I get this message.
If IM knows that there are changes, would it be possible to splash which folders are affected? In this case I have no idea where this/these change(s) could be.
Screenshot 2024-08-18 103138.png
IMatch tells you the name of the folder where it detected the external changes (ds920\...).
When you rescan that folder, IMatch adds the new folders created outside of IMatch to your database.
I wanted to prevent a complete rescan because there are many folders in total. If there would be a notification which folder is new/changed would be helpfully.
Is the change at the same level as IM prompts or could it be also in subfolders?
IMatch has detected that there is one or more new sub-folders directly under the folder named in the notification. That's all.
A manual rescan of the named folder brings in all new sub-folders. You can also add them individually using drag and drop or the Add/Update folder command in the toolbar.
I've added this notification for users who are in the habit of adding folders outside in folders managed in the IMatch database, and then forgetting about and thus producing a situation where there are folders in the file system which are not in IMatch. Which is a situation you should definitely avoid when using a DAM.
Create new sub-folders in IMatch so IMatch knows about them and can keep the database in-synch with the file system.
If you have to create new sub-folders in other applications, don't forget to scan the parent folder to bring them into the database (follow the instructions in the notification).