Change size of caption bar elements (sort profiles, search file window)

Started by meyersoft, May 09, 2014, 08:53:47 AM

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is there a way to change the size of caption bar elements (sort profiles, search file window)?
I have some sort profiles that have long names and differ only at the end of the name.
The sort profile name is cut when I do not open the listbox.
In my layout, there would be plenty of space to (dynamically or manually) resize the sort profile listbox.


The dimensions of these control elements are fixed.
Currently you have about 18 characters for sort profile names (depend on your system font and size).
I can make it a bit wider, but only a bit. I want to avoid that the toolbar wraps into two rows on systems with 1280 or less resolution (notebooks).
I have currently no plans to make this flexible because the customization feature of the UI toolkit is buggy and they often damage their own settings. I have several bug reports open for months but so far no joy.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Making it a little bit wider - as wide as you can get for 1280 or less resolution - would be great.

So the external tools avoid making it more flexible - okay, so nothing you could change in the near future.
I will just keep it in mind and name my sort profiles short enough... :)


Ah!  :(

This is a big disappointment. I hesitated to raise a Feature Request about the width of the Sort Profile field (which is of most concern to me) because I felt so sure that I'd soon discover in the Help, "how to adjust the caption bar elements ..."  ???   but sadly it's not (yet) possible!!

(I had also made 'good' use of the generously wide field in the "New Profile" dialogue in Preferences | Sort Profiles | New, but then discovered that I must tightly-abbreviate what were some liberally-named Profiles in order to be able to see which one (among a related 'set') is the currently active one.)

I note the background that you've described for this Mario, but I'd like to raise a low priority / optimistic Feature Request for this anyway ... and I'll cross-refer to this post.

EDIT:  I see that meyersoft has already raised a related Feature Request ...

Rename and copy sort profiles

... in which you (meyersoft) mention this width limitation, but you don't specifically ask for it to be changed - so instead, to avoid some duplication I'll add a +1 vote in support of your main point in that Feature Request and I'll include a plea for your 'secondary' point to be remembered (and hopefully resolved sometime)  also.

Colin P.