stored file window layouts should not be altered when temporarily changed

Started by relevanzraum, November 08, 2014, 11:12:05 PM

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The file window layout and its editor are valuable features. For example you can store a layout with 4 thumbs per row and one with 10 thumbs per row.
But when you load such a layout and you temporarily change the attributes, for example at the moment you want an overview and change to 20 thumbs per row, this setting is stored in the background. The next time you load your 4 thumbs per row layout you get a 20 thumbs per row layout.
I think this does not make sense. Generally permanent changes in the background wich are made without the user being aware of should be avoided, thou this rule is not applicable in every case.
In the mentioned case I would prefer the stored layout to persist as long as it is not changed using the layout editor.


That issue has come up many times before.
It affects also batch processor settings  and renamer presets. In all these cases changes that are made
to a preset are kept even though they have not been stored. The only way around it to develop the discipline to never
work in a preset workspace: load the saved workspace and the immediately save it under a "working"name.

For batch and renamer: always copy the preset before making any changes.

PS: The idea behind switching workspaces is for switching between radical different uses of IM.
For instance: Switching between managing audio files and photo files. That is why folders and favorites settings
are also switched with the work space. Only when looking at it that way does the current behaviour make sense.

The way to switch between different layouts they way you want to is still a missing feature. Not sure if a feature request
has been made for this. ( I kind of have the feeling this is a touchy issue with Mario. )