
IMatch Discussion Boards => General Discussion and Questions => Topic started by: frankdarwin on June 14, 2022, 04:58:24 PM

Title: Copy attributes of a photo creates new file with extension .jpg_original
Post by: frankdarwin on June 14, 2022, 04:58:24 PM
When I copy attributes from one photo to another with "Paste Attributes to Data", e.g. GPS data, they are copied to the target files, but at the same time new files are created that have the name of the original file with the extension .jpg_original.
I noticed this only by chance, as the number of files in the directory of the original files has become larger and larger.
Several tests have shown that this also happens after a new installation of IMatch.

What is the reason for this?
How can I turn this off?
Title: Re: Copy attributes of a photo creates new file with extension .jpg_original
Post by: Mario on June 14, 2022, 05:19:53 PM
This usually only happens when ExifTool is unable to overwrite the original file or it somehow crashes, leaving the _original file behind.
Virus checker blocking ExifTool? File system permissions? File open in another application? Attempt to paste data of a file to itself?
Impossible to tell remotely.

Just checked and no extra files are left behind.
Title: Re: Copy attributes of a photo creates new file with extension .jpg_original
Post by: frankdarwin on June 14, 2022, 08:53:07 PM
I made further tests with the file "Source.jpg". I copied the attributes (GPS) to the file "Target-001".
Before that I switched on the "Debug Logging". The logfile "imatch_log20220614.txt" is in the attachment.
During the test the virus scanner was switched off.
The log from ExifTool is also attached.
ExifTool issued warnings.
Copying the attributes to the file "Target-001" worked. The GPS data was transferred.
Title: Re: Copy attributes of a photo creates new file with extension .jpg_original
Post by: Mario on June 14, 2022, 09:52:16 PM
Warning: Error rebuilding maker notes (may be corrupt) - L:\Fotoarchive\Produktiv\_Neue Bilder\Test\Source.jpg

Is most likely what's causing this.
Something has damaged the maker notes in your image (probably used the wrong software).
Open the file in your image editor and re-save it. This should get rid of the maker notes.
Title: Re: Copy attributes of a photo creates new file with extension .jpg_original
Post by: frankdarwin on June 15, 2022, 12:51:04 PM
I opened another photo as suggested with ACDSeee Photo Studio and saved it under a different name.
I examined the new photo with ExifTool Command Processor. ECP reports again

"IFD0] Make : HUAWEI
[ExifTool] Warning : [minor] Unrecognized MakerNotes".

(see ExifTool Command Processor.txt).

After copying attributes (GPS data) from another photo to the new photo, a copy of the new FRoto was created again with the name ....jpg_original.

So the suggested way does not work.
Moreover, this way would not be a solution either because it would involve a lot of manual effort.

What is wrong with the MakerNote "HUAWEI"?
Title: Re: Copy attributes of a photo creates new file with extension .jpg_original
Post by: Mario on June 15, 2022, 01:52:31 PM
I cannot reproduce this.
Does Exiftool still give warnings?

The _original files are created by ExifTool and deleted if the write operation completed successfully.
What kind of virus checker do you run?
Did you try another folder. I've asked to check for file system permissions, did you do that? Maybe ExifTool is not allowed to rename or delete files in this folder?
Create a new folder on your C: disk, copy the file there, repeat your test.
Always in include the IMatch log file and the contents of the ExifTool output panel. If there is trouble with your files, it will be logged there.

Or, make some changes to the file in the ECP and see what ExifTool reports.
If the data in the file is damaged, it will not work. ACDSee is quite bad at metadata and may ignore or even damage maker notes when copying them to a new file or re-saving a modified file.
Title: Re: Copy attributes of a photo creates new file with extension .jpg_original
Post by: frankdarwin on June 22, 2022, 11:58:42 AM
"Or, make some changes to the file in the ECP and see what ExifTool reports."

I have no experience with the ECP yet.
How can I e.g. change the document name with the ECP to test if it works?
Title: Re: Copy attributes of a photo creates new file with extension .jpg_original
Post by: Mario on June 22, 2022, 12:41:40 PM
Try the other things I suggested first.

The ECP documentation is here: The ExifTool Command Processor (

Make a copy of the file causing the problems, run the ECP and apply one of the "Delete Metadata" presets for a start.
Error messages and warnings will show in the window on the right of the ECP.