I just read on the DL-C.com/board:
All Good Things Come to an End
Postby jsachs on December 17th, 2016, 12:29 am
We first released Picture Window and Picture Window Pro roughly 23 years ago in 1993, and it has steadily evolved from that time to the present, transitioning from 16- to 32- to 64-bits and from Windows 3.1 to Windows 95 to Windows 10. During that time, we have enjoyed the support of a dedicated group of users who have helped us improve the product at each stage.
But nothing goes on forever and the time has come for us to shut the program down. Consequently we will no longer be selling Picture Window Pro or issuing any new releases. We will keep our current web site in place until roughly April 2017, including the message board and download areas, but have already removed the ordering page. For those who wish to download the latest version, Kiril and I have prepared a minor update that fixes a few outstanding bugs and removes all copy protection so a serial number will no longer be needed to activate the program. This final version is already available on the web site for download.
I am working on a total rewrite of Picture Window with a more modern interface that may or may not ever see the light of day. If you wish to be informed if and when this new version becomes available to test, please email me directly at jsachs@dl-c.com. The DL-C.COM domain name is reserved for at least three more years, and we expect to transition to a new and simpler web site next year so Picture Window Pro can remain available for download as freeware.
I want to personally thank everyone who has used Picture Window and our other products in the past -- especially those who have helped improve the program over the years by reporting bugs or making feature suggestions. I hope to remain in touch with as many of you as possible going forward.
Jonathan Sachs
President, Digital Light & Color
I choose this photo-editor software in 2002. I still use it as my main photo-editing program. About that time I also bought three other programs: VueScan (scanning), Qimage (printing) and IMatch (database).
These programs are still part of my workflow. Later on different raw-converters were added to these workflow. I started with RawShooter, bought a Bibble-license and wasted money for Aftershot and Photo Ninja. Today I mainly use Capture One V8, RawTherapee and the Pentax Digital Camera Utility.
But Picture Window Pro still is a main part of my workflow. And the good news is: Picture Window Pro will not stop working... So for me there is no need to to act precipitately.
I dabbled in PWP for their frames feature.. but didnt' even purchase because I was already invested in Photoshop... now that it is free, I might re-download and review for that feature alone. Thx for the info!