06.15 15:24:46+27463593 [3734] 00 I> # Logfile opened. 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> IMatch (c) 2001-2024 Mario M. Westphal. All rights reserved 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Loglevel: 5 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> IMatch version: 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 W> The last IMatch session did not shut-down normally. The log file has been saved to this file: 'C:\Users\ssher\AppData\Local\Temp\IMATCH6_LOG_BACKUP.TXT' 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Locale 'English_United Kingdom.1252' 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Time Zone: Bias: -60, Daylight-Bias: -60. Full Bias: -120. 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Processor Architecture: 9, Number of processors: 16, type: 8664, level: 000019, revision: 17409 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Memory: Utilization: 26%. Total: 28,356MB, available: 20,704MB. 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 159MB, WSP: 160MB (NEW PEAK), PF: 41479 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> TEMP/TMP folder: 'C:\Users\ssher\AppData\Local\Temp\' with 625,897,934,848 free bytes 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMatchApp::InitInstance 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMatch.cpp(1269)' 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Using browser helper process from 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMatchChromiumHelper.exe'. 06.15 15:24:46+ 78 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMatchApp::CreateRegistryKeys 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMatch.cpp(2538)' 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMatchApp::CreateRegistryKeys 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> OLE initialization completed 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Registry loaded 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 01 W> Last session did not shut-down properly. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMatch.cpp(1420)' 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 02 M> > 0 CIMInstallationVerifier::VerifyInstallationAsync 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMInstallationVerifier.cpp(26)' 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 02 M> < 0 CIMInstallationVerifier::VerifyInstallationAsync 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMMigrator::CheckMigration 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMMigrator.cpp(141)' 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 02 I> MIR: CheckMigration for: 2023.12.2 to 2023.12.2 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMMigrator::CheckMigration 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMatchApp::OpenSettingsStore 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMatch.cpp(936)' 06.15 15:24:46+ 16 [538C] 05 M> > 0 CIMInstallationVerifier::LogModuleVersions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMInstallationVerifier.cpp(233)' 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Opening settings database: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imatch.pts 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(151)' 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Opening settings C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imatch.pts [settings] 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 0 instances. Max instances: 0 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Database 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imatch.pts' for thread 3734 (14132) shared cache 1 Writable. 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Database file has 16.13 MB 06.15 15:24:46+ 16 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] PTSettingsStore::Open 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Settings database opened/created. 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::Attach 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(199)' 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Attaching settings [settings] 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTSettingsStore::Attach 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 00 I> DB-specific Settings loaded 06.15 15:24:46+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::TestIntegrity 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(298)' 06.15 15:24:47+ 31 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [31ms] PTSettingsStore::TestIntegrity 06.15 15:24:47+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [63ms] CIMatchApp::OpenSettingsStore 06.15 15:24:47+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Initializing Ressource Manager 06.15 15:24:47+ 62 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMResManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMResManager.cpp(180)' 06.15 15:24:47+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTResManager::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTResManager.cpp(181)' 06.15 15:24:47+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(444)' 06.15 15:24:47+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadLanguageNeutralResources 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(616)' 06.15 15:24:47+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(64)' 06.15 15:24:47+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading resource file 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\imatchres-core.json'. 06.15 15:24:47+ 16 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 06.15 15:24:47+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading stockIds 06.15 15:24:47+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading constTable 06.15 15:24:47+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading iconTable 06.15 15:24:47+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading contextTable 06.15 15:24:47+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading bitmapTable 06.15 15:24:47+ 172 [3734] 02 I> Loading vectorTable 06.15 15:24:48+ 875 [538C] 05 M> < 0 [1172ms] CIMInstallationVerifier::LogModuleVersions 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading countryTable 06.15 15:24:48+ 16 [3734] 02 I> Loading timeZonesTable 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading isoLanguagesTable 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [1079ms] PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadLanguageNeutralResources 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadLanguages 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(386)' 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(64)' 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading resource file 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\languages.json'. 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadLanguages 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(64)' 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading resource file 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\imatchres.json'. 06.15 15:24:48+ 15 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [15ms] PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(64)' 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading resource file 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\imatchres-en.json'. 06.15 15:24:48+ 31 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [31ms] PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadCommands 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1062)' 06.15 15:24:48+ 16 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadCommands 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadMenus 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1263)' 06.15 15:24:48+ 16 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadMenus 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadStrings 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1347)' 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadStrings 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadMessages 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1390)' 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadMessages 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadDialogs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1536)' 06.15 15:24:48+ 15 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [15ms] PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadDialogs 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadProperties 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1740)' 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadProperties 06.15 15:24:48+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [1172ms] PTRMLoaderJSON::Load 06.15 15:24:48+ 16 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [1188ms] PTResManager::Load 06.15 15:24:50+ 2531 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [3719ms] CIMResManager::Load 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loaded application resources from C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\imatchres.json 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTResManager::LoadHelpMap 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTResManager.cpp(2636)' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadHelpMap 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(1847)' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptresmgr\PTRMLoaderJSON.cpp(64)' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading resource file 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\imatchhelp_map.json'. 06.15 15:24:50+ 16 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] PTRMLoaderJSONHelper::LoadJSON 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] PTRMLoaderJSON::LoadHelpMap 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] PTResManager::LoadHelpMap 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMCommandPalette::LoadCommands 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMCommandPalette.cpp(405)' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMCommandPalette::LoadCommands 06.15 15:24:50+ 78 [3734] 00 I> Application settings initialized 06.15 15:24:50+ 16 [3734] 02 I> Windows Text Scaling applied with 1.12. 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 ptc_telemetry::CPTCTelemetry::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\PTCTelemetry.cpp(75)' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 ptc_telemetry::CPTCTelemetry::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\PTCTelemetry.cpp(186)' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 ptc_telemetry::CPTCTelemetry::Close 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 0 instances. Max instances: 0 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Database 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imatch.tdb' for thread 3734 (14132) shared cache 1 Writable. 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Database file has 0.42 MB 06.15 15:24:50+ 31 [3734] 05 M> > 0 ptc_telemetry::CPTCTelemetry::Purge 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\PTCTelemetry.cpp(207)' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 ptc_telemetry::CPTCTelemetry::Purge 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [31ms] ptc_telemetry::CPTCTelemetry::Open 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> 2023.12.2 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Process DPI-aware: 1 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> List of folders used by IMatch 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Personal Folder: C:\Users\ssher\AppData\Roaming\photools.com\IMatch6\ 06.15 15:24:50+ 15 [3734] 00 I> User Documents Folder: C:\Users\ssher\Documents\ 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Common Images Folder: C:\Users\ssher\Pictures\ 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Common AppData Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\ 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Common Config Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\ 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Common Resource Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\resources\ 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Common Presets Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\Presets\ 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> PlugIn Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\plugins\ 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Webroot Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\webroot\ 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> IMWS Resource Base Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\IMWS 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Experimental features enabled: 0 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CAppVariables::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\appvariables.cpp(51)' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CAppVariables::Load 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Application variables loaded 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Starting plug-in manager 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading plug-ins from folder 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\plugins\' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Plug-in: C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\plugins\ptpimm6x64.impi 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Plug-in: C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\plugins\ptpipip6x64.impi 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Processing configuration file 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\plugins\ptpiconfig.xml' 06.15 15:24:50+ 16 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::CheckWICStatus 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(633)' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC codecs installed for these formats: .3FR;.ARI;.ARW;.AVCI;.AVCS;.AVIF;.AVIFS;.BAY;.BMP;.CAP;.CR2;.CR3;.CRW;.CUR;.DCR;.DCS;.DDS;.DIB;.DNG;.DRF;.EIP;.ERF;.EXIF;.FFF;.GIF;.HEIC;.HEICS;.HEIF;.HEIFS;.HIF;.ICO;.ICON;.IIQ;.JFIF;.JPE;.JPEG;.JPG;.JXL;.JXR;.K25;.KDC;.MEF;.MOS;.MRW;.NEF;.NRW;.ORF;.ORI;.PEF;.PNG;.PTX;.PXN;.RAF;.RAW;.RLE;.RW2;.RWL;.SR2;.SRF;.SRW;.TIF;.TIFF;.WDP;.WEBP;.X3F 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> No codec for: 7Z,AFDESIGN,AFPHOTO,AFPUBL,AQUAS,AUDIO,AWD,AZW,BLENDER,CALS,CAM,CGM,CLIP,CODE,COR,CRM,DCX,DJVU,DPX,DXF,EPUB,EXR,FAX,FITS,FLAC,FLASH,FPIX,GIMP,GOOSU,GPR,GZIP,IFF,INDESIGN,JBIG,JPEG 2000,LTCMP,LUMINAR,LYTRO,MBM,MCI,MOBI,MP3,MPO,MRSID,ODF,OFFICE,ONPHOTO,PAGEM,PBM,PCX,PDF,PHOTOCD,PICT,PLD,PSP,QUARK,RAD,RAR,RAWZOR,RTF,SERIF,SFW,SGI,SINAR,SUN,SVG,TAR,TARGA,TEXT,THM,VCARD,VEC,WAP,WEB,WFX,WMF,XBM,XML,XPICMAP,XPM,XPS,ZIP 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Not using codec for: GIF,JPEG,PNG,PSD 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTPlugInManager::CheckWICStatus 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Creating database engine 06.15 15:24:50+ 16 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::Startup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(2414)' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> ET executable at 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Engine Build: STANDARD 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Engine config folder at 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Engine model folder at 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\data\model\' 06.15 15:24:50+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::Startup 06.15 15:24:51+ 109 [3734] 02 I> Creating main frame 06.15 15:24:51+ 16 [3734] 00 I> Desktop Resolution: 192 DPI 06.15 15:24:53+ 2562 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSHolder::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWS\IMWSHolder.cpp(157)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSHolder::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWS\IMWSHolder.cpp(355)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServicesCW::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServicesCW.cpp(386)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 02 I> IMatch Web Services stopping... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(2550)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySessions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(2990)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySessions 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DetachDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(1853)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopping database event monitor... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopped. 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DetachDatabase 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopping CW database event monitor... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopped. 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopping session monitor... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopped. 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Closing storage database... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Closing IMWS storage database... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::Stop 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 02 I> IMatch Web Services stopped. 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServicesCW::Stop 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSHolder::Stop 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServicesCW::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServicesCW.cpp(166)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(1545)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServicesCW::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServicesCW.cpp(386)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 02 I> IMatch Web Services stopping... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(2550)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySessions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(2990)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySessions 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DetachDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(1853)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopping database event monitor... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopped. 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DetachDatabase 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopping CW database event monitor... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopped. 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopping session monitor... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopped. 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Closing storage database... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Closing IMWS storage database... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::Stop 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 02 I> IMatch Web Services stopped. 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServicesCW::Stop 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Opening settings database 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imws-storage.db'. 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(151)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Opening settings C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imws-storage.db [settings] 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 0 instances. Max instances: 0 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Database 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imws-storage.db' for thread 3734 (14132) shared cache 1 Writable. 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Database file has 0.06 MB 06.15 15:24:53+ 16 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] PTSettingsStore::Open 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::TestIntegrity 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(298)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTSettingsStore::TestIntegrity 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(151)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Opening settings C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imws-storage.db [IMWS] 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 0 instances. Max instances: 0 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Database 'C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\config\imws-storage.db' for thread 3734 (14132) shared cache 1 Writable. 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Database file has 0.06 MB 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTSettingsStore::Open 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Starting session monitor... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMatchWebServices::Start 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 02 I> IMatch Web Services starting... 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSServer::CIMWSServer 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSServer.cpp(347)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::SetupServiceMap 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(839)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::SetupServiceMap 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSServer::CIMWSServer 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServicesCW::InitWebSockets 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServicesCW.cpp(339)' 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServicesCW::InitWebSockets 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 02 I> IMatch Web Services running. 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMatchWebServicesCW::Start 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 02 I> IMatch WebServices listening on port 50519. 06.15 15:24:53+ 15 [3734] 02 I> IMWS test request succeeded. 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMWSHolder::Start 06.15 15:24:53+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Trees created 06.15 15:24:54+ 938 [538C] 02 I> Installation verification successful: 06.15 15:24:54+ 0 [538C] 00 I> 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMatch2023x64.exe' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:11:08) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imengine6x64.dll' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:09:10) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imlib6x64.dll' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:09:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imgui6x64.dll' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:09:18) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptpif6x64.dll' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:10:06) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imsq6x64.dll' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:09:42) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptresmgr6x64.dll' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:10:14) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptpicore6x64.dll' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:09:58) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imanno6x64.dll' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:09:02) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptvision6x64.dll' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:10:22) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptgeo6x64.dll' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:09:50) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptspell6x64.dll' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:10:30) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imws6x64.dll' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:10:38) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imservices6x64.dll' [no version info] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:09:34) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imtlux64.dll' [no version info] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(07/05/2024,18:39:38) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptdebug.exe' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:11:24) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMPackAndGo.exe' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:11:16) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMatchChromiumHelper.exe' [23.12.2] c(08/06/2024,11:27:19), a(08/06/2024,11:27:19), m(04/06/2024,12:11:40) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\POLYIMAGEPRO64.DLL' [1.0.5] c(08/06/2024,11:27:20), a(08/06/2024,11:27:20), m(26/06/2017,19:41:02) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe' [12.8.5] c(08/06/2024,11:27:20), a(08/06/2024,11:27:20), m(04/06/2024,12:11:44) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\exif2xmp.args' [no version info] c(08/06/2024,11:27:20), a(08/06/2024,11:27:20), m(07/04/2022,20:27:30) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\iptc2xmp.args' [no version info] c(08/06/2024,11:27:20), a(08/06/2024,11:27:20), m(03/05/2017,15:35:28) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\pdf2xmp.args' [no version info] c(08/06/2024,11:27:20), a(08/06/2024,11:27:20), m(03/05/2017,15:35:28) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\gps2xmp.args' [no version info] c(08/06/2024,11:27:20), a(08/06/2024,11:27:20), m(02/06/2018,15:56:22) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\xmp2exif.args' [no version info] c(08/06/2024,11:27:20), a(08/06/2024,11:27:20), m(09/02/2023,15:32:38) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\xmp2iptc.args' [no version info] c(08/06/2024,11:27:20), a(08/06/2024,11:27:20), m(04/12/2019,22:25:54) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\xmp2pdf.args' [no version info] c(08/06/2024,11:27:20), a(08/06/2024,11:27:20), m(03/05/2017,15:35:28) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\arg_files\xmp2gps.args' [no version info] c(08/06/2024,11:27:20), a(08/06/2024,11:27:20), m(02/06/2018,15:56:22) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ffmpeg.exe' [no version info] c(08/06/2024,11:27:25), a(08/06/2024,11:27:25), m(11/11/2023,08:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ffprobe.exe' [no version info] c(08/06/2024,11:27:25), a(08/06/2024,11:27:25), m(11/11/2023,08:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avcodec-60.dll' [60.31.102] c(08/06/2024,11:27:25), a(08/06/2024,11:27:27), m(11/11/2023,08:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avdevice-60.dll' [60.3.100] c(08/06/2024,11:27:27), a(08/06/2024,11:27:27), m(11/11/2023,08:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avfilter-9.dll' [9.12.100] c(08/06/2024,11:27:27), a(08/06/2024,11:27:28), m(11/11/2023,08:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avformat-60.dll' [60.16.100] c(08/06/2024,11:27:28), a(08/06/2024,11:27:28), m(11/11/2023,08:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avutil-58.dll' [58.29.100] c(08/06/2024,11:27:28), a(08/06/2024,11:27:28), m(11/11/2023,08:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\postproc-57.dll' [57.3.100] c(08/06/2024,11:27:28), a(08/06/2024,11:27:28), m(11/11/2023,08:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\swresample-4.dll' [4.12.100] c(08/06/2024,11:27:28), a(08/06/2024,11:27:28), m(11/11/2023,08:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\swscale-7.dll' [7.5.100] c(08/06/2024,11:27:28), a(08/06/2024,11:27:28), m(11/11/2023,08:11:26) 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\xpdf\pdftopng.exe' [no version info] c(08/06/2024,11:27:28), a(08/06/2024,11:27:28), m(28/01/2021,00:23:54) 'C:\Windows\system32\msxml6.dll' [6.30.26293] c(14/06/2024,00:10:49), a(14/06/2024,00:10:49), m(14/06/2024,00:10:49) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMatch2023x64.exe' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imengine6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imlib6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imgui6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptpif6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imsq6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptresmgr6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptpicore6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imanno6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptvision6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptgeo6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptspell6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imws6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imservices6x64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imtlux64.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ptdebug.exe' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMPackAndGo.exe' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\IMatchChromiumHelper.exe' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\POLYIMAGEPRO64.DLL' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe' : Certificate valid. (0) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ffmpeg.exe' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\ffprobe.exe' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avcodec-60.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avdevice-60.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avfilter-9.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avformat-60.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\avutil-58.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\postproc-57.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\swresample-4.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\swscale-7.dll' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\xpdf\pdftopng.exe' : No certificate. (1) Validating certificate: 'C:\Windows\system32\msxml6.dll' : Certificate valid. (0) 06.15 15:25:00+ 5969 [3734] 00 I> Command line processing completed 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Starting Import & Export Manager... 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Done 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Starting Task Manager 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Done, with 10 max. tasks 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchApp::InitHunspell 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMatch.cpp(4114)' 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTHunspell::ParseDictionaryFolder 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptspell\PTHunspell.cpp(701)' 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTHunspell::ParseDictionaryFolder 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 01 W> Spelling: Cannot find a dictionary for language 'en' or failed to load. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMatch.cpp(4180)' 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchApp::InitHunspell 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWorkspace.cpp(371)' 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 06.15 15:25:00+ 31 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CMainFrame::LoadDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\MainFrm.cpp(6989)' 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 00 I> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 246MB, WSP: 316MB (NEW PEAK), PF: 1330010 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CMainFrame::CloseDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\MainFrm.cpp(7403)' 06.15 15:25:00+ 16 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSHolder::DetachDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWS\IMWSHolder.cpp(387)' 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DetachDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(1853)' 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopping database event monitor... 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopped. 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DetachDatabase 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopping CW database event monitor... 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Stopped. 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySessions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(2990)' 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySessions 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSHolder::DetachDatabase 06.15 15:25:00+ 31 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(5178)' 06.15 15:25:00+ 78 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngineLockManager::Shutdown 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineLockManager.cpp(129)' 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMEngineLockManager::Shutdown 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(315)' 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 00 S> #STS#: "engine.uptime " 0 0 0.00 "15:25:00" 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [78ms] CIMEngine5::Close 06.15 15:25:00+ 62 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [187ms] CMainFrame::CloseDatabase 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::GetDBInformation 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(4890)' 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 0 instances. Max instances: 0 06.15 15:25:00+ 16 [3734] 02 I> Database 'C:\imatch\stefanmasterdb.imd5' for thread 3734 (14132) shared cache 0 Writable. 06.15 15:25:00+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Database file has 2827.23 MB 06.15 15:25:00+ 109 [3734] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 10 instances. Max instances: 1 06.15 15:25:01+ 79 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [204ms] CIMEngine5::GetDBInformation 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(3660)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(5178)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngineLockManager::Shutdown 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineLockManager.cpp(129)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMEngineLockManager::Shutdown 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(315)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 S> #STS#: "engine.uptime " 0 0 0.00 "15:25:01" 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::Close 06.15 15:25:01+ 31 [3734] 02 I> Opening semaphore file for C:\imatch\stefanmasterdb.imd5 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Semaphore successfully created. 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 I> PTSQL::InstancePool: Releasing 0 instances. Max instances: 1 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Database 'C:\imatch\stefanmasterdb.imd5' for thread 3734 (14132) shared cache 0 Writable. 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Database file has 2827.23 MB 06.15 15:25:01+ 15 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::Attach 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(199)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Attaching settings [dbset] 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTSettingsStore::Attach 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTSettingsStore::Attach 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imsq\PTSettingsStore.cpp(199)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Attaching settings [datastore] 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTSettingsStore::Attach 06.15 15:25:01+ 16 [3734] 02 I> DB SOURCE-ID: '2024-03-12 11:06:23 d8cd6d49b46a395b13955387d05e9e1a2a47e54fb99f3c9b59835bbefad6af77' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Logging in user Stefan on machine YOGA 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Loading catalog 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(912)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMCatalog::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(1066)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMCatalog::Close 06.15 15:25:01+ 94 [3734] 02 I> Database Stats 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> 2716 folders 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> 60589 files 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> 1971 categories 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> 94ms. 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [94ms] CIMCatalog::Open 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::PrecacheFileSystemDriveData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(4828)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::PrecacheFileSystemDriveData 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Done. 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> GUID: C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMFileHistory::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFileHist.cpp(355)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMFileHistory::Purge 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFileHist.cpp(422)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> FileHistory: Purging selected entries before 16/05/2024 15:25:01 from database. 0 entries removed. 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMFileHistory::Purge 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMFileHistory::Open 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Opening Metabase 06.15 15:25:01+ 15 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTMetabaseMigrator::MigratePreLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseMigrator.cpp(55)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTMetabaseMigrator::MigratePreLoad 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Opening SimpleDB 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTSimpleDB::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTSimpleDB.cpp(548)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTSimpleDB::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTSimpleDB.cpp(597)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTSimpleDB::Close 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTSimpleDB::LoadDomains 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTSimpleDB.cpp(617)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTSimpleDB::LoadDomains 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTSimpleDB::Open 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Opening Cache Manager 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(479)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(549)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(584)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::Close 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::StartupCheck 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(630)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 I> Cache folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\ 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::StartupCheck 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::RemoveTempFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(653)' 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::RemoveTempFiles 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMCacheManager::Open 06.15 15:25:01+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Waiting for metabase... 06.15 15:25:02+ 860 [470C] 02 I> Metabase: 1211 unsafe tags for write-back loaded. 06.15 15:25:02+ 765 [470C] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 470C, new process 1974). 06.15 15:25:04+ 1954 [470C] 00 S> #STS#: "metabase.loadtime " 0 0 0.00 "3579ms" 06.15 15:25:04+ 0 [470C] 00 M> > 0 PTMetabaseMigrator::MigratePostLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseMigrator.cpp(80)' 06.15 15:25:04+ 0 [470C] 00 M> < 0 PTMetabaseMigrator::MigratePostLoad 06.15 15:25:05+ 625 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ProcessMachineConfig 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(4982)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngineMachineConfig::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineMachineConfig.cpp(145)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMEngineMachineConfig::Load 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 02 I> DB-PORTA: Processing 4 auto-relocation entries. 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 02 I> DB-PORTA: 'E:\Current Photos\' => 'C:\Data\Current Photos\' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 01 W> DB-PORTA: Relocation source E:\Current Photos\ not found in database. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(5029)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 15 [3734] 01 W> <>: major:80 minor:205 d1:0 d2:0 s1:'E:\Current Photos\' s2:'' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(1383)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 02 I> DB-PORTA: 'E:\Redmi Camera\' => 'C:\Data\Redmi Camera' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 01 W> DB-PORTA: Relocation source E:\Redmi Camera\ not found in database. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(5029)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 02 I> DB-PORTA: 'D:\Synology Photos\' => 'C:\Data\Synology Photos' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 01 W> DB-PORTA: Relocation source D:\Synology Photos\ not found in database. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(5029)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 02 I> DB-PORTA: 'E:\Import Folder\' => 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 01 W> DB-PORTA: Relocation source E:\Import Folder\ not found in database. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(5029)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::ProcessMachineConfig 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Checking ET version 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Opening Thesaurus 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTThesaurus::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTThesaurus.cpp(2707)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 16 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] PTThesaurus::Open 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTAutoFillService::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTAutoFillService.cpp(57)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTAutoFillService::Open 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Event Queue Monitor started 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(589)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(711)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::Close 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::UpdateVerbCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(657)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 47 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMRelationManager::UpdateVerbCache 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMRelationManager::Open 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Relation Manager started 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMAnnoManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMAnnoManager.cpp(97)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMAnnoManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMAnnoManager.cpp(124)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMAnnoManager::Close 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMAnnoManager::Open 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Annotation Manager started 06.15 15:25:05+ 15 [3734] 02 I> DataGroup Manager started 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMGeoLocationManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGeoLocation.cpp(202)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMGeoLocationManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMGeoLocation.cpp(216)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMGeoLocationManager::Close 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMGeoLocationManager::Open 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Geolocation Manager started 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2202)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMCollectionManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCollection.cpp(2490)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Close 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMCollectionManager::Open 06.15 15:25:05+ 16 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMTimeline::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMTimeLine.cpp(440)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMTimeline::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMTimeLine.cpp(600)' 06.15 15:25:05+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMTimeline::Close 06.15 15:25:06+ 484 [3734] 00 S> #STS#: "timeline.loadtime " 0 0 0.00 "484ms" 06.15 15:25:06+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [484ms] CIMTimeline::Open 06.15 15:25:06+ 0 [3734] 02 I> FolderSweeper started 06.15 15:25:09+ 3391 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMQueryManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(442)' 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMQueryManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMQueryManager.cpp(493)' 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 CIMQueryManager::Close 06.15 15:25:09+ 16 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMQueryManager::Open 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Query Manager started 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(300)' 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMDTemplate.cpp(315)' 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Close 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 PTMDTemplateManager::Open 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Opening Entity Manager 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTCEntityManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEntityManager.cpp(454)' 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTCEntityManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEntityManager.cpp(615)' 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTCEntityManager::Close 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTCEntityManager::Open 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Opening Edge Manager 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTCEdgeManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEdgeManager.cpp(384)' 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTCEdgeManager::Open 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Opening Event Manager 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMEventManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEventManager.cpp(1100)' 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMEventManager::Close 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEventManager.cpp(1130)' 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMEventManager::Close 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMEventManager::Open 06.15 15:25:09+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Opening People Manager 06.15 15:25:10+ 593 [3734] 02 I> Opening Family Manager 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTCFamilyManager::LoadRelationDefinititons 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCFamilyManager.cpp(965)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTCFamilyManager::LoadRelationDefinititons 06.15 15:25:10+ 32 [3734] 02 I> Opening Media Bookmark Manager 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMMediaBookmarkManager::Open 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMMediaBookmarkManager.cpp(215)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMMediaBookmarkManager::Migrate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMMediaBookmarkManager.cpp(256)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMMediaBookmarkManager::Migrate 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMMediaBookmarkManager::Open 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::Migrate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(1135)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::Migrate 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTCEdgeManager::Migrate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTCEdgeManager.cpp(439)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTCEdgeManager::Migrate 06.15 15:25:10+ 31 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngineHistory::Load 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineHistory.cpp(654)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 125 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [125ms] CIMEngineHistory::Load 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngineLockManager::Startup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineLockManager.cpp(121)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMEngineLockManager::Startup 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 00 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2686)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 47 [3734] 05 I> UpdQueue: 15 core threads, 8 metaread threads, max. 15 face index threads, 15 recluster threads. 06.15 15:25:10+ 218 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [265ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Start 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> UpdateQueue started 06.15 15:25:10+ 63 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::StartPerformanceMonitor 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(4849)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [632C] 05 M> > 0 CIMEnginePerformanceMonitor::CoreThread 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEnginePerformanceMonitor.cpp(260)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::StartPerformanceMonitor 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> GUID: C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 00 S> #STS#: "engine.loadtime " 0 0 0.00 "9484ms" 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [4580] 05 M> > 0 CIMEnginePerformanceMonitor::DiskUtilizationThread 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEnginePerformanceMonitor.cpp(419)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [9484ms #sl] CIMEngine5::Open 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSHolder::AttachDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWS\IMWSHolder.cpp(371)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::AttachDatabase 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(1780)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::LoadMDSearchTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(1712)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::LoadMDSearchTags 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Starting caches... 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSIDListCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSIDListCache.cpp(49)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSIDListCache::Start 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Cache [0] started in 0ms. 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> ImageCache Stats: checked: 0, created: 0 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSImageCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSImageCache.cpp(198)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> IMWS Cache Root Folder: C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\IMWS\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\ 06.15 15:25:10+ 16 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'BMP Decoder' for extensions '.bmp,.dib,.rle' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'GIF Decoder' for extensions '.gif' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'ICO Decoder' for extensions '.ico,.icon' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'CUR Decoder' for extensions '.cur' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'JPEG Decoder' for extensions '.jpeg,.jpe,.jpg,.jfif,.exif' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'PNG Decoder' for extensions '.png' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'TIFF Decoder' for extensions '.tiff,.tif' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'DNG Decoder' for extensions '.dng' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'WMPhoto Decoder' for extensions '.wdp,.jxr' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'DDS Decoder' for extensions '.dds' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Microsoft HEIF Decoder' for extensions '.heic,.heif,.hif,.avci,.heics,.heifs,.avcs,.avif,.avifs' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Microsoft Webp Decoder' for extensions '.webp' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Microsoft Raw Image Decoder' for extensions '.3FR,.ARI,.ARW,.BAY,.CAP,.CR2,.CR3,.CRW,.DCS,.DCR,.DRF,.EIP,.ERF,.FFF,.IIQ,.K25,.KDC,.MEF,.MOS,.MRW,.NEF,.NRW,.ORF,.ORI,.PEF,.PTX,.PXN,.RAF,.RAW,.RW2,.RWL,.SR2,.SRF,.SRW,.X3F,.DNG' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> WIC-ENUM: Decoder 'Microsoft JPEG-XL Decoder' for extensions '.JXL' 06.15 15:25:10+ 437 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [453ms] CIMWSImageCache::Start 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Cache [1] started in 453ms. 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSFolderCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSFolderCache.cpp(53)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSFolderCache::Start 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Cache [2] started in 0ms. 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSCategoryCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSCategoryCache.cpp(47)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSCategoryCache::Start 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Cache [3] started in 0ms. 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSKeywordCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSKeywordCache.cpp(49)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSKeywordCache::Start 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Cache [4] started in 0ms. 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSRelationCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSRelCache.cpp(47)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSRelationCache::Start 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Cache [5] started in 0ms. 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSGroupCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSGroupCache.cpp(152)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSGroupCache::Start 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Cache [6] started in 0ms. 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSFileNameCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSFileNameCache.cpp(48)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSFileNameCache::Start 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Cache [7] started in 0ms. 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSGPSCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSGPSCache.cpp(42)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSGPSCache::Start 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Cache [8] started in 0ms. 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSTagCache::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSTagCache.cpp(97)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSTagCache::Start 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Cache [9] started in 0ms. 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 02 I> Caches started in 453ms. 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Starting database event monitor... 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [7490] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSTagCache::LoadGroups 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSTagCache.cpp(131)' 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [453ms] CIMatchWebServices::AttachDatabase 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 I> Starting CW database event monitor... 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [453ms] CIMWSHolder::AttachDatabase 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [7490] 05 M> < 0 CIMWSTagCache::LoadGroups 06.15 15:25:10+ 0 [7490] 05 M> > 0 CIMWSTagCache::LoadTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMWSTagCache.cpp(167)' 06.15 15:25:11+ 78 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CMainFrame::LoadWorkspaces 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\MainFrm.cpp(8225)' 06.15 15:25:11+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CMainFrame::LoadWorkspaces 06.15 15:25:11+ 297 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWorkspace.cpp(371)' 06.15 15:25:11+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 06.15 15:25:11+ 109 [7490] 05 M> < 0 [484ms] CIMWSTagCache::LoadTags 06.15 15:25:11+ 204 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWorkspace.cpp(371)' 06.15 15:25:11+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 06.15 15:25:12+ 1328 [1680] 05 I> Database prefetch of 2827 MB in 2469ms. 06.15 15:25:20+ 7234 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWorkspace.cpp(371)' 06.15 15:25:20+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 06.15 15:25:20+ 188 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWorkspace.cpp(371)' 06.15 15:25:20+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 06.15 15:25:21+ 609 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMWorkspace.cpp(371)' 06.15 15:25:21+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMWorkspaceManager::LoadLayout 06.15 15:25:21+ 94 [3734] 00 I> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 1004MB, WSP: 1039MB (NEW PEAK), PF: 1618260 06.15 15:25:21+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMCommandPalette::LoadCommands 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMCommandPalette.cpp(405)' 06.15 15:25:21+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMCommandPalette::LoadCommands 06.15 15:25:21+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [20469ms #sl] CMainFrame::LoadDatabase 06.15 15:25:21+ 0 [3734] 00 M> < 0 [34235ms #sl] CIMatchApp::InitInstance 06.15 15:25:30+ 9875 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySession 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(3010)' 06.15 15:25:30+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySession 06.15 15:25:31+ 15 [453C] 05 M> > 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySession 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imws\IMatchWebServices.cpp(3010)' 06.15 15:25:31+ 0 [453C] 05 M> < 0 CIMatchWebServices::DestroySession 06.15 15:25:39+ 8422 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTFileSystem::GetAssociatedIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystem.cpp(2892)' 06.15 15:25:39+ 31 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [31ms] PTFileSystem::GetAssociatedIcon 06.15 15:25:39+ 16 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTFileSystem::GetAssociatedIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystem.cpp(2892)' 06.15 15:25:39+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTFileSystem::GetAssociatedIcon 06.15 15:25:39+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTFileSystem::GetAssociatedIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystem.cpp(2892)' 06.15 15:25:39+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTFileSystem::GetAssociatedIcon 06.15 15:25:39+ 16 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTFileSystem::GetAssociatedIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystem.cpp(2892)' 06.15 15:25:39+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTFileSystem::GetAssociatedIcon 06.15 15:25:39+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTFileSystem::GetAssociatedIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystem.cpp(2892)' 06.15 15:25:39+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTFileSystem::GetAssociatedIcon 06.15 15:25:39+ 15 [3734] 05 M> > 0 PTFileSystem::GetAssociatedIcon 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystem.cpp(2892)' 06.15 15:25:39+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 PTFileSystem::GetAssociatedIcon 06.15 15:26:26+47266 [791C] 05 M> > 0 CIMUpdateDownloader::CheckForUpdate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMUpdateDownloader.cpp(50)' 06.15 15:26:26+ 0 [791C] 05 M> < 0 CIMUpdateDownloader::CheckForUpdate 06.15 15:26:31+ 5094 [3734] 02 I> Update check completed with state 6. 06.15 15:26:49+17406 [4148] 05 M> > 0 CIMUpdateDownloader::CheckForUpdate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMUpdateDownloader.cpp(50)' 06.15 15:26:49+ 0 [4148] 05 M> < 0 CIMUpdateDownloader::CheckForUpdate 06.15 15:26:50+ 1125 [3734] 02 I> Update check completed with state 1. 06.15 15:27:13+23187 [3734] 00 I> # Loglevel changed to 50. 06.15 15:27:16+ 2735 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 1 06.15 15:27:21+ 5015 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 1 06.15 15:27:26+ 5000 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 1 06.15 15:27:28+ 2485 [069C] 50 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::FlushQueue 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(866)' 06.15 15:27:28+ 0 [069C] 50 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::FlushQueue 06.15 15:27:33+ 4203 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMTaskFileWndUndo::StoreSelection 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMTasksFileWnd.cpp(112)' 06.15 15:27:33+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMTaskFileWndUndo::StoreSelection 06.15 15:27:33+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 PTTaskManager::Add 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTTaskManager.cpp(76)' 06.15 15:27:33+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTTaskManager::Add 06.15 15:27:37+ 4828 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMResManager::TaskDialog 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMResManager.cpp(1277)' 06.15 15:27:37+ 16 [3734] 10 I> PTR_MSG_RESCAN_OPTIONS 06.15 15:27:41+ 3203 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [3219ms] CIMResManager::TaskDialog 06.15 15:27:41+ 16 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ScanFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8665)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2995)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 0 by thread 14132 (3734) 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6382.CR3 06.15 15:27:41+ 16 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:27:41+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2995)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 1 by thread 14132 (3734) 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 06.15 15:27:41+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [62ms] CIMEngine5::ScanFiles 06.15 15:27:41+ 16 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:27:41+ 15 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 157 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 1 06.15 15:27:41+ 203 [5610] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 5610, new process 276C). 06.15 15:27:41+ 15 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:27:41+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:27:42+ 563 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [563ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:27:42+ 16 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [579ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:27:42+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:27:42+ 15 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:27:42+ 110 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:27:42+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:27:42+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:27:43+ 1625 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [1625ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:27:43+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 06.15 15:27:43+ 15 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 06.15 15:27:43+ 16 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 06.15 15:27:43+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 06.15 15:27:43+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [2735ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 06.15 15:27:43+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [2735ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 06.15 15:27:43+ 0 [5610] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 1 files in 2735 ms 06.15 15:27:43+ 0 [5610] 02 I> [465712] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6382.CR3' 06.15 15:27:43+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [2750ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:27:43+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 06.15 15:27:43+ 15 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:27:43+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::GetWriteBackFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(11317)' 06.15 15:27:45+ 1063 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [1063ms] PTMetabase::GetWriteBackFiles 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabaseTagManager::GetExcludedTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseTagManager.cpp(740)' 06.15 15:27:45+ 31 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabaseTagManager::GetExcludedTags 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:27:45+ 16 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [1110ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [5610] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 1 files (411 tags) in 1110 ms. 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [1125ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:27:45+ 31 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 06.15 15:27:45+ 47 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:27:45+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:27:45+ 15 [570C] 10 I> EUQH: Calculate CRC for file C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6382.CR3 in 15ms 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [570C] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::GetPlugInForExtension 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(70)' 06.15 15:27:45+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [570C] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::GetPlugIn 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(115)' 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [570C] 04 I> Loading plug-in C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\plugins\PTPIPIP6x64.impi for thread 22284 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [570C] 10 M> > 0 PTPIImage::Initialize 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(170)' 06.15 15:27:45+ 15 [570C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTPIImage::Initialize 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [570C] 10 I> PTPlugInManager: new instance for PTPIPIP 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [570C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTPlugInManager::GetPlugIn 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [570C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTPlugInManager::GetPlugInForExtension 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [570C] 10 M> > 0 PTPIImage::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(287)' 06.15 15:27:45+ 266 [570C] 10 I> Loaded image with PTD2D at 6960x4640 06.15 15:27:45+ 16 [570C] 10 I> ImageInfo: 'Format: Bitmap from Handle' 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [570C] 10 M> < 0 [282ms] PTPIImage::LoadFile 06.15 15:27:45+ 0 [570C] 10 I> EUQH::Load(1) of C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6382.CR3 with 6960 x 4640 (O: 6984 x 4660) in 313ms 06.15 15:27:45+ 109 [570C] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::CreateCacheImage 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1076)' 06.15 15:27:46+ 656 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [1156ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 06.15 15:27:46+ 125 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 1 06.15 15:27:46+ 500 [570C] 10 M> < 0 [1281ms] CIMCacheManager::CreateCacheImage 06.15 15:27:46+ 0 [570C] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabaseAnno::RegionsToAnnotations 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseAnno.cpp(119)' 06.15 15:27:46+ 16 [570C] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:27:46+ 0 [570C] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:27:46+ 0 [570C] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:27:46+ 0 [570C] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:27:46+ 0 [570C] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabaseAnno::RegionsToAnnotations 06.15 15:27:46+ 16 [570C] 10 I> EUQH: Time for file (465712) 1750ms 06.15 15:27:46+ 46 [570C] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileLastCacheUpdate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9962)' 06.15 15:27:46+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:27:46+ 16 [570C] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngine5::UpdateFileLastCacheUpdate 06.15 15:27:46+ 0 [570C] 50 M> > 0 CIMRelationManager::GetVerbMasters 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMRelationManager.cpp(3889)' 06.15 15:27:46+ 0 [570C] 50 M> < 0 CIMRelationManager::GetVerbMasters 06.15 15:27:46+ 0 [570C] 10 I> FileHist Delegate: 1 of 1 events written in 0ms 06.15 15:27:46+ 0 [570C] 10 I> EUQH: Processed 1 files in 1812ms 06.15 15:27:46+ 16 [570C] 10 I> Core-DB (570C): 63 for 1 files 06.15 15:27:46+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:27:46+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:27:47+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:27:47+ 219 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:27:47+ 31 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:27:47+ 203 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CUpdateQueueSetHandler::ProcessSet 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\UpdateQueueSetHandler.cpp(67)' 06.15 15:27:47+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CUpdateQueueSetHandler::ProcessSet 06.15 15:27:51+ 3922 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 1 06.15 15:27:56+ 5016 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 1 06.15 15:27:59+ 2734 [069C] 50 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::FlushQueue 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(866)' 06.15 15:27:59+ 16 [069C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTFileSystemMonitor::FlushQueue 06.15 15:28:02+ 3140 [094C] 10 I> CIMCacheManager::UpdateStats in 78ms 06.15 15:28:03+ 1360 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMTaskFile::DeleteFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMTasksFile.cpp(423)' 06.15 15:28:03+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 PTTaskManager::Clear 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTTaskManager.cpp(178)' 06.15 15:28:03+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 PTTaskManager::Clear 06.15 15:28:03+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::FileOpDeleteFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5FileOp.cpp(487)' 06.15 15:28:03+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(777)' 06.15 15:28:03+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 06.15 15:28:03+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2995)' 06.15 15:28:03+ 0 [3734] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 0 by thread 14132 (3734) 06.15 15:28:03+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 06.15 15:28:03+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 06.15 15:28:03+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 06.15 15:28:03+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMResManager::TaskDialog 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMResManager.cpp(1277)' 06.15 15:28:03+ 0 [3734] 10 I> PTR_MSG_FILEOP_DELETEFILES 06.15 15:28:06+ 3188 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [3188ms] CIMResManager::TaskDialog 06.15 15:28:06+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2995)' 06.15 15:28:06+ 0 [3734] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 1 by thread 14132 (3734) 06.15 15:28:06+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 06.15 15:28:06+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 06.15 15:28:06+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 06.15 15:28:06+ 15 [3734] 01 W> IMERR 10010 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5FileOp.cpp(703)' 06.15 15:28:06+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(777)' 06.15 15:28:06+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Enable 06.15 15:28:06+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [3250ms] CIMEngine5::FileOpDeleteFile 06.15 15:28:06+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::CIMEngine5FileOpUI::BatchEnd 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5FileOp.cpp(66)' 06.15 15:28:06+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::CIMEngine5FileOpUI::BatchEnd 06.15 15:28:06+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [3281ms] CIMTaskFile::DeleteFiles 06.15 15:28:07+ 265 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CViewWndClientFolders::ReloadFileWnd 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndClientFolders.cpp(648)' 06.15 15:28:07+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::LoadGroup 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(5549)' 06.15 15:28:07+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 PTFileWnd::Clear 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\PTFileWnd.cpp(1582)' 06.15 15:28:07+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 PTFileWnd::Clear 06.15 15:28:07+ 78 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [94ms] PTFileWnd::LoadGroup 06.15 15:28:07+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [110ms] CViewWndClientFolders::ReloadFileWnd 06.15 15:28:12+ 4765 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMResManager::TaskDialog 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMResManager.cpp(1277)' 06.15 15:28:12+ 16 [3734] 10 I> PTR_MSG_RESCAN_OPTIONS 06.15 15:28:13+ 1719 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [1735ms] CIMResManager::TaskDialog 06.15 15:28:13+ 15 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::ScanFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(8665)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2995)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 0 by thread 14132 (3734) 06.15 15:28:13+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 16 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6357.CR3 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6358.CR3 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:13+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:13+ 15 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6360.CR3 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:13+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6361.CR3 06.15 15:28:13+ 16 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:13+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6362.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6363.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6364.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6365.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6366.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6367.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6368.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6369.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6370.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6371.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6372.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6373.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6374.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6375.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6376.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6377.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6378.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6379.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6380.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6381.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6382.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6383.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6384.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6385.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6386.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6387.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6388.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6389.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6390.CR3 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:14+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6391.CR3 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6392.CR3 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6393.CR3 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6394.CR3 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6395.CR3 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6396.CR3 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6397.CR3 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6398.CR3 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6399.CR3 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9402)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngine5.cpp(9438)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> AddOrUpdate: C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6400.CR3 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 I> File is current (1) 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(3380)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::AddEntry 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMEngine5::AddOrUpdateFileInner 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineUpdateQueue.cpp(2995)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 02 I> UpdateQueue enabled: 1 by thread 14132 (3734) 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 CIMEngineUpdateQueue::Enable 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(805)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTFileSystemMonitor::Pause 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [1516ms] CIMEngine5::ScanFiles 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [62ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [78ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3224] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [141ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 0ms. 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 [219ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 63ms. 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [281ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 47 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [62ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 156ms. 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [5610] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [375ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [1FAC] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 1 281ms. 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 [500ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 15 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3224] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 3224, new process 2738). 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:15+ 16 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 06.15 15:28:15+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 15 [03F4] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 1 375ms. 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 [594ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 15 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 15 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 1 234ms. 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [5610] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 5610, new process 26F8). 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 15 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 [468ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0500] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 2 453ms. 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [656ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 31 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 15 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [62ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [0334] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 2 531ms. 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [6704] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 6704, new process 34BC). 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 15 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [735ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 15 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [0334] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [1FAC] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 1FAC, new process 3528). 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 15 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 [203ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 94 [03F4] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 3F4, new process 3254). 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 94 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [563ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [563ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 15 [0500] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 500, new process 36B0). 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 110 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 15 [0334] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 334, new process 350C). 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 05 I> ExifTool: Launching 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\exiftool.exe', config 'C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\imatch_et.config' (thread 43D4, new process 273C). 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 94 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [547ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:16+ 15 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [562ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 94 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [563ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [578ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:16+ 16 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:16+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:16+ 15 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:17+ 94 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:17+ 16 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [594ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [594ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:17+ 15 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:17+ 47 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [547ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [547ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:17+ 16 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:17+ 47 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:17+ 62 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:17+ 31 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [562ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [578ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:17+ 16 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [594ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [594ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1869)' 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:17+ 109 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:17+ 16 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTETWrapper::ListExtensions 06.15 15:28:17+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 2906 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [4187ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 47 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [3703ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [78ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [4609ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [4609ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4609 ms 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [5610] 02 I> [465688] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6357.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 02 I> [465689] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6358.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 02 I> [465690] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6360.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 02 I> [465691] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6361.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 02 I> [465692] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6362.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [5047ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [78ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [4844ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [4844ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4859 ms 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 02 I> [465693] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6363.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 02 I> [465694] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6364.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [3224] 02 I> [465695] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6365.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 02 I> [465696] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6366.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 02 I> [465697] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6367.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [5109ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [3224] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [62ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (2055 tags) in 203 ms. 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [3766ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [203ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [187ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [187ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (2055 tags) in 312 ms. 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [328ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2786)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [62ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [4890ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [4906ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [6704] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4906 ms 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [5610] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [3563ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 02 I> [465713] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6383.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [0500] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [32ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 02 I> [465714] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6384.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 02 I> [465715] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6385.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 02 I> [465716] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6386.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [3781ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 02 I> [465717] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6387.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [3224] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [5453ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [3671ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [63ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [78ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [6704] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [4672ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [4688ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [63ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0500] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4688 ms 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0500] 02 I> [465698] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6368.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [0500] 02 I> [465699] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6369.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 [94ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0500] 02 I> [465700] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6370.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [3224] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 [4922ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0500] 02 I> [465701] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6371.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0500] 02 I> [465702] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6372.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [4937ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [3224] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(4609)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 [94ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [5547ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [1FAC] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4953 ms 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [1FAC] 02 I> [465703] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6373.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::InnerUpdateMetadata 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 [4844ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 06.15 15:28:20+ 15 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [4859ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [1FAC] 02 I> [465704] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6374.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [78ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [3562ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [03F4] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4859 ms 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [03F4] 02 I> [465723] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6393.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [1FAC] 02 I> [465705] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6375.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1970)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 16 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [109ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [03F4] 02 I> [465724] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6394.CR3' 06.15 15:28:20+ 0 [03F4] 02 I> [465725] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6395.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [3224] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(1999)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [1FAC] 02 I> [465706] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6376.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 02 I> [465726] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6396.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 02 I> [465727] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6397.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [1FAC] 02 I> [465707] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6377.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3952)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [5625ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [5657ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [3657ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [62ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [62ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [6704] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [4750ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [4797ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [0334] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4797 ms 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 02 I> [465718] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6388.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 02 I> [465719] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6389.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 02 I> [465720] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6390.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [0334] 02 I> [465721] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6391.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 02 I> [465722] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6392.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [5734ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [188ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 [110ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 [4828ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [4844ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 5 files in 4844 ms 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 02 I> [465708] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6378.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [203ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 02 I> [465709] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6379.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [62ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 02 I> [465710] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6380.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 02 I> [465711] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6381.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 02 I> [465712] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6382.CR3' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [5860ms #sl] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [172ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [203ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [0334] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [63ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [79ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [94ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [94ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 0ms. 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [234ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [234ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [6704] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [78ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [6704] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [46ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [46ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (2055 tags) in 609 ms. 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [625ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 32ms. 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [234ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [250ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [157ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [157ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [125ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 93ms. 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [312ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [312ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 1 250ms. 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [0500] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [453ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [468ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [141ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [157ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [140ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [46ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [172ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [0334] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [140ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [156ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [0334] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (2055 tags) in 641 ms. 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [657ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [235ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 0ms. 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [43D4] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (2055 tags) in 563 ms. 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [593ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [203ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [219ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0334] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (2055 tags) in 954 ms. 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [969ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [43D4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [5610] 10 M> < 0 [1140ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [6704] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 1 265ms. 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 62ms. 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [03F4] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 16 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [266ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [282ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (2055 tags) in 938 ms. 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [953ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [0500] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 06.15 15:28:21+ 0 [1FAC] 50 I> TranBegin wait loop: 0 125ms. 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [1FAC] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [1FAC] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [344ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [344ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [1FAC] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 5 files (2055 tags) in 969 ms. 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [6704] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [969ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 31 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [03F4] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [1FAC] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 31 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 31 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [1438ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessRun 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 50 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(2480)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ParseXML 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3078)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ParseXML 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [47ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessOutput 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [1516ms] PTETWrapper::InnerParseFiles 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [1532ms] PTETWrapper::ExtractInfo 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles ET-Extract for 3 files in 1532 ms 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3224] 02 I> [465728] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6398.CR3' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 02 I> [465729] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6399.CR3' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 02 I> [465730] 411 tags 'C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6400.CR3' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [1750ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2944)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3224] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3224] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(2459)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetFileValues 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(4621)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3224] 50 M> > 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabase.cpp(6087)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 50 M> < 0 PTMetabase::SetPhotoolsTags 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabase::SetFileValues 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTMetabase::ImportFileValues 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 I> PTMetabase::ImportFiles: 3 files (1233 tags) in 94 ms. 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [110ms] PTMetabase::ImportFiles 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3224] 10 M> > 0 PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTETWrapper.cpp(3926)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [4C30] 10 I> EUQH: Calculate CRC for file C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6357.CR3 in 15ms 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [4C30] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::GetPlugInForExtension 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(70)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [4C30] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::GetPlugIn 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(115)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [4C30] 04 I> Loading plug-in C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\plugins\PTPIPIP6x64.impi for thread 19504 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [4C30] 10 M> > 0 PTPIImage::Initialize 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(170)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [4C30] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTPIImage::Initialize 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [4C30] 10 I> PTPlugInManager: new instance for PTPIPIP 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [4C30] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTPlugInManager::GetPlugIn 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [4C30] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTPlugInManager::GetPlugInForExtension 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3338] 10 I> EUQH: Calculate CRC for file C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6378.CR3 in 16ms 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [4C30] 10 M> > 0 PTPIImage::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(287)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3338] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::GetPlugInForExtension 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(70)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [241C] 10 I> EUQH: Calculate CRC for file C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6398.CR3 in 31ms 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3338] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::GetPlugIn 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(115)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [241C] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::GetPlugInForExtension 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(70)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3338] 04 I> Loading plug-in C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\plugins\PTPIPIP6x64.impi for thread 13112 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [241C] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::GetPlugIn 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(115)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3338] 10 M> > 0 PTPIImage::Initialize 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(170)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3338] 10 M> < 0 PTPIImage::Initialize 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3338] 10 I> PTPlugInManager: new instance for PTPIPIP 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3338] 10 M> < 0 [32ms] PTPlugInManager::GetPlugIn 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [241C] 04 I> Loading plug-in C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\plugins\PTPIPIP6x64.impi for thread 9244 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3338] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTPlugInManager::GetPlugInForExtension 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [241C] 10 M> > 0 PTPIImage::Initialize 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(170)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 15 [3338] 10 M> > 0 PTPIImage::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(287)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [241C] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTPIImage::Initialize 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [241C] 10 I> PTPlugInManager: new instance for PTPIPIP 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [241C] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTPlugInManager::GetPlugIn 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [241C] 10 M> < 0 [47ms] PTPlugInManager::GetPlugInForExtension 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [241C] 10 M> > 0 PTPIImage::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(287)' 06.15 15:28:22+ 31 [3338] 02 I> PTD2D: EXIF orientation: 8 06.15 15:28:22+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:22+ 16 [241C] 02 I> PTD2D: EXIF orientation: 8 06.15 15:28:23+ 140 [0334] 10 M> < 0 [1156ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 06.15 15:28:23+ 16 [4C30] 10 I> Loaded image with PTD2D at 6960x4640 06.15 15:28:23+ 16 [4C30] 10 I> ImageInfo: 'Format: Bitmap from Handle' 06.15 15:28:23+ 0 [4C30] 10 M> < 0 [297ms] PTPIImage::LoadFile 06.15 15:28:23+ 0 [4C30] 10 I> EUQH::Load(1) of C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6357.CR3 with 6960 x 4640 (O: 6984 x 4660) in 329ms 06.15 15:28:23+ 46 [43D4] 10 M> < 0 [1156ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 06.15 15:28:23+ 32 [4C30] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::CreateCacheImage 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1076)' 06.15 15:28:23+ 62 [6704] 10 M> < 0 [1156ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 06.15 15:28:23+ 16 [0500] 10 M> < 0 [1203ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 06.15 15:28:23+ 78 [1FAC] 10 M> < 0 [1156ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 06.15 15:28:23+ 31 [03F4] 10 M> < 0 [1203ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 06.15 15:28:23+ 500 [3224] 10 M> < 0 [1156ms] PTETWrapper::ProcessClose 06.15 15:28:24+ 547 [4C30] 10 M> < 0 [1234ms] CIMCacheManager::CreateCacheImage 06.15 15:28:24+ 16 [4C30] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabaseAnno::RegionsToAnnotations 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseAnno.cpp(119)' 06.15 15:28:24+ 0 [4C30] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:24+ 0 [4C30] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:24+ 0 [4C30] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:24+ 0 [4C30] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:24+ 15 [4C30] 10 M> < 0 [15ms] PTMetabaseAnno::RegionsToAnnotations 06.15 15:28:24+ 16 [4C30] 10 I> EUQH: Time for file (465688) 1703ms 06.15 15:28:24+ 31 [4C30] 10 I> EUQH: Calculate CRC for file C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6358.CR3 in 0ms 06.15 15:28:24+ 16 [4C30] 10 M> > 0 PTPIImage::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(287)' 06.15 15:28:24+ 31 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:24+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:24+ 218 [4C30] 10 I> Loaded image with PTD2D at 6960x4640 06.15 15:28:24+ 16 [4C30] 10 I> ImageInfo: 'Format: Bitmap from Handle' 06.15 15:28:24+ 0 [4C30] 10 M> < 0 [281ms] PTPIImage::LoadFile 06.15 15:28:24+ 0 [4C30] 10 I> EUQH::Load(1) of C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6358.CR3 with 6960 x 4640 (O: 6984 x 4660) in 297ms 06.15 15:28:24+ 94 [4C30] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::CreateCacheImage 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1076)' 06.15 15:28:26+ 1219 [4C30] 10 M> < 0 [1219ms] CIMCacheManager::CreateCacheImage 06.15 15:28:26+ 15 [4C30] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabaseAnno::RegionsToAnnotations 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseAnno.cpp(119)' 06.15 15:28:26+ 0 [4C30] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:26+ 16 [4C30] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:26+ 0 [4C30] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:26+ 0 [4C30] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:26+ 0 [4C30] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabaseAnno::RegionsToAnnotations 06.15 15:28:26+ 15 [4C30] 10 I> EUQH: Time for file (465689) 1656ms 06.15 15:28:26+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:26+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:26+ 16 [4C30] 10 I> EUQH: Calculate CRC for file C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6360.CR3 in 16ms 06.15 15:28:26+ 0 [4C30] 10 M> > 0 PTPIImage::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(287)' 06.15 15:28:26+ 281 [4C30] 10 I> Loaded image with PTD2D at 6960x4640 06.15 15:28:26+ 16 [4C30] 10 I> ImageInfo: 'Format: Bitmap from Handle' 06.15 15:28:26+ 0 [4C30] 10 M> < 0 [297ms] PTPIImage::LoadFile 06.15 15:28:26+ 0 [4C30] 10 I> EUQH::Load(1) of C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6360.CR3 with 6960 x 4640 (O: 6984 x 4660) in 297ms 06.15 15:28:26+ 78 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 1 06.15 15:28:26+ 15 [4C30] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::CreateCacheImage 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1076)' 06.15 15:28:27+ 1313 [4C30] 10 M> < 0 [1313ms] CIMCacheManager::CreateCacheImage 06.15 15:28:27+ 15 [4C30] 10 M> > 0 PTMetabaseAnno::RegionsToAnnotations 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\PTMetabaseAnno.cpp(119)' 06.15 15:28:27+ 0 [4C30] 50 M> > 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMPeopleManager.cpp(5437)' 06.15 15:28:27+ 0 [4C30] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(1895)' 06.15 15:28:27+ 0 [4C30] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:27+ 0 [4C30] 50 M> < 0 CIMPeopleManager::DeleteFileData 06.15 15:28:27+ 16 [4C30] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] PTMetabaseAnno::RegionsToAnnotations 06.15 15:28:27+ 0 [4C30] 10 I> EUQH: Time for file (465690) 1750ms 06.15 15:28:27+ 47 [4C30] 10 I> EUQH: Calculate CRC for file C:\Data\Photo Import Folder\Norway\AG8A6361.CR3 in 16ms 06.15 15:28:27+ 0 [4C30] 10 M> > 0 PTPIImage::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(287)' 06.15 15:28:27+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs.cpp(558)' 06.15 15:28:27+ 31 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] CViewPaneFoldersTreeFavs::LoadFavs 06.15 15:28:27+ 0 [4C30] 02 I> PTD2D: EXIF orientation: 8 06.15 15:28:31+ 3562 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 1 06.15 15:28:36+ 5000 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 5 06.15 15:28:41+ 5016 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 5 06.15 15:28:46+ 5031 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 16 06.15 15:28:51+ 5031 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 17 06.15 15:28:56+ 5016 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 17 06.15 15:28:59+ 3266 [069C] 50 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::FlushQueue 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(866)' 06.15 15:28:59+ 31 [069C] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] PTFileSystemMonitor::FlushQueue 06.15 15:29:02+ 2484 [094C] 10 I> CIMCacheManager::UpdateStats in 62ms 06.15 15:29:11+ 9266 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 1 06.15 15:29:16+ 5016 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 2 06.15 15:29:21+ 5015 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 2 06.15 15:29:26+ 5031 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 2 06.15 15:29:30+ 3532 [069C] 50 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::FlushQueue 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(866)' 06.15 15:29:30+ 15 [069C] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] PTFileSystemMonitor::FlushQueue 06.15 15:29:46+16485 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 4 06.15 15:29:51+ 5031 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 4 06.15 15:29:56+ 5016 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 11 06.15 15:30:01+ 5031 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 11 06.15 15:30:06+ 5000 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 11 06.15 15:30:10+ 3890 [069C] 50 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::FlushQueue 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(866)' 06.15 15:30:10+ 32 [069C] 50 M> < 0 [32ms] PTFileSystemMonitor::FlushQueue 06.15 15:30:36+25609 [7AF4] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1598)' 06.15 15:30:36+ 16 [7AF4] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMCacheManager::PurgeTempCacheFiles 06.15 15:31:05+28890 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewWndDatabase::SetViewerMode 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndDatabase.cpp(3466)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 32 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewWndDatabase::CreateViewerWnd 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndDatabase.cpp(3390)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 265 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(3398)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 06.15 15:31:05+ 16 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(1938)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(1961)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::ClearCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(2365)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMDXCacheManager::ClearCache 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMDXCacheManager::Stop 06.15 15:31:05+ 15 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::InitD2D 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(2149)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::RecreateDeviceResources 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(2165)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::InitFactories 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(2083)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMDXCacheManager::InitFactories 06.15 15:31:05+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::ClearCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(2365)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMDXCacheManager::ClearCache 06.15 15:31:05+ 78 [3734] 10 I> RecreateDeviceResources successful. Maxsize: 16384 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [94ms] CIMDXCacheManager::RecreateDeviceResources 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [94ms] CIMDXCacheManager::InitD2D 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [109ms] CIMDXCacheManager::Start 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(3398)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 06.15 15:31:05+ 140 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(3398)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 06.15 15:31:05+ 31 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(3398)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [593ms] CViewWndDatabase::CreateViewerWnd 06.15 15:31:05+ 110 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(3398)' 06.15 15:31:05+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 06.15 15:31:06+ 31 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(3398)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 06.15 15:31:06+ 140 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(3398)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 06.15 15:31:06+ 31 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(3398)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 06.15 15:31:06+ 140 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [1125ms] CViewWndDatabase::SetViewerMode 06.15 15:31:06+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::CheckMarkedFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(1205)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 CIMViewerWnd::CheckMarkedFiles 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::CheckReorderedFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(1282)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 CIMViewerWnd::CheckReorderedFiles 06.15 15:31:06+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMFaceIndex::GetFilesFaces 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMFaceIndex.cpp(851)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMFaceIndex::GetFilesFaces 06.15 15:31:06+ 125 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(3398)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 15 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMViewerImageWnd::OnCreate 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerImageWnd.cpp(1243)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::Start 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(1938)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 16 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(1961)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::ClearCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(2365)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMDXCacheManager::ClearCache 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMDXCacheManager::Stop 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::InitD2D 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(2149)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 15 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::RecreateDeviceResources 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(2165)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::InitFactories 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(2083)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMDXCacheManager::InitFactories 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::ClearCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(2365)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMDXCacheManager::ClearCache 06.15 15:31:06+ 31 [3734] 10 I> RecreateDeviceResources successful. Maxsize: 16384 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMDXCacheManager::RecreateDeviceResources 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [62ms] CIMDXCacheManager::InitD2D 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [78ms] CIMDXCacheManager::Start 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::InitD2D 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(378)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 16 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::InitFactories 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(349)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMDXWnd::InitFactories 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::DiscardDeviceResources 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(551)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMDXWnd::DiscardDeviceResources 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMDXWnd::InitD2D 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::SetUseVisualProxy 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(1990)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::ClearCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(2365)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::ClearQueue 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(231)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::ClearQueue 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMDXCacheManager::ClearCache 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::ClearQueue 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(231)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 15 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::ClearQueue 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [31ms] CIMDXCacheManager::SetUseVisualProxy 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::CreateDeviceResources 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(455)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::DiscardDeviceResources 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(551)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMDXWnd::DiscardDeviceResources 06.15 15:31:06+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMDXWnd::CreateDeviceResources 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [141ms] CIMViewerImageWnd::OnCreate 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::DiscardDeviceResources 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(551)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMDXWnd::DiscardDeviceResources 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::CreateDeviceResources 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(455)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 15 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::DiscardDeviceResources 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(551)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMDXWnd::DiscardDeviceResources 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [15ms] CIMDXWnd::CreateDeviceResources 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::ClearCache 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(2365)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::ClearQueue 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(231)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::ClearQueue 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMDXCacheManager::ClearCache 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::DiscardDeviceResources 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(551)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMDXWnd::DiscardDeviceResources 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::CreateDeviceResources 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(455)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 16 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::DiscardDeviceResources 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(551)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 CIMDXWnd::DiscardDeviceResources 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMDXWnd::CreateDeviceResources 06.15 15:31:06+ 15 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(789)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:06+ 0 [55F8] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465712.jpg 06.15 15:31:06+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [234ms] CIMViewerWnd::SetLayout 06.15 15:31:06+ 156 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 5 06.15 15:31:07+ 703 [55F8] 50 M> < 0 [875ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 06.15 15:31:09+ 2266 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:09+ 16 [3734] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465712.jpg loaded in 875ms. Result: 2 06.15 15:31:09+ 0 [55F8] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465713.jpg 06.15 15:31:10+ 593 [55F8] 50 M> < 0 [609ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 06.15 15:31:10+ 0 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:10+ 16 [55F8] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465714.jpg 06.15 15:31:11+ 672 [55F8] 50 M> < 0 [688ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 06.15 15:31:11+ 0 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:11+ 15 [55F8] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465715.jpg 06.15 15:31:11+ 672 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(789)' 06.15 15:31:11+ 47 [55F8] 50 M> < 0 [734ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 06.15 15:31:11+ 0 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:11+ 0 [55F8] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465716.jpg 06.15 15:31:11+ 16 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 6 06.15 15:31:11+ 47 [3734] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465713.jpg loaded in 593ms. Result: 2 06.15 15:31:11+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [110ms] CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 06.15 15:31:12+ 656 [55F8] 50 M> < 0 [719ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 06.15 15:31:12+ 0 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:12+ 16 [55F8] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465717.jpg 06.15 15:31:13+ 734 [55F8] 50 M> < 0 [750ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 06.15 15:31:13+ 16 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:13+ 0 [55F8] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465718.jpg 06.15 15:31:13+ 281 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(789)' 06.15 15:31:13+ 62 [3734] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465714.jpg loaded in 672ms. Result: 2 06.15 15:31:13+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [62ms] CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 06.15 15:31:14+ 328 [55F8] 50 M> < 0 [671ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 06.15 15:31:14+ 0 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:14+ 16 [55F8] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465719.jpg 06.15 15:31:14+ 625 [55F8] 50 M> < 0 [641ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 06.15 15:31:14+ 0 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:14+ 0 [55F8] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465720.jpg 06.15 15:31:14+ 234 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(789)' 06.15 15:31:15+ 63 [3734] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465715.jpg loaded in 719ms. Result: 2 06.15 15:31:15+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [63ms] CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 06.15 15:31:15+ 437 [55F8] 50 M> < 0 [734ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 06.15 15:31:15+ 0 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:15+ 0 [55F8] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465721.jpg 06.15 15:31:15+ 532 [55F8] 50 M> < 0 [532ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 06.15 15:31:15+ 0 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:16+ 15 [55F8] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465722.jpg 06.15 15:31:16+ 235 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(789)' 06.15 15:31:16+ 62 [3734] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465716.jpg loaded in 719ms. Result: 2 06.15 15:31:16+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [62ms] CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 06.15 15:31:16+ 188 [55F8] 50 M> < 0 [500ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 06.15 15:31:16+ 0 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:16+ 15 [55F8] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465723.jpg 06.15 15:31:16+ 438 [7AE0] 50 I> EngineFolderScanner: Signaled. Enabled: 1, idle for 0 ms. Event count: 6 06.15 15:31:16+ 31 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(789)' 06.15 15:31:17+ 47 [3734] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465717.jpg loaded in 734ms. Result: 2 06.15 15:31:17+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [47ms] CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 06.15 15:31:17+ 125 [55F8] 50 M> < 0 [656ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 06.15 15:31:17+ 16 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:17+ 0 [55F8] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465724.jpg 06.15 15:31:17+ 515 [55F8] 50 M> < 0 [515ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 06.15 15:31:17+ 16 [55F8] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::InnerLoad 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(629)' 06.15 15:31:17+ 0 [55F8] 10 M> > 0 CIMCacheManager::CreateCacheImage 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1076)' 06.15 15:31:17+ 0 [55F8] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::GetPlugInForFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(58)' 06.15 15:31:17+ 0 [55F8] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::GetPlugInForExtension 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(70)' 06.15 15:31:17+ 15 [55F8] 10 M> > 0 PTPlugInManager::GetPlugIn 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PTPlugInManager.cpp(115)' 06.15 15:31:17+ 0 [55F8] 04 I> Loading plug-in C:\Program Files\photools.com\imatch6\plugins\PTPIPIP6x64.impi for thread 22008 06.15 15:31:17+ 0 [55F8] 10 M> > 0 PTPIImage::Initialize 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(170)' 06.15 15:31:17+ 0 [55F8] 10 M> < 0 PTPIImage::Initialize 06.15 15:31:17+ 0 [55F8] 10 I> PTPlugInManager: new instance for PTPIPIP 06.15 15:31:17+ 0 [55F8] 10 M> < 0 PTPlugInManager::GetPlugIn 06.15 15:31:17+ 16 [55F8] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTPlugInManager::GetPlugInForExtension 06.15 15:31:17+ 0 [55F8] 10 M> < 0 [31ms] PTPlugInManager::GetPlugInForFile 06.15 15:31:17+ 0 [55F8] 10 M> > 0 PTPIImage::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(287)' 06.15 15:31:17+ 31 [55F8] 02 I> PTD2D: EXIF orientation: 8 06.15 15:31:18+ 641 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(789)' 06.15 15:31:18+ 78 [3734] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465718.jpg loaded in 671ms. Result: 2 06.15 15:31:18+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [78ms] CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 06.15 15:31:19+ 1000 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(789)' 06.15 15:31:19+ 78 [3734] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465719.jpg loaded in 625ms. Result: 2 06.15 15:31:19+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [78ms] CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 06.15 15:31:20+ 922 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(789)' 06.15 15:31:20+ 78 [3734] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465720.jpg loaded in 734ms. Result: 2 06.15 15:31:20+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [78ms] CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 06.15 15:31:21+ 1000 [069C] 50 M> > 0 PTFileSystemMonitor::FlushQueue 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\imlib\PTFileSystemMonitor.cpp(866)' 06.15 15:31:21+ 16 [069C] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] PTFileSystemMonitor::FlushQueue 06.15 15:31:21+ 281 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(789)' 06.15 15:31:21+ 63 [3734] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465721.jpg loaded in 532ms. Result: 2 06.15 15:31:21+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [63ms] CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 06.15 15:31:22+ 765 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(789)' 06.15 15:31:22+ 78 [3734] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465722.jpg loaded in 485ms. Result: 2 06.15 15:31:22+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [78ms] CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 06.15 15:31:23+ 766 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(789)' 06.15 15:31:23+ 78 [3734] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465723.jpg loaded in 641ms. Result: 2 06.15 15:31:23+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [78ms] CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 06.15 15:31:24+ 828 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXWnd.cpp(789)' 06.15 15:31:24+ 63 [3734] 02 I> C:\ProgramData\photools.com\IMatch6\previewcache\C1B4B049-CF54-4238-978A-9B1F207DA12C\46\465724.jpg loaded in 515ms. Result: 2 06.15 15:31:24+ 0 [3734] 05 M> < 0 [63ms] CIMDXWnd::LoadFile 06.15 15:31:25+ 1343 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::OnViewClose 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(4639)' 06.15 15:31:25+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::CheckMarkedFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(1205)' 06.15 15:31:25+ 16 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMViewerWnd::CheckMarkedFiles 06.15 15:31:25+ 0 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CIMViewerWnd::CheckReorderedFiles 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerWnd.cpp(1282)' 06.15 15:31:25+ 0 [3734] 10 M> < 0 CIMViewerWnd::CheckReorderedFiles 06.15 15:31:27+ 1718 [3734] 10 M> < 0 [1750ms] CIMViewerWnd::OnViewClose 06.15 15:31:27+ 16 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewWndDatabase::SetViewerMode 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndDatabase.cpp(3466)' 06.15 15:31:27+ 31 [3734] 10 M> > 0 CViewWndDatabase::DestroyViewerWnd 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\ViewWndDatabase.cpp(3425)' 06.15 15:31:27+ 16 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMViewerImageWnd::OnDestroy 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMViewerImageWnd.cpp(1305)' 06.15 15:31:27+ 0 [3734] 05 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManager::Stop 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(1961)' 06.15 15:31:27+ 0 [3734] 50 M> > 0 CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::ClearQueue 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMDXCacheManager.cpp(231)' 06.15 15:31:27+ 16 [3734] 50 M> < 0 [16ms] CIMDXCacheManagerLoaderDelegate::ClearQueue