Had a crash - made me smile

Started by beeellecee, June 17, 2023, 09:40:39 PM

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So yesterday I had IMatch crash on me. It was the metadata bug thing that has now been updated. I have never had IMatch crash on me. In all these years no crashes. It made me happy to think that IMatch has been so well supported that I was totally unprepared for this. Nothing was lost, nothing was damaged - but I am grateful to have software that crashes just once in a decade. :)


Yeah. IMatch crashes are really rare and I work hard to keep it that way.

I've found it interesting that recent editions of the Microsoft framework I use for IMatch now come with a built-in "restart manager", which is supposed to automatically restart the application after crashing....
I've never would've guessed that this was something that is so common that it deserves an actual Microsoft-supported standard extension to the framework to handle this.

There is always a chance, though. With an estimated 2 billion (!) of PC's out in the word, and each PC configured very differently and with different parts, drivers etc., there is always a chance that some things don't like to cooperate.
The Windows world is much more open and diverse than, for example, Apple's walled and tightly controlled hardware garden or the Android ecosystem. Much more chances that things go wrong in the Windows realm.

I make mistakes.

Like the 2nd day info message (!) that caused a crash when a user copied keywords in the Keyword Panel (fixed in the current 2023.8 release). This was meant to be a friendly reminder message, but crashed in the real world on some PCs.

Or the Updater no longer being able to start the installer after shutting down IMatch (also fixed).
This was caused by some extra checks to avoid running the installer while the user is sending Windows to sleep or Windows going into a low power state or an automatic reboot after installing updates.
The check failed on some computers out there, unfortunately. I've missed some small print side notes in the official documentation ;)

I have released 3 IMatch updates since the initial 2023 release on last Tuesday.
This was expected and I was prepared. Quickly fixing bugs and shipping updates in the first or first two weeks after a major IMatch launch is important. The number of "testers" multiplies by the hundreds when IMatch is released and it is inevitable that bugs are discovered. I fix them fast and ship new updates. After a week or two, things settle and everybody is happy.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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IMatch is a joy to use - thank you for your work in keeping it that way!


I have a crash with IMatch from time to time, I would guess, every 2 month - and always when I do  stupid things.
But the good thing is, restart IMatch and choose "Continue" after the "box-questions" I had never a problem.

IMatch simply worked again - perfect.  :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)