
IMatch Anywhere Discussion Boards => IMA General Discussion and Questions => Topic started by: jeknepley on September 22, 2017, 05:11:33 PM

Title: Puzzled
Post by: jeknepley on September 22, 2017, 05:11:33 PM
After the release of iOS 11, I tried a new workflow for my WordPress photo blog - 100% mobile (all of my prior 2500+ posts were done on a laptop).

So far so good! Now for the problem...

Is this just the way it is with IMA or am I missing something? If that's the way it is, it's time for me to make a feature request. ???
Title: Re: Puzzled
Post by: Mario on September 22, 2017, 06:16:53 PM
WordPress usually creates multiple sizes of images you upload.
Did you check in the MediaManager?

When you drag an image from the IMatch Anywhere Viewer I assume WordPress receives the URL of the file?
In that case WP accesses the 1200 pixel file directly from IMWS. This only works because your session still valid and WP "grabs" the session key when you drag the link.
Title: Re: Puzzled
Post by: jeknepley on September 22, 2017, 07:07:32 PM
Quote from: Mario on September 22, 2017, 06:16:53 PM
WordPress usually creates multiple sizes of images you upload.
Did you check in the MediaManager?

When you drag an image from the IMatch Anywhere Viewer I assume WordPress receives the URL of the file?
In that case WP accesses the 1200 pixel file directly from IMWS. This only works because your session still valid and WP "grabs" the session key when you drag the link.

Yes, WP creates multiple sizes. For example, an image that I just dragged directly from iMatch (PC laptop) ends up in the WP media library with four sizes (labeled thumbnail 150x150, med 300x300, large 1024x1024 and full 1536x1536). This is normal. However, the same file, dragged from IMA (iPad Pro) has just two sizes labeled thumb 150x150 and full 300x300. Note the IMA drag's "full" is the same as the original IM2017 DB's medium.

No, WP doesn't use the URL. It copies the image to its own WP library and the resulting URL for the image dragged is an element of the WP site with no connection whatsoever to its original source beit IMA, IM2017, or whatever. The resulting URL for the image dragged from IMA is Similarly, the image dragged directly from the IM2017 database is Note, for whatever it's worth, the change in the image's name from copypasteimage.jpg to 20160508_211155000_iOS.jpg between IMA and IM2017 sources.
Title: Re: Puzzled
Post by: jeknepley on September 22, 2017, 07:33:14 PM ( Is a link to my WP post that I wrote while documenting my experiment (before my post here on the forum).
Title: Re: Puzzled
Post by: Mario on September 22, 2017, 08:55:47 PM
IMatch Anywhere is not involved in this.
You are dragging an image from your browser! Try maybe another browser.
Title: Re: Puzzled
Post by: jeknepley on September 22, 2017, 11:01:50 PM
Quote from: Mario on September 22, 2017, 08:55:47 PM
IMatch Anywhere is not involved in this.
You are dragging an image from your browser! Try maybe another browser.
I don't understand.

IMA runs in a browser. Right? I am dragging from the IMA file window (which just happens to be running in a browser - that's the only way to use IMA).

When I click on a file in the IMA file window -- (PC, iPad - either one, it makes no difference - NOR does the browser as I've used Chrome, FF and Safari - NOR does the OS, Windows or iOS) -- in order to use this IMA file I've selected, 300 px is all that IMA offers.

Are you saying that there is no way to transfer/export/whatever a file from IMA that can be used elsewhere (even print)? IMA is for viewing ONLY??

I guess that I'm missing something, and have been since purchasing my IMA licenses. I thought that upon finding a file(s) of interest, I could actually use it and not just view it.

Bottom line -  is there a way use a file that one sees in IMA. If all that IMA does is allow the locating of files for the purpose of viewing them it's not very useful for my purposes.

Title: Re: Puzzled
Post by: Mario on September 23, 2017, 08:24:25 AM
IMatch WebViewer runs in your browser. It allows you to browse your IMatch database.
The thumbnails you see in the IMatch WebViewer File window are 300x for most layouts.

When you drag an image from your browser to somewhere else, your browser uses the cached image it has in memory and hands it over to the target. Or supplies the target with the URL of the image. This is a feature of your browser, no IMatch WebViewer code is used when you do this.

When you open files in the IMatch WebViewer Viewer it loads the file from IMWS. IMWS delivers the file in the requested size from the cache managed by IMWS. For example, a 1200 pixel version of the original image. The size chosen depends on the screen size your device has and the available cache sizes in IMWS.

When you drag this image to another browser, your web browser uses the cached image as the source or supplies the URL, depending on the target. Again, no IMatch WebViewer code is involved by this. Dragging an image is a built-in feature in web browsers.

To access the original image (download it to your local device) you would normally just use the "Download" command in the Viewer. This downloads the original image and is very different from just dragging an image from the browser to another browser window!

Note: If the image used by the Viewer in IMatch WebViewer is only 300 pixel (scaled to screen size) there is something wrong with your configuration. IMatch WebViewer cannot download a real cache image from IMWS and falls back to using the thumbnail and scaling it up to screen size.
If this happens on your machine, IMWS cannot create cache images because it cannot access the original files. There should be plenty of warnings, also in the log file.

The usual cause for this is that the images managed by your database are not on the same computer as IMWS and IMWS has no access to the original files because of Windows file system permission issues.
By default, IMWS can only access files on the same computer on which it runs. If you manage files on a NAS or network drive you need to change the user account under which IMatch WebServices run. See the IMatch Anywhere documentation for details about this.
Title: Re: Puzzled
Post by: jeknepley on September 23, 2017, 12:48:08 PM
Thank you very much, Mario, for taking time to straighten out my understanding about how this works. Good thing you have nothing else to do ;)

For my part I'll start adding a plug/link for photools products in the footer of my daily photo blogs ( (~1000 followers; nearly 900K site visits from 180+ countries since 2011). Maybe that will help spread the gospel of Mario. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Puzzled
Post by: Mario on September 23, 2017, 12:57:17 PM
Thanks for letting others know about IMatch. This is one of the most difficult parts today!