Congratulations Mario on this milestone. Now everybody can experience the amazing features of the new Imatch 8)
Oh. I really hope that my users will like it. Spread the word!
Congratulations - this is so cool!
Only problem is that my email is too old. Hopefully that will be fixed in short order. I was expecting old license info to make it work.Strange that you need IMatch userid to post but not for download.
Thanks a million times for this - I just cannot wit to get stuck in
Quote from: Mario on June 24, 2013, 07:22:48 PM
Oh. I really hope that my users will like it. Spread the word!
It is something awesome to me and I am sure that the vast majority of users will like IMatch 5 in a big way.
Thanks Mario!
Now it's on me to learn understanding all the fantastic new features you present. Could be much more complicated than programing (for me).
I will reach about 5% in only 5 years, for sure - same as in Imatch 3... ;)
Congratulation - I will do my very best! ::)
Lieber Gruss
Quote from: Richard on June 24, 2013, 08:45:13 PM
Quote from: Mario on June 24, 2013, 07:22:48 PM
Oh. I really hope that my users will like it. Spread the word!
It is something awesome to me and I am sure that the vast majority of users will like IMatch 5 in a big way.
QuoteI will reach about 5% in only 5 years, for sure - same as in Imatch 3...
Not every user uses every feature. But every user uses a
different mix of features...
Quote from: BenAW on June 24, 2013, 07:21:46 PM
Congratulations Mario on this milestone. Now everybody can experience the amazing features of the new Imatch 8)
plus one from me.
It is a fantastic piece of software. But like, say Photoshop, to take the best out of IM5 for it's own, we have to dig a bit into Imatch.
But I did this in 2001 for the "old IMatch3" and it was worth to do it, IMatch let me never stay in the rain. :)
Congratulations, Mario. Great.
mein Glückwunsch an die Macher von IMatch 5 !!
Endlich ist immerhin schon mal die Beta draußen und man kann damit etwas anfangen ...
Vielleicht bin ich nur blind - aber meine Frage: Wie stellt man eigentlich die Sprache des Hilfesystems ein ??
"Sprachauswahl" im Menü "Bearbeiten" wirkt nur auf Programm selbst !
mfG schwarzvogel
The IMatch help and most other documentation is available in the English language.
IMatch is used in over 60 countries at the moment.
The help system alone has hundreds of pages of text and it took me several months to write it. Translating the help into other languages is just not possible. Even if I would speak the language, doing the initial translation and keeping up with changes introduced by IMatch 5 updates would be a full-time job. And there is only one Mario ??? :-[
Professional translators charge per line or per word. Even an 'affordable' web-based translation service like ICanLocalize charges between 9 and 14 US cents per word (!!!) :o . Just estimate what it would cost me to translate hundreds of pages of IMatch help into other languages. Only large companies can spend that amount of money.
The user interface of IMatch 5 is available in English and German (I do that) and also in (more or less partial) translations. The work to translate the IMatch user interface is done by volunteers, who help me with that. Thanks to all translators. See also this post ( for how you can help translating IMatch.