Metadata tags LocationCreated/LocationShown in Batch Processor

Started by mosdubindi1, March 04, 2025, 01:32:00 PM

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Hello Mario,

I have to ask your help agin as I've stacked with another problem during Batch Processor conversion process.

To remind you the initial state:

Source file
Hierarchical Keywords (3): 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|aepyceros|impala, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|aepyceros|melampus, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|aepyceros|rooibok

XMP Keywords (10): 02_Who, animals, chordata, mammal, cetartiodactyla, bovidae, aepyceros, impala, melampus, rooibok

Custom metadata: {File.MD.subject|foreach:-HierarchicalSubject={value|splitlist:|,last}#;replace:#=={cr}{lf}}

Next I've tested different sets of ticks in Metadata tab.

Batch Processor Metadata set1

Output file
Hierarchical Keywords (10): 02_Who, animals, chordata, mammal, cetartiodactyla, bovidae, aepyceros, impala, melampus, rooibok

XMP Keywords (10): 02_Who, animals, chordata, mammal, cetartiodactyla, bovidae, aepyceros, impala, melampus, rooibok

For my workflow Metadata set1 gives correct result for keywords conversion, but LocationCreated/LocationShown data are excluded from the output file.

Batch Processor Metadata set2

Output file
Hierarchical Keywords (13): 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|aepyceros|impala, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|aepyceros|melampus, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|aepyceros|rooibok, 02_Who, animals, chordata, mammal, cetartiodactyla, bovidae, aepyceros, impala, melampus, rooibok

XMP Keywords (10): 02_Who, animals, chordata, mammal, cetartiodactyla, bovidae, aepyceros, impala, melampus, rooibok

Metadata set2 gives not correct result for keywords conversion, but LocationCreated/LocationShown data are OK in the output file.

Batch Processor Metadata set3

Output file
Hierarchical Keywords (14):
02_Who, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|aepyceros, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|antelope, 02_Who|animals, 02_Who|animalia, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla, 02_Who|animals|chordata, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|aepyceros|impala, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|aepyceros|melampus, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|aepyceros|rooibok, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammalia, 02_Who|animal|mammal

XMP Keywords (14): 02_Who, animals, chordata, mammal, cetartiodactyla, bovidae, aepyceros, antelope, animalia, impala, melampus, rooibok, mammalia, animal

Here I've tried to investigate 'Don't copy 'Lightroom' data' tick, but the result is not understandable for me. Anyway it is not correct for me.

From my perspective there are 2 options how manage LocationCreated/LocationShown data:

1. It could have a separate tick for coping + XMP: All Data is not ticked
2. Keywords could be excluded by separate tick + XMP: All Data is ticked (maybe it is better, because I'm not sure if some other XMP could be missing if do not have special tick)

What do you think?

Thanks in advance,


I don't understand what you are trying to achieve, sorry.

The BP offers a wide range of tags and tag groups to copy. If your use case is so special that none of these groups fits, you can always use the option to manually copy individual tags and groups.

Don't copy EXIF data unless you know exactly what this means. EXIF is technical data and most of it will be wrong when copied to another file (format).


What I trying to achieve is:

1. Keep all XMP data intact and equal in source and output file, except Hierarchical keywords.

2.  For Hierarchical keywords I need to replace hierarchy in output file by flat keywords like follows:

Hierarchical Keywords Source file:
02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|aepyceros|impala, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|aepyceros|melampus, 02_Who|animals|chordata|mammal|cetartiodactyla|bovidae|aepyceros|rooibok

Hierarchical Keywords Output file:
02_Who, animals, chordata, mammal, cetartiodactyla, bovidae, aepyceros, impala, melampus, rooibok

To archive this I copy XMP keywords flattened by IMatch from source file into Hierarchical keywords of output file using Custom metadata variable.

Using ticks in Metadata tab of Batch Processor I cannot archive this unless I lost some XMP data including LocationCreated/LocationShown data.

I use only JPG as source and output file. As for EXIF data I need it also intact and equal in source and output file.


Sorry Mario, I should have explained the overall process to you before going into the technical details.

In one folder (main database) I have fully ready JPG file with all data and removed IPTC. This file contains hierarchical keywords in 2 languages : English and Cyrillic. Also it contains some dummy keywords to keep @Keywords category correct.

Then I do the following :
1. Copy JPG file to another folder (JPG database).
2. Rename file.
3. Flatten hierarchical keywords as explained in the previous messages.

I want to do all 3 steps at the same time by BP.

Next by using Metadata Mechanic and Renamer I remove dummy keywords and prepare 2 additional JPG files - one with EN keywords, another with Cyrillic. Also at this step I control number of keywords not to exceed the limit.


This seems to be a really peculiar workflow that sill escapes me.

Quote1. Keep all XMP data intact and equal in source and output file, except Hierarchical keywords.

Enable the "XMP All Data" option (maybe exclude face or crs) and then use these custom commands


to exclude the keywords.
