
IMatch Anywhere Discussion Boards => IMA General Discussion and Questions => Topic started by: zematima on November 21, 2018, 10:21:39 PM

Title: IMA doesn't start
Post by: zematima on November 21, 2018, 10:21:39 PM
Hi all:
Tried to start IMA and I got an error.
When I see the log file I have this information:

IMWS: Failed to open the database E:\Fotos IMatch\Fotos Zé\Backup 5\Nossas fotos.imd5 in writable mode.  '..\Shared\IMWSHost.cpp(197)'

The db is in writable mode.
What can I do?
Thanks in advance,

Title: Re: IMA doesn't start
Post by: Mario on November 22, 2018, 08:42:07 AM
Did IMWS work before?
If so, what did you change?
Which version do you use?

What "error" do you get? What is the exact error message?

Posting one line of your log file is not enough to do any kind of diagnosis. Always ZIP and attach the entire log file.

Note that IMWS cannot open a database already open in IMatch. Did you check that?
The database must be writable and the IMWS service must have write access.

Did you try to reboot your computer once?
See also the IMatch Anywhere FAQ ( for frequently asked questions and solutions.
Title: Re: IMA doesn't start
Post by: zematima on November 22, 2018, 11:19:01 AM
Thanks Mario.
For a long time that I didn't use IMA.
I installed again IMA (the new version) and now I can see the files in my PC browser.
I can see in IMA webservice the URL of imatchviewer. When I click in it, it opens the browser in my PC and everything works fine.
To see IMA on the tablet what are the steps to follow?
If i put the same url on the tablet it says access denied.
Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: IMA doesn't start
Post by: zematima on November 22, 2018, 11:41:38 AM
I put my IP and it is working.
Sorry for my last post.
Everything is fine.

Title: Re: IMA doesn't start
Post by: Mario on November 22, 2018, 12:20:33 PM
This is covered in the FAQ:

The "name" of the computer running IMatch may not be known to your tablet. I guess you are using an Apple product?
It cannot map the computer name to the IP address. There are several ways to overcome this, please ask Apple support for detailed instructions.