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General Discussion and Questions / slide show settings TWO Questi...
Last post by rgdudley - December 19, 2024, 06:17:44 PM
I am trying to cast an iMatch slide show from my PC to my Chromecast that is connected to a TV.   Both on the same network.

Question 1: related to the appearance of the Slide show... I want the images to be expanded to the full screen, but not over scanned.  I want landscape mode pictures to fill the screen side to side and the portrait mode image to fill the screen vertically (not side to side).   What edit settings will accomplish this ...  I cant seem to get that to work, even on the PC.

Question 2:  Getting chromecast to work!   Chromecast seems only want to cast from the chrome browser.  What are my other options.  Has anyone "cast" a slideshow from a pc to the tv using a network.   I   could resort to using an HDMI cable but why?>:(

Is there an app or other software that can accomplish this?

General / Re: [GERMAN] Writeback Proble...
Last post by Mario - December 19, 2024, 10:25:22 AM
wenn ich den  Metadata Analyst für das Bild laufen lasse, meldet er ein typisches Problem:

Flattened hierarchical XMP (embedded) keywords don't match IPTC keywords.

Flattened hierarchical XMP (embedded) keywords don't match XMP keywords.

Das sind die Schlüsselwörter in der Datei:

[IPTC]          Keywords               : Orte, Pfalz, Klingenmünster, Objekte, Kunst, Steinskulpturen
[XMP-dc]        Subject                : Orte, Pfalz, Klingenmünster, Objekte, Kunst, Steinskulpturen
[XMP-lr]        Hierarchical Subject   : Orte|Pfalz|Klingenmünster, Objekte|Kunst|Steinskulpturen

Zwei hierarchische Schlüsselwörter, aber 6 flache.

Hast Du zweimal zurückgeschrieben wie in Metadata Problems and Pitfalls empfohlen?
Bei mir hat das funktioniert. Hier sind meine Einstellungen für das Verflachen von Schlüsselwörtern:


Dort wird festgelegt, wie IMatch beim Rückschreiben hierarchische Schlüsselwörter (Hierarchical Subject) in flache Schlüsselwörter (IPTC und XMP-dc) abbildet.

Die Option "write path elements" sorgt dafür, das IMatch hierarchische Schlüsselwörter in ihre einzelnen Bestandteile aufbricht - so wie in Deinem Fall. Ich selbst bevorzuge es, die Hierarchien auf in die flachen XMP-Schlüsselwörter zu schreiben.

(Legacy) IPTC-Daten wie in Deinem Bild nutze ich seit 10 Jahren nicht mehr. Die IPTC hat das IM3 Format vor 20 Jahren als veraltet erklärt. IMatch erstellt auch keine legacy IPTC-Daten, es aktualisiert sie aber, wenn sie vorhanden sind. Nur sehr alte Systeme und einige wenige Bildagenturen erwarten legacy IPTC, weil sie 20 Jahre XMP verschlafen haben.

Siehe auch Metadata Problems and Pitfalls für typische Probleme uns Lösungen.
General / [GERMAN] Writeback Problem - ...
Last post by pmbvw - December 18, 2024, 09:16:13 PM
Ich habe über die Jahre hinweg nun knapp 3.000 Bilder angesammelt,  bei denen ich per Bleistift die Daten nicht in die JPGs zurückschreiben kann. Diese möchte ich nun mal endlich bereinigen um mit IMATCH 2025 sauber weiterzumachen   :)

Was passiert:
Ich klicke den Bleistift an und das Bleistiftsymbol verschwindet, um kurz danach wieder zu erscheinen.
Im Anhang habe ich 2 Logs angehängt. Ein Log von einem Bild aus 2004  und eine zweite Logdatei eines iPhone-JPG-Foto von 2023 mit dem JPG-Bild plus Hardcopies der IMATCH-Oberfläche.

Vielleicht kann man in den Logs oder dem Bild ja etwas erkennen.
General Discussion and Questions / Re: [Official] What's Berewing...
Last post by Mario - December 17, 2024, 07:49:28 PM
I'm not quite sure what you are trying to tell us, sorry?
If you do the work on your smart phone, the AI-generated descriptions and keywords should be available to IMatch as soon as you add your images to your database. So you're "good", already. Unless the AI data is stored outside standard metadata.

QuoteDo you know if there will be some extra cost using Google in iMatch?

From the start, IMatch supports the same Google AI as before (in addition to Clarifai, imagga and Microsoft). This is for backwards-compatibility for existing users. The costs are the same as before (unless Google changes them).
The Google model may be as good, better, or worse than what you use on your Samsung Phone. I really don't know. But you can try it out easily enough, and Google offers a generous amount of free usage per month (for the "old" models, not for the new LLM models).

For the "modern" AI IMatch supports OpenAI and Mistral from the start.

I have tested the Google Gemini models and others and they were slower and produced worse results for many motive types in my AI test suite than the models offered by OpenAI and Mistral. At the time I did the tests (autumn), mind.

AI is moving fast the the big players improve their models and offerings all the time. Things are changing every month, with new models being released from many companies in the US, Europe and Asia.

I've spent a lot of time to make the AI 2.0 support in IMatch 2025 versatile and flexible.

OpenAI (ChatGPT) and Mistral are good and very affordable, which makes good arguments to start with them in IMatch 2025.
Different from the US services, the French Mistral adheres to the strict European data privacy laws, which is good news for privacy-aware users who don't want to upload their private photos to US cloud services.

I will consider adding other AI's, like Google's Gemini model or Antropic Claude when there is actual demand from IMatch users. And I will look for other uses of modern AI for IMatch. I have some ideas. I like letting the computer do boring work automatically, and I'm sure many users see this the same.

QuoteGoogle is smarter than that. If I use Google Lens in even the cheapest Samsung phone for motif recognition, I get a question afterwords to answer and if some people like myself do we will help Google Lens to improve.
From what I understand, this means that even when the AI runs "local" on your device, you agree to upload your photo and your rating to the Google AI to use it in the next round of training (else it could not learn from your feedback?). This is surely mentioned somewhere in their 200 page TOS text wall. I don't know.

IMatch 2025 also supports Ollama, which is a free software that allows you to run powerful AI models locally, on your PC. Installation is super-easy and if you have a suitably fast graphic card, you get AI keywords, descriptions and traits in IMatch 2025 without paying or uploading your personal data. Awesome.

Since all this runs in the background, IMatch just takes longer to describe/keyword your files when your graphic card is slower.

I run my tests with a mid-range NVIDIA GPU 4060TI in my workstation PC, and with the NVIDIA mobile GPU that came with my Dell laptop (about one year old). It works very well on both devices. And totally local, no internet required.
Operation times between ~2 and ~5 seconds per image, depending on how complex my prompts are.

Ollama is constantly updated and new models are released often. They support multiple models usable by IMatch, including LLava and LLama (Meta/Facebook).
General Discussion and Questions / Re: [Official] What's Berewing...
Last post by Stenis - December 17, 2024, 06:16:03 PM
Quote from: Mario on May 28, 2024, 10:51:29 AM
QuoteIs there the possibility to "train" different subjects?
Yes. You can retrain / extend existing models.

But that can be quite complex. For example, if you want to train the AI to recognize specific buildings or landmarks, you would have to prepare a large number of tagged images for each building, with regions outlining the building / landmark, tags etc. in the specific format your model and tool chain requires. And a lot of tooling (software) installed, Python, PyTorch, a very fast graphic card or even graphic cards etc. Not exactly doable for "normal" people like us.

I'm sure enhancing existing AI models, transfer learning etc. will become easier in the future. I keep my eye on this of course.
But the training data must be there, which always requires a lot manual labor.

Google and the other big companies with deep pockets do all that by paying thousands of low-wage workers using platforms like Amazon's Mechanical Turk and similar. They basically add regions and tags to objects in images all day - to produce training material.

In addition, Google and others let's users do a lot of work for free.
- photo upload to Google Maps => free training material for Google's AI.
- solving Google Capcha's ("click on all bicycles") => free training material for Google's AI.
- "tag your friends" on Facebook => free training material for Meta's AI.

Google is smarter than that. If I use Google Lens in even the cheapest Samsung phone for motif recognition, I get a question afterwords to answer and if some people like myself do we will help Google Lens to improve. Since it is a win - win situation Google do not need to pay me and I don´t have to pay Google. I have nothing really to say about that. The service is already fantastic. If it will be anything near what I already have in my phone it will definitely be a game changer!

Good luck with the new AI features! Shall be really interesting to test.

Do you know if there will be some extra cost using Google in iMatch?
Solved Bug Reports (for next version) / Re: Inconsistent format of GPS...
Last post by Mario - December 16, 2024, 02:29:08 PM
I think I've found a situation were the extra blank was potentially committed and fixed it.

That being said, this issue resolves itself after write-back, since IMatch writes decimal coordinates to ExifTool, and ExifTool then returns decimal and formatted coordinates when IMatch reloads the metadata after write-back.
General Discussion and Questions / Re: Question: Differences betw...
Last post by Mario - December 16, 2024, 01:43:36 PM
By convention, RAW files use XMP in sidecar files. This is the most portable approach.
Native EXIF, GPS and legacy IPTC (IIM3) metadata is stored in the image itself. XMP contains copies of EXIF, IPTC and GPS tags, so when you change one of these tags (date and time, description, GPS coordinates) that these changes are done in both the XMP and the native metadata embedded in the image.

IMatch takes care for that. Many software out there does not or does a half-assed job.

When IMatch imports your image, it detects the XMP sidecar file (if there is one), XMP metadata embedded in the image, EXIF, IPTC and GPS metadata. From that it produces a "super" XMP record, mapping native metadata into their XMP counterparts.
When you write back, IMatch writes XMP into the sidecar file (not to the RAW!) and updates EXIF/IPTC/GPS in the RAW, when the data exists.

Having two sources of truth (XMP in the RAW and XMP in a sidecar) is never good.
IMatch updates XMP in the sidecar file.

Removing the XMP record from the image is the best approach. There is a preset for that available in the ExifTool Command Processor. You can keep the legacy IPTC record, if you need it for some reason (unlikely, unless you exchange RAW images with clients or services which rely on legacy IPTC metadata). IMatch updates the legacy IPTC data in the RAW when it writes back changes to keep IPTC and XMP in-sync.
General Discussion and Questions / Question: Differences between ...
Last post by Uwe - December 16, 2024, 01:04:36 PM
Hello, when I started shooting in RAW format, about 20 years ago, I had written the metadata to the RAW file. But I stopped doing that a long time ago and now only use xmp sidecar files for the metadata. How should I deal with the status of the "old" RAW files that the IMatch metadata analyst shows me the existing differences between XMP/IPTC between RAW and xmp sidecar? Should I use the ExifTool command (exiftool -xmp= -itpc=) to delete the metadata in the RAW files?
regards, Uwe
General Discussion and Questions / Re: Is this a good idea?
Last post by graham1 - December 16, 2024, 10:42:21 AM
A belated vote for the classic version.  

General Discussion and Questions / Re: Sony compressed ARW files
Last post by graham1 - December 16, 2024, 10:38:20 AM
Thanks Mario.  Having tested the new camera over the weekend, I have decided that I will only use the full uncompressed ARW RAW format, not the smaller versions, which will avoid the problem.  The files are large, but disk storage is cheap these days!
