When the IMatch installer fails, there are several ways to diagnose the problem:
Windows Event Log
IMatch uses standard Windows installer packages. If Windows fails to install an IMatch update, it may write information about the error to the system event log. Please see the Microsoft help (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/open-event-viewer#1TC=windows-7) for information about how to view the event log.
Installer Log Files
You can run the IMatch installer in a special mode which creates two log files. The contents of these log files can be very helpful in diagnosing installation problems. Please perform these steps:
1. Create a new folder c:\log on your system. The drive and the folder name is not important, just replace in the command line below accordingly.
2. Open a command prompt from the START menu. From the START menu select Windows Command Processor.
3. In the command processor window, use the CD command to set the current folder to the folder to which you have downloaded the IMatch installer file.
4. The IMatch installer has a name like imatch_nn_nn_nn.exe where nn specifies the version number.
For example, IMatch 5.1.4 will be named imatch_5_1_4.exe.
5. In the command prompt window, start the IMatch installer by typing:
imatch_5_1_4.exe /debuglog"C:\log\setupexe.log" /V"/L*vc:\log\SetupMSI.log"
and then press <Enter>.
Replace the installer file name with the name of your version, and the c:\log folder name with whatever folder name you have created.
6. When the installer has completed (or aborted), the c:\log folder contains two files:
setupexe.txt and SetupMSI.txt.
7. ZIP these two files and include them in your problem report.