and can be downloaded:
So I noticed. You've downloaded and installed it yet? We're looking forward to your report!!
First Impression: Windows 8.1, 64, AMD FX 8650, Radeon 7850
- Fast import and faster Viewer;
- More and faster Local adjustments (clarity, HDR, Whitebalance, Noisereduction)
- New GUI (Bye Leather... :-/ )
- Filmcorn (?; don't now the english word for this);
- Klon Layer (didn't found it yet).
- New Catalogue (didn't test it yet).
Installation and running with OpenCl works without a problem. I never used local adjustment (I prefer NIK-Software Viveza), but if it should go fast, it seems to be a interesting alternative now.
Edit: The following site has a good overview, what is new.
Quote from: Menace on September 16, 2014, 04:54:01 PM
Edit: The following site has a good overview, what is new.
Thanks for the link to the first impression report. When you got some impression of the new catalogue stuff, I would be interested to hear how it works with IMatch:
After the end of CNX2, I decided to go with Capture One for Raw Conversion but I still need to work on my workflow with IMatch5. I have seen the earlier discussion about using a single session, but just wondering if the new catalogue features together with the templates might change the game (Application scripting seems to be Mac only?).
Btw., "Filmkorn" is 'film grain' in english (for those who haven't figured it out ;) )
I wondered if "filmkorn" might have been "eye candy".
According to a post I just saw on fujix-forum, where one of the developers was contributing:
"This functionality is not supported for Fujifilm RAW files: processing/exporting to DNG, auto mask, healing with Repair Layers and LCC"
Which is a shame. I guess I'll get around to downloading and upgrading shortly despite this. There was also a mention of IMatch in the thread on that forum. Good to see other users spreading the word.
Quote from: Ferdinand on September 17, 2014, 01:17:59 PM
I wondered if "filmkorn" might have been "eye candy".
Maybe "film grain" To simple to be true... ?
Of course, grain.... My english..... :-/ ;-)
Hi all,
I have used CO7 for good time and, originally, selected that over LR due its much simpler GUI (less buttons ;-)) and some capabilities in noise reduction and levels adjustments. I did also downloading for trial last night.
First impression was that it was faster in operation (like import and loading) thn CO7. I just shortly trialled local adjustments, it is improved (expanded features) from CO7 and I feel it is good. There are many new details added to existing tools which I did not yet used, but, of course, comparison against CO7 is the most interesting thing that I am going to do asap I am back to my desktop.
B.r: Markku
Quote from: Ferdinand on September 17, 2014, 01:17:59 PM
(...) There was also a mention of IMatch in the thread on that forum. Good to see other users spreading the word.
I'm always happy when I see IMatch mentioned somewhere. What really puzzles me is that there is only one (1) thread about IMatch 5 at In early days (before I created the old user forum) was the major IMatch 5 support forum. But since the initial rather heated thread with a lot of plain info, there is not a blip about IMatch 5 on Strange. Either no IMatch user uses or nobody has anything to say.
I don't dare to post even the most basic info (e.g. about updates or maybe a special offer) because I fear I get banned again.
Quote from: Mario on September 17, 2014, 08:18:54 PM
I'm always happy when I see IMatch mentioned somewhere. What really puzzles me is that there is only one (1) thread about IMatch 5 at In early days (before I created the old user forum) was the major IMatch 5 support forum. But since the initial rather heated thread with a lot of plain info, there is not a blip about IMatch 5 on Strange. Either no IMatch user uses or nobody has anything to say.
I don't dare to post even the most basic info (e.g. about updates or maybe a special offer) because I fear I get banned again.
I realized after seeing your comment that the parts of dpreview that I usually visit are entirely off-topic for something like IMatch. It appears that the dpreview topics that might involve IMatch would be PC Talk and Retouching. I'll have to make a point of checking into those topics in the future. Perhaps other IMatch users should also.
Quote from: jch2103 on September 17, 2014, 11:27:56 PM
I realized after seeing your comment that the parts of dpreview that I usually visit are entirely off-topic for something like IMatch. It appears that the dpreview topics that might involve IMatch would be PC Talk and Retouching. I'll have to make a point of checking into those topics in the future. Perhaps other IMatch users should also.
Same here. I normally hang out in the gear forums since I'm not looking for software suggestions these days. So I'll also make a point to post a few good things about IMatch in the appropriate dpreview forums.
<Sorry, long post. Skip if bored>
Thanks. It is really important these days to get the word out. The world and how we 'see' it through the search engines has changed a lot over the past years, favoring big companies with massive advertisement budgets and user large groups.
When somebody searches for keywords which might point at IMatch, Google considers many things in order to determine if and at which position in the search result it should include the web site. This not only includes the content of my web site and how Google sees and rates it, but also technical criteria, like, how fast my web site loads, how optimized the images are, how often the content on my web site changes and a dozen of other criteria. I had to work quite a bit to get an overall Google score of 90% and better. If a web site fails these criteria, Google pushes it down in the search result, or does not include it at all...
A very important criteria for Google is how many other sites link to my web site. If there is a substantial amount of links to my web site (on web sites, in blogs or communties), Google moves up in search results. And users only ever look at the first 3 pages of search results. If your page is not on the first 3, it's basically invisible.
Facebook works similarly. When I post an entry in the timeline ( (e.g. a new know-how article or an IMatch update notice), Facebook sends this out to a selection of the people who have liked my Facebook site. If many of these people like the post, Facebook sends it to more people. If only a few of the initial recipients like the post, Facebook may stop sending out the post- and it will never appear in people's timeline. Facebook also considers how many likes I have, how many new likes I get in a week etc. to determine if it should send out notice about my status updates and to whom. It's all real complicated nowadays ::)
Large companies with tens of thousands of likes and friends and Twitter followers of course have a much larger oohmp, instantly reaching thousands of friends and followers with every status update or tweet. And they have dedicated departments (or rely on external service providers) to produce content for their web sites, Facebook, G+, Twitter and other social networks. And of course they also feed the major blogs and communities in their business segment. And pay for ads. All this produces links back to their web sites, which improves their rank with Google, Facebook and others. So people see these major companies right at the top of the search result in Google, get more frequent status updates in Facebook etc.
And if of course does not help at all that Apple decided to name one of their services/products iMatch - because this steals many of 'my' search results. Or at least pushes my IMatch farther down to the bottom of the search results. If I would live in the USA and had lots of money, I could sue Apple because of this fact.
In short: If you mention IMatch once in a while (I know that some of you already did, and do), it helps a lot. Not only to inform other people about your DAM of choice and your opinion (may it good or bad) but also to keep my web site and IMatch within the visible search results.
I've added Share/Like buttons yesterday to the web site (Facebook, Twitter, G+). This makes it even easier for users to like/share info about or a specific article or blog entry. If you like, like :)