I have group photos with several people from different perspectives and with different focal lengths. All the photos have the same people in them.
To one photo I have added links to all the people.
This photo I copied with Ctrl+C.
After that I marked the other photos and tried to copy these links with "Paste Attributes and Data -> Annotations" into these photos. The copy process was also executed.
However, for each link from the original photo, I see only a green frame with question mark in the others.
Is copying links not possible or am I doing something wrong?
Just use plain copy & paste to copy links. Don't do the unnecessary Paste Attributes thing, because it does not know about links. It copies annotations and thus creates real face annotations.
Remember that links are just crutches. Meant to be used intermediately before you have time to create real face annotations - even manual ones.
I did not bother to implement handling for these crutches everywhere.
Select the annotations. Ctrl+C. Switch to another image. Ctrl+V. Switch to another image. Ctrl+V.
If you think this to burdensome, do you know that you can add links to any number of selected files at once? And that links will not be added again when the file already has link or a real face annotation for a person? Why not select the files and just add a link via the menu command. Much faster and working as intended.
I understand.