"_Keywords", instead of "@Keywords"

Started by Darius1968, November 18, 2021, 01:43:00 AM

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I have a number of images, in my DB, that, for whatever reason, all have @Keywords, as the 1st-level, among all of the levels, in that multi-level keyword.  However, this, by itself, is not, what is so perplexing.  What is, is that in Categories view, under the @Keywords node, that level is enumerated as _Keywords, instead.  Is this by IMatch design, or is there something about these images (one of which, I've attached, here), that explains it? 


Looking at your uploaded photo using the IMatch Keywords panel I see the following keywords assigned to that image.

@Keywords|D|Data Calculated Categories|Year Acquired|2014|08

_Family|_Darius|_Social Networking|_Facebook|_Uploads|_For Consideration

_Family|_Darius|_Social Networking|_Fetlife|_Already Evaluated


00_Private Keywords|_Interests|Animals|Horses

00_Private Keywords|_Interests|Animals|Birds

If you delete those keywords using the Keywords panel then refresh your category tree, those _Keywords should disappear from Category View providing you have the @Keywords properties option to "Keep empty categories" set to No.



I think, you have misinterpreted, my question.  I did not wish to get rid of these keywords.  Rather, I wanted to know why, this particular hierarchical keyword, "@Keywords|D|Data Calculated Categories|Year Acquired|2014|08", was being enumerated in my category view, under the built-in @Keywords node, as, "_Keywords|D|Data Calculated Categories|Year Acquired|2014|08", effectively, replacing "@", with "_". 


Ah yes, I think I did misunderstand your question.

Using the Keywords panel try replacing the


At the beginning of your long keyword so in the Keywords panel instead of

@Keywords|D|Data Calculated Categories|Year Acquired|2014|08

It becomes

D|Data Calculated Categories|Year Acquired|2014|08

In Category View IMatch automatically creates the @Keywords root category, so when you try to add a keyword that begins with @Keywords IMatch replaces the @ with a _ then makes it a subcategory under @Keywords.  I didn't know it would do this until now.

At any rate in your Keywords panel don't assign keywords that begin with @Keywords|


The keywords in this file are:

@Keywords|D|Data Calculated Categories|Year Acquired|2014|08,
_Family|_Darius|_Social Networking|_Facebook|_Uploads|_For Consideration,
_Family|_Darius|_Social Networking|_Fetlife|_Already Evaluated,
20210625, 00_Private Keywords|_Interests|Animals|Horses,
00_Private Keywords|_Interests|Animals|Birds

which explains that. @Keywords is a protected name and when, for some reason, IMatch finds a hierarchical keyword containing @Keywords, it sanitizes it to _Keywords by replacing @ with _.
It seems you accidentally added @Keywords as part of one of your keywords (IMatch doesn't) and that's that.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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