IMatch 2018.11.2 was released a day ago, and this was the first software I've ever shipped with telemetry.
Everything is new... and this is pretty exciting.
- How IMatch records telemetry data at runtime.
- How it stores it to a local database to preserve RAM and for situations where the data cannot be sent immediately.
- How it sends the collected data to my server
- How the server stores the data in a dedicated database
- ...
Well, I'm glad to say that it seems to work pretty well :)
Data is coming in and I will start to look at it in a week or two go get some initial statistics.
The new version is of course only used by a relatively small number of users at this time. New versions spread slowly. The majority of users gets info about a new version only via the built-in update check in IMatch and many do only the mandatory "once per month" check.
So, this will take time. Still, I think the data will be very helpful to steer the further development of IMatch. There is always a big plan, in addition to the day-by-day problem solving and user support.
The actual analysis of the data will be performed in the database and via a new web service I have written for this purpose. The user interface will of course run in a browser and will be written in HTML and JavaScript and Bootstrap (like IMatch Apps!) and the React framework for development speed. I want to be able to access the statistics at any time and from any device. And I need more experience in React for future projects... ;)
This is the first proof of concept of my app for analyzing the telemetry data. I will build it as a standard dashboard, with cards for each relevant number I'm interested in.
Nicely done Mario... ! This will probably force me into using IM a bit more in the future so I can be sure the features/functions I use often get "counted" in the stats.. :P
Quoteso I can be sure the features/functions I use often get "counted" in the stats..
Yes, this might work.
I expect to analyze periods of 3 months for useful stats.
Quote from: Jingo on November 01, 2018, 11:59:45 AM
Nicely done Mario... ! This will probably force me into using IM a bit more in the future so I can be sure the features/functions I use often get "counted" in the stats.. :P
;D :D ;D 8)