
IMatch Discussion Boards => AI, FAQ, Workflow, Tutorials, Tips & Tricks => Workflow => Topic started by: jch2103 on June 19, 2014, 10:43:29 PM

Title: Workflow with DxO
Post by: jch2103 on June 19, 2014, 10:43:29 PM
This is an abbreviated description of my workflow for using IMatch 5 and DxO (9 and later)

File name

File Name

Bottom line: DxO integrates very well with IMatch. (Although DxO has a very limited catalog function, it seems to be there mostly for folks who don't have anything better to use.) In general, DxO has focused on its core competency of raw image processing. So IMatch is an excellent fit.

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Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: Erik on June 20, 2014, 04:12:20 AM
Thanks.  I need to learn some brevity.

Your concise review is nice.  I have to say whatever others post might sway me to investigate some other RAW software, too. 
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: lnh on June 20, 2014, 05:02:17 AM
I'm also using DxO Optics Pro and do pretty much what you're doing.

My only addition is that I've edited the various RAW buddy file specifications to also make the DxO buddy file integrated with imatch.  Also created buddy file relations for jpg and tiff files which were not derived from RAW, but still processed in DxO. These create filename.(jpg|tif).dop sidecar files.
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: jch2103 on June 20, 2014, 11:33:34 PM
Quote from: lnh on June 20, 2014, 05:02:17 AM
My only addition is that I've edited the various RAW buddy file specifications to also make the DxO buddy file integrated with imatch.  Also created buddy file relations for jpg and tiff files which were not derived from RAW, but still processed in DxO. These create filename.(jpg|tif).dop sidecar files.

Thanks; good points.

Could you post the buddy file and relations definitions you use? This might help new users, who may have difficulties working with the regular expressions required for buddy file and relations configuration.
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: lnh on August 07, 2014, 02:18:41 AM
I was having issues between IMatch 5 and DxO Optics Pro 9.5.1. Exporting to virtually any format would fail in DxO Optics Pro without a useful error message. Various testing uncovered the problem. You must go into the general preferences in DxO and make sure the option "Preserve metadata in XMP sidecars for RAW images" is UNCHECKED. If left checked, the exports would fail whether IMatch was open or not. Seems like DxO Optics Pro doesn't play nice with IMatch XMP sidecars.
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: jch2103 on August 07, 2014, 04:25:52 AM
Thanks for investigating this problem. It's something new, and I've reported it to DxO. I suspect but can't prove that it has something to do with a recent ExifTool update. Before about two weeks ago, there was no problem with using the default option of preserving metadata in XMP sidecars.
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: lenmerkel on August 07, 2014, 05:21:28 AM
You might be interested in this post over on the DxO forums:,9232.0.html (,9232.0.html)  ;)
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: sinus on August 07, 2014, 10:35:05 AM
Quote from: jch2103 on June 19, 2014, 10:43:29 PM
  • Stacking. I'm still experimenting with (Auto) Stacking. The jury is still out on whether I'll continue doing this, or just leave files unstacked. Because I only use DxO for raw processing, I can easily identify which files have been processed (i.e., master files with versions).

Stacking is a very good way to unclutter your window ;)

Auto-stacking works for me very good (I use a xmp-field for this), though I do not work still "in real" with my IM5-db.
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: jch2103 on August 07, 2014, 03:22:18 PM
Quote from: lenmerkel on August 07, 2014, 05:21:28 AM
You might be interested in this post over on the DxO forums:,9232.0.html (,9232.0.html)  ;)

Excellent suggestion. I've also suggested that DxO use standard xml Ratings.
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: jch2103 on August 07, 2014, 06:10:00 PM
Quote from: lenmerkel on August 07, 2014, 05:21:28 AM
You might be interested in this post over on the DxO forums:,9232.0.html (,9232.0.html)  ;)

My current workaround for the issue is to select in IMatch the images I want to process in DxO and then drag-and-drop them onto my DxO Favorite. Once DxO is open, all my selected files are highlighted in the DxO filmstrip; to keep the selection for further individual image work, I hit the 'always process' icon for the selected files. That way, I know which of the images I want to process in DxO.
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: lenmerkel on August 07, 2014, 06:22:04 PM
Makes sense, and very similary to what I do. In IMatch, I have a 'DxO Projects' main category, with subcategories for each DxO project (and images assigned to those categories of course). I drag and drop to DxO the same way you do, selecting the images in the specific subcategory. I'd like to automate that a bit - hence my post over on the DOP forums. BTW, thanks for your +1  ;)
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: Lord_Helmchen on August 07, 2014, 10:27:43 PM
Quote from: jch2103 on August 07, 2014, 03:22:18 PMExcellent suggestion. I've also suggested that DxO use standard xml Ratings.
I asked DXO support twice (about 1,5y ago and in June) about support of XMP rating or about having this on the road map: bot times they said something like: "no we don't do this and we don't plan to do this in near future".

So I told then, that I won't buy it, as it's not compatible with my workflow... I'd prefer it over LR, as I don't like the DB approach for a raw converter...

So if DXO will ever support XMP ratings I do really consider switching from LR.
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: lenmerkel on August 07, 2014, 11:21:32 PM
Quote from: Lord_Helmchen on August 07, 2014, 10:27:43 PM
So if DXO will ever support XMP ratings I do really consider switching from LR.

Personally, I don't miss the XMP ratings as I'd probably never use them in DxO - to me it's just a raw converter (although an excellent one, and a critical part of my workflow). But, I do understand that others want to use them there. Oddly, DxO doesn't even acknowledge the standard XMP rating even if it's embedded in the image file, let alone in an XMP sidecar. I just tested this by rating a DNG in IMatch, writing the value to the DNG, and opening the DNG in DOP. So much for standards . . . . .
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: David_H on August 08, 2014, 06:39:38 PM
Quote from: Lord_Helmchen on August 07, 2014, 10:27:43 PM
Quote from: jch2103 on August 07, 2014, 03:22:18 PMExcellent suggestion. I've also suggested that DxO use standard xml Ratings.
I asked DXO support twice (about 1,5y ago and in June) about support of XMP rating or about having this on the road map: bot times they said something like: "no we don't do this and we don't plan to do this in near future".

So I told then, that I won't buy it, as it's not compatible with my workflow... I'd prefer it over LR, as I don't like the DB approach for a raw converter...

So if DXO will ever support XMP ratings I do really consider switching from LR.

As a DxO user myself, I think I can see the problem - if the rating used is that of the image from XMP, where do they store that of any virtual copies that might be made? It can't go in the output (because you might not have done the export), and you can't put two or more ratings into one master. You might also have different projects in DxO with the same file and different processing options, they too might have different ratings.
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: jch2103 on August 08, 2014, 09:03:41 PM
Perhaps Ratings could go in the .dop file... After all, .dop files currently record settings for different DxO versions.

Personally, though, all I'd like is for DxO to be able to read the Rating in the raw file. It's less important to me if the xmp Rating is propagated (or not) to output files.
Title: Re: Workflow with DxO
Post by: lenmerkel on August 08, 2014, 11:37:25 PM
Quote from: jch2103 on August 08, 2014, 09:03:41 PM
Perhaps Ratings could go in the .dop file... After all, .dop files currently record settings for different DxO versions.

Actually, rankings set in DOP are written to the DOP file, per virtual version.

However, I don't think that DOP's rankings have anything whatsoever to do with XMP ratings - at least they haven't implemented it this way. They are totally internal to DOP.

I don't think DxO associates their DOP ranking with the XMP rating. Their ranking appears to be for use in DOP only. A little bizarre IMHO. I think I'll take this up as a new thread over on the DxO forum.