
IMatch Discussion Boards => General Discussion and Questions => Topic started by: Polarigel on October 02, 2014, 10:39:09 PM

Title: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: Polarigel on October 02, 2014, 10:39:09 PM
I'm still testing iMatch and so far i like it. Unfortunately scrolling by mouse wheel doesn't work properly in the file window. If I scroll slowly, nothing happens. If I move the mouse-wheel fast, it scrolls through a random number of lines. Layout size of the thumbnails or number of pictures in the file window/ filtering or not don't make any difference.  I have 650 images and a few .avi-files in my test-database.

The mouse works in any other panel or window and in any other software on my PC. I tried another mouse- same result.

Is there something I can do about it?

Title: Re: Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: Richard on October 03, 2014, 02:51:17 AM
My mouse works fine in the file window no matter what view I am in. My database is not locked and as I recall yours is. I wonder if that is causing the problem?
Title: Re: Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: Mario on October 03, 2014, 08:37:45 AM
Works here to. I don't see what could fail here. IMatch reacts on the "mouse wheel scrolled" messages from Windows by scrolling the file window...
Title: Re: Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: joel23 on October 03, 2014, 04:14:45 PM
Quote from: Polarigel on October 02, 2014, 10:39:09 PM
Is there something I can do about it?
What kind of mouse is it and do you use a graphic tablet?
Some mouses (or their drivers/software) have a button/settings for "gamers", which allow continuous/endless scrolling.
Title: Re: Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: Polarigel on October 04, 2014, 04:23:52 PM
I tried a few other things
- Restarting Windows
- New database without .avi-files
- New mouse
- New mouse battery
Nothing worked. I tried two diffent wireless mouses (from Microsoft and Logitech). They are rather basic with two buttons, a wheel, and nothing else.

I used Autohotkey to remap the PageUp/ PageDown to CTRL Scroll Up and CTRL-Scroll down. Now I can use my mouse to scroll through the File Window. An extra bonus is that it allows me to scroll the file window even if one of the panels has the focus. This solves the problem for me.

I think it shows too that the problem is neither my system, my database, my imagefiles or my mouse is the culprit.

For others with the same problem, I post my Autohotkey Script

; AHK-Version: (Authotkey Classic,
#IfWinActive ahk_class XTPMainFrame ;XTMainFrame: iMatch5 Main Window

^wheeldown:: ; CTRL+Scroll down -> Page Down
{ Controlsend, AfxWnd110u16,{PgDn}, ;AfxWnd110u16: Categories File Window Control
Controlsend, AfxWnd110u11,{PgDn}, ;AfxWnd110u11: Media&Folders File Window Control
Controlsend, AfxWnd110u23,{PgDn}, ;AfxWnd110u23: Timeline File Window Control
Controlsend, AfxWnd110u31,{PgDn}, ;AfxWnd110u31: Collections File Window Control

^wheelup:: ; CTRL + Scroll up -> Page Up
{ Controlsend, AfxWnd110u16,{PgUp},
Controlsend, AfxWnd110u11,{PgUp},
Controlsend, AfxWnd110u23,{PgUp},
Controlsend, AfxWnd110u31,{PgUp},

!wheeldown:: ; ALT+Scroll down-> Arrow Down
{ Controlsend, AfxWnd110u16,{Down},
Controlsend, AfxWnd110u11,{Down},
Controlsend, AfxWnd110u23,{Down},
Controlsend, AfxWnd110u31,{Down},

!wheelup:: ; ALT + Scroll up -> Arrow Up
{ Controlsend, AfxWnd110u16,{Up},
Controlsend, AfxWnd110u11,{Up},
Controlsend, AfxWnd110u23,{Up},
Controlsend, AfxWnd110u31,{Up},

Edit 2014-10-05: Script works now for file windows in all views (not only the category view)
Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: chris41 on October 04, 2014, 09:23:51 PM
I have exactly the same problem on two PCs, mobile and one fixed them both under Windows7 64bit. with microsoft wireless mouse.
And this from the beginning of Imatch 5!

The solution with autohotkey interest me, but I do not understand how.
Download Autohotkey but which, I am a little lost.  :'(
Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: Polarigel on October 05, 2014, 10:37:09 PM
If you want to use my script, you have to install the scripting host autohotkey.exe (Download-Link: first. You can read more about Autohotkey in the Wikipedia (

Then copy the script into an empty Notepad-Window and save it as for example iMatch.ahk. The file extension must be .ahk. Start the script with a doubleclick.

You will now see a green icon with a white "H" in Windows notification area. The script just sits there and does nothing until you use CTRL or ALT + mousewheel in an iMatch-Window. Then it will intercept this command and send PageUp/Down or ArrowUP/Down instead of mouse-wheel commands to the file window. Rightclick on the green icon and choose "Exit" if you want to stop the script.

Some warning: This script is an adhoc solution, not a thoroughly tested piece of software. It works fine on my own computer, but it might have unexpected side effects. Most people using code snippets from the net do have at least basic knowledge of what the code does and can recognize problems related to it.

Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: Polarigel on October 05, 2014, 10:50:31 PM
Chris 41 helped me on my way: The mice I tested where two different Microsoft Wireless mice (I thought one was a Logitech, but was wrong). Scrolling (without autohotkey script) worked perfectly with a Logitech Wireless mouse and with a no name USB-cable mouse.

So for me it seems that Microsoft's Wireless Mice have some issue with iMatch5
Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: joel23 on October 05, 2014, 10:54:22 PM
Quote from: Polarigel on October 05, 2014, 10:50:31 PM
Chris 41 helped me on my way: The mice I tested where two different Microsoft Wireless mice (I thought one was a Logitech, but was wrong). Scrolling (without autohotkey script) worked perfectly with a Logitech Wireless mouse and with a no name USB-cable mouse.

So for me it seems that Microsoft's Wireless Mice have some issue with iMatch5
I still believe it's a matter of hyper-scroll tech (logitech terms) or whatever it's called by MS.
How do your mouses scroll compared to this video (
Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: chris41 on October 06, 2014, 01:16:00 PM
Ok, thankyou Polarigel,

Indeed, the script does not work for me.  :-\  - but I try in the evening with a Logitech mouse, I have to get one in my job...

Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: cytochrome on October 06, 2014, 03:35:27 PM
I have two wireless mouses: Logitech Anywhere Mx and HP X4500. Both perform well with IMatch, both conserve the focus when going from one window to another.

The Logitech has a setting (very fast or step scrolling) shown in the video. The Logitech is handier but eats batteries fast.

Must be something with the MS mouses firmware...

Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: chris41 on October 06, 2014, 07:23:20 PM
That's it it works! 8)

I bought a Logitech M560 mouse and it works.

Thus operation with the Microsoft mouse is not complete.

However with the Logitech when I'm in the "keywords" window operation is always weird.
Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: Polarigel on October 06, 2014, 07:42:56 PM
@Chris 41: I'm happy you finally found a solution.
I personally like my Microsoft mice (even if they are handicapped  :) ) and will stick to my script.
@joel 123: My mice are basic, without any extra buttons (Microsoft Wireless Mouse 1000 and Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 3500). Turning the scroll wheel feels like turning a cogwheel- no hyperscrolling at all. A decade old USB-mouse from the bottom of the drawer did work perfectly too. Therefore I don't think the lack of special Logitech features is the problem.

I forgot to mention it i my former postings: Like Chris 41 I'm using Windows 7 64 bit.

Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: RalfC on October 06, 2014, 08:00:06 PM
I am just wondering:

As far as I remember, Microsoft also offers additional SW / Drivers for their mice, cf. (
(The SW / drivers included with Windows usually provide only basic functionality.)
I think that the SW identifies itself as "Intellisoft" on a tab for the mouse settings.

Do you have them installed? Are there any special settings for your mice available?


Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: chris41 on October 07, 2014, 09:00:28 AM
Quote from: RalfC on October 06, 2014, 08:00:06 PM
I am just wondering:

As far as I remember, Microsoft also offers additional SW / Drivers for their mice, cf. (
(The SW / drivers included with Windows usually provide only basic functionality.)
I think that the SW identifies itself as "Intellisoft" on a tab for the mouse settings.

Do you have them installed? Are there any special settings for your mice available?


Personally I've never installed drivers with my SW mice. I plug in and that's it.

it may be a mistake.

I'll try with my mice when installing drivers.
Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: khfnet on October 07, 2014, 09:47:39 AM

I have the same Problem.

650 files (pdf and jpg) showed in file-window.
Logitech Anywhere MX Mouse, plug and play, standardriver, works all well in Win7/64.

But I noticed that I must be patient.

At first time after Start the scroll is choppy.
It makes no difference if I use the fastscroll mode or the normal mode.
Also the handle side in the file-window is (more) choppy.
I was surprised that a fileinformationwindow is docked at the handle by scrolling.
(perhaps this stops the performance?)

In the first one, two minutes I can only sroll slowly and choppy.
After unifier time it works better.

After four to five Minutes all works well.
I started on the first file, and with one trigger on mousewheel (fastsrcollmode) I landet quickly at the last file. All showed properly and fast with no problems.

What ist the Problem?

Beste Grüße

Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: cytochrome on October 07, 2014, 11:43:22 AM
There is a Logitech "Setpoint" (free) software. I don't use it since I have no problem but if I remember well one can trim the scrolling, also define the side functions of the scrolling wheel of the Anywhere MX, etc..

Maybe it could be of help...

Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: khfnet on October 07, 2014, 12:56:14 PM

But I know this software and it is installed.
Set the scrollfunction on low speed changes nothing (it stood on middle).
The Logitech support will inform me if they know something about this problem.

But the hotline reported spontaneously that it is normal that you must wait by scrolling in 650 imagines, cause the software must load the previews.

I worked so far without problems with whireless LAN (130 MBITS) and NAS, also with big CAD-files. But Perhaps this is the bottleneck ?

I hate it, if something doesn't work, and hear at the same time that there are no problems to sroll in the file-window. I use this Mouse since years in ALL aplications without problems. But in IMatch5 it is the mouse?

Beste Grüße
Title: Re: [Solved]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: Polarigel on October 07, 2014, 10:30:27 PM
Quote from: RalfC on October 06, 2014, 08:00:06 PM

As far as I remember, Microsoft also offers additional SW / Drivers for their mice

Thanks for the idea!

I installed the Microsoft Mouse Driver (using Windows Update and installing the optional update "Microsoft- Poiting Drawing- Microsoft Hardware USB Mouse") and...  surprise....: Now scrolling works (without any script) in iMatches file viewer window too.

As Chris 41, I just plug in mice or keyboards. My computer ist three years old now and the mouse even older- and I never ever missed that driver before...

Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: joel23 on October 07, 2014, 10:37:17 PM
Quote from: Polarigel on October 06, 2014, 07:42:56 PM
@joel 123: My mice are basic, without any extra buttons (Microsoft Wireless Mouse 1000 and Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 3500). Turning the scroll wheel feels like turning a cogwheel- no hyperscrolling at all. A decade old USB-mouse from the bottom of the drawer did work perfectly too. Therefore I don't think the lack of special Logitech features is the problem.
Yepp, but I am pretty sure I didn't point to any special Logitech feature, but to a button, which exists on newer mouses (Logitech and as well as on MS) - but since I didn't know what mouse you were talking about, I thought you are using one of the more sophisticated devices ;)

But the 1000 and 3500 mobiles are known for problems and aside for double clicking icons on the Desktop and scrolling in web-browsers, they IMHO are only good for throwing them at the dog (likewise cat, budgie or spouse) to scare them ;)
Just Google for their wheel problems...
Try if installing the latest Mouse and Keyboard Center or Intellipoint ( gives you better results.
Title: Re: [Solved]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: RalfC on October 08, 2014, 04:26:55 PM
Quote from: Polarigel on October 07, 2014, 10:30:27 PM
I installed the Microsoft Mouse Driver (using Windows Update and installing the optional update "Microsoft- Poiting Drawing- Microsoft Hardware USB Mouse") and...  surprise....: Now scrolling works (without any script) in iMatches file viewer window too.

As Chris 41, I just plug in mice or keyboards. My computer ist three years old now and the mouse even older- and I never ever missed that driver before...

Glad that it worked.

For the German speakers:  in the current C'T (22/14) under 'Hotline' is a question related to drivers (Windows vs Manufacturer): (
Short summary in english: It depends. Manufacturer driver usually support all features of the HW but Windows drivers might not support all features but are often more stable and digitally signed.

As a conclusion: In the case that the manufacturer and Windows offer a driver and something does not work as expected, it might be worth to try the other driver to check if it performs better.

@khfnet: In my opinion, the mouse is not the real problem. I would suspect that there are (network) delays with the WLAN and NAS slowing down the (initial) loading of data. [the performance of transferring many small files is different compared to transferring one big/huge file]

Title: Re: [Workaround]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: joel23 on October 08, 2014, 09:53:49 PM
Quote from: khfnet on October 07, 2014, 12:56:14 PM

I worked so far without problems with whireless LAN (130 MBITS) and NAS, also with big CAD-files. But Perhaps this is the bottleneck ?
Yes, this for sure is the biggest bottleneck. What means big CAD-files? What are your largest image files?

130Mbit/s (16,25MB/s) are <33% of the theoretical USB2 speed (480Mbit/s) and not even half of the realistic USB2 speed of 40MB/s ;)
Connect the NAS with Gigabit Ethernet and you get at least the ~30-50MB/s a NAS shared via SMB/CIFS is able to provide - if the NAS supports iSCSI consider using it and you might get 80-90MB/s. Both of course depends also to the disk(s and RAID type) in use.
If you need to share the files with other computers in the net, forget about iSCSI.
Title: Re: [Solved]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: khfnet on October 08, 2014, 11:09:38 PM
Quote from: RalfC on October 08, 2014, 04:26:55 PM
@khfnet: In my opinion, the mouse is not the real problem. I would suspect that there are (network) delays with the WLAN and NAS slowing down the (initial) loading of data. [the performance of transferring many small files is different compared to transferring one big/huge file]

Hi Ralf,
you will be right.
I have very big files and it loads quickly, but many small files may provide other requests.
I will test it.

Hi Joerg,
thanks for details
Title: Re: [Solved]Scrolling by mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: joel23 on October 08, 2014, 11:20:59 PM
Quote from: khfnet on October 08, 2014, 11:09:38 PM
Hi Joerg,
thanks for details
Welcome! Hope it helps/says something to you.
Title: Re: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: khfnet on October 09, 2014, 01:22:13 AM
Not all, but there is also a edv carer i will see next week to check some other things, I'll show him.
Because all worked well I had not been looking for perfomance by filetransfer.

But Is this so important by scrolling? I thought the thumbfiles are stored in local DB (Big Thumbs => Big DB), and the NAS is only important for write Metadata (keywords) in files, scan directories and show pics in the viever. Not right?
Title: Re: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: Mario on October 09, 2014, 07:51:44 AM
Switch to debug logging (Help > Support > Debug logging).
Load your database and then load a large number of files in a file window and scroll.
ZIP and attach the log.
We can then see what takes how long, and which part is slow on your system. Without a log file and some hard numbers, everything is guesswork.

Even for a file window with 50,000 files, scrolling should be smooth if your disk can deliver the data as fast as IMatch needs it when you scroll. This usually even works fast enough when loading the data over a network from a NAS storage. With a local database there should be no trouble at all.
Title: Re: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: joel23 on October 09, 2014, 08:08:36 AM
Quote from: khfnet on October 09, 2014, 01:22:13 AM
Not all, but there is also a edv carer i will see next week to check some other things, I'll show him.
Because all worked well I had not been looking for perfomance by filetransfer.

But Is this so important by scrolling? I thought the thumbfiles are stored in local DB (Big Thumbs => Big DB), and the NAS is only important for write Metadata (keywords) in files, scan directories and show pics in the viever. Not right?
Yes, you are right. I thought you have the DB also on the NAS. Nevertheless you should have a look to it, there is a great potential for optimizing.

But a local DB with 600 files and an approx. size of 60-70MB is peanuts - if it needs 2-3 min or even 4-5 min until you can work, you really have a problem.
I just made a new DB with 1.088 Files, 96MB, put it on my NAS (iSCSI), loadtime (until I can smoothly work/scroll): 19-23sec with an average desktop, 4GB.
Title: "SOLVED"__Re: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: khfnet on October 09, 2014, 10:00:20 AM
Quote from: joel23 on October 09, 2014, 08:08:36 AM
But a local DB with 600 files and an approx. size of 60-70MB is peanuts - if it needs 2-3 min or even 4-5 min until you can work, you really have a problem.

wrong number

there are 2800 files in DB1, 600 in DB2. But this is not importend. Today also waiting brings nothing.
I'll check my PC and send Mario the files he need. But now I have to work.

Thanks to all for the tips and instructions

When it works I will post.
Title: Re: "SOLVED"__Re: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: joel23 on October 09, 2014, 10:32:04 PM
Quote from: khfnet on October 09, 2014, 10:00:20 AM
Quote from: joel23 on October 09, 2014, 08:08:36 AM
But a local DB with 600 files and an approx. size of 60-70MB is peanuts - if it needs 2-3 min or even 4-5 min until you can work, you really have a problem.

wrong number
You wrote above:
Quote650 files (pdf and jpg) showed in file-window.
QuoteIn the first one, two minutes I can only sroll slowly and choppy.
After unifier time it works better.
After four to five Minutes all works well.
there are 2800 files in DB1, 600 in DB2. But this is not importend.
So I thought you were talking about the DB with 600 files.
Even when this was the DB with 2.800 files, the time it needs to load the DB is far to long and I believe it's not an IMatch issue.
Title: Re: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: khfnet on October 09, 2014, 11:13:35 PM

I failed.

Perhaps I thougt by writing most the DB with the 2800  jpg's (same thing)

Mario mailed to me that there are no problems with DB 200.000 files on a middle PC, and 300.000 files with a top PC.  So it seems not important. We will search the Problems on my PC.
Then (only) I will answer to following replys.

Title: Re: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: khfnet on October 10, 2014, 07:02:58 PM
Quote from: Mario on October 09, 2014, 07:51:44 AM
Switch to debug logging (Help > Support > Debug logging).
Load your database and then load a large number of files in a file window and scroll.
ZIP and attach the log.
We can then see what takes how long, and which part is slow on your system. Without a log file and some hard numbers, everything is guesswork.

2800 jpg, 5 in a row
Thumbs = Standard
5 rows
Jpg on NAS
DB on C:\    HD Sata 7200 rpm / 32MB Buffer

here it is ...........

scrolling is very slow

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: joel23 on October 10, 2014, 07:27:06 PM
I don't think your HDD is affected by it, but to rule out a very bad misconfiguration please open a command prompt and launch

wmic partition get BlockSize, StartingOffset, Name

The HDD data is IMHO from the HardiskSentinel website (?), will say the benchmark is not measured on your computer.
Please download CrystelDiskMark ( (siehe Link halb oben rechts) and run it once with 500MB test size. Let us know about the results.

Title: [GERMAN]Re: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: khfnet on October 12, 2014, 09:41:34 PM
Hallo Jörg,

ich habe zwar Hemmungen mit cmd zu hantieren ohne zu wissen was ich da genau mache, aber im Anhang das Ergebnis. Du wirst es erläutern.

Ich habe auch das Benchmarktool installiert. Mich hatte nur interessiert wo die Platte generell so liegt, hatte sie beim googeln im oberen Drittel geortet und das reichte mir.
DB ist örtlich auf auf der Hitachi-HDD (nicht fragmentiert).
Die Dateien liegen auf der WD-HDD, ein NAS von Synology, DS212.
Die Werte sind ähnlich. Habe einen 100MB Switch im Netz.

Ich hatte ja das logfile erstellt, aber bisher keine Rückmeldung erhalten.
Ich hänge nochmal ein aktuelles logfile an.

2800 jpg
Voransicht mit 6 Thumbs pro Reihe.
Auch warten bringt nichts, das scrollen bleibt extrem ruckelig und langsam.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: [GERMAN]Re: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: joel23 on October 12, 2014, 10:10:16 PM
Hallo Karl
Quote from: khfnet on October 12, 2014, 09:41:34 PM
Hallo Jörg,

ich habe zwar Hemmungen mit cmd zu hantieren ohne zu wissen was ich da genau mache, aber im Anhang das Ergebnis. Du wirst es erläutern.
Nun, ich werde Dir nichts schicken, was Schaden anrichtet. Es ging darum festzustellen, ob die Partitionen misaligned sind. Das passiert schon mal, wenn eine Platte in einem älteren OS partitioniert und dann einfach unter W7 eingebaut wurde. Wissen wir ja nicht, ob die Disk aus einem anderen/alten Notebook stammt und der "normale" User denkt sich nichts dabei.
Ist aber alles okay.

Ich habe auch das Benchmarktool installiert. Mich hatte nur interessiert wo die Platte generell so liegt, hatte sie beim googeln im oberen Drittel geortet und das reichte mir.
DB ist örtlich auf auf der Hitachi-HDD (nicht fragmentiert).
Die Werte sind okay. Das Laden der DB dauert nur 4.7 sec aber der Rest sollte wesentlich schneller gehen. Als letztes fällt mir eigentlich nur Fragmentierung ein, aber das hast Du schon verneint.
Hast Du die DB mal auf eine der anderen Partitionen kopiert und von dort gestartet?

Die Dateien liegen auf der WD-HDD, ein NAS von Synology, DS212.
Die Werte sind ähnlich. Habe einen 100MB Switch im Netz.
Ich denke du greifst per Wlan auf das NAS zu?
Title: [GERMAN]Re: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: khfnet on October 12, 2014, 10:52:17 PM
Die andere Partition ist eine Recovery.
Die Platte wird automatisch wöchentlich defragmentiert.
Wieso soll Imatch damit Probleme haben?
Ich ändere da erstmal nichts.

Seit den Hinweisen auf die Zugriffsgeschwindigkeit nutze ich das Netzkabel,
da steht auch ein vernünftiger Monitor .........

Wie gesagt, aktuelle Logdatei anbei.
Kann sich das bitte mal jemand ansehen?
Wird sonst noch etwas gebraucht?
Title: Re: [GERMAN]Re: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: joel23 on October 12, 2014, 11:00:12 PM
Quote from: khfnet on October 12, 2014, 10:52:17 PM
Die andere Partition ist eine Recovery.
Die Platte wird automatisch wöchentlich defragmentiert.
Wieso soll Imatch damit Probleme haben?
Ich ändere da erstmal nichts.
Warum IMatch damit Probleme haben sollte weiss ich nicht, aber es wäre ja auch keine Änderung, sondern nur ein Test indem man die DB dahin kopiert und von dort startet.
Also IMatch beenden und die DB von C: auf die andere Partition kopieren und von dort per DoppelKlick starten. Ich versuche die Ursache einzugrenzen.
Du kannst die DB jederzeit dort löschen und wieder vom ursprünglichen Ort starten.

Dieser Thread ist als Erledigt markiert - ich bin nicht sicher, dass Mario sich diesen Thread nochmal vornimmt. Vermutlich wird er - wenn überhaupt - nur zufällig darauf stossen.
Title: Re: [Solved for MS mice]Mouse-wheel doesn't work properly in file window
Post by: sinus on October 13, 2014, 07:36:00 AM
Weil ich grad in einem anderen thread;topicseen#msg23190

meine HD-Daten auch hochgeladen habe, hier diese Daten nochmals als Vergleich.

[attachment deleted by admin]