QuoteWorking on creating a custom panel within the Metadata browser and cannot figure out how to display a file's "FileType" and "FileTypeExtension" (not to be confused with its' Windows file Extension.What do you consider a "FileType"?
QuoteAll of my scripts' (Powershell/Exiftool) use FileType (...)I don't know what your scripts do or where they get this FileType from, sorry. Never had a need for that.
Quoteich habe mal in den Metadata: ITPC Character Encoding und EXIF Character Encoding: Von UTF-8 auf (Default) geändert.Warum hast Du diese Einstellungen vorher verändert?
QuoteWie kann ich die Felder "XMP (embedded) keywords found" und "IPTC keywords found" bereinigen oder leeren?IMatch erstellt beim Rückschreiben XMP-dc:Subject und IPTC:keywords aus den hierarchischen Schlüsselwörtern.