
IMatch Discussion Boards => General Discussion and Questions => Topic started by: sinus on June 30, 2015, 01:38:26 PM

Title: Juicebox lite and pro
Post by: sinus on June 30, 2015, 01:38:26 PM
Hi Mario,
in the help-file you write this:

'Lite' and 'Pro' Versions of Juicebox

At this time, the export module user interface only supports the properties available in the 'Lite' version of Juicebox. The generated config.xml file can also be used to drive more complex sites based on the 'Pro' version of Juicebox. Depending on IMatch user feedback and demand we may enhance this export module in a future release.

Just to be sure: I have bought the pro-version. With this exporter from IMatch I cannot benefit from the advantages of the pro-version of Juicebox!?
If I understand correct, this is the case.

So, if I want benefit from the pro, then I simply can use the builder from Juicebox, I think, this is correct?

BTW: The exporter of IMatch works very good.
Title: Re: Juicebox lite and pro
Post by: Mario on June 30, 2015, 03:03:27 PM
The import part is the gallery.html file where IMatch creates an instance of Juicebox to run:

new juicebox({
  containerId: "juicebox-container",
  galleryTitle: "IMatch Gallery",

This is where the parameters are handed over to Juicebox. The Pro version supports more parameters (see documentation) and you can just manually edit the gallery.html file produced by IMatch to set these extra parameters and options.

Make a backup copy of this file after you have edited it to your liking.
You can then continue using IMatch to create the gallery, and just replace the gallery.html created by the script with your modified version.
That's it I guess.

I have a license for the Pro, but I never used it so far. But as far as I understood it, the only difference is that you have more control via extra parameters you can use, and that the Pro version does not show the link back to Juicebox. Changing the parameters in the gallery.html is this all you need to do.

You can of course alos copy and modify the Juicebox export script to automatically add your Pro parameters when it creates the gallery.html file. You probably don't even need to change the UI of the script, only add the extra parameters when it creates the gallery.html file. Should be easy.
Title: Re: Juicebox lite and pro
Post by: sinus on June 30, 2015, 03:35:31 PM
Thanks, Mario, for these informations!
I will have a look at this.