
IMatch Bug Reports and Feature Requests => Feature Requests => Solved (Feature Requests) => Topic started by: twofid on February 19, 2024, 01:36:06 AM

Title: Add option to Timeline and Events to sort/display using {File.DateTime.Original}
Post by: twofid on February 19, 2024, 01:36:06 AM
Hello All,

I would like the option to set/use the "Original" timestamp/variable to sort/display the Timeline & Events views versus the default "Local" timestamp. In this way it would be possible to see graphically all images/videos based on where and when they where taken/created.

Currently (if I understand correctly):
The File.DateTime global UTC timestamp (not to be confused with the variable {File.DateTime}) is used to sort all files into a consistent and chronological order. iMatch then converts them to the Local time-zone of the PC where iMatch is installed and uses that to layout the files in the Timeline & Events views. The resulting layout does not take into account where the photo was actually taken even though the time-zone offset may be contained in the actual file and/or database.

This creates a mis-match in the displayed timeline (i.e. the file shows it was taken on the 14th and the timeline places it on the 13th).

This is not a problem with the date/time, but rather on which time-zone is used to display them.
For example, the file window could be using {File.DateTime.Original} with a time-zone of +13:00, while the Timeline is using the default {File.DateTime.Local} with a time-zone of -7:00. I'm using variables here for simplicity, I expect iMatch uses different elements to represent these values. In each case, the global File.DateTime timestamp is used to calculate these date/times (using Time-Zone offsets if they exist).

I don't see having to change anything to do with the global timestamp, in fact I wouldn't support doing that. It just makes way to much sense to use UTC as the underpinning structure for all Date/Time variables..

This is just a way of seeing all photos/videos in the timeline based on their location and associated time-zone.

Hopefully I've conveyed my request accurately, if not please feel free to provide feedback.
Title: Re: Add option to Timeline and Events to sort/display using {File.DateTime.Original}
Post by: rolandgifford on February 19, 2024, 07:13:44 AM
Quote from: twofid on February 19, 2024, 01:36:06 AMThe File.DateTime global UTC timestamp (not to be confused with the variable {File.DateTime})

I find this statement more than confusing. Can you point me to the relevant help page to explain what you mean.
Title: Re: Add option to Timeline and Events to sort/display using {File.DateTime.Original}
Post by: twofid on February 19, 2024, 06:09:31 PM
I based this comment on the following.,12932.0.html

It's a bit of a read but basically deals with Mario's request for feedback on changing the global File.DateTime attribute to UTC. There is alot of valuable information discussed.

My reading is...
The global File.DateTime attribute is equivalent to the variable {File.DateTime.UTC}
The variable {File.DateTime} is equivalent to {File.DateTime.Original}

For example, if I use VarToy on a image, it shows a different time for each of them.

{File.DateTime}                2020-03-14 9:17:39 AM
{File.DateTime.Original}       2020-03-14 9:17:39 AM
{File.DateTime.Original.TZO}   2020-03-14 9:17:39 AM+13:00
{File.DateTime.Local}          2020-03-13 2:17:39 PM
{File.DateTime.Local.TZO}      2020-03-13 2:17:39 PM-06:00
{File.DateTime.UTC}            2020-03-13 8:17:39 PM
{File.DateTime.TZO}            2020-03-14 9:17:39 AM+13:00

This makes perfect sense (at least in my head) when you consider that the global File.DateTime attribute (iMatch dbase, not metadata) is used in conjunction with the Time-Zone associated with the image to calculate each of the respective File.DateTime variables above.

I'm probably oversimplifying this and Mario will straighten me out in short order ;-)
Hopefully this answers your question.

Please let me know you have questions or concerns

Thanks for your feedback
Title: Re: Add option to Timeline and Events to sort/display using {File.DateTime.Original}
Post by: Mario on February 02, 2025, 11:13:21 AM
I have implemented this feature for IMatch 2025. It was on by backlist since I've introduced the Local/Original/UTC extensions, variables and switched IMatch to using UTC as the base for File.DateTime back in 2023.

Via the properties in the Timeline View you can now select to build the timeline based on Local Time (default), Original Date and Time (with a fallback to Local Time if the file has no original timestamp / offsets) and UTC, for users who work with files from all over the world and any thinkable time zone.
Title: Re: Add option to Timeline and Events to sort/display using {File.DateTime.Original}
Post by: mastodon on February 03, 2025, 08:58:42 AM
Thanks, I still have many mp4 files, that have twofid's problem.
Title: Re: Add option to Timeline and Events to sort/display using {File.DateTime.Original}
Post by: twofid on February 04, 2025, 11:16:47 PM
Hey mastodon,

I still have a similar problem with mp4 files, but this isn't necessarily a issue with iMatch. In my case the mp4 files are created without any time zone at all (Sony RX10M4). This time is unchanged when imported with only the time zone of my PC being added. The strange thing with this camera, it actually records the time zone in the XML sidecar file as well as all ARW/JPG photos taken.  ARGH.....
I use the "CreationDate" value found in the XML sidecar to correct this problem.

Did I mention I'm starting to hate working with Sony files as much I do Apple.

Thankfully we have Exiftool and TimeWiz to find and solve this issue.
Once corrected the new Timeline option (Original Date and Time) works wonderfully (many thanks Mario).

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Add option to Timeline and Events to sort/display using {File.DateTime.Original}
Post by: mastodon on February 05, 2025, 07:15:00 AM
Yes, so am I. I know, it is a timezone issue. I am bit slow to understund... I hope, the new Timeline option (Original Date and Time) will help. Thanks