I have a Photoshoot (114 images in an IMatch Stack) for which I've added keywords to each and every photo. Now, I want each and every one of these to have exactly the same keywords, but at this point, some images have keywords that others don't. So, how would I synchronize them?
Select all files and edit the keywords in the Keyword Panel.
The panel shows you which keywords are in all files, and which are only in some of the files.
The keywords you apply there will be what's written to all selected files.
See Multiple Files Selected (https://www.photools.com/help/imatch/#md_keywords_panel.htm?dl=h-10) and the Keyword Panel tutorial video (https://www.photools.com/imatch-learning-center/) which demonstrates how to work with multiple files easily.
Very good! What I now have run into is the same exact scenario with the IMatch internal categories. So, how do I ensure each image in a selection has exactly the same category assignments?
Same procedure. Just use the Category Panel instead.
Note: The "Current" tab in the Category Panel shows you the categories of all selected image. And also which categories are assigned to all or some.
This makes this task super easy.
I suggest to re-read the help topic on the category panel for a refresher: The Current Tab (https://www.photools.com/help/imatch/#panel_cats.htm?dl=h-11)