+ 0 [41D4] 50 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack successful for file [2074] '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9794.RAF' in 1 Minute 05.30 14:46:25+ 0 [41D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 1172 [41D4] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:46:26+ 110 [2454] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack for 100 files in 834375ms 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2454] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::TouchFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(6123)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 31 [2454] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::TouchFolder 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(6063)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2454] 50 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::UpdateFolder 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3035)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2454] 50 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::UpdateFolder 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2454] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::TouchFolder 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2454] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::TouchFiles 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ResetFileFlags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(7234)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 47 [2454] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ResetFileFlags 05.30 14:46:26+ 15 [2454] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntries 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3416)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2454] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntries 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2454] 10 I> PTMetabase::WriteBack completed for 100 files (100 workfiles) in 835078 ms. 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2454] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(777)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2454] 10 M> < 0 [835078ms #sl] PTMetabase::WriteBack 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [42FC] 10 I> FileHist Delegate: 100 of 100 events written in 0ms 05.30 14:46:26+ 203 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2978)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [24F4] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 1 by thread 9460 (24f4) 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 05.30 14:46:26+ 16 [24F4] 10 M> < 0 [835922ms #sl] CIMTaskMetabase::WriteBack 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 16 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 15 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:26+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:27+ 297 [43C8] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 43C8, new process 304C). 05.30 14:46:27+ 0 [026C] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 26C, new process 31AC). 05.30 14:46:27+ 0 [2D98] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 2D98, new process 3220). 05.30 14:46:27+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:27+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:27+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:27+ 15 [4FE8] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 4FE8, new process 3180). 05.30 14:46:27+ 0 [2768] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 2768, new process 2BDC). 05.30 14:46:27+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:27+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:27+ 16 [1C5C] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 1C5C, new process 2C50). 05.30 14:46:27+ 0 [0A08] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread A08, new process 250C). 05.30 14:46:27+ 0 [158C] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 158C, new process 2CE0). 05.30 14:46:27+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:27+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:27+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 4531 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [4531ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [4547ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 31 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [4906ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [4906ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4906 ms 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02005] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9725.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02006] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9726.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 16 [0A08] 02 I> [02007] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9727.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02008] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9728.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02009] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9729.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [4938ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [63ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [4938ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [4938ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4938 ms 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [01995] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9715.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [01996] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9716.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [01997] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9717.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [01998] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9718.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [01999] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9719.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [4953ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [4625ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetDependingGroupsPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(599)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 15 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperManager::SetDependingGroupsPending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 16 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [5000ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [5000ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 5000 ms 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [01980] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9700.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [01981] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9701.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [01982] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9702.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [01983] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9703.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [4641ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [4657ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [01984] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9704.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 15 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [5016ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 16 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [5016ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:31+ 15 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 [5047ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [5062ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [5031ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 5062 ms 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 5031 ms 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02000] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9720.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02001] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9721.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02002] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9722.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02003] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9723.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02004] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9724.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [01990] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9710.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [01991] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9711.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [01992] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9712.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [01993] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9713.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [01994] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9714.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [5047ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [5062ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 16 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [4750ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 15 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 16 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 16 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [94ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [5125ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [5125ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 5125 ms 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [01985] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9705.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [01986] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9706.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [01987] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9707.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [01988] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9708.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [01989] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9709.RAF' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [5141ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 15 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [4781ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 16 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:31+ 16 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:31+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 15 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [5156ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [5156ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 5156 ms 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [02010] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9730.RAF' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [1C5C] 02 I> [02011] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9731.RAF' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [02012] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9732.RAF' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [02013] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9733.RAF' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [02014] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9734.RAF' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [5188ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [4875ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 15 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 93 ms. 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [93ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 [5250ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [5266ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [141ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 5266 ms 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [01975] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9695.RAF' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [01976] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9696.RAF' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [01977] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9697.RAF' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [01978] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9698.RAF' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [01979] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9699.RAF' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [141ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [5266ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 15 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 15 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2768] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 0ms. 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 15 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [203ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [203ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2768] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 390 ms. 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [390ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 297 ms. 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [297ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 15 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 375 ms. 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [375ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 187 ms. 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [187ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [172ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [172ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 15 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [0A08] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 1 219ms. 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 15 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [421ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [421ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 515 ms. 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [515ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 1 218ms. 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [406ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [422ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 15 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 16 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 485 ms. 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [485ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:32+ 15 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 312 ms. 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [312ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 63 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 78 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 15 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:32+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 2594 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [2922ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 31 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [2984ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [2984ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 2984 ms 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [02015] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9735.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [02016] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9736.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [02017] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9737.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [02018] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9738.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [02019] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9739.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [2984ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 47 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [2922ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [2922ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [46ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [2984ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [2984ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 2984 ms 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02020] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9740.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02021] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9741.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02022] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9742.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02023] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9743.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02024] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9744.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [2984ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [2984ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [2984ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 2984 ms 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [02025] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9745.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [02026] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9746.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [02027] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9747.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [02028] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9748.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [02029] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9749.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [2937ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [2984ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [2984ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [2984ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 2984 ms 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [02030] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9750.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [02031] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9751.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [02032] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9752.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [156ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [02033] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9753.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 02 I> [02034] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9754.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [2984ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [026C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 219 ms. 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [219ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [3047ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [93ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [3094ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [3094ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3094 ms 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [02035] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9755.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [02036] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9756.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [02037] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9757.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [02038] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9758.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 02 I> [02039] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9759.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [3094ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [3047ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 31 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [63ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [94ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [3093ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [3093ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3093 ms 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02040] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9760.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02041] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9761.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02042] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9762.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02043] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9763.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02044] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9764.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [3093ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [3047ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [3047ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [156ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 [3094ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [3094ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3094 ms 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [02045] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9765.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [02046] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9766.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [02047] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9767.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [02048] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9768.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 02 I> [02049] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9769.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [3094ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [188ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 329 ms. 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [329ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 [3094ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [3094ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 3094 ms 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [02050] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9770.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [02051] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9771.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [02052] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9772.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [02053] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9773.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 02 I> [02054] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9774.RAF' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [3094ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 31ms. 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [234ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [234ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [140ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [140ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 453 ms. 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [453ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [62ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 219 ms. 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [219ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [156ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [62ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [43C8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 203 ms. 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [203ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 31ms. 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [63ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 265 ms. 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [265ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [94ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 16 [1C5C] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 156ms. 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [375ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [43C8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 32 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 15 [2D98] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 609 ms. 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [609ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [4FE8] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 484 ms. 05.30 14:46:35+ 0 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [484ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:36+ 47 [1C5C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:46:36+ 47 [2D98] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 1047 [43C8] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:46:37+ 47 [4FE8] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:46:37+ 31 [1C5C] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:46:37+ 63 [2D98] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:46:37+ 515 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [2297ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 31 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 [2328ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [2328ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 2328 ms 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [02055] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9775.RAF' 05.30 14:46:37+ 16 [026C] 02 I> [02056] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9776.RAF' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [02057] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9777.RAF' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [02058] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9778.RAF' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 02 I> [02059] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9779.RAF' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [2344ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:37+ 16 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 15 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 16 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:37+ 16 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 63 ms. 05.30 14:46:37+ 0 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [63ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:37+ 62 [026C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 219 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [2297ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 31 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:38+ 16 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 [2360ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [2360ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 2360 ms 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [02065] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9785.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [02066] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9786.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [02067] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9787.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [02068] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9788.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 02 I> [02069] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9789.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [2360ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 15 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 16 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 16 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 15 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [2406ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 62 ms. 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [62ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 31 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [2406ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:38+ 16 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [2469ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [2469ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 2469 ms 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02060] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9780.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02061] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9781.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02062] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9782.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02063] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9783.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 02 I> [02064] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9784.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [2469ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [2768] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 15 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [32ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [2453ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [2453ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 2453 ms 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02070] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9790.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02071] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9791.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02072] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9792.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02073] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9793.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 02 I> [02074] 339 tags '\\Nas_ds1821\nas_ds1821\98_Test_folder\22_Photo_Archive_Fujifilm_GXF100S\77_Crimea_16.02.-10.04.2024\_DSF9794.RAF' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [2453ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 16 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 15 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 16 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 15 [158C] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 78 ms. 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 16 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9842)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::ResetFilePending 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (1695 tags) in 125 ms. 05.30 14:46:38+ 0 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 05.30 14:46:38+ 78 [0A08] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:46:38+ 47 [158C] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 05.30 14:46:39+ 563 [026C] 10 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:46:39+ 390 [2768] 10 M> < 0 [1203ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:46:39+ 203 [0A08] 10 M> < 0 [1203ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:46:39+ 16 [158C] 10 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 05.30 14:46:48+ 8297 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:46:48+ 15 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: '@Keywords'. 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [1E54] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [1E54] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [1E54] 02 I> 1400 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [1E54] 02 I> 4 children after in group 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [1E54] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:48+ 16 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGroupCache.cpp(343)' 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 CIMGroupCache::InvalidateKWCache 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: '@Keywords' in 16 ms. 05.30 14:46:48+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:46:49+ 1078 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Make and Model'. 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:46:49+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [1158] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [17E0] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [1158] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [1158] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [17E0] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [1158] 02 I> 3 children after in group 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [1158] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [17E0] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [17E0] 02 I> 4 children after in group 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [17E0] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4030] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4030] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4030] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4030] 02 I> 3 children after in group 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4030] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:49+ 15 [34A8] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [34A8] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [34A8] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [34A8] 02 I> 4 children after in group 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [34A8] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Make and Model' in 31 ms. 05.30 14:46:49+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:46:50+ 1094 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Lens'. 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4C80] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:50+ 16 [4C80] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4C80] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4C80] 02 I> 9 children after in group 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4C80] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Lens' in 16 ms. 05.30 14:46:50+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:46:51+ 1094 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'ISO'. 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:46:51+ 15 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [39E4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [39E4] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [39E4] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [39E4] 02 I> 13 children after in group 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [39E4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:46:51+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'ISO' in 15 ms. 05.30 14:46:51+ 16 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:46:52+ 1078 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Location'. 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:46:52+ 16 [0608] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [2304] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [1B6C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [0608] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [1B6C] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [1B6C] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [1B6C] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [1B6C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [0608] 02 I> 300 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [2304] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [0608] 02 I> 1 children after in group 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [2304] 02 I> 300 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [0608] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [2304] 02 I> 2 children after in group 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [2304] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [3294] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [3294] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [3294] 02 I> 300 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [3294] 02 I> 1 children after in group 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [3294] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [1694] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [1694] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [1694] 02 I> 300 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:52+ 15 [1694] 02 I> 2 children after in group 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [1694] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4F30] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4F30] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4F30] 02 I> 0 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4F30] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4F30] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Location' in 31 ms. 05.30 14:46:52+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:46:53+ 1094 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Aperture'. 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:46:53+ 16 [1700] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [1700] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [1700] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [1700] 02 I> 14 children after in group 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [1700] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Aperture' in 16 ms. 05.30 14:46:53+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:46:54+ 1093 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Camera Name'. 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [0E80] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [0E80] 02 I> Group-Query: 0ms 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [0E80] 02 I> 601 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:54+ 16 [0E80] 02 I> 4 children after in group 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [0E80] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Camera Name' in 16 ms. 05.30 14:46:54+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 05.30 14:46:55+ 1078 [4A9C] 10 I> EngineIdleDelegate: DD 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(631)' 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Begin: 'Face Arrangement'. 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(236)' 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::GetGroupData 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::Execute 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1638)' 05.30 14:46:55+ 16 [3AA4] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(556)' 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [3AA4] 10 I> Parsing variables for 604 files. 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [3AA4] 10 I> Parsing variable '{File.Faces.Arrangement.Type}' done in 0ms (16 threads), producing 604 elements. 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [3AA4] 02 I> 604 values retrieved from database. 0 children before in group 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [3AA4] 02 I> 0 children after in group 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [3AA4] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperGroupDelegate::Invoke 05.30 14:46:55+ 15 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouper::Execute 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouper.cpp(1916)' 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouper::UpdateGroup 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(441)' 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> > 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTDataGrouperManager.cpp(260)' 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupData 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [4A9C] 50 M> < 0 PTDataGrouperManager::SetGroupPending 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [4A9C] 10 I> RefreshGroup-Completed: 'Face Arrangement' in 31 ms. 05.30 14:46:55+ 0 [4A9C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTDataGrouperManager::RefreshGroup