Struggles with keywording

Started by Whaler, December 04, 2023, 05:23:07 PM

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I am currently in the process of adding keywords to my photos based on a new and more comprehensive thesaurus. As I add keywords in the keyword panel, I often experience the keywords being written to the database before I've had a chance to accept them. When this happens, additional keywords I want to assign cause the the keywords that were automatically written, to be removed. It becomes tedious, I either have to try and select all the keywords within a couple of seconds, or I have to copy the keywords that were written without my acceptance, select the additional keywords that I want to add, accept those changes, then paste the remaining keywords back to the panel. 
I had hoped that I could add and delete keywords at my leisure, and the changes would only apply once I clicked on the green checkmark.
I have gone through all possible options that I can think of but can't find anything to prevent the keywords from being written to the database without my consent. I'm wondering if I'm missing something?

Along with that issue, I have color coded the keywords to improve speed and recognition of the main elements. Most of the color coding did apply, and it's a fabulous benefit. There are still a couple categories that for some reason do not display the assigned color in the keyword recent panel, they do end up being correct in the collections panel, once written back to the database.

Including a screenshot of the recent keywords in the keyword panel. Notice that NATURE|Land|Beach|Shingle  at the top right is in the default color while at the bottom left it is in the assigned color. All of the keywords for "NATURE" have been assigned a color but the default color still prevails.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


How do you add keywords? In which View are you?
If you use the Keyword Panel, I don't see why it should commit keywords changes without an explicit Ctrl+S, clicking on the green hook or switching to another image...

Your differently colored keywords:

The uncolored keyword seems to have an extra blank after Land ?


1. Click the arrow up button at the right of the input field to edit keywords as plain text. There you can do  Ctrl+A and copy them into the clipboard and from there to Notepad for detailed analysis.

2. It's a lot of keywords you have there. The "cloud" view is maybe not the best for this. Click on the Gear icon and disable "Show Cloud" to see if this works better.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Mario, thanks for the reply. I didn't notice the extra space, good catch.
I use two monitors, one with the Categories view full screen, and on the second monitor I have two panels, Quick View and Keywords.
The keyword panel is definitely writing to the database without my input. It gets worse with time. If I simply wait for a minute, the new keywords are written automatically, I have to wait another minute or two and I can keyword another ten or twenty photos before it starts happening again. 
This occurs on both my desktop and laptop.


Quote from: Mario on December 04, 2023, 06:05:25 PMIf you use the Keyword Panel, I don't see why it should commit keywords changes without an explicit Ctrl+S, clicking on the green hook or switching to another image...

I experience this too, also deletion of keywords (that I have selected to be deleted) before I commit.

It is a minor irritant for me but I'm careful to add new keywords before removing old ones as often in my case the keywords I'm deleting are used to select the images. I have put it down to the File Window refreshing for some reason, background task completing or whatever else.


Quotein my case the keywords I'm deleting are used to select the images
Please elaborate what exactly you do.
In which View are you? Is a Filter active? The File Window search bar?

Do you perhaps work in the Category View and bring @Keyword categories into the View?
And then manipulate keywords, which triggers all kinds of background processing and will quite often cause the actual File Window you're working in to reload. Which also reloads the Keywords Panel. This is very dynamic and timing may vary, depending on your database size and computer speed.

This is not a good way to edit keywords. You basically pulling the rug out under you, so to speak.

If you must do work this way, select all files for the @Keywords category and open them in a Result Window (Ctrl+G, R). No you can manipulate keywords in any way you want. The Result Window will not reload when you change keywords.

If the OP above works in the same way (modifying keywords while having a @Keywords category in the File Window), I recommend the same.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on December 04, 2023, 07:36:06 PMThis is not a good way to edit keywords.

If you must do work this way, select all files for the @Keywords category and open them in a Result Window (Ctrl+G, R). No you can manipulate keywords in any way you want. The Result Window will not reload when you change keywords.

I disagree, it works very well for me.

A static Results view would be of no use for the way that I work.

After a trip I have several thousand images which I tag with the same keyword.

My initial culling goes through these and removes the clearly awful ones, and sometimes many/most of the not good enough ones. This initial view is looking at groups of images of the same subject, sometimes over 100 images of the same subject. I delete/reject images looking in the viewer 6 images at a time (with a filter active to hide these when I exit the viewer), and I sometime but not usually remove the overall keyword from images I certainly want to keep. After I have finished with one subject I remove the filtering keyword and move on to the next subject.

Sometimes there are lots of images of the same subject, sometimes very few. Depending on the number and how good/bad they are I can move at a reasonable pace from one subject to the next and it is in that circumstance that keyword changes are sometimes updated without me saying to update them. I don't mind, it is just a niggle which is way better than a fixed Results window (for me).


QuoteI disagree, it works very well for me.
So, there is no problem? 
But you wrote:

QuoteI experience this too, also deletion of keywords (that I have selected to be deleted) before I commit. .

It is a minor irritant for me but I' (...)
which seems to me to be an issue caused by your specific workflow. If you can live with it, awesome!

@Keywords is a data-driven category and any change to keywords can and will cause updates to @Keywords, which causes updates to the File Window, which causes the Keywords Panel to reload, which causes what you describe as a minor irritant. Especially if you are in the middle of editing keywords, which can be frustrating.

Many IMatch features change @Keywords. The user changing keywords somewhere. Files being updated or added. Face recognition is reclustering persons in the background etc.

In general, loading an automatic data-driven category into a File Window and then changing the base data from which this category is created will have this effect.

The OP has 12 posts, so he might not be aware of this, which is why I've explained it and how to solve it.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on December 04, 2023, 08:22:44 PM
QuoteIt is a minor irritant for me but I' (...)
which seems to me to be an issue caused by your specific workflow. If you can live with it, awesome!

Yes to both of those. ;D  ;D

I have considered experimenting with ratings/pins/whatever as an alternative to having a keyword but what I have works for me, especially for the second phase where I'm adding keywords to categorise what I'm keeping rather than just getting rid of the rubbish, at the same time as removing the 'todo' keyword.

Whatever I use I need a dynamic view which only shows me the images I haven't done yet.


Thank you both, I believe the issue is resolved.
I was using the builder to create a subset of photos, then pin the results. Keywording from the collections window I believed I was working independently of @keywords. The results window is something I had forgotten.

Between the forum and the Help System, I can usually find answers to my questions, but this one required a posting.
Thanks Mario for the brilliant software which provides amazing customizing, but also means users like me can find a few ways to screw-up.