Just want to share with you my experience with IMA/IMWV and a TV (55'') display. I have - for other purposes - connected a little Minix computer via HDMI to my TV. The computer runs on Android and has all the common Android Apps. Now, when I connect via IMWV/IMA using Chrome (or Firefox) Apps to my database the display of the respective pictures on my my 55'' inch screen is really second to none and definitely better than just mirroring the smartphone screen (which btw istn't bad at all). I use a remote control keybopard with mousepad, so I can very comfortably play around within the Webviewer.
I basically use this setup to show my friends my pictures (but also to encourage them to finally decide for Imatch/IMA ;).). Before IMA, it was a pain in the neck to prepare the desired slide shows on my network. Now I just pick the pics I want to show in IM, define for instance a category and display that one via IMA.
I will check whether my raspberry pi with the debian linux distribution will deliver the same result, which I believe it will.
All in all again I consider IMA a quantum leap for using IM in a network.
Regards, Juergen
Thanks for sharing your experiences :)
I always enjoy reading feedback from the field like this.