How to select and delete 650 of the same keyword in a DB?

Started by neal, March 11, 2024, 06:13:46 PM

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How to select and delete 650 of the same keyword all at once the same DB?



Open Category View, select the keyword under @Keywords to see all files with that keyword.
Select all files with <Ctrl>+<A> and press <U> to un-assign the files from the keyword (which also removes the keyword from all the files). See Assigning and Un-assigning files in the @Keywords help topic.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Ahem, if I am not wrong, that what Mario has written, would reject or delete the real files.

But I thought, Neal want only delete the keywords.
If this is the case, go also to  @Keywords in the Category - View, search the wished keyword and delete the keyword itself.
This should delete all keywords in the files.

But of course, always, do first some testst with only 2-3 files!!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


@sinus: good point, thanks!
I've misinterpreted the post. I have corrected my reply.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Sorry, but I am a little confused. Could you please send me some screen captures for doing the following:
1. I want to remove all instances of the keyword 'jpg' occurring in a folder called AIMS STAFF. 
2. Should I select all the files in that folder using the Media/Folders and then proceed to the @keywords category
3. Then search for the word jpg, select it and delete it (how?)
4. This should reflect in the Media/Folders view, right?


QuoteI want to remove all instances of the keyword 'jpg' occurring in a folder called AIMS STAFF.
Just to be clear: You want to remove the keyword 'jpg' from all files in a folder?

I guess the quickest way is to:

1. Switch to the Category View and select the keyword you want to remove under @Keywords.
Now you see all files with that keyword.

Since you want to remove the keyword only from the files in a specific folder:


2. Open the The Filter Panel and there open the Folders Filter
3. In the Folders Filter, locate your folder and tick the box in front of it.


(Example: filter for a folder named "London").

The File Window now shows only files with the selected keyword which are in that folder.
Select all files with <Ctrl>+<A> and then press <U> to remove the keyword from the files.

or B)

Open the File Window Search Bar options and select the "Folder" attribute.
Enter the folder name into the search bar and press <Enter>


The File Window now shows only files with the selected keyword which are in that folder.
Select all files with <Ctrl>+<A> and then press <U> to remove the keyword from the files.

Tip: You can see the number of files and selected files in the File Window caption bar. Just as an extra measure to ensure you remove the keyword from the right number of files.

Note: I have Experimental Features enabled for IMatch so I use the new UI with ribbons. Your toolbars and menus will look slightly different but work the same.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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After selecting all the files with jpg as the keyword, pressing U does not do anything!


This should work. <U> un-assigns files from categories. In case of the special @Keywords category and its children, it also removes the corresponding keyword from the file.

Just tried this with a file having multiple keywords, including "test".
Selected the

  | test

category in the Category View. Selected the file. Pressed <U>.
The file was removed from the "test" category and the "test" keywords was removed from the file.

Since we cannot see what you see, please provide a screen shot of the Category View, showing

a) the category you have selected
b) the File Window with the selected file
c) the contents of the Keywords Panel for the file so we can see the actual keywords.

Like in the attached screen shot.

Have you tried to just <Ctrl>+<left-click> on the keyword you want to remove in the Keywords Panel to mark it for deletion and then save? NOTE: Try with a few files first, to make sure you feel comfortable with this process.

See Deleting Keywords in the Keywords Panel help.

I did initially not suggest this since you have too many files with the keyword and the Keyword Panel cannot merge them most likely. You can do this in batches of a few hundred files, though.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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