Thumbnail display "jumps" when autohide panel openend and pinned

Started by ubacher, April 21, 2015, 08:12:44 PM

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Starting situation: M&F thumbnail display. First thumbnail selected.
I then scroll down a few pages but I don't select a thumbnail.
When I now open an auto-hide panel and then pin it the thumbnail display
repaints and shows the first page (with the selected thumbnail).
I lost my place.

I don't think that should work this way- if so please move this to bugs or feature requests.

It is clear that pinning or unpinning an auto-hide panel will require a repaint.
The repaint should however start from the first thumbnail currently on the screen and not
at the selected thumbnail.  A fix of this would probably also fix the "jumping thumbnail display" one
experiences when images are added in the background while one is working on a folder.


Very complicated, many things involved, including the changed screen space caused by you changing the size of the file window.
If you consider this as important and not just something that momentarily irritates you, add a feature request.