
IMatch Discussion Boards => General Discussion and Questions => Topic started by: ianrr on June 12, 2013, 03:40:17 PM

Title: Image bucket/basket
Post by: ianrr on June 12, 2013, 03:40:17 PM
Does IM5 have a simple "image bucket/basket" window that I can drag spontaneously a few files to from various directories that I want to just copy to a USB stick or drop into a image manipulation program  ? If so can I simply give it a name that I can recall later ?
Title: Re: Image bucket/basket
Post by: Mario on June 12, 2013, 03:57:54 PM
Sure. I think you will find Collections an excellent tool for this purpose (and many others). See the corresponding help topic for all details. Basically IMatch 5 Collections are buckets/baskets on steroids  :D

The Pins, Dot, Flag and Bookmark collections are freely usable by the user. For whatever purpose you need them.

You add files to one of these collections via the single key shortcuts or by clicking on the corresponding icons in the file window. Much faster than dragging files around. After adding all files, switch to the Collection View to see all the files. Files added to a collection remain in that collection until you remove them again, even when you close and re-open IMatch.

Collections present files in normal file windows, which means you can sort them, drag them to an Explorer window or another application, run all commands and features on them, view them, export them etc. If you no longer want a file (or all files) in that collection, remove them with a mouse-click or keyboard shortcut.

You can also create favorites for collections in the Favorites panel for even quicker access. And you can use Collections in Category formulas, variables and many other features.

There are also collections maintained by the system which group files by Rating, Label, Date and time the were added, updated, viewed. And collections which automatically arrange files based on their version or the annotation objects you have added. See the help for detailed information.
Title: Re: Image bucket/basket
Post by: ianrr on June 13, 2013, 02:39:11 AM
Very cool  ....   8)   Thanks.