IMatch Logfile Analyzer. Copyright © Mario M. Westphal & Processed "C:\temp\_L\imatch_log20250325.txt": 5294 lines. 579 warnings. 0 errors. 5 slow statements. @Warnings: 03.25 09:37:04+ 0 [4E2C] 01 W> Spelling: Cannot find a dictionary for language 'en' or failed to load. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMatchNG\IMatch.cpp(4344)' 03.25 09:37:58+ 4281 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [14] 'D:\Photos_1\2003\S50\' 'last modified in db' (3/14/2025 8:21:27 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_6481.JPG' (12/19/2003 1:49:24 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:58+ 969 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [145] 'F:\Photos\2013\2013-03-30\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_0378-2.tif' (3/16/2025 5:42:51 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [146] 'F:\Photos\2013\2013-03-31\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_0546-2.CR2' (3/31/2013 11:47:56 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [147] 'F:\Photos\2013\2013-04-05\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_0557-2.JPG' (4/5/2013 9:25:44 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 32 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [149] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-02-12\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_0711-2.CR2' (2/12/2014 12:51:11 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [158] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-05-18\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_0722-2.CR2' (5/19/2014 12:01:19 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [160] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-05-22\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'MVI_0738-2-2.MOV' (5/22/2014 12:08:09 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [162] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-05-24\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_0743-2-Edit-2.JPG' (1/5/2020 9:18:27 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 32 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [164] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-06-28\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_0774-2.CR2' (6/28/2014 12:02:03 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [165] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-07-04\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_0781-2.CR2' (7/4/2014 1:20:20 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [166] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-07-18\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_0790-2.CR2' (7/19/2014 3:51:23 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [168] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-08-29\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9337.CR2' (8/30/2014 5:04:54 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [169] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-08-30\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'M16-edit-4-crop-2.tif' (9/2/2014 4:42:49 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [170] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-08-31\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9351-2.CR2' (8/31/2014 11:38:26 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [171] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-09-01\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9361-2.CR2' (9/1/2014 2:39:06 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [172] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-09-02\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9380-2.CR2' (9/2/2014 7:00:38 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [173] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-09-20\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'STG_0811-2.JPG' (9/20/2014 9:10:12 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 31 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [176] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-10-18\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_0833-2.CR2' (10/19/2014 3:47:29 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [179] 'F:\Photos\2014\2014-12-30\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9449-2.CR2' (12/30/2014 6:59:46 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 31 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [181] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-13\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'lovejoy-stack-screen-merge-2.tif' (1/18/2015 6:39:45 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [182] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-22\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9450-2.JPG' (1/23/2015 3:57:18 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [183] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-23\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9470.CR2' (1/24/2015 5:01:42 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [184] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'lovejoy-dssstackof5-withspikes.tif' (1/27/2015 5:30:18 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 62 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [188] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-04-20\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'raysinkeys.jpg' (8/5/2019 10:03:46 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [189] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-04-21\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1374.JPG' (3/12/2016 4:20:31 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [190] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-04-22\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1518-2.CR2' (4/22/2015 8:06:29 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 32 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [193] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-04-24\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1576-2.CR2' (4/24/2015 12:06:37 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [194] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-05-09\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1584-2.CR2' (5/9/2015 6:31:08 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [195] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-06-06\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1641-2.CR2' (6/6/2015 8:05:30 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [197] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-08-07\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1656-2-2.CR2' (8/7/2015 5:30:05 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [198] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-09-16\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9601.CR2' (9/17/2015 5:03:10 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [199] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-09-17\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9643.CR2' (9/18/2015 5:03:30 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [200] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-09-18\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'easternveil_stack_darksub_lev_setp19_bkgnd-oct09-Edit.tif' (12/2/2016 8:56:55 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [201] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-09-27\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0427-2.tif' (9/30/2015 2:06:01 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [202] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-10-15\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9541-4.JPG' (12/11/2018 10:07:58 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [203] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-12-26\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1679-2-2.CR2' (12/27/2015 12:58:58 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [204] 'F:\Photos\2015\2015-12-27\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1684-2-2.CR2' (12/27/2015 9:22:39 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 31 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [209] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-02-23\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1699-2-2.CR2' (2/23/2016 4:40:36 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [210] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-02-25\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1723-2-2.JPG' (2/25/2016 5:14:35 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [211] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-03-10\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1738-2-2.CR2' (3/10/2016 8:11:20 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [213] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-03-12\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1750-2-2.CR2' (3/12/2016 9:57:12 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [217] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-03-18\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9602.JPG' (3/19/2016 1:37:34 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [218] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-03-19\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9636.CR2' (3/20/2016 1:14:10 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [219] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-03-21\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9730.CR2' (3/21/2016 10:19:32 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [220] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-03-26\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1938-2-2.JPG' (3/26/2016 7:35:34 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [225] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-05-27\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0021-3-2.CR2' (5/27/2016 7:52:54 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [226] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-05-28\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0044-3-2.CR2' (5/28/2016 9:51:16 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [227] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-05-29\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0065-3-2.CR2' (5/29/2016 6:53:26 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [228] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-07-10\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0081-3-2.CR2' (7/10/2016 4:10:14 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [229] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-08-27\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'Jensen_birthday-0197.jpg' (9/6/2016 5:53:16 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [232] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-10-08\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0314-2-2.CR2' (10/8/2016 10:00:42 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [235] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-11-23\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1990-2.CR2' (11/23/2016 9:48:16 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [236] 'F:\Photos\2016\2016-12-04\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1993-2-2.CR2' (12/5/2016 4:54:02 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [239] 'F:\Photos\2017\2017-01-04\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0348-2-2.CR2' (1/4/2017 7:15:56 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [240] 'F:\Photos\2017\2017-01-05\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0357-2-2.CR2' (1/5/2017 5:53:12 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [242] 'F:\Photos\2017\2017-03-12\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_1998-2.CR2' (3/13/2017 3:25:43 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:37:59+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [243] 'F:\Photos\2017\2017-04-09\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_9679-2.CR2' (4/9/2017 6:39:52 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [244] 'F:\Photos\2017\2017-07-22\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_2007-2.CR2' (7/22/2017 5:40:19 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 31 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [246] 'F:\Photos\2017\2017-09-23\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0487-2.CR2' (9/23/2017 11:51:00 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [247] 'F:\Photos\2017\2017-09-24\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0504-2.CR2' (9/24/2017 9:36:16 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [248] 'F:\Photos\2017\2017-11-24\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_2009-2.CR2' (11/24/2017 11:52:03 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [249] 'F:\Photos\2017\2017-12-23\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'MVI_0517-2.MOV' (12/23/2017 6:48:38 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [250] 'F:\Photos\2017\2017-12-28\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_2014-2.JPG' (12/28/2017 1:52:00 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [252] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-01-27\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_2015-2.CR2' (1/27/2018 2:14:34 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [257] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-03-21\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0937-2.CR2' (3/22/2018 2:42:14 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [258] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-03-22\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0946-2.CR2' (3/22/2018 7:42:22 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [259] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-03-23\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_2017-2.CR2' (3/24/2018 12:50:10 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [260] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-03-24\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_1015-2.JPG' (3/25/2018 1:32:40 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [261] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-03-25\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_2027-2.CR2' (3/26/2018 1:23:57 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [262] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-03-27\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_1050-2.JPG' (3/27/2018 8:08:14 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [263] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-03-29\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_1064-2.CR2' (3/30/2018 12:05:24 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [264] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-03-30\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'sailboatskeywest-2.jpg' (8/5/2019 9:56:44 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [265] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-03-31\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_2173-2.JPG' (3/31/2018 11:17:28 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [266] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-05-25\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_1105-2.CR2' (5/25/2018 9:53:32 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [267] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-05-26\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_1180-2.CR2' (5/27/2018 1:30:56 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [268] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-05-27\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_1225-2.CR2' (5/27/2018 9:18:42 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [269] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-07-31\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'MVI_1227-2.MP4' (7/31/2018 5:29:54 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [270] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-08-13\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0552-2.CR2' (8/13/2018 6:42:58 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [271] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-09-23\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_1265-2.CR2' (9/24/2018 1:13:06 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [272] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-11-03\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_2181-2.CR2' (11/3/2018 9:00:55 PM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 16 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [273] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-12-09\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0616-2.CR2' (12/9/2018 8:09:30 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:00+ 15 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [274] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-12-10\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file '_MG_0621-2.CR2' (12/11/2018 4:57:44 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:38:03+ 2735 [21B4] 01 W> FolderSweeper: Folder [470] 'F:\Photos\2018\2018-12-24\' 'last modified in db' (3/25/2025 12:55:02 PM) timestamp is older than the last modified file 'IMG_2183-2.CR2' (12/25/2018 12:58:18 AM). Enqueueing the folder for rescan. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMEngineFolderSweeper.cpp(153)' 03.25 09:41:52+ 7218 [12B0] 01 W> ETWARN:Error: Error creating file: C:/Users/Terri/AppData/Local/Temp/imt_et_2540172904629358.xmp - C:/Users/Terri/AppData/Local/Temp/imt_et_2540172904629358.xmp 03.25 09:53:44+ 2297 [2C74] 01 W> IMERR(10020) '' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\catalog\imcatalog.cpp(3090)' 03.25 11:15:13+33688 [7218] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: [minor] Adjusted MakerNotes base by 4180 - F:\Photos\2014\2014-05-24\IMG_0743-2-Edit-2.JPG 03.25 11:17:05+22421 [7CCC] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: [minor] Invalid CanonCameraSettings data - F:\Photos\2001\2001-08-04\CRW_2092_00001.TIF 03.25 11:17:21+15532 [72F0] 01 W> ETWARN:Warning: [minor] Invalid CanonCameraSettings data - F:\Photos\2002\2002-02-04\CRW_3182_00001.TIF 03.25 11:28:20+ 6657 [88CC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:20+ 203 [88CC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:20+ 0 [88CC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\nebulosity 3-31\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:20+ 140 [88CC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:21+ 188 [88CC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:28:21+ 141 [9EDC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:21+ 15 [88CC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:21+ 16 [88CC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\nebulosity 3-31\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:21+ 500 [88CC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:21+ 15 [9EDC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:21+ 0 [9EDC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\nebulosity 3-31\Autosave002.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:21+ 157 [88CC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:21+ 0 [88CC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\nebulosity 3-31\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:22+ 265 [88CC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:22+ 0 [88CC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:28:22+ 235 [88CC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:22+ 15 [88CC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\nebulosity 3-31\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:23+ 813 [9EDC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:23+ 15 [9EDC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:28:24+ 1688 [9EDC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:24+ 0 [9EDC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\nebulosity 3-31\Autosave002.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:25+ 453 [90DC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:26+ 1328 [9EDC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:27+ 563 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:27+ 422 [9EEC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:28+ 343 [9EDC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:28+ 0 [9EDC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\nebulosity 3-31\Autosave003.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:28+ 63 [877C] 01 W> Exception [88982f60] 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\ptd2d.cpp(307)' 03.25 11:28:28+ 0 [877C] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 88982F60 - The image is unrecognized. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(473)' 03.25 11:28:28+ 15 [877C] 01 W> PTRaw: Failed to open file D:\Photos_1\2006\5D\IMG_7088.CR2 with -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTLibRaw.cpp(82)' 03.25 11:28:28+ 0 [877C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_1\2006\5D\IMG_7088.CR2 using ptcRAW with error -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(580)' 03.25 11:28:29+ 1250 [90DC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:29+ 0 [90DC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\2013-04-21\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:29+ 0 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:29+ 0 [9E00] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-04\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:29+ 219 [9EEC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:29+ 0 [9EEC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-14\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:30+ 391 [9DF0] 01 W> Failed to create cache image for [122960] 'D:\Photos_2\2012\Iphone\2012-05-21' => 'C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\previewcache\4C2025F2-D0D3-4C84-A0FF-73E6E5901993\12\122960.jpg'. Check file system permissions and disk space. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1403)' 03.25 11:28:31+ 1125 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:31+ 47 [9E00] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:28:31+ 0 [9EDC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:31+ 0 [9EDC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:28:31+ 140 [877C] 01 W> Exception [88982f60] 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\ptd2d.cpp(307)' 03.25 11:28:31+ 0 [877C] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 88982F60 - The image is unrecognized. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(508)' 03.25 11:28:31+ 16 [877C] 01 W> PTRaw: Failed to open file D:\Photos_1\2006\5D\IMG_7088.CR2 with -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTLibRaw.cpp(82)' 03.25 11:28:31+ 0 [877C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_1\2006\5D\IMG_7088.CR2 using ptcRAW with error -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(580)' 03.25 11:28:31+ 172 [9EEC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:31+ 0 [9EEC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:28:32+ 672 [9EDC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:32+ 31 [9EDC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\nebulosity 3-31\Autosave003.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:32+ 94 [9EEC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:32+ 0 [9EEC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-14\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:32+ 406 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:32+ 0 [9E00] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-04\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:33+ 453 [90DC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:33+ 109 [90DC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:28:33+ 688 [9EEC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:34+ 250 [5388] 01 W> Failed to create cache image for [122819] 'D:\Photos_2\2012\Iphone\2011-07-04' => 'C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\previewcache\4C2025F2-D0D3-4C84-A0FF-73E6E5901993\12\122819.jpg'. Check file system permissions and disk space. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1403)' 03.25 11:28:34+ 266 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:35+ 1281 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:35+ 0 [9E00] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-04\Processed\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:36+ 312 [9EEC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:36+ 0 [9EEC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-14\Processed\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:36+ 219 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:36+ 16 [9E00] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:28:37+ 968 [9EEC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:37+ 0 [9EEC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:28:37+ 141 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:37+ 31 [9E00] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-04\Processed\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:37+ 438 [90DC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:37+ 15 [90DC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\2013-04-21\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:38+ 547 [9EEC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:38+ 0 [9EEC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-14\Processed\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:38+ 47 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:39+ 828 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:39+ 0 [9E00] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-04\Processed\Autosave002.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:39+ 547 [9EEC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:39+ 31 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:39+ 0 [9E00] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:28:40+ 500 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:40+ 0 [9E00] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-04\Processed\Autosave002.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:40+ 266 [9EEC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:40+ 0 [9EEC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-14\Processed\Autosave002.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:42+ 1375 [9EEC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:42+ 16 [9EEC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:28:42+ 47 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:42+ 265 [9DF0] 01 W> Failed to create cache image for [123078] 'D:\Photos_2\2012\Iphone\2012-10-07' => 'C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\previewcache\4C2025F2-D0D3-4C84-A0FF-73E6E5901993\12\123078.jpg'. Check file system permissions and disk space. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1403)' 03.25 11:28:42+ 63 [5388] 01 W> Failed to create cache image for [122820] 'D:\Photos_2\2012\Iphone\2011-07-04' => 'C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\previewcache\4C2025F2-D0D3-4C84-A0FF-73E6E5901993\12\122820.jpg'. Check file system permissions and disk space. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1403)' 03.25 11:28:43+ 797 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:44+ 781 [9EEC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:44+ 15 [9E00] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-04\Processed\Autosave003.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:44+ 63 [9EEC] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-14\Processed\Autosave002.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:44+ 531 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:28:44+ 16 [9E00] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:28:45+ 953 [9E00] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:28:45+ 16 [9E00] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-05-04\Processed\Autosave003.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:28:46+ 796 [5388] 01 W> Failed to create cache image for [122917] 'D:\Photos_2\2012\Iphone\2011-10-04' => 'C:\ProgramData\\IMatch6\previewcache\4C2025F2-D0D3-4C84-A0FF-73E6E5901993\12\122917.jpg'. Check file system permissions and disk space. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\IMEngine\IMCacheManager.cpp(1403)' 03.25 11:36:28+462219 [81BC] 03 W> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 11549MB, WSP: 11906MB (NEW PEAK), PF: 344042927 03.25 11:36:28+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:36:28+ 63 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:36:28+ 15 [81BC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:36:28+ 63 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:36:28+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:36:28+ 62 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:36:28+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:36:47+19157 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:36:51+ 3453 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:36:51+ 15 [81BC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave004.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:36:53+ 1782 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:36:53+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:36:56+ 3281 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:36:56+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave004.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:37:02+ 6125 [81BC] 03 W> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 5184MB, WSP: 12115MB (NEW PEAK), PF: 378365595 03.25 11:37:02+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:37:03+ 750 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:37:03+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave005.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:37:04+ 797 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:37:04+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:37:04+ 687 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:37:04+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave005.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:37:05+ 735 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:37:06+ 500 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:37:06+ 15 [81BC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave006.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:37:06+ 485 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:37:06+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:37:06+ 234 [9A88] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 156 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 16 [81BC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave006.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 265 [9A88] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 0 [9A88] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 266 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 109 [9A88] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 16 [9A88] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave007.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 141 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 93 [9A88] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 0 [9A88] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 16 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:37:07+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave007.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:37:08+ 359 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:37:08+ 79 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:37:08+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave008.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:37:08+ 93 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:37:08+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:37:08+ 94 [81BC] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:37:08+ 0 [81BC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-24\Autosave008.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:37:55+ 0 [A2B8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:37:55+ 609 [A2B8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:37:55+ 16 [A2B8] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-25\Autosave009.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:37:56+ 875 [A2B8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:37:56+ 0 [A2B8] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:37:57+ 640 [A2B8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:37:57+ 16 [A2B8] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-25\Autosave009.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:05+ 7828 [A2B8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:08+ 3406 [A2B8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:08+ 0 [A2B8] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-26\Autosave010.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:08+ 141 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:10+ 1984 [A2B8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:10+ 16 [A2B8] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:38:14+ 3875 [A2B8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:14+ 31 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:14+ 16 [A2B8] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-26\Autosave010.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:14+ 94 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave005.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:21+ 6625 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:21+ 15 [A0D0] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:38:22+ 1047 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:22+ 16 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave005.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:23+ 859 [9278] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:24+ 1000 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:26+ 2110 [9278] 03 W> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 12815MB, WSP: 12997MB (NEW PEAK), PF: 430235980 03.25 11:38:26+ 0 [9278] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:26+ 31 [9278] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:30+ 4172 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:30+ 0 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave006.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:31+ 828 [9278] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:31+ 15 [9278] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:38:33+ 2438 [9278] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:33+ 31 [9278] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:34+ 172 [9278] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:34+ 78 [9278] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:34+ 16 [9278] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:34+ 31 [9278] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:34+ 31 [9278] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:38:34+ 16 [9278] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:34+ 0 [9278] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:35+ 953 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:35+ 31 [A0D0] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:38:38+ 3625 [9278] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:38+ 16 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:38+ 16 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave006.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:40+ 1906 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:42+ 1984 [9278] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:42+ 16 [9278] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave004.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:42+ 31 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:42+ 16 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave007.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:44+ 1875 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:44+ 15 [A0D0] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:38:45+ 735 [9278] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:45+ 15 [9278] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:38:46+ 641 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:46+ 16 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave007.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:47+ 1687 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:48+ 422 [9278] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:48+ 16 [9278] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave004.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:49+ 1312 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:49+ 0 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave008.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:50+ 1125 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:50+ 0 [A0D0] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:38:51+ 594 [A2B8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:51+ 578 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:51+ 16 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave008.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:52+ 156 [A2B8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:52+ 0 [A2B8] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-27\Autosave012.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:53+ 1203 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:53+ 109 [A2B8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:53+ 0 [A2B8] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:38:54+ 1063 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:54+ 0 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave009.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:54+ 109 [A2B8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:54+ 16 [A2B8] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\2015-01-27\Autosave012.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:55+ 1156 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:55+ 31 [A0D0] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:38:56+ 1235 [A0D0] 03 W> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 8727MB, WSP: 13133MB (NEW PEAK), PF: 464305024 03.25 11:38:56+ 0 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:56+ 15 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave009.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:58+ 1157 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:38:59+ 1015 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:59+ 0 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave010.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:38:59+ 766 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:38:59+ 15 [A0D0] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:39:00+ 766 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:39:00+ 0 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave010.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:39:01+ 828 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:39:02+ 547 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:39:02+ 0 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave012.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:39:02+ 438 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:39:02+ 0 [A0D0] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:39:02+ 328 [A0D0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:39:02+ 0 [A0D0] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2015\lovejoy\Autosave012.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:41:51+10578 [4E2C] 03 W> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 10091MB, WSP: 14070MB, PF: 584800160 03.25 11:41:52+ 0 [4E2C] 00 W> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 9672MB, WSP: 14070MB, PF: 585316669 03.25 11:45:13+67157 [71AC] 03 W> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 15427MB, WSP: 24738MB (NEW PEAK), PF: 762304053 03.25 11:45:13+ 0 [71AC] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 0 - 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(473)' 03.25 11:45:13+ 0 [71AC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2023\2023-10-14\Eclipse23_flat.tif with error 1 '' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:45:13+ 0 [71AC] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 0 - 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(508)' 03.25 11:45:13+ 15 [71AC] 01 W> Error loading F:\Photos\2023\2023-10-14\Eclipse23_flat.tif with error 1 '' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:45:50+ 0 [9CD0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:45:50+ 157 [9CD0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:45:50+ 0 [9CD0] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\2013-02-04\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:45:50+ 156 [9CD0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:45:50+ 0 [9CD0] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:45:50+ 172 [9CD0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:45:50+ 0 [9CD0] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\2013-02-04\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:45:51+ 781 [9CD0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:45:51+ 62 [9CD0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:45:51+ 0 [9CD0] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\2013-02-04\Processed\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:45:51+ 47 [9CD0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:45:51+ 0 [9CD0] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:45:51+ 47 [9CD0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:45:51+ 0 [9CD0] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\2013-02-04\Processed\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:45:52+ 906 [9CD0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:45:52+ 79 [9CD0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:45:52+ 15 [9CD0] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\2013-02-04\Processed\Autosave002.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:45:52+ 78 [9CD0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:45:52+ 0 [9CD0] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:45:53+ 78 [9CD0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:45:53+ 0 [9CD0] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\2013-02-04\Processed\Autosave002.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:29+14438 [9C74] 03 W> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 5815MB, WSP: 24738MB, PF: 815729894 03.25 11:46:29+ 0 [9C74] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:31+ 1906 [9C74] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:31+ 0 [9C74] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\T3i\100CANON\Processed\Autosave005.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:34+ 2797 [9C74] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:34+ 15 [9C74] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:46:35+ 610 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:37+ 2094 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:37+ 0 [A478] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\T3i\100CANON\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:37+ 671 [9C74] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:37+ 0 [9C74] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\T3i\100CANON\Processed\Autosave005.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:37+ 172 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:38+ 32 [A478] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:46:39+ 1859 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:39+ 0 [A478] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\T3i\100CANON\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:41+ 1984 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:45+ 4094 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:46+ 203 [A478] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\T3i\100CANON\Processed\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:49+ 3594 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:49+ 0 [A478] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:46:50+ 969 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:50+ 0 [A478] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\T3i\100CANON\Processed\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:52+ 1437 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:52+ 500 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:52+ 16 [A478] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\T3i\100CANON\Processed\Autosave002.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:53+ 656 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:53+ 0 [A478] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:46:53+ 625 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:53+ 16 [A478] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\T3i\100CANON\Processed\Autosave002.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:54+ 937 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:55+ 219 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:55+ 0 [A478] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\T3i\100CANON\Processed\Autosave003.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:55+ 172 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:55+ 0 [A478] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:46:55+ 187 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:55+ 16 [A478] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\T3i\100CANON\Processed\Autosave003.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:55+ 219 [9EA8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:55+ 203 [9EA8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:55+ 0 [9EA8] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\2013-02-10\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:56+ 234 [9EA8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:56+ 0 [9EA8] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:46:56+ 156 [9EA8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:56+ 0 [9EA8] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\2013-02-10\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:56+ 469 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:56+ 203 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:56+ 0 [A478] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\T3i\100CANON\Processed\Autosave004.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:57+ 203 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:57+ 0 [A478] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:46:57+ 219 [A478] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:57+ 0 [A478] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2012\T3i\100CANON\Processed\Autosave004.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:57+ 47 [9EA8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:57+ 156 [9EA8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:57+ 16 [9EA8] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\2013-02-10\Processed\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:46:57+ 219 [9EA8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:46:57+ 0 [9EA8] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:46:58+ 172 [9EA8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:46:58+ 0 [9EA8] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\2013-02-10\Processed\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:26+28328 [769C] 03 W> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 4890MB, WSP: 24738MB, PF: 849615168 03.25 11:47:26+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Exception [88982f60] 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\ptd2d.cpp(307)' 03.25 11:47:26+ 15 [769C] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 88982F60 - The image is unrecognized. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(473)' 03.25 11:47:26+ 0 [769C] 01 W> PTRaw: Failed to open file D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_2921.CRW with -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTLibRaw.cpp(82)' 03.25 11:47:26+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_2921.CRW using ptcRAW with error -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(580)' 03.25 11:47:27+ 969 [769C] 01 W> Exception [88982f60] 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\ptd2d.cpp(307)' 03.25 11:47:27+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 88982F60 - The image is unrecognized. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(508)' 03.25 11:47:27+ 0 [769C] 01 W> PTRaw: Failed to open file D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_2921.CRW with -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTLibRaw.cpp(82)' 03.25 11:47:27+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_2921.CRW using ptcRAW with error -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(580)' 03.25 11:47:27+ 328 [769C] 01 W> Exception [88982f60] 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\ptd2d.cpp(307)' 03.25 11:47:27+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 88982F60 - The image is unrecognized. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(473)' 03.25 11:47:27+ 0 [769C] 01 W> PTRaw: Failed to open file D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6860.CRW with -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTLibRaw.cpp(82)' 03.25 11:47:27+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6860.CRW using ptcRAW with error -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(580)' 03.25 11:47:27+ 203 [769C] 01 W> Exception [88982f60] 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\ptd2d.cpp(307)' 03.25 11:47:27+ 16 [769C] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 88982F60 - The image is unrecognized. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(508)' 03.25 11:47:27+ 0 [769C] 01 W> PTRaw: Failed to open file D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6860.CRW with -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTLibRaw.cpp(82)' 03.25 11:47:27+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6860.CRW using ptcRAW with error -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(580)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 156 [769C] 01 W> Exception [88982f50] 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\ptd2d.cpp(307)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 88982F50 - The component cannot be found. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(473)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> PTRaw: Failed to open file D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6862.CRW with -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTLibRaw.cpp(82)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6862.CRW using ptcRAW with error -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(580)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 16 [769C] 01 W> Exception [88982f50] 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\ptd2d.cpp(307)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 88982F50 - The component cannot be found. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(508)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> PTRaw: Failed to open file D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6862.CRW with -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTLibRaw.cpp(82)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6862.CRW using ptcRAW with error -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(580)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 140 [769C] 01 W> Exception [88982f50] 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\ptd2d.cpp(307)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 88982F50 - The component cannot be found. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(473)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> PTRaw: Failed to open file D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6863.CRW with -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTLibRaw.cpp(82)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6863.CRW using ptcRAW with error -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(580)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Exception [88982f50] 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\ptd2d.cpp(307)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 88982F50 - The component cannot be found. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(508)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 16 [769C] 01 W> PTRaw: Failed to open file D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6863.CRW with -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTLibRaw.cpp(82)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6863.CRW using ptcRAW with error -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(580)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 156 [769C] 01 W> Exception [88982f50] 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\ptd2d.cpp(307)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 88982F50 - The component cannot be found. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(473)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 16 [769C] 01 W> PTRaw: Failed to open file D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6864.CRW with -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTLibRaw.cpp(82)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6864.CRW using ptcRAW with error -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(580)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Exception [88982f50] 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\ptd2d.cpp(307)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Failed to load image with PTD2D. 88982F50 - The component cannot be found. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(508)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> PTRaw: Failed to open file D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6864.CRW with -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTLibRaw.cpp(82)' 03.25 11:47:28+ 0 [769C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_1\2002\D60\CRW_6864.CRW using ptcRAW with error -2 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(580)' 03.25 11:47:47+19516 [A340] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:48+ 343 [8470] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:48+ 188 [7F0C] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:48+ 94 [A590] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:48+ 31 [9958] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:48+ 297 [9AB8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:48+ 93 [8470] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:48+ 0 [8470] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave004.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:48+ 47 [A340] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:48+ 0 [A340] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave006.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:49+ 625 [A340] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:49+ 0 [A340] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:47:49+ 328 [7F0C] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:49+ 16 [7F0C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave002.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:50+ 375 [A340] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:50+ 16 [A340] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave006.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:50+ 93 [9958] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:50+ 0 [9958] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave008.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:51+ 969 [8470] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:51+ 0 [8470] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:47:51+ 31 [A590] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:51+ 110 [A340] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:51+ 0 [A590] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:51+ 31 [7F0C] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:51+ 0 [7F0C] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:47:51+ 109 [9AB8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:51+ 16 [9AB8] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave010.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:52+ 625 [9958] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:52+ 438 [9958] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:47:52+ 78 [A590] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:52+ 0 [A590] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:47:52+ 78 [A340] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:52+ 0 [A340] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave007.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:53+ 156 [7F0C] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:53+ 0 [7F0C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave002.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:53+ 453 [9AB8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:53+ 0 [9AB8] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:47:54+ 688 [A590] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:54+ 0 [A590] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:54+ 156 [8470] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:54+ 16 [8470] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave004.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:54+ 125 [9958] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:54+ 234 [9958] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave008.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:54+ 62 [A340] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:54+ 0 [A340] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:47:55+ 485 [7F0C] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:55+ 640 [A590] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:56+ 344 [8470] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:56+ 266 [7F0C] 03 W> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 9012MB, WSP: 24738MB, PF: 870843953 03.25 11:47:56+ 0 [7F0C] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:56+ 0 [7F0C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave003.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:56+ 15 [A590] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:56+ 0 [A590] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:56+ 172 [A340] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:56+ 0 [A340] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave007.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:57+ 469 [A590] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:57+ 250 [9AB8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:57+ 0 [9958] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:57+ 0 [A590] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:47:57+ 0 [9AB8] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave010.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:58+ 750 [7F0C] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:58+ 109 [8470] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:58+ 0 [7F0C] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:47:58+ 0 [8470] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave005.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:58+ 266 [A590] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:58+ 125 [A590] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave001.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:58+ 172 [9AB8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:58+ 16 [9958] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:47:58+ 0 [9958] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave009.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:47:59+ 406 [7F0C] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:47:59+ 0 [7F0C] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave003.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:48:00+ 781 [9AB8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:48:00+ 109 [9958] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:48:00+ 0 [9AB8] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave011.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:48:00+ 0 [9958] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:48:01+ 1344 [9958] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:48:01+ 0 [9958] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave009.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:48:01+ 78 [8470] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:48:01+ 47 [8470] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:48:01+ 63 [9AB8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:48:01+ 0 [9AB8] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:48:03+ 1968 [9AB8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:48:03+ 0 [9AB8] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave011.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:48:05+ 1579 [9AB8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:48:05+ 640 [8470] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:48:05+ 0 [8470] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave005.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:48:06+ 1110 [9AB8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:48:06+ 0 [9AB8] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave012.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:48:09+ 2343 [9AB8] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:48:09+ 94 [9AB8] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:48:10+ 1094 [9AB8] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:48:10+ 0 [9AB8] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\2013-02-09\Processed\Autosave012.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:48:30+ 5672 [4E2C] 03 W> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 5024MB, WSP: 24738MB, PF: 891903625 03.25 11:49:03+33015 [9FD0] 03 W> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 8003MB, WSP: 24738MB, PF: 899430657 03.25 11:49:03+ 0 [9FD0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:49:04+ 1157 [9FD0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:49:04+ 0 [9FD0] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\Nebulosity 2-9-13\2013-02-09\pleiades-superpixel-feb9-feb8-15.TIF with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:49:06+ 2015 [9FD0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:49:06+ 172 [9FD0] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:49:07+ 438 [9FD0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:49:07+ 15 [9FD0] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\Nebulosity 2-9-13\2013-02-09\pleiades-superpixel-feb9-feb8-15.TIF with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:49:09+ 1860 [9FD0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:49:09+ 281 [9FD0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:49:09+ 0 [9FD0] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\Nebulosity 2-9-13\2013-02-09\pleiades2_sp_feb8-15.TIF with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:49:09+ 281 [9FD0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:49:09+ 16 [9FD0] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:49:09+ 203 [9B04] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:49:10+ 94 [9FD0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:49:10+ 0 [9FD0] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\Nebulosity 2-9-13\2013-02-09\pleiades2_sp_feb8-15.TIF with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:49:10+ 562 [9B04] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:49:10+ 0 [9B04] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\Nebulosity 3-9-13\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:49:11+ 547 [9B04] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:49:11+ 0 [9B04] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:49:11+ 656 [9B04] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:49:11+ 0 [9B04] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\Nebulosity 3-9-13\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:49:13+ 1953 [9DC0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:49:13+ 110 [9DC0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:49:13+ 15 [9DC0] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\Nebulosity 2-10-13\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unsupported TIFF format.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 11:49:14+ 94 [9DC0] 01 W> PTPIP::Load failed with Unsupported TIFF format. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(2893)' 03.25 11:49:14+ 16 [9DC0] 01 W> Failed to load large size, falling back to preview 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(486)' 03.25 11:49:14+ 109 [9DC0] 01 W> PTPIP::LoadThumb failed with Unknown image type. 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpif\PTPIP.cpp(3134)' 03.25 11:49:14+ 0 [9DC0] 01 W> Error loading D:\Photos_2\2013\T3i\Nebulosity 2-10-13\Autosave.tif with error 1 'Unknown image type.' 'V:\develop\IMatch5\src\ptpicore\PlugIns\ptpipip\PTPIImage.cpp(586)' 03.25 12:00:21+26594 [4E2C] 03 W> # Process Memory Info: WSC: 4469MB, WSP: 24738MB, PF: 1023697178 @Slows: 03.25 09:37:44+ 188 [4E2C] 05 M> < 0 [25813ms #sl] PTMetabase::UpdateETTagTable 03.25 09:37:47+ 15 [4E2C] 00 M> < 0 [38562ms #sl] CIMEngine5::Open 03.25 09:37:53+ 0 [4E2C] 00 M> < 0 [48750ms #sl] CMainFrame::LoadDatabase 03.25 09:37:53+ 0 [4E2C] 00 M> < 0 [55234ms #sl] CIMatchApp::InitInstance 03.25 09:53:42+118156 [2C74] 05 M> < 0 [131531ms #sl] CIMEngine5::AddFolder