Metadata template: Write categories into attributes

Started by kkiel, August 18, 2014, 05:03:40 PM

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Hi everybody,

in IMatch 3 I managed to write part of my category tree (starting with start category "Themen") with the help of Khodadads All purpose IPTC writer  into IPTC supplemental categories, output f.e. "Themen.Medizin.Krankheit.Typhus; Themen.Medizin.Mikroskopie.Bakterien". From there I imported them as string into the attributes (formerly 'properties'). I need this to generate a csv-file from my attributes data.
Which formula exactly do I need to rebuild that in an IMatch 5 metadata template? I tried with filling "xmp::photoshop\SupplementalCategories" from "file.categories" in the metadata template builder, but no data was exported. Besides, how can I tell IMatch to start with my start category?

Thank you for your help!



Before you do anything else, please read the help topic on @Keywords.  Very important.
IMatch automatically mirrors keywords in IMatch categories, and categories under @Keywords are mirrored in the metadata of your files.

You don't need to manually write categories as keywords into your files. Attempting so is working "against" IMatch and the automatic mapping between categories and keywords it implements.

Finally, you cannot use IMatch categories in a Metadata template. Except from @Keywords via the hierarchicalKeywords tag. But these are part of your files anyway. Somehow stuffing IMatch categories into IPTC supl. categories may also cause havoc and duplication when you configure IMatch to import these categories as keywords under Edit > Preferences > Metadata.

Again, read about @Keywords in the help. Read the "For IMatch 3 users" help topic.
Forget about custom schemes to copy IMatch categories into IPTC categories (IPTC is an abandoned standard anyway).


Hi Mario, thank you for your quick reply!

The @keywords-functionality is great and I havn't made full use of it by now.

But with the category export into attributes I aim at exporting my category tree (from a chosen start category) in connection to a specific  image, t.i. the single image needs the category path (is that the correct term?) as an attribute (not necessaryly an IPTC supplemental category). I need to produce a csv-file, containing f.e. ObjectName, GermanTitle, EnglishTitle, FrenchTitle, GermanKeywords, EnglishKewords, FrenchKeywords, FileSize and CategoryPath. This information can (because of the different languages) only be stored in the attributes, as far as I understand. And I need to chose a start category ('Themen') because my other categories contain data that should not be visible for the public  ('Bearbeitungsstand', same level as 'Themen'). With this csv-file I can import that specific information from my IMatch database with a script into my wordpress shop or any other application. I don't want the categories as keywords but as string (Themen.Medizin.Krankheiten) and my wordpress plugin then rebuilds that into the category tree of my shop.
Or is there another way to rebuild part of the IMatch category tree in another application that I've missed by now?

Thank you very much!



Have you looked into the Text Export feature yet? Import & Export panel, see the IMatch Help for details.

The Text Export module allows you to produce CSV and XML files, makes all data accessible via variables (metadata, attributes, categories) exportable and much more. Via a standard categories formula you can export selected parts of your categories. See Variables  in the IMatch help for examples on how to access categories of an image, or only certain sections of your category tree.


Hi Mario,

I tried for some time to get that running but have not been successful. I only want to export the "Themen"-Category with sub-categories for each exported image.

My text export variables looks like this:


Where's my mistake?

Thank you very much!



I forgot: Of course I defined the variable 'StartCategory" in advance, with the Value "Themen"


Check out the filter variable function. The Variables help topic shows you how to use a filter to select parts of your categories. Just adding a category name after | does not work.


So 'filter' was the keyword, now it works, thank you!

My definitions look like this now (for anyone with the same question):
